Dean Roy |

MendedWall12 |

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Combat Manager Update to 1.0.5:
Thanks Kyle!
I use combatmanager every week. I don't use the in-game combat features, but as a GM I use the searchable stat blocks, and especially use the ability to advance those stats just in time for my weekly game.The result of having this tool is having amazing adventures with interesting monsters/NPCs that precisely match my intended challenge ratings. I haven't updated since about August, so I'm looking forward to the updates/enhancements you've made. Great job!
-Pax Veritas

Dustywood |

Hey Kyle this is a great application that I really appreciate you making, Sadly my first post should be to Report that the NPC from several adventure paths have gone missing from the monster section including those from Skull & Shackles, Rise of the Runelords: anniversary edition, Jade regent from what I have checked so far.
I have been able to solve the problem by copying over the NPCShort file from an older installation. Just wanted to let you know.

Kyle Olson |

Hello, I, too, noticed the missing NPC's from the Adventure Paths. I also noticed that when I add a spell, like Reduce Person or Cat's Grace, to a character, it no longer affects their AC, DEX, Reflex, etc. I haven't tested other spells yet, but these I know used to work with version 1.4.3.
Argh. I didn't think of this, I'll see what I can do about it.
EDIT: The more I think, the worse this is than I first thought, I suspect I broke a few other pieces when I updated the spells. I'll probably have to put out an update soonish for this.

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Hey Kyle this is a great application that I really appreciate you making, Sadly my first post should be to Report that the NPC from several adventure paths have gone missing from the monster section including those from Skull & Shackles, Rise of the Runelords: anniversary edition, Jade regent from what I have checked so far.
I have been able to solve the problem by copying over the NPCShort file from an older installation. Just wanted to let you know.
I'll have to hold off on updating I think. The AP stat blocks are pretty key for me.

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In trying to adapt to Google docs new requirement of not accepting .xls file types I've fubared the latest data upload to my DBs, which Kyle uses for the CombatManager.
The 1st 400 rows or so look good then data gets dropped.
I've just realized this and it is not Kyle's fault but mine.
I'll try to fix this tonight.

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In trying to adapt to Google docs new requirement of not accepting .xls file types I've fubared the latest data upload to my DBs, which Kyle uses for the CombatManager.
The 1st 400 rows or so look good then data gets dropped.
I've just realized this and it is not Kyle's fault but mine.I'll try to fix this tonight.
I believe I've got the data fixed on my end and it's ready for Kyle to re-import.
Sorry about this.

Kyle Olson |

I believe I've got the data fixed on my end and it's ready for Kyle to re-import.Sorry about this.
I want to note there's a problem with the sells that is not related to what chopswil is talking about. I didn't create a tool to copy all my annotations, which give spell bonuses or create random item tables, when I refreshed the spell data. That's something else that I need to fix, probably by going back to the old list of spells when I push out the new monster list.

Fischkopp |

Hi, I just searched this thread but I didn't find it, though I'm quite sure I read something about it...
How about transferring custom monsters from one installement to the other? Because I just realized, that the monster I'm looking for is still on my old harddrive... ;)
EDIT: Facepalm <_<°
I never used the menu... but now I know what it is for.
Oh, and Kyle: Great program. I use it all the time! Thank you so very much!

Ranaul |

Just got the iPad edition and I am going to try it out for the first time tomorrow but there are a couple issues that I am having.
How do I delete .cmpt files once I've saved them? I don't see a way from within the app, but I could very well be missing something.
Also, this may be something that you cant do with the ipad for one reason or another. Is there a way to get rid of that radial dial when changing numbers in certain fields? When I am editing monsters it is a huge pain to always scroll to the numbers I want. Why not just put a keyboard option?
And one request would be the ability to bookmark spells, just create a favorites list that I could quickly select from say the "All Classes" options.
Overall seems like a great app!

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Hi, is there a way to add a spell or effect to all the characters at once, instead of one at time? I see that I have the option to delete a spell/effect from all character. If not, that would be a good addition.
yes you can select them all (ctrl-A for exemple)or shift/ctrl click to select some of them and then, right-click ... add condition, roll for attack or whatever you need.

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One "simple" (I guess)addition that would help me is the possibility to have more than one group of monsters. That would help me to preprare in advance the different encounters my players will meet.
If you add the monsters for an encounter you can then save them with the save button above it. That will allow you to then load it up when needed.

Seventhprophet |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Quick question the the iPad app: is it possible to modify the character's stat block shown in the right panel? I can figure out how to add basic hit points and initiative on the player names, but it always shows the base humanoid character info on the right. Also, along the same train of though, is there a way to add custom monsters to the data base?

ElPapoFugitivo |

How do I delete .cmpt files once I've saved them? I don't see a way from within the app, but I could very well be missing something.
Also, this may be something that you cant do with the ipad for one reason or another. Is there a way to get rid of that radial dial when changing numbers in certain fields? When I am editing monsters it is a huge pain to always scroll to the numbers I want. Why not just put a keyboard option?!
I think there should be a little button with an a pair of green arrows. If you click that it replaces the radial number dials with a keypad.
I'd also be interested to know if there's a way to delete files. My 7 year old went a bit crazy making up monsters. It clutters things up a bit.
Great program. It's helping this newbie GM out tremendously.

