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I have to say that this arcana could be a bigger damage increase than any other arcana thats already on the playtest version. (Maybe add in a tiny penality like -1 to hit or concentration, so it doesn´t become a non-choice and every damage oriented Magus will take it.?
You mean there are magi that are not damage oriented? Thing is everyone assumes that the Magus must spend 100 percent of his time up face in melee, whereas I see a hybrid of options including a ranged blaster, battlefield control and buffing, options that will a magus can alternate between.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Supernatural Spell (Su): Once per day, the Magus can declare that a spell he is casting is a supernatural spell. This converts the spell into a supernatural ability. Casting the spell does not provoke attacks of opportunity, does not require concentration checks, does not have any components, and is not subjected to spell resistance. The Save DC of the supernatural spell is 10 + 1/2 the magus's level + the magus's Intelligence modifier.

LoreKeeper |

This list got a bit long, but here's some of the magus arcana I was thinking of. My favorite is "Arcane Endurance".
Arcane Resonance
A magus with this magus arcana may sacrifice one of his prepared magus spells as a swift action, the magus and allies within 30 ft gain a +1 competence bonus to attack for a number of rounds equal to the spell level of the sacrificed spell
Greater Arcane Resonance
When using Arcane Resonance, the magus and allies within 30 ft additionally gain a +1 competence bonus to damage for a number of rounds equal to the spell level of the sacrificed spell. Requires Arcane Resonance
Protective Arcane Resonance
When using Arcane Resonance, the magus and allies within 30 ft additionally gain a +1 shield bonus to AC for a number of rounds equal to the spell level of the sacrificed spell. Requires Arcane Resonance
Arcane Endurance
Magus arcana that grant a single use a day, such as Quickened Magic and Critical Strike, may be used one additional time a day. This magus arcana may be taken more than once
Elemental Shield
A magus with this magus arcana may sacrifice one of his prepared magus spells as a swift action to gain a +5 energy resistance bonus to either fire, cold, electricity or acid (chosen each time when the ability is used) for a number of rounds equal to the spell level of the sacrificed spell
Greater Elemental Shield
When using the Elemental Shield magus arcana, the magus instead gains energy immunity for the selected energy type for a number of rounds equal to the spell level of the sacrificed spell. The magus must be at least 12th level before selecting this magus arcana, requires Elemental Shield magus arcana
Projected Arcana
A magus who selects the magus arcana gains Arcane Blast as a bonus feat. The magus must be at least 6th level before selecting this magus arcana
Warrior Arcana
A magus with this magus arcana may cast magus spells with a casting time of a standard action as a move action instead, though the mental exertion to do this prevents him from casting more than one spell a round when using this magus arcana. The magus must be at least 9th level before selecting this magus arcana
Spell Hunter Arcana
When an enemy provokes an attack of opportunity due to casting a spell (or from the Magus Counterstrike ability), the magus adds +2 to his attack and automatically confirms critical threats. The magus must be at least 6th level before selecting this magus arcana
Studied Magus
A magus may add one spell from the wizard/sorceror spell list to his magus spell list. The spell level of this spell is one higher than it is on the wizard/sorceror spell list. The magus must be at least 9th level before selecting this magus arcana
Enlightened Arcana
Magus and monk levels stack partially for certain abilities. Monk levels stack with magus levels for detemining the caster level of magus spells cast by the magus. Magus levels stack with monk levels for determining the unarmed damage and monk bonus AC progression
Raging Magus
Magus and barbarian levels stack partially for certain abilities. Barbarian levels stack with magus levels for determining the caster level of magus spells cast by the magus. Magus levels stack with barbarian levels for determining the number of rage rounds the barbarian has a day. The magus may cast spells while raging
Holy Magus
Magus and paladin levels stack partially for certain abilities. Paladin levels stack with magus levels for determining the caster level of magus spells cast by the magus. Magus levels stack with paladin levels for determining the number of uses and effect of the paladin's smite evil ability
Reliable Arcana
A magus with this magus arcana may reroll his arcane spell failure chance once a day. He must abide by the result of the second roll
Overwhelming Arcana
A magus with this magus arcana may sacrifice one of his prepared magus spells as a swift action, if he does the DC of his spells increases by +1 for a number of rounds equal to the spell level of the sacrificed spell
Lore Magus
A magus with this magus arcana considers every knowledge skill a class skill
Drunken Magus
A magus with this magus arcana may drink a potion, or a tankard of ale or similar quantity of alcohol as a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The magus gains a +2 morale bonus to caster level for a number of rounds equal to his magus level, and may increase the duration by 1 round by drinking another tankard of alcohol. After the duration the magus is nauseated for 1 minute

