Papa-DRB |

Sent and thanks!
-- david
Papa-DRB wrote:Kyle,
I have tried both of the .rpgrp sheets (csheet_InitiativeTool_1.1.rpgrp & csheet_InitTool_1.0.b23.rpgrp) and the 1.1 sheet is not recognized and the 1.0 sheet hangs Combat Manager. Is there another sheet that I should be looking at? I *really* like this application!!
Mail the rpgrp files to combatman@kyleolson.com and I'll take a look. Also send the originating PC Gen files.

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Downloaded CM the other night. I really like what I see. You've done great work.
I'd love to see somethings editable and if they are I am missing them. Movement and movement types for one for "custom" monsters that are not in the Bestiary 1 or 2.
The ability to customize or add weapons, the ability to add custom monsters and feats and save them.
Maybe things like this are planned or in the works.
Otherwise very nice job.
I give it 4 bloody axes out of 5

MendedWall12 |

Downloaded CM the other night. I really like what I see. You've done great work.
I'd love to see somethings editable and if they are I am missing them. Movement and movement types for one for "custom" monsters that are not in the Bestiary 1 or 2.
You can adjust movement, and create custom monsters. Movement is under the "stats" button on the "Base" tab. If you've imported a character then you won't be able to adjust the movement, but on anything you input yourself you can edit the "Speed" field however you want.
The ability to customize or add weapons, the ability to add custom monsters and feats and save them.
Custom monsters can be entered just by clicking the "Blank Monster" button at the top of the monster section of the combat tab. You can then click the "save" button and save that custom monster. There is also a monster advancer in the monsters tab, where you can add templates, etc. Both characters and monsters are save-able, you just need to find the appropriate "save" button in the combat tab.
Weapons can be edited under the "stats" button, on the "Attack" tab. Click "edit attacks" and Kyle has a really nice set of melee, ranged, and natural attack boxes.
I do not believe that, as yet, you can add custom feats, but iirc that was something Kyle was considering for a future update.

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delaneyalysa wrote:Downloaded CM the other night. I really like what I see. You've done great work.
I'd love to see somethings editable and if they are I am missing them. Movement and movement types for one for "custom" monsters that are not in the Bestiary 1 or 2.
You can adjust movement, and create custom monsters. Movement is under the "stats" button on the "Base" tab. If you've imported a character then you won't be able to adjust the movement, but on anything you input yourself you can edit the "Speed" field however you want.
delaneyalysa wrote:The ability to customize or add weapons, the ability to add custom monsters and feats and save them.Custom monsters can be entered just by clicking the "Blank Monster" button at the top of the monster section of the combat tab. You can then click the "save" button and save that custom monster. There is also a monster advancer in the monsters tab, where you can add templates, etc. Both characters and monsters are save-able, you just need to find the appropriate "save" button in the combat tab.
Weapons can be edited under the "stats" button, on the "Attack" tab. Click "edit attacks" and Kyle has a really nice set of melee, ranged, and natural attack boxes.
I do not believe that, as yet, you can add custom feats, but iirc that was something Kyle was considering for a future update.
What about the character race? I did not see that
Thanks for the post

Kyle Olson |

What about the character race? I did not see thatThanks for the post
Character Race is not editable right now. I haven't made up my mind how I want to handle this issue yet.
I'm looking at doing a more full character stats & properties editor screen in the nearish future and that would be a part of it.
Note that I'm not thinking in the near term about a feature that would have rules for classes. This is just something which would allow you to change all of the stored info, not just what you can see now.

Kyle Olson |

Combat Manager update to 1.2.5
Make custom condition UI easier to understand
Add augment summoning checkbox to advancer
Add between CR filter to monster view
Add extra options to condition context menu
Thrown weapons listed under melee weapons and ranged weapons in attacks editor
Dodge and Defelction bonuses adjust CMD
Fix PCGen perception import crash
Fix Herolab null stat imports and improve defensive abilities imports
Fix feat name issues
Fix feat removing crash
Fix CR Adjustments when decreasing to CR 1
Correct spell levels in a small number of spells

Sethvir |

Hey Kyle,
Great update as usual. I really like what you have done with the custom condition UI, much improved and much easier to work with! The Augment summoning is great too. Not that I will probably use the between on the monster list, very cool too!
Haven't looked at anything else yet, but each iteration just gets better and better. Each time I think you can't possibly make it cooler, you do.
Thanks again.

eXaminator |

Thanks for the update, Kyle! I have now run two games with this sucker, and MAN is my life so much easier! Combat cruises right along!
:::Eagerly awaits conditions modifying statblocks as the templates do for the beasties.:::
Some conditions already do that! And for those that don't do it already you can create your own versions (I created a rage condition for this purpose).

