Eric Hinkle |
I've had an idea for an eidolon that's either a reformed fiend or a celestial that fouled up. Either way it's on "probation" and for punishment it was stripped of its former power and form and given to some novice summoner who is quite amoral. (Chaotic Neutral in gamespeak.)
The eidolon wants to reform him to a good alignment, and the summoner is just in it for the gold and gals.
I figure that the eidolon would either look like a celestial (hound archon?) or a snarling fiend, with the letter being even funnier if the "fiend" consistently acts like a nice and helpful guy outside of combat.
Darigaaz the Igniter |
Ever seen Ed, Edd, & Eddy?
Johnny 2x4 & Plank
No one knows where Johnny found Plank, and most never bother to ask. Everyone thinks Plank is just a figment of Johnny's imagination. No one but Johnny can understand Plank, and it's obvious Plank is the smarter of the 2. Johnny will often be clueless about something, listen to Plank for a bit, then give out some surprisingly good advice. Plank also has a [disturbingly] high amount of influence over Johnny: They are never seen apart, and Johnny listens to Plank's advice before doing just about anything. Also, that hunk of wood has got some moves. It manages to ricochet off of random environmental objects in a physics defying manner to cause some serious hurt to the ne'er-do-wells.
Now take that paragraph and replace all instances of "Johnny" with your summoner, and all instances of "Plank" with the Eidolon.
Stabatha |
I am torn on a couple of concepts for my groups next campaign. I will be playing a LN heretic in a very powerful Theocracy.
1. A Indian themed snake charmer and Cobra made out of a snake swarm of smaller poisonous snakes.
2. A young boy "chosen" by his people to meet the worlds outlanders. The boy is followed by a tiger like cat. eventually the tiger will grow into a monster like The Bandersnatch.
Think the "jungle book " with Mougli and Sher Khan. although AS I right this Maybe a Calvin and Hobbes theme.
Sayer_of_Nay |
In a Kingmaker game, I ran a halfling summoner who was a member of the Halfling Mafia, based in the River Kingdoms. He was sent to see the lay of the land, as well as gather resources and influences for the "family." His eidolon was a toad/turtle thing sent to aid him from the "Don God." He spoke in a thick New York accent, wore a dirty bowler, and smoked cigars.
LazarX |
My current Summoner, Guioh, turns the approach that many here take upside down, or will when he cranks up a few levels from 2nd.
But for him, the Eidolon is more of a trump card that's played when it's needed. His main tactics are actually more battlefield control with Summon Monster SLA's, the highest level Summon Monster as a learned spell, and some Conjuration spells used as battlefield control like Grease. He uses his summons much like the character he's named after. Ultimately his strategy would be built around ..
1. Call out the SLA's direct them to battle
2. Use Conjuration spells to divide or hinder the opposing forces.
3. IF the summmons are beaten use Call Eidolon to bring out the Big Winged, Lightning Breathing Snake.
Dragonborn3 |
Oh dear GOD speaking of scary stuff in Pokemon...You'll never look at Curse the same way again.
That's.. really creepy. 0.o
Never before have I been so grateful I only use Curse with Ghost pokemon...EDIT 1:
tye and Agumon from season 1 of digimon, was an npc and now the whole party wants to play kids with digimon lol.
Agumon would be one of the easiest to make, since he stays a biped the entire time...
EDIT 2: A farm boy that ends up accidentally calling a "demon" and is run off by the other farmers. The prayers to Desna his mother taught him turn out to be spells(ant haul is for strength, endure elements for survival, etc). Haven't played him, but I am trying to write a story based around him, a with, a psuedodragon, and a lycanthropic child.
Dragonborn3 |
Im kinda surprised no one has mentioned the many summons of Final Fantasy yet.
That's because there was a thread for them. I statted up Shiva from FFX.
Edit: Here is the Link
Lokie |
I had a concept...
Halfling Summoner and his Bodyguard Golem...
The idea is a little halfling dressed in spats and a bowler hat with a huge napoleon complex. His eidolon would actually have the bodyguard feats from the APG and take hits for the halfling.
P.S. - I also was thinking of equipping the Eidolon with a tower shield and the Covering Defense feat... which would also require shield proficiency and shield focus. I'm not sure which option would work best.
On one hand... the Eidolon could take damage for the Summoner with two feats.
On the other... the Eidolon could provide a +4 cover bonus to AC which would stack nicely with the Shield Ally and Greater Shield Ally abilities of the Summoner and Eidolon.
Elven_Blades |
My eidelon is as follows.
First, race is not too important, just one of the "big people" so it doesn't loose strength bonus. It would eventually, at higher level, have spirited charge. "Spirited Charge" you say, doesn't that imply a mount? Yes it does my friend, a huge scorpion mount. Close to melée range with the lance for some solid opening damage. Next, since we have scorpion claws, the eidelon will be trained in grappling. Once it has the grapple locked down, it can sting each turn while you poke the baddie with your lance, without ecer dismounting.