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I don't think Arcane Endurance is a good idea.
I think its better to modify the underlying Arcana to have more then one use per day. Once per day is fairly weak, 3 times a day like rods would probably be better possibly as high as 4 or 5 times a day for Silent and Still spell. Possibly make them 1 day per 6 levels as a Magus.
Elemental Shield and Greater Elemental Shield suffer from the do I really want to sacrifice a spell and get such a weak benefit and give up my swift action for the round?
The biggest complaint I have about the Sacrifice a spell Arcana is they don't pass the is it worth it to give up one of my spells for the effect.
Arcane Efficency is probably the best of the lot, but would I really give up True Strike for a +1 to hit til the end of the turn or give up Form of the Dragon I for a +6 to hit until the end of the turn?
Hastened Assault is a cool concept that I like, but am I really going to burn my haste for 3 rounds of self only haste buff? When I can combat cast it and get my entire party and 7 rounds of haste?

LoreKeeper |

do I really want to sacrifice a spell and get such a weak benefit and give up my swift action for the round?
would I really give up True Strike for a +1 to hit til the end of the turn or give up Form of the Dragon I for a +6 to hit until the end of the turn?
am I really going to burn my haste for 3 rounds of self only haste buff? When I can combat cast it and get my entire party and 7 rounds of haste?
You might not, but your character might. :)
The game is about options; sometimes sacrificing form of the dragon for +6 to hit on your next 4 attacks *is* the right idea.
Sometimes spending a round turning into a dragon instead of dishing out that extra 100 points of damage is the difference between TPK and a celebration back at the inn.

Rageling |

...Arcane Resonance
A magus with this magus arcana may sacrifice one of his prepared magus spells as a swift action, the magus and allies within 30 ft gain a +1 competence bonus to attack for a number of rounds equal to the spell level of the sacrificed spell...
I like this, but suggest a revision.
Might it be more interesting if you limit the friendly targets to one per two Magus levels, and limit the bonus to one round, but let the bonus equal the lost spell's level?I think that would be a friggin awesome party and self buff.
An 8th level Magus would spend a swift action, drop a 3rd level spell...
Up to 4 allies (this may or may not include the Magus), get a +3 to attack rolls for one round. This could result in a bigger instant bonus (up to +6 really), and though it only lasts for one round, it can offset or enhance Spell Combat's penalty and help your Barbarian friend's Power Attack and/or your Summoner's Eidolon.
Just an idea. :)
Maybe the +Damage one could be similar

Quandary |

Thinking over how the Magus works, with issues of MAD brought up many times,
I think about some of the Touch/Ranged Touch attack spells that seem to be a focus of the class is some ways, and that many people complain that it doesn`t have enough of yet, or is missing certain spells from key classes.
But what if they weren`t spells, but Su abilities? Remove such spells from the spell list (allowing it to be used for other things, which helps with `durability` which seems to be a complaint) and instead have similar effect Su abilities. Such Su abilities can also be designed to scale well (1/2 Class + INT for DC, always level-relevant rather than using lower spell levels, even if INT lags a full Wizard) as well as having level-appropriate special effects that standard spells may not... They can also synergize with the greater BAB of the Magus vs. Wizards, or even with Spell Combat, allowing Spellcasting + An attack with Su ability, for example.
Maybe additional Arcana can enhance/specialize/broaden the base abilities, essentially like Alchemist Bomb Discoveries... Or even grant new Su abilities completely distinct from the standard ones. Not all these have to be attack abilities (I`d rather not) or even direct defense, but can be situational and perception enhancing, for example...

