New Order of the Stick Strip Up


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That ok tom I forgive you. You and Fyre have that in common. In you guys defense its harder to pick up on that stuff in written or typed form.

Silver Crusade

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I don't see how this turns around either. I can't wait for Rich to hit us with the twist, hamhanded or no. He's had a pretty good track record, but this is a tough one.

It’s hard to imagine this being resolved with anything that isn’t a deus ex machina. We shall see.

Celestial Healer wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
I don't see how this turns around either. I can't wait for Rich to hit us with the twist, hamhanded or no. He's had a pretty good track record, but this is a tough one.
It’s hard to imagine this being resolved with anything that isn’t a deus ex machina. We shall see.

Well, we are involved in a plot between gods. Divine intervention isn't exactly out of the question.

I expect we'll see the payoff for whatever Durkon's been setting up. No idea what it is, but he's clearly been plotting for awhile now and he led them to this room on purpose.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

1129: Reasons Why


Yeah, that got to me.

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Sigdi's line about burying is a callback to strip 84, 14 real-life years ago.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Something BIG is about to happen, but for the life of me, I cannot guess what.

Lord Fyre wrote:
Something BIG is about to happen, but for the life of me, I cannot guess what.

You're not alone! I keep turning things over in my mind, but I'm just not sure what direction this is going to go. Is Durkula going to be moved by Durkon's memory? Is Durkula going to make a strategic decision because of it? Is he going to ignore it? I honestly can't tell.

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I think Durkula will 'blue screen'. Because the deepest, darkest parts of the soul that vampires are supposed to be formed from, is based on Helgya's utter selflessness. This is the same as 'Square root of Pi/Divide by zero' mentally.

It might be...but right now I'm just waiting to see how it turns out, especially because there's still one active vampire and most of the party is down.

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Durkula said 'tha' instead of 'the'

Probably a typo but in choosing to believe it means that his personality is being corrupted by Durkon.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I wonder...

With all of the focus on family over the last couple strips, could Durkula actually be... Durkon's father?

I think the "I ne'er let go" in the cell showing Durkon's mother and father might be a big clue.

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I..really don't think so. Durkula is the being that was formed from the negative/dark places of Durkon's soul, like many other vampires. Plus Durkan's father is in Valhalla.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Phillip Gastone wrote:
I..really don't think so. Durkula is the being that was formed from the negative/dark places of Durkon's soul, like many other vampires. Plus Durkan's father is in Valhalla.

Besides, He also did that joke.

Well we have already met Roy's father so we know big X isn't it unless some sort of convoluted nonsense ensues.

Oh, good point! We've already seen Roy's, Elan's, and Haley's fathers, who were major characters. Durkon's mother is a major influence, also. (And V's wife and kids are a medium impact plot point.) Also bringing on board Durkon's father might be a bit much.

But it's not my story to tell, man.

You know whose family we've not met? Belkars... I bet hes a orphan.

Liberty's Edge

Vidmaster7 wrote:
You know whose family we've not met? Belkars... I bet hes a orphan.

We had a PC in our RotRL campaign who must have been a sibling ;-)

If Durkula just fizzled and Hilgya was released, would she be able to finish off the other two vampires alone? I think so. Especially if Durkon resumes control.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
You know whose family we've not met? Belkars... I bet hes a orphan.

They made a joke about his Grandma Bitterleaf being dropped off at a retirement home. I think he had parents.

I think the joke is that his player is a murder hobo who didn't put any work into the backstory. He did make something up about not having any childhood friends and wanting to kill everyone from his youth.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

1130: Better Days


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TriOmegaZero wrote:
1130: Better Days

Oh, man. I should have seen something coming with the ___. It was right there all along for the past few (many) comics. I should have seen it coming, but I didn't: that's the best kind of storytelling.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Well now! That's a completely Superior Spiderman thing we just saw right there...

Silver Crusade

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I had to look it up: Belkar getting the clasp from the gnome. I remembered he had it, but wondered why it didn't help earlier. I forgot that rubbing it was the activation, which Mr. Scruffy did.

Interestingly, Belkar is expressing his feelings, and the clasp isn't hurting him. His alignment just officially shifted - he's no longer evil!

As for Durkon's revelations, now I want to go back and read ALL of it, to see all the memories and how this was all set up. I'm not sure how I feel about this payoff, though - does this mean the vampire is no longer evil and no longer works for Hel? Shouldn't all vampires go through this when they're done absorbing all the memories of their hosts? I still don't quite get where that's all going.

