GM Spazmodeus presents Age of Worms in Golarion Table 1 (Inactive)

Game Master Spazmodeus

A tale in which our unwitting participants endeavor to improve their lot in life....and save the world perhaps?

Combat Map

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The discussion thread...

One thing to note: I mistakenly left Human a stage race description when Avion is a dwarf. Checked the numbers and they're all good just the mistake in the name area

Female Changeling Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 1 HP: -2/12, NL:0 | AC: 17/12/15 | R: +2, F: +2, W: +2 (+2 v. Death Effects) | Perc: +0 (Darkvision 60ft.), Init: +2 | Arrows: 18 | Vulnerabilities: Cold Iron (+1 to damage rolls)

I think Mia is good to go. I'll flesh out the Orphans this weekend and probably add a few more NPCs to fill out the potential roster of baddies. :P

Looking forward to working on getting this going and playing. :D

AC: 18 (FF:15/T:13) CMD:15 HP: 14/19 Saves - FO:4 RE:9 WL:5

Dropping a dot here just in case, but I assume there will be two different threads.

M Half-Elf Shaman 1 (Life Spirit) HP 9/9**. AC 18, FF 16, T 12. Init +2. Saves: F +4, R+2, W+5, +2 vs ench. Att: +2 (+4 on movement AoO) vs ac, 1d8+3 P. Perc. +9. Immune: Sleep. **Conditions: 2 con damage.

Hey everyone! Nice to meet you all and grats on being selected :) Thanks again to you for running this for us, GM_Spazmodeus! Looks like we have a fun and balanced group filled with character with interesting backgrounds!

I'll go over my profile in a bit and remove bits on the age of ruin as the GM requested in the thread. Since Spaz mentioned he'd send out PM's for plothooks I guess we should wait for those prior to thinking of if any of our characters previously knew the other and what sort of connection they might have?

Male Probably human Computer Scientist 1/ Character Synthesizer 20/ Crazy 99

Maybe. But we could still have some fun getting into character.

Male Human (varisian)|HP: 12/12|AC: 18 (11 Tch, 17 Fl)|CMB: +3, CMD: 14|F +4, R +1, W +5| Init: +1|Smite Evil 1/1x/day Paladin|Speed 20ft (30ft)|Perc +1, SM +5, Diplo +7, Heal +5, Kn. (Religion) +5|Action Pts. 6/6

Hello, everyone. My PM must have got lost in the mail. Like all of you, I've been looking to play this campaign for a while now.

M Half-Elf Shaman 1 (Life Spirit) HP 9/9**. AC 18, FF 16, T 12. Init +2. Saves: F +4, R+2, W+5, +2 vs ench. Att: +2 (+4 on movement AoO) vs ac, 1d8+3 P. Perc. +9. Immune: Sleep. **Conditions: 2 con damage.
AdamWarnock wrote:
Maybe. But we could still have some fun getting into character.

True. I guess we can always ask!

@Spazmodeus: Is it a problem if we start thinking of how/if we know eachother and what if any previous interactions we had?

Hey there, and welcome!

Sorry on the delay with my PMs, I'll try to get that going a bit later today.

if you don't mind, hold of on the whole working on connections thing until my PMs go out. It may not matter, but...

If you haven't already, please dot and delete in the gameplay thread, that way this'll show up in your campaign summary.

Glad everyone is excited to play...I am too!!


Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5

I take it this is table 1?

I've updated the title accordingly :)

Lantern Lodge

Female Halfling hp 10/10 | AC 17/14/14 | CMB +3 | CMD 14| F+4, R+5, W+5 | Init +6 | Senses Perc +6 (+8 vs. Undead)

Most weird things are going on...
Just wrote "dot" in the gameplay thread, but can't see my own post there, nor under the characters "posts" tab.
Therefore i'm afraid i might not be able to delete it, apologies!

Also i just realized we're playing PF2 together GM Spazmodeus :D
Hadn't made that connection before^^

Looking forward to an interesting game here!

Male Probably human Computer Scientist 1/ Character Synthesizer 20/ Crazy 99

I wasn’t talking about figuring out how our characters are connected, but more about how we play them. I figured it’d be good to know what they sound and act like.

But yeah, I’m okay with waiting.

Sure, RP if you want :)

Yeah....gameplay threads in both AoW campaigns are borked...I'll get a ticket in with IT.