MendedWall12 |

Jeremiziah wrote:Some conditions already do that! And for those that don't do it already you can create your own versions (I created a rage condition for this purpose).Thanks for the update, Kyle! I have now run two games with this sucker, and MAN is my life so much easier! Combat cruises right along!
:::Eagerly awaits conditions modifying statblocks as the templates do for the beasties.:::
Does your rage condition adjust the HP along with the CON? I'm looking at doing this myself as I have two barbarians in one of my current groups and it seems like they rage constantly.
Thanks for the update Kyle, everything looks awesome as per usual.

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Jeremiziah wrote:Some conditions already do that! And for those that don't do it already you can create your own versions (I created a rage condition for this purpose).Thanks for the update, Kyle! I have now run two games with this sucker, and MAN is my life so much easier! Combat cruises right along!
:::Eagerly awaits conditions modifying statblocks as the templates do for the beasties.:::
Wait, really? When did that go in? Or do I just fail at understanding the changelog?
What conditions work? Any big ones that don't?

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I am not sure if this has been suggested because I haven't looked at all the messages in the thread, but it would be nice if you could get an additional window with the combat that only included the initiative order and whose turn it was, so that if you are using a computer as GM and have an additional monitor that the players can see, you can put that window there

Kyle Olson |

I am not sure if this has been suggested because I haven't looked at all the messages in the thread, but it would be nice if you could get an additional window with the combat that only included the initiative order and whose turn it was, so that if you are using a computer as GM and have an additional monitor that the players can see, you can put that window there
It's on my TODO list.

The 8th Dwarf |

A strange request came from one of my players - is it possible to have a report feature. So we can see who and what damage and conditions were added in the initiative order... The player likes to write up each session and is looking to make his description of the fights more accurate.
I am still thinking about how to add traps and haunts...
Maybe a basic template that you can add conditions to...
Oh and thank you for all your hard work.
If you are ever in Sydney I will buy you several beers.

Kyle Olson |

A strange request came from one of my players - is it possible to have a report feature. So we can see who and what damage and conditions were added in the initiative order... The player likes to write up each session and is looking to make his description of the fights more accurate.
I am still thinking about how to add traps and haunts...
Someone had suggested a log feature a while back and I'm still thinking about it. I've also been thinking about a way to make traps and haunts work.

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Perion wrote:I am not sure if this has been suggested because I haven't looked at all the messages in the thread, but it would be nice if you could get an additional window with the combat that only included the initiative order and whose turn it was, so that if you are using a computer as GM and have an additional monitor that the players can see, you can put that window thereIt's on my TODO list.
Nice. Just out of curiosity, is your program split up in a model and a view, or is it just one big lump of code :) If you need help implementing the feature, let me know, if the program is built using C#

eXaminator |

Does your rage condition adjust the HP along with the CON? I'm looking at doing this myself as I have two barbarians in one of my current groups and it seems like they rage constantly.
Actually I think it does, yes. But I'm at work now so I can't confirm this right now.
Wait, really? When did that go in? Or do I just fail at understanding the changelog?What conditions work? Any big ones that don't?
I'm not sure, I think it were basically those conditions that are connected to some spells (like Bulls Strength). They actually have a different icon.
The change was in 1.2.1: "Add bonuses for all basic conditions"

Sethvir |

I downloaded Herolab for building/testing a character with Combat Manager, but I´m unable to save it. Do I have to buy a retail version, or is there some other way to test how it works?
Nope. In demo mode for Hero Lab, saving and printing are the two things that you cannot do with the application.

Foghammer |

I have not had a chance to use this yet, but I've been playing with it and I could not possibly gush about this enough. This is the greatest tool I have seen since the printed rulebook and dice. I mean wow. I'm glad you do this for free, since I am dirt poor and trying to get through college, but I would totally pay money for this kind of program. I am just... wow. I love this.
Let me go rob a ban-... a dragon or something so I can give you a monies.

eXaminator |

I used it this weekend and through a Trapper at my group. I noticed that its Data is quite off at some points (a Trapper shouldn't have SR for example). I checked out Chopswils database since that usually is his work to do, but the entry in his DB seems to be correct. So I thought I just let you know!