xorial |

Being a Dragon Age: Origins/Awakenings player on the PC, I have a little trick from the Arcane Warrior specialization. Start the class off with an ability called Combat Magic. It allows the Int score to be substituted for Str for use with combat abilities. This would be for To Hit & Damage. It is not using Int for smarter use, but using the ambient magic of the class instead of muscle power. This would cut down on the MADS a little bit.
On other threads, and a little bit on this one, too many people are just bashing the class. This is very unfortunate, because that means you are not playtesting the class, but moaning & complaining about it instead. Jason will not pay much attention to that, because if you don't playtest, you are talking out your [deleted for bad manners in my thoughts]. It's like being an armchair quarterback. You can second guess all you want, but you ain't on the team & haven't made any decisions under fire. If you actually playtest, then you are getting to at least be a member of the practice squad. That rant aside, please give Jason some help instead of complaints.
I see the intention of Spellstrike & Spell Combat. It is supposed to provide a fighting style to the class. I imagine Jason envisions him wielding spell & blade together in the same combat round. I like this. Very Jedi like in theory. The delivery just needs to be tweaked. I would lower the penalties first off. As is, Spell Combat is useless at low levels. I would allow this class to use Int for combat purposes (need to prevent dipping on that somehow). Allow for improvement of Spell Strike over the levels (5th level use ranged touch, 10th use any spell but only hits one target, 15th level multi-strike - affects every attack that round). Allow Fighter training to use BAB (for the Magus class only) as effective fighter level. Make sure the class gets flavorful spells when the final list comes out. Maybe even get something like the 2nd level spell Dimension Hop from 3.5e.

Torinath |

I like the idea of Arcane Accuracy and Spell Shield, but they seem somewhat underwhelming.
I was toying with the idea of having the bonus equal to the Magus' INT modifier and the duration being the level of the spell sacrificed. No offense but a +6 AC as an immediate reaction seems very weak when you consider you are sacrificing a 6th level spell. Not to mention the effective use of the ability requires a bit of metagaming on the part of the player to make that split second decision to burn the spell.
On the other hand, getting a solid, yet a temporary bonus for a small duration is far more appealing. Not to mention it would give Magus' an incentive to become more than just Beefy Wizard school drop outs. (i.e. having an int score higher than 16)
This would make a higher int more desirable aside from having more spells to sacrifice to their blade.

Kibeth |

Kibeth wrote:I think the Bonus feat thing needs to be rolled into magus arcana, and the levels you get magus arcana should be adjusted accordingly. That would be good for versatility and personal flavor and customization for each magus. I think the Broad Study Magus Arcana needs to add a line that lets you add touch spells from other arcane spell caster lists to your own list so that way it is actually useful for a non-multiclass magus.It's clearly not intended to be used by a single-classed magus. Dipping into other classes spell lists seems to be a bit too much for an arcana... Possibly limiting it to ONE (or X equal to Int modifer) chosen spell(s) from an arcane list ( or just the sorcerer/wizard list) might be better with the option of taking the arcana more than once.
Come to think of it I think the Broad Study arcana should simply allow the choice of ONE spell taken from the full Sorcerer/Wizard list and that's that.
That's why I had originally said touch spells, however I agree. One spell would be alright, but then I'd want it to be repeatable :(.

Haskul |

I've seen a few people comment about the number of Concentration checks that they need to make during combat. Why not give the Magus a concentration "AC." Cut down on the amount of unnecessary rolls being made. When an opponent rolls to make an attack of opportunity they roll against the Magus's concentration AC instead of their base AC.

nighttree |

I think I would prefer to see fewer Arcana that rely on burning up spell slots.
In some cases it makes sense, Arcane accuracy, Spell shield, etc....
But I would like to see more Arcana that function more along the lines of Domain, School, and Bloodline abilities (either Int mod +3 times per day, or rounds equal to level).
Also many of the existing Arcana only allow for an affect one time per day....I can't see myself ever choosing an Arcana thats only usable one time per day.

