Ask a Slaad!

Off-Topic Discussions

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- Vallashan, Prince of Discord wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad, If I may, what are the four cornerstones of a good lawful civilization? I want to know so i can spread more chaos.

The three cornerstones of a LG civilization are: fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency... and an almost fanatical devotion to Chaos!!! No wait... um, heresy by thought, heresy by word, heresy by deed, and heresy by action. Four counts! No, that's not quite right...

I think I'm picking up weird voices again from that steel plate in my knee, or maybe the china teacup in my stomach.

Macaroni Slaad wrote:
Mikhaila Burnett wrote:
Can horses have Slaadi nature?

Sure can.

*bites Mikhaila Burnett*

You should be good to go in about 2 days.

SQUEEEEEEEE!!! A pony!!!

Dark Archive

*prances and acts generally equine*

Dark Archive

*mutates and acts generally... odd*

Not that you might notice any real difference.

Mikhaila Burnett wrote:

*mutates and acts generally... odd*

Not that you might notice any real difference.


Ironicdisaster wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Macaroni Slaad wrote:
President pro tempore wrote:
Macaroni Slaad wrote:
President pro tempore wrote:
How come their isn't a cole slaad? I'm gettin' kinda hungry.
Cole Slaw is not a Slaad.
I move that the cafeteria serve mandatory cole slaw, and some orange jell-o. Nom!

That seems fairly lawful...

*peeks around GM's screen to see President pro tempore's alignment*

I thought so.

*eggs President pro tempore*

Mmm, I'll take your egg bribe! These things are delicious.

And yes, I am chaotic... just with corrupt tendancies. Don't tell my constituents though.

Is you is, or is you ain't my constitchency?

Look into my eye...

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
- Vallashan, Prince of Discord wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad, If I may, what are the four cornerstones of a good lawful civilization? I want to know so i can spread more chaos.

The three cornerstones of a LG civilization are: fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency... and an almost fanatical devotion to Chaos!!! No wait... um, heresy by thought, heresy by word, heresy by deed, and heresy by action. Four counts! No, that's not quite right...

I think I'm picking up weird voices again from that steel plate in my knee, or maybe the china teacup in my stomach.

Bah! I knew the numbers would confuse you, but thanks for the information. Viral method of transmission here I come.

And Ambrosia, you should watch what you eat. I do mean "watch" as is eyeball, not the timepiece. Well, maybe you should eat Swiss.

<pokes its head into the thread>


<disappears in a burst of feathers>

What is the best way to get the bloodstains off the carpet after a sacrifice?

Gish Wife wrote:
What is the best way to get the bloodstains off the carpet after a sacrifice?

Toad kidney.


Does a tossed slaad ever get tossed in the air? I just wanna know...

Puffy the Cup Cake wrote:
Does a tossed slaad ever get tossed in the air? I just wanna know...

*searches for random quote*

Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy.

You are welcome.

That will be 6 squids and can of motor oil.

Puffy the Cup Cake wrote:
Does a tossed slaad ever get tossed in the air? I just wanna know...

A human tossed me once. It was the last thing he did. My larvae found him delicious.

Macaroni Slaad wrote:
Puffy the Cup Cake wrote:
Does a tossed slaad ever get tossed in the air? I just wanna know...

*searches for random quote*

Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy.

You are welcome.

That will be 6 squids and can of motor oil.

Bah. Here's six cup cakes instead. Enjoy the sugar rush my fellow pastry.

Tossed Slaad wrote:
Puffy the Cup Cake wrote:
Does a tossed slaad ever get tossed in the air? I just wanna know...
A human tossed me once. It was the last thing he did. My larvae found him delicious.


Well, thank the great goddess Hostess I'm not human.

Leaves 4 vanilla cup cakes for Tossed Slaad then leaves the thread.

Puffy the Cup Cake wrote:
Macaroni Slaad wrote:
Puffy the Cup Cake wrote:
Does a tossed slaad ever get tossed in the air? I just wanna know...

*searches for random quote*

Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy.

You are welcome.

That will be 6 squids and can of motor oil.

Bah. Here's six cup cakes instead. Enjoy the sugar rush my fellow pastry.

What did you just call me?

Cantalope tire magnets?

Macaroni Slaad wrote:
Cantalope tire magnets?

Yes, my hovercraft are full of eels.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Macaroni Slaad wrote:
Cantalope tire magnets?
Yes, my hovercraft are full of eels.

Well why don't you move into more conventional areas of confectionery, like praline or lime cream; a very popular flavour I'm led to understand. I mean look at this one, 'cockroach cluster'...'anthrax ripple'. What's this one, 'spring surprise'?

Alan wrenches.

Do I win a prize now?

Salmagundi Slaad wrote:

Alan wrenches.

Do I win a prize now?