Fromper wrote:

I had to look it up: Belkar getting the clasp from the gnome. I remembered he had it, but wondered why it didn't help earlier. I forgot that rubbing it was the activation, which Mr. Scruffy did.

Interestingly, Belkar is expressing his feelings, and the clasp isn't hurting him. His alignment just officially shifted - he's no longer evil!

As for Durkon's revelations, now I want to go back and read ALL of it, to see all the memories and how this was all set up. I'm not sure how I feel about this payoff, though - does this mean the vampire is no longer evil and no longer works for Hel? Shouldn't all vampires go through this when they're done absorbing all the memories of their hosts? I still don't quite get where that's all going.

Most vampires probably don't bother. They take what they need and discard the rest.

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That and maybe they just tie up their conscious mortal selves until they stop talking.

Also I think this is just an exception, rather than a rule. Much like good shadow dragons.

Finally, I stand by my referencing Superior Spider-man. That was TOTALLY a Peter Parker movie on Durkon's part.

Trippy: way to go Durkon with that Convert undead

Maybe it's because Durkon made Durkula convinced he needed positivity and then flooded him. That gave no time to process whereas most other vampires likely have time to digest and hone in on negativity.

Also, Durkon is very unique with his dark side since it is so intrinsically connected to positivity. Roy's dark side for instance would likely just be pure anger for his brother's death.

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MageHunter wrote:

Maybe it's because Durkon made Durkula convinced he needed positivity and then flooded him. That gave no time to process whereas most other vampires likely have time to digest and hone in on negativity.

Also, Durkon is very unique with his dark side since it is so intrinsically connected to positivity. Roy's dark side for instance would likely just be pure anger for his brother's death.

Don't forget anger at his father!

Liberty's Edge

Belkar is gritting his teeth. Still Evil IMO.

Will he kill Durkon by killing Durkula ?

Or will Durkon-la take no risk and dismiss all his protections so that Belkar can kill him ?

Any contingency based on Durkula being destroyed might then activate and kill Belkar, thereby fulfilling his prophecy

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Dragonchess Player wrote:
I think the "I ne'er let go" in the cell showing Durkon's mother and father might be a big clue.

Well, it looks like I was right about it being a clue, but wrong about why.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
MageHunter wrote:

Maybe it's because Durkon made Durkula convinced he needed positivity and then flooded him. That gave no time to process whereas most other vampires likely have time to digest and hone in on negativity.

Also, Durkon is very unique with his dark side since it is so intrinsically connected to positivity. Roy's dark side for instance would likely just be pure anger for his brother's death.

Don't forget anger at his father!

Palaptine voice: "I sense much anger in you, young Greenhilt..." ;)

However its just a torch vrs belkars raging inferno.

Liberty's Edge

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
However its just a torch vrs belkars raging inferno.

Well, he has levels in Barbarian after all ;-D

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Why this doesn't happen to all vampires.

All I care about is the Giant pulled a Superior Spider-man.

Thats cool.

Dark Archive

God Almighty, Rich Burlew is BRILLIANT!

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
All I care about is the Giant pulled a Superior Spider-man.

You're more than four years late with that comparison:)


Dammit.... Look all I'm saying is I didn't see it coming because I didn't assume that Durkula was in anyway comparable to Doc Ock. Nor do I think that Durkon was in any way LIKE Peter...mostly.

So yeah I'm late the party, but I'm glad I got it now!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

1131: A Heartfelt Moment

I really, honestly, truly don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Silver Crusade


Cry. Definitely cry.

Shadow Lodge

This is just another condition to remove. That's what I tell myself.

While it's sad to see him go...I had serious doubts we could ever get the old Durkon back.

Now this just confirms it.

Silver Crusade

Anyone want to find the old strip where it's explained what happens to his soul? I know it was mentioned once, but I want to be sure.

I'm pretty sure he'll get it sorted out after they save all of reality from the Snarl.

Silver Crusade

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So I didn't find the bit about what happens to the soul when a vampire takes over the body, but I think I finally understand Odin's prophecy that got Durkon banished from the dwarven lands:

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

Because only Durkon could pull THIS off.

I dunno. I think some how Odin is to blame too...

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Leave it to Belkar to be to caught up in anger to question why the vampire is suddenly dropping all of his defenses and allowing a cleaner shot to his heart.

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