Of course, this concept will not work very well in cramped dungeon spaces.
Purplefixer |
The Demon Touched:
My eidolon is an aspect of my demon touched heritage. In my primitive tribe, I am recognized as seer and shaman, provider and terrorizor. I am the gateway to the afterlife, and I can summon spirit beings capable of building, or destroying. I know stories of other worlds, told me by my servitor, and that knowledge makes me greater than you.
Priestess of the Snake:
I call upon this aspect of my diefic bond. I am -Chosen-. I am more. The celestial creatures that come to my call slither and hop, speak and dance, all at my direction. The very earth yawns at my command.
The Binder:
I adventure to seek more creatures to add to my menagerie. The greatest of the creatures I defeat are added to the very stuff of my self, made manifest in my Eidolon. I intend to travel to the origins of these creatures one day, to step into the source and truly expand my awareness, but for now I study, and hunt, and seek, and find, ever broadening my knowledge of the aberant world around us.
Tools. Everything that walks, slithers, flies, or swims is my pawn. I can control all I survey, through intimidation, bribery, or coercion. My powers transcend the merely arcane, into the interpersonal. I can summon forth a bound beast, the manifest shape of my own nightmares, or split it, like a swarm of ants, into long-lasting conjurations of infinitely versitile power. I can control earth and sky, empower and punish, but what it all boils down to... is Control.
Dragonborn3 |
Dammit Dragonborn, now I really want to play a PF Gestalt game so I can gestalt Alchemist with Summoner for that concept I proposed.
Meanwhile Mojojo would probably be... I dunno... maybe an awakened ape wizard/Summoner? No, I don't think that would work either... hmm....
Search "The Noble Wild", it should take you to a pdf sold here on Paizo that let's you play animals without the need for the awaken spell.
kyrt-ryder |
kyrt-ryder wrote:Search "The Noble Wild", it should take you to a pdf sold here on Paizo that let's you play animals without the need for the awaken spell.Dammit Dragonborn, now I really want to play a PF Gestalt game so I can gestalt Alchemist with Summoner for that concept I proposed.
Meanwhile Mojojo would probably be... I dunno... maybe an awakened ape wizard/Summoner? No, I don't think that would work either... hmm....
Cool, thanks. Still doesn't give me Mojojojo's second class though lol. Maybe rogue?
Firest |
Dragonborn3 wrote:Cool, thanks. Still doesn't give me Mojojojo's second class though lol. Maybe rogue?kyrt-ryder wrote:Search "The Noble Wild", it should take you to a pdf sold here on Paizo that let's you play animals without the need for the awaken spell.Dammit Dragonborn, now I really want to play a PF Gestalt game so I can gestalt Alchemist with Summoner for that concept I proposed.
Meanwhile Mojojo would probably be... I dunno... maybe an awakened ape wizard/Summoner? No, I don't think that would work either... hmm....
I think you said it already, Alchemist.
Stabatha |
A 'mother' who doesn't realize they have lost their only child, because they have a 'replacement'.
A little kid, raised on a farm, who adopted one of the barnyard who was, to quote a spider, 'the best pig in the barnyard'.
That could get real creepy , What if the replacements have buttons for eyes.
xXxTheBeastxXx |
Moving back on-topic, however, I know someone that altered the Eidolon to be a type of Construct rather than a magical creature. I went searching around to see if anyone else came up with any ideas like this, which led me back to Pathfinder DB, a great resource for homebrew material. Here's the link as well:The site in its entirety is a great site that I use material from often.
Hey! Someone referenced my archetype! Sweet.
I came up with that for a friend (the example mechanist, Quates, was his character). It turned out quite nicely.
As far as Concepts go, I've always liked the idea of a demonologist-style summoner who, with his summoning rituals and spells, forces demonic eidolons under his control. Or maybe an evil summoner who is controlling angels to do his bidding as some kind of sadistic joke. There's a lot that can be had with the flavor of summoners. Generally, in my campaigns, they are considered to be one of the most "powerful" (flavor-wise) classes out there, with the power to enslave even extraplanar creatures with relative ease.
Concerning the Polysummoner archetype on Pathfinder DB, I know a guy who used it to make a full-on Final Fantasy style summoner, going with Ifrit, Shiva and Ramuh for his three main eidolons (we used the beta spellcasting rule to allow a little versatility).
mdt |
Concerning the Polysummoner archetype on Pathfinder DB, I know a guy who used it to make a full-on Final Fantasy style summoner, going with Ifrit, Shiva and Ramuh for his three main eidolons (we used the beta spellcasting rule to allow a little versatility).
That was pretty much the concept I had when I wrote the class option. :) Glad it worked for him!