ElPapoFugitivo |

Quick question the the iPad app: is it possible to modify the character's stat block shown in the right panel? I can figure out how to add basic hit points and initiative on the player names, but it always shows the base humanoid character info on the right. Also, along the same train of though, is there a way to add custom monsters to the data base?
If you're asking what I think you're asking, if you click on the red D20 next to the character and then hit Edit in the screen that pops up you can edit all sorts of options about the character.
I've yet to figure out the exact interaction of the various editable fields though. I feel like I'm constantly correcting the Perception bonus after adding skills and stats and abilities, etc.

Kyle Olson |

Kyle, do you plan to recompile combat manager pretty soon ? I miss the poison and disease :-)
Hopefully. I've had other things eating up my time. That said, I honestly don't know if getting poison and disease fixed will be a top priority because I believe they're not working because something else was broken.

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I just want to pipe in and say thanks for this great tool. I sold at least three copies of the iPad version for you by using it over the weekend at a mini-con. ;)
I do have one question, is there a quick way to apply conditions like stunned, sickened and the like to critter on the iPad version? I see that it goes to disabled when they hit zero HP, was wondering if the rest of them were in there.

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Bit late to the party but this is awesome. Thanks.
One thing though. I was adding in my party and I have an Oracle with the Blackened curse who has a -4 to hit with weapons (-4 for the curse, 0 BAB, 0 Strength Bonus). There's no direct way pf putting this in the records. I worked around it by setting his BAB at -4 (then gave a bonus to CMD and CMB to offset this). While it's not a big deal, an option to add a misc bonus or penalty to attacks would be nice.

eXaminator |

Hey Kyle,
I'm not sure what your plan is for CM in the near future, but since it seems that you're missing time to do big new features, I think it would be best / most important to get CM's data up to date and maybe find a way to keep it that way. Maybe some sort auf update script for monsters and NPCs from the d20pfsrd database, so we wouldn't rely on you to update the database.
In this regard, poisons and deseases would be a high priority too. I'm also still waiting for the swarm rules ;)
Anyway, still a very useful application, if there'll ever be an android version that might actually make me buy a tablet. :)

Kyle Olson |

Hey Kyle,
I'm not sure what your plan is for CM in the near future, but since it seems that you're missing time to do big new features, I think it would be best / most important to get CM's data up to date and maybe find a way to keep it that way. Maybe some sort auf update script for monsters and NPCs from the d20pfsrd database, so we wouldn't rely on you to update the database.
In this regard, poisons and deseases would be a high priority too. I'm also still waiting for the swarm rules ;)
Anyway, still a very useful application, if there'll ever be an android version that might actually make me buy a tablet. :)
I put together a data update yesterday and I'll test it on PC tonight. iPad version with data/minor fixes is out for review.

Kyle Olson |

In this regard, poisons and deseases would be a high priority too. I'm also still waiting for the swarm rules ;)
As for the poisons, there was a major issue with it on both platforms and I thought no one was using it. This shows that I know nothing about what people do with the program :P

eXaminator |

Well, I actually thought we're just talking aboutsome data entries in the rules tab or something. If you actually meanpoisons and diseasesas a separate feature I don't see it as to important either. :)
Like I said, at this point-with a rather solid base and the most important features well in place - I thinkquick and simple way to get data updates would be most important.

paperbone |
Just found this! It is great!
Couple of questions...
1st - is there a way to build an encounter on the pc, save the file to dropbox and then open that file on the ipad? I have both and I didn't see a way to navigate to open a file on the ipad version unless I'm just missing it.
2nd - I have someone in the party playing a psionic char...is psionic stuff in here somewhere? is it coming?
Thanks again for this...it is making the flow of the game so much easier. Everyone in the gaming group loves it and they are getting it too. Thanks again.

Kyle Olson |

1st - is there a way to build an encounter on the pc, save the file to dropbox and then open that file on the ipad? I have both and I didn't see a way to navigate to open a file on the ipad version unless I'm just missing it.
Someday I like to believe I would do Dropbox, haven't worked it out yet. You can drag and drop in the iTunes file sharing interface.
2nd - I have someone in the party playing a psionic char...is psionic stuff in here somewhere? is it coming?
I've made a decision to not do 3rd party stuff for consistency. If I ever did, this would probably be the first thing.

Kyle Olson |

There are MANY duplicate entries for spells, monsters, etc. Is there a way to modify the data files (to delete to duplicate entries) that come with the iPad version via iTunes?
There are many dup monsters? Hmm. I knew we would be back at the spells problem, but I thought monsters was better.
There was a duplicate data cleanup, but I had to roll some of it back because it caused other problems. I'm working on the problem.

KtokimusPrime |
Hey Kyle, thanks for the amazing program. I found it back in April when I was first learning to DM and it is a wonderful tool. Even when I didn't have use of a laptop I was able to print out the encounters I had made and saved so much time.
I do have a question though, is there any way for me to add a custom template? I didn't see anything obvious, but I also couldn't find the templates in the XML files, or a similar workaround.