![]() cnetarian wrote:
I like a lot of your ideas. Thank you for sharing. The only reason that I'm thinking of enslaving them is because our group has never done the enslaved party encounter. 15 years of playing lol. We've done liberating enslaved populations, but never actually played as characters that have been enslaved.Your 4th point is where I want to end up. I think I want them to really start hating their home nation and how oppressive and communist/social it is and join some kind of resistance where they effecting change through manipulations, war, espionage etc. Quote:
Yeah, I think you're on to something here. Throwing another race into the mix over complicates and takes away from what I'm trying to accomplish. I'm going to run straight Human I think. Orcs would be cool, but it would be in an entirely different geographic location of our homebrew world if I went that route, and I've already hand illustrated too many maps for this are. Currently this is sorta my outline:
2. Escape into the wilderness. Due to exposure concerns they steal from an apparently abandoned wagon that belongs to the Church military. 3. Imprisoned and tried in a court of law. Banished from their home barony, the court understands the necessity for survival, but can't condone their actions so they banish them from their home barony because that's where the "Spice" ala-Dune style flows from. 4. Get caught up with a smugglers ring that is really a resistance. 5. Find a prince. Not sure if this is going to be an actual Anastasia-esque "find a prince" or if they might just get charged to make one up. Maybe one of the PC's. It would be awesome if they did this on their own. 6. From here it's a series of Political adventures, utilizing espionage, manipulation, sabotage, and outright war. I can see this working. Thanks guys! ![]()
![]() Shrug. My group plays with this feat always in effect for all characters already. 5th edition had a few things right in our opinion, and we just ported those things we liked back to our pathfinder games, which we felt overall is a better system. Dex to dex based weapons, str to str based weapons. No feat tax. Static bonuses don't get multiplied on crits, only damage dice, precision dmg dice as well. Not always balanced maybe, but we prefer it. ![]()
![]() Okay, so I'm working on a new game for my group. Homebrew world, mountain/cold weather area. Jumping forward in time to about 17000-1800, zepplins and such. (I figure with magic involved, technology might advance faster.) There are 6 baronys (baronies?), lots of mining villages; coal, iron, gems and such. A crystal substance that is about 3x more efficient at lifting capabilities than Helium - not sure how I'm going to explain that one. This particuliar kingdom is very small, and extremely cutoff from other intelligent races ever since they won the war against the orcs 40 years prior to the start, so it's 99% human. Magic is almost non-existent in the area, with the exception of the divine. The area is going to controlled by baron's, empty kings throne, with the church really in control behind the scenes. I'm using abilities from the kinitcist class in Occult Adventures to make my PC's like the X-men. Basically, I was going to run this on the theory that magic is energy, and wizards, mages, sorcerers, etal, ground out excess energy, and without casters regularly siphoning off magic, it's starting to just 'strike' randomly. So, that's the basic premise of the area. A few things that I was thinking -
Just need some more ideas, flush out a better outline for the game. Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated! ![]()
![]() I'm a fan of Warrior of the Holy Light archtype if you aren't interested in spell casting. Allows you to sorta bard for the party in combat, also has some nice benefits at higher levels. I prefer 3 Musketmaster Gunslinger/ X Warrior of the Holy Light, The oath that gives more smites, divine hunter Paladin. Poor D12 is so lonely. In the game I ran this build, i was pretty much the only healer in the group, and extra lay on hands came in handy for pinches when I needed to heal at range with distant mercy in emergencies. ![]()
![]() Right. I totally understand what you guys are saying, what I'm saying is what does "prove yourselves" actually entail? Did she actually swear to baba yaga "I won't help anyone until they kill An as yet unamed centaur that is going to invade"? I don't think so, and from that i think that killing the centaur is not the way to prove themselves, that's specifically what the mantle of the black rider is supposed to be for. I really just feel like all of the interactions within this module are completely wonky and not very well thought out. I like the encounters, the theme, the NPC's and overall goals and challenges placed in front of the PC's, it's the background, reasoning and motivations that i don't like. ![]()
![]() I really have to say, I feel like the ball was dropped, and possibly rolled over a few state lines in the process, on this one. It's pretty much a giant dungeon crawl with several wierd encounters. It is interesting to me that the entire dungeon they are talking to this warden, possibly resulting in friendly communications, and then they get attacked on multiple occasions as soon as she leaves. If I was a player in this dungeon, pretty sure I'd take a "kill first, ask questions later" stance about twenty steps into the dungeon. This dungeon would make tons more sense if the warden had lost to the coven, her power usurped, and the guardians of the dungeon turned to the covens will, with the warden, being connected to it inherently, using her abilities from her prison to communicate to the players through a series of triggered programmed images that activate when one of the riders enters certain locations. Just my thoughts. ![]()
![]() Dash Jones wrote:
Nothing says they have to use a completely cannon earth. In fact, most fantasy fiction that utilizes earth has something about it that violates the history, science, or facts of earth in some way shape or form. That is whhy it's fiction instead of non-fiction. ![]()
![]() Purchased it. Spent 3 hours inputting data. Went back to print it the next morning and all the fields were missing. Saw the fix on here, (clicking the fields again) but still, now I have to remember which fields have data? On one hand I really don't feel like this product was at the "sell" stage. On the other I can see needing a group of people finding the bugs to make it better. Overall I like the idea, but I don't like not having any functionality to remove fields. And I don't like having to bring fields back. I believe this PDF has promise, but could use some more work for sure. ![]()
![]() Where is the next daughter to be put on the throne? Do these daughters already reside in Irrisen, and no one knows who they really are? Or does Baba Yaga keep giving birth to bebbies while she's away for 100 years and bring one back with her?