Takes ranch dretchling and stuffs him into Salmagundi Slaad, sneezes then leaves

Ooooh...he's getting the celery treatment next time I see him.

Hey little fella, comfy in there?

<Stabs Salmagundi with a carrot stick>

Am now.

So, what is articial crab meat made of? I hope it's not white fish.

Salmagundi Slaad wrote:
So, what is articial crab meat made of? I hope it's not white fish.



What to eat this morning? WD-40? Eggos? And carrot sticks?

Spicy Nacho Slaad wrote:


What to eat this morning? WD-40? Eggos? And carrot sticks?

That's easy. You should have...

*gets hit in the head with a golf ball*

Waffles! Tasty Waffles! With syrup!

Is there a way to drink beer everyday and still have abs of steel?

The Roy wrote:
Is there a way to drink beer everyday and still have abs of steel?

Dear The Roy,

Charm, dominate, or otherwise compel your significant other/life
partner/parasitic host to exercise more than twice as hard. Then the
median value for the household will still average toward ripped. If you
have successfully procreated, you can also distribute the workload amongst
your spawn... think of them as a fleshy RAID for fitness.

Or, if you are handy with a needle, thread, and tanning animal hides, you
can make a nice six-pack vest out of that Situation fellow.

In Chaos We Mauve,

Macaroni Slaad wrote:
Spicy Nacho Slaad wrote:


What to eat this morning? WD-40? Eggos? And carrot sticks?

That's easy. You should have...

*gets hit in the head with a golf ball*

Waffles! Tasty Waffles! With syrup!

Enters the thread wielding a nine iron over one shoulder

"Sorry, I forgot to yell four."


Sneezes on Macaroni Slaad then leaves thread.

The Roy wrote:
Is there a way to drink beer everyday and still have abs of steel?

No! Takes off Roy's Glasses and pokes him in the eyes.

Snot'zt Phlegm'Spewen wrote:
Macaroni Slaad wrote:
Spicy Nacho Slaad wrote:


What to eat this morning? WD-40? Eggos? And carrot sticks?

That's easy. You should have...

*gets hit in the head with a golf ball*

Waffles! Tasty Waffles! With syrup!

Enters the thread wielding a nine iron over one shoulder

"Sorry, I forgot to yell four."


Sneezes on Macaroni Slaad then leaves thread.

Thanks. Let me return the favor.

Bites Snot'zt Phlegm'Spewen

You'll feel right as rain in about a week. Of course it's going to get worse before it gets better.

The Roy wrote:
Is there a way to drink beer everyday and still have abs of steel?

Duh, make abs out of empty beer cans. Problem solved.

Spicy Nacho Slaad wrote:
The Roy wrote:
Is there a way to drink beer everyday and still have abs of steel?
No! Takes off Roy's Glasses and pokes him in the eyes.

Please take your unsanitary claws of death from my x-ray glasses.

The Roy wrote:
Spicy Nacho Slaad wrote:
The Roy wrote:
Is there a way to drink beer everyday and still have abs of steel?
No! Takes off Roy's Glasses and pokes him in the eyes.
Please take your unsanitary claws of death from my x-ray glasses.

Does that mean you can see what I'm wearing under this dress?

What is the best way to get lawful stains out of your clothing?

Macaroni Slaad wrote:
What is the best way to get lawful stains out of your clothing?


Macaroni Slaad wrote:
What is the best way to get lawful stains out of your clothing?

Stomach acid and digestive enzymes. You might want to chug some Maalox too.

I just use bleach. Ah, the staining of colors into a chaotic masterpiece,

Macaroni Slaad wrote:
Go on I dare ya.

Here's one for ya macaroni slaad: Do Slaads still exist in Pathfinder and, if so, in which Splatbook/Bestiary can I find their stat block in ? Many thanks your great Slaadness.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We do not, more's the pity, at least on paper.

Not that that keeps us out, mind. We are quite easily imported and really don't care much about illegal immigration laws, yeeeessss.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The_Hex wrote:
Macaroni Slaad wrote:
Go on I dare ya.
Here's one for ya macaroni slaad: Do Slaads still exist in Pathfinder and, if so, in which Splatbook/Bestiary can I find their stat block in ? Many thanks your great Slaadness.

What the???

This thread exists????


What was I thinking????

Where am I????

Who are you????

Why am I holding this cantaloupe???

Did this answer your question???

Are you getting the point yet????

So you two, um hrm, dig up dinosaurs? Hahahrawrrahaha... {dances (badly)}

{opens a turnip, unrolls imaginary note, nods sagely at 4th wall} Cantelopephants are best, but a melonpotamus will do in a pinch.

Um, no I am a meat Popsicle.

Cab lane, oh why must it be cab lanes?!

Could be crab vanes. Or lab canes. Or even the dreaded Bab mane.


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