xorial |

I think I would prefer to see fewer Arcana that rely on burning up spell slots.
In some cases it makes sense, Arcane accuracy, Spell shield, etc....
But I would like to see more Arcana that function more along the lines of Domain, School, and Bloodline abilities (either Int mod +3 times per day, or rounds equal to level).Also many of the existing Arcana only allow for an affect one time per day....I can't see myself ever choosing an Arcana thats only usable one time per day.
These rely on the Magus having Arcane Strike, which I really think should be a free feat at 1st level.
ARCANE DEFENSE (Ex): You draw upon your arcane power to enhance your weapons as well as your defense with magical energy.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane spells, Arcane Strike.
Benefit: Now when you activate your Arcane Strike ability the bonus applies to your AC as a Deflection Bonus. This bonus is considered a force based.
IMPROVED ARCANE STRIKE (Ex): A greater understanding of magic allows you to activate Arcane Strike faster.
Prerequisite: Arcane Strike, 6th level spellcaster.
Benefit: Arcane Strike is now a free action.
Normal: Arcane Strike requires a swift action.
Yes they are formated as a feat because that was my original idea for it, but this would make it Magus only.
This one is for Nighttree.
Arcane Trip (Ex): A magus can use the mage hand spell to make a trip attack. The magus substitutes his Int bonus for Str when calculating CMA. This use of mage hand reduces the range to 5ft/2 levels, minimum of 5ft. The magus needs to know mage hand to use this arcana. The magus is limited to using this arcana to Int mod +3 times per day.

Blave |

Not exactly a new Arcana, but as an added effect I would like Maneuver Mastery to allow us using our class level instead of our BAB to qualify for feats based on the selected combat maneuver. This way, a Magus could access feats like Greater Trip and Tripping Strike a bit earlier, improving his overall usefulness and give him something to do when he's ot of spells.

Fraust |

Only thing I've come up with that hasn't been repeated by every other poster here is the following:
Battlefield Adaptation
You may transfer some of the energy from a magical weapon into your spells, increasing their effectiveness. An enhancement bonus on a weapon you currently hold may be used as an enhancement bonus to the DC of one spell per round. The weapon loses it's bonus until the end of your next action.
Obviously, the wording needs to be tightened, but I think the premise is understandable. This could possibly be something you could only do while using spellstrike (least I think it's spellstrike...the one where you cast and attack)

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Not exactly a new Arcana, but as an added effect I would like Maneuver Mastery to allow us using our class level instead of our BAB to qualify for feats based on the selected combat maneuver. This way, a Magus could access feats like Greater Trip and Tripping Strike a bit earlier, improving his overall usefulness and give him something to do when he's ot of spells.
I think this should be a class feature that Magi get at 1st level!
Arcane Might (Ex): The magus may use his caster level in place of his Base Attack Bonus to qualify for feats.

Blave |

I was thinking about this as a new Arcana but now I think it might even be better as a free level 1 class ability:
Physical Focus: Allows the Magus to use either his strength or his dexterity modifier (player's choice, made only once when the Arcana is learned) instead of his intelligence modifier for concentration checks.

Research |

One new option, and some ideas on fixing some of the current ones:
Combat Concentration
Grants the magus Combat Casting as a bonus feat.
This is an analogue of the rogue talent "Finesse Rogue". It would delay effective spell combat by one level in exchange for a significant reduction in the feat taxes upon a level 1 magus, opening Arcane strike to all magi at level 1, rather than only to human magi.
Suggested modifications to current arcana:
Arcane Accuracy
The magus may sacrifice a spell as a free action to gain its intelligence modifier as a bonus to attack rolls for rounds equal to the level of the spell sacrificed. Attacks made while this effect is active are considered magical. Sacrificing cantrips in this way has no effect.
Spell Shield
The magus may sacrifice a spell as a immediate, free action to grant himself a shield bonus to AC equal to his intelligence modifier for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell sacrificed. Sacrificing cantrips in this way has no effect.
These changes to Arcane Accuracy and spell shield allow them to perform their function without severely draining low level magi. They also give higher level magi a use for their lower level spells. Chaining the bonus to intelligence modifier alleviates the multi-ability-score dependancy of the class slightly by focusing on intelligence and making extremely high strength scores less necessary. Free action use also allows these abilities to see use in conjunction with arcane strike, where they otherwise would become a "One or the other" problem.
The magus automatically rerolls all failed concentration checks. A magus must be at least level 12 to select this arcana.
Concentrate does not alleviate the early level concentration problem at all with a single use per day. I think it'd be much better as a slippery mind analogue at level 12.
Silent Magic, Still Magic, Quickened Magic, Maximized Magic, Empowered Magic
Increase the number of uses per day for these arcana to once per day plus an additional use per day for every three magus levels above the minimum level the arcana is available for selection.
These arcana are terrible currently because they can only be used once per session. In kingmaker that might work well, in games like council of thieves it would put the magus into a 15 minute adventuring day. With this modification, a level 20 magus can spontaneously still/silent 6 spells per day, empower 5 spells per day, Maximize 3 spells per day, and quicken 2 spells per day. These do not seem out of line power wise. (In fact... They seem like really good ways for the metamagic system to work in general.)