Gameplay fixed!

Again apologies for the delay on the PMs...

Lantern Lodge

Female Halfling hp 10/10 | AC 17/14/14 | CMB +3 | CMD 14| F+4, R+5, W+5 | Init +6 | Senses Perc +6 (+8 vs. Undead)

No worries and thank you!

Kassen Battle Maps

No worries here!

Well since this was my idea, I figure it's only fair that I get the ball rolling.

On a shard of land floating in a colorful sea of stars is a small tavern where fates become intertwined. The path running by its doors lead nowhere and everywhere in this dreamscape. The sign reads differently for all who pass through its doors and no one can quite describe the barkeep. The food is always good and any drink can be found in its stores. A warm fire crackles merrily in the hearth, inviting folk to come in and stay awhile. The old rafters wait patiently for tales to be told, and the folk of this wondrous and sometimes frightening and strange place gently play soft music as if waiting for someone to take up the tune and sing.

The barkeep looks up at you as you walk through the door from the chill and eternal night outside. A smile grows wide on their face as they place the mug they were cleaning on thin air and leave it floating there.

"Come in! Come in! We're only just getting started this night. Have a drink and tell us a little about who you are, hmm? We would all love to add a few tales to our collections."

Feel free to have some fun. It's all dream, so none of it's canon to the game.

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5

Caydens balls! It's as cold as a ice hags nasty out there man! Rum, friend barkeep, I'm not even picky about a clean cup... rum and a spot by the hearth.

He hurries in rubbing his hands briskly, his face reddened by the chill outside.

He slams down the generous measure of poured spirits, making a sound of satisfaction afterwards. He motions for a refill and turns to the others.

Well, this place hardly seems real but fug it, I'll take a drink anywhere. Last time I was that cold I was stark b!#$~!~ naked, clothes balled up in my arms and running pell mell down a cobbled street! Some damned freaky creepy girl and her cultist mates were upset I'd got away from their arcane sex dungeon... .

He took another drink, this time only draining half the contents.

I suppose it didn't help their mood that I nicked some of their mystic gee-gaws on the way out to boot, he concluded with a large smile that was 1 part satisfaction and 2 parts mirth.

Kassen Battle Maps

The rum is some of the best Borden has ever had. His audience laughs and laughs all the harder at learning that there was probably more to the chase than a jilted lover's scorn.

"Quite the tale, my friend," the tavern keeper says around their laughter. A comfortable chair by the hearth soothes away the aches of the cold night air with a warm and lazy comfort.

Of course, just as soon as Borden gets comfortable, the door opens yet again.

Female Changeling Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 1 HP: -2/12, NL:0 | AC: 17/12/15 | R: +2, F: +2, W: +2 (+2 v. Death Effects) | Perc: +0 (Darkvision 60ft.), Init: +2 | Arrows: 18 | Vulnerabilities: Cold Iron (+1 to damage rolls)

A young woman with white hair, ash-gray skin, and eyes the color of red coals steps in with a gust of wind and a flurry of snow. The flames in the lanterns and the fire in the hearth dance for a moment before she shuts the door as quickly as she can. With the blowing north wind shut out, its easier to get a better look at her and see the crimson markings on her skin and the pink of her frost-nipped cheeks and nose.

"Uh, h-h-hello. May I have something warm to drink?" Her question, softly spoken, is barely louder than the crackling of the fire popping merrily once more. A few moments later she has a mug of some spiced and steaming drink in her hands. Looking around, her eyes light on Borden and she moves over to where there's an open seat near the hearth next to him.

"M-may I sit here," she asks. Her voice quavers and she looks off to one side of Borden. She waits for his answer, still as a statue.

Hey guys,

Been a bit busy so I've had to put off the PMs . I've added a bit of an intro to the campaign tab, to set the scene.

Also added a link to a guide to Diamond Lake, narrated by one of the locals.

And added a map of Diamond Lake.

As I get my s%~# together, one of the things I would have asked for each of you to add 2-3 ( or as many as you'd like) NPCs that your character has interacted with , in Diamond Lake or elsewhere.

For some of you, that will have been the total that I'd have asked for in a PM.