![]() Recently I've been thinking about changing the way my gaming table handles this, to try and cut down on some of the extraneous rolls that happen at the table and make things a little smoother.
Thanks! ~Haskul ![]()
![]() One of my favorite characters I've seen on the boards here is Ravingdork's "Robilar Smithe," who is an alchemist that uses guns. You might find some inspiration there.
![]() Pendagast wrote:
So when Aaragorn sent an army of undead at his enemies in "Return of the King" his alignment automatically shifted to evil? K. ![]()
![]() So I have this character idea for a campaign that I'm going to be joining soon. The characters are around 8th or 9th level so I'm considering a level 9 character.
I want to play the lead singer of the band "The Metatrons." He also happens to be the only living member of the band. He's an Aasimar Oracle of Life with the Haunted curse. I'd like to find a way to get the Bard's Inspire Courage ability- I've got a whole list of songs I plan on using for my bardic music, like Depeche Mode's "Personal Jesus," Philip Philip's "Home" etc etc. I was hoping to find a Revelation that allowed me to Inspire Courage as per the Bard ability (The DM is pretty lenient towards allowing things for themed characters) Failing that I was thinking of taking 1 level in bard just to pick it up. I want the Positive Elemental revelation to use for his "concert" signature move, where at the end he bursts into a white burning positive elemental. I plan on using a Greataxe (and playing the guitar for my instrument) for my weapon and wearing full plate, or the best medium armor if I don't have the feats for the armor proficiency. So here's what I've got so far in a nutshell:
I'm open to suggestions for character portraits, songs, ideas on making the build better/achieving what I want in a more optimized fasion or any other thoughts people have on the build. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Ender730 wrote:
Disagree. That's why skill points and feats like skill focus exist. You can have a 3 charaisma and still be plenty scary if you put skill points and feats into it. ![]()
![]() Ravingdork wrote:
Oh i wouldn't ever do that. That would require talent and time which i just don't have. I was just trying to come off overly dramatic and comedic about Helgur. I guess that doesn't translate well in text. ;) ![]()
![]() Yeah... I never thought oh, Helgur needs to be level 20 because I thought Hama was that awesome. I think Helgur should be level 20 because I like Helgur! I'd level her up myself but i'd just feel dirty doing that, much better to have RD do it... Then print it off and frame it... Use it for musing and such....write some fan fiction... Torture a party of PC's with a level 20 sorcress and an army of level 10 simulacrums bombarding them from Helch Barad. ![]()
![]() So I'm working on an adventure/campaign set in Land of the Linorm Kings, for my first adventure arc I wanted to have some raiders from another village raid the PC's hamlet and kidnap some of the people. I'm drawing a blank on how to make the raiders able to pick up folk and get away from the PC's. I'm sorta think some 1st or 2nd level warriors, maybe 6 or so that do subdual damage? or grapple? Not sure what I should do, do they use a wagon or horses? What do you guys think? I need like 2-3 people to get kidnapped, I want the PC's to have to negotiate for the return of thier people, or plan their own raid or maybe even go to another village and recruit help. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Vicon wrote: (Joke) On Ustalavians being hard-bitten: "So an Elf from Meiriani Wood, a Halfling from the River-Kingdoms, and a warrior from Ustalav have all been captured by orcs while traveling beyond the Lastwall. The orcs tell them that for their trespass on the ancestral lands of the orcs, they are to be bound to a rack in the morning, and their skin will be flayed from them to make an orcish war-canoe. However, as the orcs are not wholly uncivilized, they would allow a final request to each of them. The elf says: "Give to me some poison." and he drinks it, so that he might not be skinned while alive. The Halfling asks for a rope, so that he may hang himself and he too, will not be skinned while he yet lives. The Ustalavian thinks for a moment, and asks for a fork. The orcs are befuddled by this, but comply to his odd request -- with which he begins stabbing himself all over and shouting "Good luck with your Canoe!!" This one seriously cracked me up, thank you.