Blave |

I'd like to see some kind of arcane that allows us to channel area sells through Spell Strike. Like using Spell Combat to attack and cast Fireball in the same round, but instead of throwing the fireball, turn it into a cone that hits the target of the physical attacks and everything behind it.
The Magus would still need to be careful with his positioning and aiming, but a cone is much more manageable than a circular burst, especially in small places with little space.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

I'd like to see some kind of arcane that allows us to channel area sells through Spell Strike. Like using Spell Combat to attack and cast Fireball in the same round, but instead of throwing the fireball, turn it into a cone that hits the target of the physical attacks and everything behind it.
The Magus would still need to be careful with his positioning and aiming, but a cone is much more manageable than a circular burst, especially in small places with little space.
Spellstrike Blast (Su): The magus can channel an area effect spell through his melee weapon. This converts the area of effect into a cone with its apex centered on the creature the magus hit. If the original area of effect is a circle or sphere, when it is converted into a cone, the length of a side of the cone is equal to twice the radius of the circle or sphere.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Spell of the Grand Magus: The magus chooses one 7th level spell from the sorcerer/wizard list. He can cast that spell once per day. The magus must be at least 16th level and have an Intelligence score of at least 17 to select this Magus Arcana.
Improved Spell of the Grand Magus: The magus chooses one 7th or 8th level spell from the sorcerer/wizard list. He can cast that spell once per day. The magus must be at least 18th level, have an Intelligence score of at least 18, and the Spell of the Grand Magus to select this Magus Arcana.
Greater Spell of the Grand Magus: The magus chooses one 7th, 8th, or 9th level spell from the sorcerer/wizard list. He can cast that spell once per day. The magus must be at least 20th level, have an Intelligence score of at least 19, and the Spell of the Grand Magus and the Improved Spell of the Grand Magus to select this Magus Arcana.

Abraham spalding |

Phasics wrote:For Spell Combat just like Flurry
BAB = Magus level -2 when using spell combat
+1 I like where this idea is going. Not sure if it would be too powerful though...
Works for the monk.
Besides you are getting exactly one more attack than you normally would, and it doesn't get you better feats earlier. Considering that you are using the weapon one handed you aren't getting the nice damage you could with a two handed weapon (or possibly two weapon fighting) and the fact you have to be in melee means you can't just stand back and deliever death with a bow.

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2 ideas:
1) Brilliant Arcana: The magus may sacrifice a spell as a swift action to grant all their attacks the ability to bypass armor for 1 round.
2) Reserved Might: A magus may add an enhancement bonus to their attacks equal to the highest level of spell they can cast. This bonus cannot exceed +5. (ie, get a bonus because you haven't burned all your spells, and a better one for not burning off your high levels). This is what I would prefer instead of Arcane Weapon.
Personally, rather than see Arcana that require the magus to sacrifice their spells, I would prefer arcana that reward them for NOT casting, similar to the Reserve Feats from 3.5 .

Kibeth |

I apologize for posting this repeatedly in various threads. However, this link contains some pretty cool magus arcanas ideas if anyone is interested in giving feedback. The Magus Remake.