Lantern Lodge

Female Halfling hp 10/10 | AC 17/14/14 | CMB +3 | CMD 14| F+4, R+5, W+5 | Init +6 | Senses Perc +6 (+8 vs. Undead)

Should we invent new NPCs or use the ones you mentioned in the recruitment?

New ones, unique to your character.
Just add them to your character sheet.

Male Halfling Rogue 1 (HP 8/8 AC:16 T:14 F:23 Saves F:+1 R:+6 W:+3 CMB:-1 CMD:12 Init:+3 Perc: +8 Disable Device +10)

Hi All, I am visiting family for the next week and a half, so my posting might be a little spotty...

Macavity waited outside the tavern waiting for the best way to make his entrance. He was hungry and the newly acquired gold pieces in his coin pouch seemed to mock him. He wanted to spend them before their recent owner discovered they were missing. Plus he was hungry. He did not want to walk right in as usually when a door to a tavern opened, people noticed. He didn't want to be noticed. He would wait until someone flashy walked into the tavern and he would just slip in right behind them. Someone flashy or a woman. Whenever a woman walked into a seedy tavern like this, everyone looked at the woman. He had just about given up hope that he would be able to enter the tavern like that and he might just have to go in the door alone. He was hungry after all. Then he saw her. White hair and gray skin. She was perfect. She opened the door and Mac slipped in right behind her. She tried to close the door fast, but not fast enough. She did manage to hit his leg with the door.

Apologies he muttered as he made his way to a darken corner. He then got his bearings.

Male Human (varisian)|HP: 12/12|AC: 18 (11 Tch, 17 Fl)|CMB: +3, CMD: 14|F +4, R +1, W +5| Init: +1|Smite Evil 1/1x/day Paladin|Speed 20ft (30ft)|Perc +1, SM +5, Diplo +7, Heal +5, Kn. (Religion) +5|Action Pts. 6/6

GM Spazmodeus:
Dragomir now has two new NPCs added to his profile page. Let me know if you need more.

Cold. Bitterly cold.
Dragomir Venchev found himself in a small town in the grips of winter. For some reason, the paladin didn't question his situation, as if in a dream. Snow blew like wildfire in the windy winter night. Ahead, the light of a tavern can be seen, drawing him in.

The tall bearded man quickly opened the tavern door to only close it quickly, not to let in the snow. This warrior took a few moments for his eyes to adjust. He wore a hood which he quickly pulled back to reveal a short head of brown hair and beard. While brushing himself off, the tabard he wore became uncovered, bearing the silver spiral of Pharasma.

The warrior walked to the bar to the waiting barkeep. "One ale. Mead if you have it", the pharasman requested.

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5
Mia Curseborn wrote:

A young woman with white hair, ash-gray skin, and eyes the color of red coals steps in with a gust of wind and a flurry of snow. The flames in the lanterns and the fire in the hearth dance for a moment before she shuts the door as quickly as she can. With the blowing north wind shut out, its easier to get a better look at her and see the crimson markings on her skin and the pink of her frost-nipped cheeks and nose.

"Uh, h-h-hello. May I have something warm to drink?" Her question, softly spoken, is barely louder than the crackling of the fire popping merrily once more. A few moments later she has a mug of some spiced and steaming drink in her hands. Looking around, her eyes light on Borden and she moves over to where there's an open seat near the hearth next to him.

"M-may I sit here," she asks. Her voice quavers and she looks off to one side of Borden. She waits for his answer, still as a statue.

Sit Gilly! I'm not the boss of you or lord of the tavern that you need permission, he booms.

Female Changeling Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 1 HP: -2/12, NL:0 | AC: 17/12/15 | R: +2, F: +2, W: +2 (+2 v. Death Effects) | Perc: +0 (Darkvision 60ft.), Init: +2 | Arrows: 18 | Vulnerabilities: Cold Iron (+1 to damage rolls)

While not meant as a command, Mia has too much experience with those from whom words spoken that loudly would have been one. She sits almost too fast to see. Her spine is ramrod straight and her posture is about as proper as what you'd expect from a well-trained lady, or someone trying their best to be at attention while sitting.

"Yes, sir!" Her voice doesn't quite squeak, but her darkening cheeks tell of how close it had come. She tries to hide her embarrassment behind her mug. Her shoulders relax a little as she sips her steaming drink, but the metronome twitching of the tip of a white-furred and fluffy tail that peeks out from under the folds of her cloak tell how shallowly her nerves have been buried.

