Jarbin Mord, The Croaker

- Vallashan, Prince of Discord's page

13 posts. Alias of BluePigeon.


Who has your weather dominator? I DO!

The Immortal Smile of Sociopathy.

Yea, you let him spread tax base. Thus Mark, you are banned. See you at H&R Block.

Strife, strife, and more strife.


Your halo is mine and your forty minutes of divinity are up. I win.

I win. Because I'm not purple. I mean purple undead. Really.

Falsehoods spoken by the aztec skeleton thingie that ate food from the radioactive Jenny Craig food plan. That's not a win.

And since I pointed this out, I win.

Calas Dermain is banned for being a member of the Samurai Seven.

I will have my layer of the Abyss and I will eat it too.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
- Vallashan, Prince of Discord wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad, If I may, what are the four cornerstones of a good lawful civilization? I want to know so i can spread more chaos.

The three cornerstones of a LG civilization are: fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency... and an almost fanatical devotion to Chaos!!! No wait... um, heresy by thought, heresy by word, heresy by deed, and heresy by action. Four counts! No, that's not quite right...

I think I'm picking up weird voices again from that steel plate in my knee, or maybe the china teacup in my stomach.

Bah! I knew the numbers would confuse you, but thanks for the information. Viral method of transmission here I come.

And Ambrosia, you should watch what you eat. I do mean "watch" as is eyeball, not the timepiece. Well, maybe you should eat Swiss.

Ambrosia Slaad, If I may, what are the four cornerstones of a good lawful civilization? I want to know so i can spread more chaos.

"Now that we are here, I here by call this council of Lords and Queens into session."

"Lady Decca, are you listening. Planning horrific mischief before this important meeting."