Phil. L |

Haven't really read all the other posts, though there are some great ideas out there.
Here's some of mine (some of these might already exist):
Arcane Carapace (Su): Once per day, the magus can create a shield of pure force that attaches to his free hand as if he were wearing a ring of force shield, granting him a +2 shield bonus to AC. This ability lasts a number of rounds equal to 3 + the magus's Intelligence modifier and does not intefere with spellcasting or the ability to deliver touch spells with that hand.
Arcane Freedom (Su): Once per day, the magus can cast any magus spell without losing the spell in question. He can also use this ability to power one of his magus arcana abilities without losing the prepared spell. The magus must be at least 12th level before he can select this magus arcana.
Arcane Juggernaut (Ex): A magus with this magus arcana gains an enhancement bonus on all saving throws equal to the enhancement bonus of his armor. A magus must be at least 9th level before selecting this magus arcana.
Arcane Sprint (Su): A magus with this magus arcana can sacrifice a magus spell as a swift action to gain a +5 enhancement bonus to his movement rate per level of the spell sacrificed.(this one or something like it has definitely been stated before).
Arcane Storage (Su): A magus with this magus arcana can store a single magus spell of 3rd level or lower in his bonded weapon. The spell remains stored within the weapon until it is used. The magus can use the bonded weapon to cast the spell normally or can use the stored spell to power one of his magus arcana abilities. The magus must be at least 9th level before selecting this magus arcana.
Dazing Spell Strike (Ex): Whenever a creature is affected by a touch spell delivered through the magus's spell strike class feature, the creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the magus's class level + the magus's Intelligence modifier) or be dazed for 1 round. The magus must be at least 12th level before selecting this power.
Greater Arcane Storage (Su): This works like arcane storage but the magus can store a single magus spell up to 6th level in his bonded weapon. The magus must be at least 16th level before selecting this magus arcana.
Intensified Magic (Su): A magus with this magus arcana can cast one magus spell per day as if it were modified by the Intensify Spell feat. Ths does not increase the casting time of the spell. The magus must be at least 6th level before he can gain this magus arcana.
Intimidating Arcana (Ex): Whenever a creature is affected by one of the magus's spells (such as from a failed saving throw) he can make a free Intimidate check against the foe to demoralize him. If he succeeds the foe is shaken for 1 round per level of the spell used to begin the Intimidate check. The magus uses his Intelligence modifier instead of his Charisma modifier when making this Intimidate check. This ability cannot be used with the Intimidating Prowess feat.
Pierce Magical Barrier (Su): A magus who selects this magus arcana can sacrifice a magus spell as a swift action to destroy a single magical barrier of lower or equal level to the spell sacrificed after making a successful attack roll against the barrier in question. A magical barrier for the purposes of this ability is any abjuration, conjuration or evocation (force) spell that protects a target from harm by providing an AC bonus or cover from attacks. The magus must be at least 9th level before selecting this magus arcana
Sickening Spell Strike (Ex): Whenever a creature is affected by a touch spell delivered through the magus's spell strike class feature, the creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the magus's class level + the magus's Intelligence modifier) or be sickened for 1 round. The magus must be at least 6th level before slecting this power.
Staggering Spell Strike (Ex): Whenever a creature is affected by the touch spell delivered through the magus's spell strike class feature, the creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the magus's class level + the magus's Intelligence modifier) or be staggered for 1 round. The magus must be at least 9th level before selecting this magus arcana.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

2 ideas:
Personally, rather than see Arcana that require the magus to sacrifice their spells, I would prefer arcana that reward them for NOT casting, similar to the Reserve Feats from 3.5 .
Especially since the magi get so few spell slots. I think the Magus Arcana should include a combo of swift action/1 round buffs (hopefully activated from a pool of arcane points and not spell slots) and reserve feat-like abilities.
That would make for some really fun resource management challenges.

Me'mori |

Consider me in agreement with that..
After all, we have a class that utilizes magic internally effect-wise (Monk)
Why not have a class that is utilizes magic internally from external sources by playing with the inherent properties of the spells they contain?
(Reserve spell/feat endorsement) It would need a catchy name, though.

Matrixryu |

Here's some that would resolve some of the complaints about Spellstrike:
Rapid Spellstrike
A magus with this magus arcana can use spellstrike more rapidly. When casting a touch spell he may channel the spell into his weapon and attack with it as a free action.
Versatile Spellstrike
A magus with this magus arcana need not worry about piercing an enemy's armor when using spellstrike. When attempting to deliver a spell through a weapon if he misses an enemy's AC but would have hit the enemy's touch AC the magus may discharge the spell normally without applying his weapon damage.
The first one is a little powerful, so maybe if you implemented those Arcana points that people are talking about you could make it so that using 'Rapid Spellstrike' uses one of the points? I personally think that Rapid Spellstrike should be built into Spellstrike in some way, but even having it as an arcana would be very helpful for the class.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Consider me in agreement with that..
After all, we have a class that utilizes magic internally effect-wise (Monk)
Why not have a class that is utilizes magic internally from external sources by playing with the inherent properties of the spells they contain?
(Reserve spell/feat endorsement) It would need a catchy name, though.
Arcane Potential? Arcane Reserve?