"Sorry, I just... I thought that you might not want me close to you," she says after a moment. Her gaze fixes on the crackling flames of the fire as she speaks. Fine-boned hands rub the mug as its warmth chases the sharp-edged chill from them. It didn't hurt her, not really, but it was still unpleasant to feel.

Lantern Lodge

Female Halfling hp 10/10 | AC 17/14/14 | CMB +3 | CMD 14| F+4, R+5, W+5 | Init +6 | Senses Perc +6 (+8 vs. Undead)
GM Spazmodeus wrote:

New ones, unique to your character.

Just add them to your character sheet.

I'll do that over the weekend, if that's allright. Need a more relaxed mind for some creativity^^

Kassen Battle Maps

Mac easily finds a dark corner to watch the room from. Besides the bartender and the strange young woman he followed in, there's a loud, burly man with a bit of rough charm about him. There are also a few shadowy folk that seem almost unreal, as if there was a sense of impermanence about them. Focusing on them, he can make out vague features, but anything more than that is about as productive as nailing a shadow down. Only a few short minutes after Mia entered with Mac on her heels, a newcomer opens the door.

"We have mead aplenty. Any vintage you prefer?" Dragomir's request is met with a hearty chuckle from the bartender who busies themself fixing the paladin a drink. Looking around, he sees two figures, a burly man and a petite, young woman, by the fire. The others appear shadowy and vague, even when you take a closer look. All of the others except for a halfling in the corner that's looking over the room while being out of the way.

GM, I'll update Mia's profile as soon as I can. I was already going to detail the orphans and expand who she knows from her days as a Hellknight, but I can think up some other NPCs for you to throw at her when we start.

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5

Throw in a mini nemesis for good measure?

Male Human (varisian)|HP: 12/12|AC: 18 (11 Tch, 17 Fl)|CMB: +3, CMD: 14|F +4, R +1, W +5| Init: +1|Smite Evil 1/1x/day Paladin|Speed 20ft (30ft)|Perc +1, SM +5, Diplo +7, Heal +5, Kn. (Religion) +5|Action Pts. 6/6
DM-Salsa wrote:
"We have mead aplenty. Any vintage you prefer?" Dragomir's request is met with a hearty chuckle from the bartender who busies themself fixing the paladin a drink.

"Something young. About two to three summer old, please." The warrior turned to look around the tavern. There were some folk sitting around a large table, but otherwise an empty barroom. They looked slightly familiar..

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5
Mia Curseborn wrote:
"Sorry, I just... I thought that you might not want me close to you," she says after a moment. Her gaze fixes on the crackling flames of the fire as she speaks. Fine-boned hands rub the mug as its warmth chases the sharp-edged chill from them. It didn't hurt her, not really, but it was still unpleasant to feel.

Nonsense and twaddle, he said good naturedly. Used to be a pathfinder now didn't I? Ever seen a group of Pathfinders' 'round a table? Y'ed be lucky if the most normal thing yer saw was a couple of elves, dwarves an' halfings. Like as not ye'd see Angel or Elemental bloods, a bloody furry thang or two, one o' yer lot, a half orc an' a birdman.

He rises and heads to the bar, wanting to switch to ale now he was warmed up.

Mind me seat Luv, back in a few moments - grabbing another drink.

So barkeep, How do you know if your magic sword is blunt?, he quips. When it starts telling ya' that yer too fat fer yer armour, grinning at the groan it illicited. I'll have an ale now.

He watched as the barkeep pour.

Two orcs are having' a chat, An one orc asks another orc "What’s the difference between an elf, and a trampoline?". "Dunno", says th' other. The first one says "Yer take your boots off before you jump on a trampoline".

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5

Added to top of character profile

Character NPC's:

Stewart "Stewie" Veldtner: Giant sized Halfing, feared Tavern Bouncer and drinking companion.
Kofgen Krevnwright: The overly stressed 'Official' Pathfinder society representative in this crap hole and old mentor from Absolom.

Male Human (varisian)|HP: 12/12|AC: 18 (11 Tch, 17 Fl)|CMB: +3, CMD: 14|F +4, R +1, W +5| Init: +1|Smite Evil 1/1x/day Paladin|Speed 20ft (30ft)|Perc +1, SM +5, Diplo +7, Heal +5, Kn. (Religion) +5|Action Pts. 6/6

The pharasman doesn't catch himself in time and lets out an audible chuckle, then quickly regains his composure.

