Yrtalien |

When I read there was going to be an early playtest of words of power at the con I eagerly watched the messageboards hoping someone would post snippets of information... it's Sunday though and still nothing : ( Did this not happen? Is it not happening till the last minute? Why, oh why, am I tortured so?
Thank you, that ends this portion of my rant : )

F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |

My (possibly faulty) understanding was that it happened yesterday at Jason's 11 o'clock. However, there are fewer than a dozen people in that seminar, so mayhaps they're just still enjoying the convention - they're not bound under NDA not to share or anything.
Or, it's just possible that Las Vegas might be a bit distracting and folks got sidetracked in their mad rushes from the convention hall to the interwebs. You never know.

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A conflict occurred when the presenter's schedules and the printed/posted schedule didn't match. This resulted in some confusion. As a result, they later ran a design session covering the development of the Ninja and Samurai classes for the future Tian Zia product line. Sadly, I couldn't attend because of game commitments and the above schedule problems.

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No one at the Samurai and Ninja Design meeting can say anything as of this moment. They are all under NDA. This was an early design seminar for these classes, hence we are keeping them under wraps for now. You will get more info on them in the coming months.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Draznar |

No one at the Samurai and Ninja Design meeting can say anything as of this moment. They are all under NDA. This was an early design seminar for these classes, hence we are keeping them under wraps for now. You will get more info on them in the coming months.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing
But is it fair to say we will likely see a Ninja / Samurai class Pathfinder stlye someday? Presumably in Tian Xia? If so this is first I have heard of it ^_^b

Grand Stone |
This one even I can solve. Hire a cleric in your party. They can cast remove disease... I also recommened to boost stats like INT, WIS and CHA. Maybe have wizzards (or sorcerers?) constantly cast haste. You will get +1 action each turn, so you can write two pages in the time of one... (or I'm I confusing this world with something else?)
In the meantime, my scrying spells does seems to work... Can you please send me a body part such as a lock of hair or a bit of nail?
(here is where I ment to post it...)

Erik Freund RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 |

The Ninja was pretty awesome. It's a new base class. It seems to be modeled on the Monk & Barbarian, oddly enough.
Like a Monk, it gets WIS to AC and a bunch of movement related abilities (including some cribbed from the ShadowDancer PrC) and Flurry of Blows with light weapons. The ability to spend Ki points to get Invisibility starting as early as level 3 was pretty cool, though I'm worried about the balance on that one.
Like a Barbarian, it gets full BAB. Instead of "Rage" proper, it gets "sugoi", which is basically Haste for a limited number of rounds per day (based on DEX instead of CON). The "Rage powers" are "sugoi powers", which are only in effect while the Ninja is "sugoi" - there are supposed to be dozens of these, but at the convention we only saw three of them:
- a finishing move that was identical to Prayer Attack, as per Red Mantis Assasin PrC
- Multi-Form: basically the spell Mirror Image
- Bane of my Enemy: all weapons carried by the Ninja get the Bane ability against any one person (somewhat like the Oathbow magic item)
They also got the ability to make Extracts as per the Alchemist, albiet using the Ranger/Paladin spell-progression.
We were only shown the first 5 levels of the class, but it got Sneak Attack at levels 2 and 5. They didn't hint at what the progression would actually be like.
It was pretty cool though, and everything a Ninja should be.

Drack530 |

Kryzbyn wrote:I can only hope paizo did not give into the "It's Asian so better" bunch. If this is true then they have and I'll just mark what ever book it in off my allowed list and my buy list and be done with it. You can do Ninja just fine with an archetype.seekerofshadowlight wrote:It sounds like a bad joke, Kryzbyn so I am really hoping it is.Sounds bonkers enough to be true, you have to admit.
ya it can work as an archetype but it could potentially be a great unique class.
I can't wait to see words of power myself though.

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Ugh, colour me burned out on 'ninja' and 'samurai' classes. Ninja = Rogue and Samurai = beefed up Aristocrat class.
That said, once I understood what Sugoi means I chuckled too. Well played Erik.
I'm more interested in words of power. I've been playing with a colour/word/image motif for my magic based on schools for a long time now.

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Erik appears to be a fan of fantasy.. although there is an idea or two in there that I find kinda interesting..
....shamelessly trying to offer ideas for the ninja class by posting the base class build I've been working on.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s1VqT4w4DyC0ZqiBb7SpH7p4bHYNkLKPnST5rDk mVj0/edit?hl=en

Anguish |

Quote:You'll get more information in the coming months.If I didn't know better, I'd say SKR was practicing for a future in politics! ;)
Nah. It's just that now that he's married he doesn't have to pretend to be Mr. Nice Guy anymore.
That being said, knowing when Kevin Mack will get more information does me no good. I want to know when I will get more information. Also, getting more information in the coming months doesn't preclude also getting more information in the current month. Given these two loopholes I expect SKR is just about to send an alpha document to my personal e-mail address. (Note: thanks Sean!)

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Was able to sit in on the 2nd half of the Ninja/Samurai dev session. All I can say is "expect a bucket full of awesome!"
Aside, from that bit, I'd also like to thank Jason and Sean for bring this dev session to our 2010 show. And, thanks to Erik & Lisa for signing off on the idea.
Should something similar be made available in 2011, we'll be sure to have all scheduling kinks worked out well in advance. I already have my ninjas working on it. ;^D