ruemere |
Magus Arcana Proposals
School Focus: Pick an Arcane School. Gain a single Arcane School power and a single spell from this school. Can be taken more than once, however initial choice of school cannot be changed.
Note: I am already using this for my playtest of necromantic (Command Undead) magus.
Mystic Recovery: Spend 15 minutes meditating to recover spell used within last hour. Can be used once per three class levels.

Azran |
Spell Drain (Su)
If a foe in a square adjacent to you fails a concentration check in order to cast an arcane spell you can make a concentration check against a dc equal to his total (the combat casting bonus applies). If you succeed you get the spell in a new temporary bonus spell slot. The spell and the spell slot disappear if used or after an hour.
Arcane Attraction(Su)
If someone starts to cast an arcane spell and a charge combat maneuver would be allowed you may move towards the caster with an immediate action. You can move up to an amount of feet equal to the DC of the triggering spell rounded up with a maximum of your speed. If you move more than 5 ft you can only take a single standard or move action (and a swift action) in the next round.
please excuse my bad english...

Synapse |

Spell Drain (Su)
If a foe in a square adjacent to you fails a concentration check in order to cast an arcane spell you can make a concentration check against a dc equal to his total (the combat casting bonus applies). If you succeed you get the spell in a new temporary bonus spell slot. The spell and the spell slot disappear if used or after an hour.
That's waaaaaaaaaay easy to use. Instead, restrict it some
1) It must be a spell you could normally cast, so it must be of a level you can cast and part of your list.2) The temporary spell slot lasts INTMOD rounds.
3) Combat casting does not apply.
4) You can only use it to cast that same spell.
5) Minimum level 10+
Even with all that stuff, it's still a "Free spell" that encourages you to use spell combat that round.

Research |

Spell Conversion
Pick 1 spell for of each level you may cast. You may spontaneously cast these spells by sacrificing slots of equal or higher level. Whenever you gain access to a new level of spells, you immediately choose a new spell of that level for spell conversion.
This arcana allows a magus to choose his primary combat spells and spontaneously cast them, freeing a his spell preparation to utility and buff spells which can supplement the wizard's utility spells.

Synapse |

@Synapse sounds good, I agree with you. I just threw in some ideas.
Maybe it would be more balanced if you had to burn the spell for some other magic arcana like hasted assault instantly instead of gaining a free spell at all.
It should be fine with both options, though I personally do not like any class feature that relies on burning spells for something other than casting the spells. I'd rather see stuff like the reserve feats and a separate source to burn features.

Kryzbyn |

I dunno if this has been suggested yet, but what about an arcana that allows the magus to burn HP for spell slots in an emergency? Like 2 hp per spell level, the cap being his spell cap, and it would only let him re-cast a spell he had previously prepared? For those situations where just 1 more magic missile might have made the difference...
The logic:
I figure if he's martial and arcane, mental focus as well as blood, sweat and tears should also be a part of his abilities...and as a resource to be used.
Call it Blood Arcana...once per day or once per day per 4 levels...
EDIT: And they don't get the HP back until they re-prepare spells like any other spell slots...via 8 hours of rest...meaning a cleric can't heal this "life burn"...he has to regen normally, whilst he studies.
EDIT 2: The reverse could also be true...Improved Blood Arcana lets him burn spell levels for HP, but at a 1 for 1...using the other as a pre-req. It'd be similar to wholeness of body, except all they'd ever get max is 6 hp per round...
EDIT 3: OMG...all as a part of spell combat instead of casting...

![]() |

I don't like arcana that burn spells. But if you need to do that, here's one that I think could work:
Maneuver Arcana: As a standard action, the magus may sacrifice a spell to make a combat maneuver. Both the spell's level and the magus's intelligence modifier are added as a bonus to this roll, and the maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If used in spell combat, this action may replace either the normal attack or the spell, with the appropriate penalty.
Also, I'd like to second everything that Research said.