Male Halfling Rogue 1 (HP 8/8 AC:16 T:14 F:23 Saves F:+1 R:+6 W:+3 CMB:-1 CMD:12 Init:+3 Perc: +8 Disable Device +10)

Mac quickly scans the room and it seems that most are staying to themselves-except for some guy at the bar telling jokes. He groaned at the jokes, but smiled nonetheless. Maybe he should pick the jokesters pocket. Since he is busy entertaining, he might not notice. Mac shakes his head. He was hungry and any pockets he picked would necessitate a quick getaway. No. He wanted to fill his belly and let his guard down-a little bit. He moves to a recently-vacated table and takes a seat as he tries to get the server's attention and listen to more jokes from the jokester.

Grand Lodge

Rogue or Rouge?

Male Human (varisian)|HP: 12/12|AC: 18 (11 Tch, 17 Fl)|CMB: +3, CMD: 14|F +4, R +1, W +5| Init: +1|Smite Evil 1/1x/day Paladin|Speed 20ft (30ft)|Perc +1, SM +5, Diplo +7, Heal +5, Kn. (Religion) +5|Action Pts. 6/6

Rouge. He's fancy!

Kassen Battle Maps

The bartender stops pouring the ale and gives Borden a glower.

"Perhaps you've had enough," they say over the groans of those unfortunate enough to hear the wordplay.

A serving girl, as shadowy and indistinct as most of the others comes and takes Mac's order.

Female Changeling Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 1 HP: -2/12, NL:0 | AC: 17/12/15 | R: +2, F: +2, W: +2 (+2 v. Death Effects) | Perc: +0 (Darkvision 60ft.), Init: +2 | Arrows: 18 | Vulnerabilities: Cold Iron (+1 to damage rolls)

Mia winces at the second joke, having been in the receiving end of far too many similar jokes to find it funny.

GM, I'll have the updated profile tomorrow or Saturday. I recently got my first shot for the Covid vaccine and, well, It's taken it out of me more than I thought it would.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Halfling Rogue 1 (HP 8/8 AC:16 T:14 F:23 Saves F:+1 R:+6 W:+3 CMB:-1 CMD:12 Init:+3 Perc: +8 Disable Device +10)

Maybe he puts a little rouge on his cheeks while he is rogue-ing! :D

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5

Come now friend barkeep... Quips are never a reason to stop drinking, if anything it's a cause for more. Pour on and I'll tell you all a tale of far off lands and of a 100 percent garrenteed treasure map - only sold three times mind you, an' the trouble it got me in.

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5

Which reminds me, before I get started...

A Kobold, A golem, and a zombie walk into a bar.

Kobold says, “My warren was invaded last week, we fought off a ten man group of armoured soldiers - only me and my best friend made it out alive.”
Bartender says, “That’s too bad.” The Kobold gets a free beer.
The golem says: “I went with my creator and his party to stave off an invasion from armies of Demons. I was the only one to survive.”
Bartender silently hands him a beer.
Zombie says “Well, Me and some friends headed into the Tomb Of Horrors…”
Bartender cuts him off: “Hey hey hey buddy!, No one likes a showoff!”

Taking advantage of the distraction, Borden reaches over the bar and snags the flagon with a grin.

So here I was with this map that Pete the Peg swore blind was real, that led the way to a unpicked over tomb off the coast of Orsirion..., he starts launching a colourful tale that is exaggerated in the extreme but packed with interesting characters and tangential anecdotes that loop masterfully back into the main story which is clearly bull s$#$ but it's entertaining bull s$!$.

M Half-Elf Shaman 1 (Life Spirit) HP 9/9**. AC 18, FF 16, T 12. Init +2. Saves: F +4, R+2, W+5, +2 vs ench. Att: +2 (+4 on movement AoO) vs ac, 1d8+3 P. Perc. +9. Immune: Sleep. **Conditions: 2 con damage.

@GM_Spazmodeus, extra info on the NPC's relating to Harran:

@Spasmodeus, does Harran's profile have enough for you? It includes his mysterious mother and a former love interest. However, let's add his best druid friend, Clive, who's a part of the Lodge and whom actually passed his initiation test recently, unlike Harran.

Clive is a young human bookwormish yet also pranksterish druid who likes to misuse his druidic shapeshifting abilities for teenager mischief. Such as but not limited to sneaking into the lodge's pantry, spying on bathing nymphs in their glades in the forest, scaring off travelers as a bear, etcetera.

Shayenna is a half-elf ranger and the third member of the youthful Lodge trio with Harran. A longtime friend and later lover until Harran failed his initiation test and was exiled shortly after, when peer pressure sorta pushed them apart. She's a headstrong and courageous huntress, which is probably why she dared enter a relationship with someone whose mother was a presumed infamous witch. As far as Harran knows, she was recently dispatched to Diamond Lake from the lodge to investigate something, but he doesn't know any details.

I think his mother is best left blank for plot purposes?

Harran is a new arrival to Diamond Lake and hasn't interacted with many inhabitants, but probably spoke to the Elven head miner about temporary work, if he hires part-elves as well.

Btw, I don't think I received a PM yet. Though if you feel it isn't necessary, I don't mind.

Apologies, my last few days have been extremely busy taking care of my sick wife and our two small children. I'll try and get a post in here tonight!

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5

Family first man

Female Changeling Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 1 HP: -2/12, NL:0 | AC: 17/12/15 | R: +2, F: +2, W: +2 (+2 v. Death Effects) | Perc: +0 (Darkvision 60ft.), Init: +2 | Arrows: 18 | Vulnerabilities: Cold Iron (+1 to damage rolls)

Yup, family first. We'll be here when you get back. :)

Female Changeling Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 1 HP: -2/12, NL:0 | AC: 17/12/15 | R: +2, F: +2, W: +2 (+2 v. Death Effects) | Perc: +0 (Darkvision 60ft.), Init: +2 | Arrows: 18 | Vulnerabilities: Cold Iron (+1 to damage rolls)

Hokay, I've got some more NPCs added to the NPCs and Hooks section. A couple from her days as a... whatever you call a Hellknight cadet, and three from her time in Diamond Lake. I've also detailed the orphans she cares for.

I wish I'd thought to ask this before I wrote everything up, but does anyone have issues with explicitly mentioned suicide and torture/abuse or implied sexual assault and sex trafficking? I haven't included any details, nor do I want to. I just want to make sure that I'm not making anyone uncomfortable. Apologies if this wasn't the best way to broach the topic. I just figured it would be better to get the conversation going than not.

Mia listens Borden's story and at the end of it, she has a puzzled expression knitting her brow.

"I don't get it," she says after a moment.

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5

Go for it on my part...

M Half-Elf Shaman 1 (Life Spirit) HP 9/9**. AC 18, FF 16, T 12. Init +2. Saves: F +4, R+2, W+5, +2 vs ench. Att: +2 (+4 on movement AoO) vs ac, 1d8+3 P. Perc. +9. Immune: Sleep. **Conditions: 2 con damage.

@Mia I don't mind. Real-world examples of abuse of power aside, I've read enough history and realistic fantasy/semi-fantasy novels to where I've accepted that it's simply what would logically happen in a setting where few figures have absolute power and/or superpowers over commoners, whether or not there are fadeouts or if glossed over.

Also, it doesn't seem like my wife is improving yet so considering this is a dream sequence of sorts I might be forced to wait until the actual start of the campaign. I apologize and thanks for your patience.

For sensitive matters such as depictions of sexual intercourse/sexual assault/traffiking, abuse , torture, body horror etc I'll assume we all constrain ourselves to the PG-13 nature of these boards. Describe with our usual flair, then fade to black at the appropriate time :)

We're all adults here, if something causes discomfort, raise a flag and we'll address it.

That said , thanks for your patience guys, PMs will be in your inboxes later today.

If you haven't ,please read the Diamond Lake guide in the campaign tab.
It may inform your backgrounds ...


Male Human (varisian)|HP: 12/12|AC: 18 (11 Tch, 17 Fl)|CMB: +3, CMD: 14|F +4, R +1, W +5| Init: +1|Smite Evil 1/1x/day Paladin|Speed 20ft (30ft)|Perc +1, SM +5, Diplo +7, Heal +5, Kn. (Religion) +5|Action Pts. 6/6

In other games, and if the other party is willing, we use


to narrate any PG-13+ actions.

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