Kyle Olson |

I used it this weekend and through a Trapper at my group. I noticed that its Data is quite off at some points (a Trapper shouldn't have SR for example). I checked out Chopswils database since that usually is his work to do, but the entry in his DB seems to be correct. So I thought I just let you know!
I'm shocked, shocked, to find out that some data is wrong!
Thanks for the info, I'll get this corrected.

MendedWall12 |

I want to DL the new version of this, but I am concerned that my party file will be erased on install. Any chance of that happening, or anything I should be aware of?
There's always a chance weird things can happen, but all your saved files should be intact when you update to the new version. Just to be sure, you should actively save the file using the "save" button before you upgrade.

Kyle Olson |

I want to DL the new version of this, but I am concerned that my party file will be erased on install. Any chance of that happening, or anything I should be aware of?
As long as you aren't saving your files in the CombatManager directory in program files there shouldn't be any chance of party files being erased. I keep all of my files on a Dropbox folder so I can use them from any machine.
It's always possible I could create a compatibility issue between versions which might give you problems loading a file, but I haven't seen that happen.

Kyle Olson |

Nah, they're going to my HeroLab folder. Cool, thanks!!
Kyle, sir - will you be at PCon? Because honestly, you shouldn't have to pay for a drink or burger (or whatever) the entire time, if you are.
I plan to be at Paizo Con, but you don't need to buy me a drink. I certain would love to meet some of you guys, though :)

Nemitri |

I shared this app with my friends, and they loved it a lot just as I did the first time I opened it!
Makes combat so streamlined and easy to manage!
Hit a button and BAM! no more paperwork for Initiative and/or HP!
I would give you a donation for this excellent app, but I'm poor as heck :S

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Tried to track down one of the crashes in 1.2.5, this seems to always crash CM:
1. open CM with a monster already in the Monsters area
2. clear the monster area
3. select a new monster on the combat screen
4. add to monster list
5. save monster party
6. clear monster list
7. Crash report
I have the "are you sure" option on on clear
Hope that helps.
One variant, after step 4, I linked 4 monsters. On step 6 the monster list didn't actually clear but switching to a different tab and back did.
Minor usability issue, if I have a monster in the monster party, the monster details don't change until I click on "stats". It would be better if the details changed when I simply clicked on the monster to select it.

Kyle Olson |

Tried to track down one of the crashes in 1.2.5, this seems to always crash CM:
1. open CM with a monster already in the Monsters area
2. clear the monster area
3. select a new monster on the combat screen
4. add to monster list
5. save monster party
6. clear monster list
7. Crash report
I haven't been able to reproduce this crash yet. Can you mail the files from the crash report to combatman@kyleolson.com, as well as the files under either "C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\CombatManager" in XP or "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager" in Vista/Win7?

Sethvir |

I just replicated the problem on my XP machine. Haven't tried on the Win 7 machine. I can try later tonight.
When you re-open the program, the monster you had saved was still there, and then you could delete it and it won't crash.
BTW, if you don't mind me asking, what program goodness are you working on now to amaze us with when you deliver the next release?
Thanks as always.

Kyle Olson |

I think I've tracked the source of the crash.
BTW, if you don't mind me asking, what program goodness are you working on now to amaze us with when you deliver the next release?
Of what I'm sure I'll have done, I've a window for player initiative, I've got some rules updates, and I've got some Ultimate Magic content coming (thanks to chopswil).
I'm poking around at other pieces to so we'll see what I have working.

Cutter |

Minor usability issue, if I have a monster in the monster party, the monster details don't change until I click on "stats". It would be better if the details changed when I simply clicked on the monster to select it.
Any chance you have had a chance to look at this issue Kyle?
This is the same issue I have mentioned to you before about the stats block not always displaying the selected character or monster. Seems like it should be an easy one to track down as it is looks like just a timing issue of when that window is updated.
This one has been outstanding for the last few releases it seems. Yeah, it's minor, but it's the one annoying little hiccup I often stumble across in an otherwise seamless program!

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Miranda wrote:I haven't been able to reproduce this crash yet. Can you mail the files from the crash report to combatman@kyleolson.com, as well as the files under either "C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\CombatManager" in XP or "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager" in Vista/Win7?Hi,
Tried to track down one of the crashes in 1.2.5, this seems to always crash CM:
1. open CM with a monster already in the Monsters area
2. clear the monster area
3. select a new monster on the combat screen
4. add to monster list
5. save monster party
6. clear monster list
7. Crash report
Simplified test case:
Brand new CM 1.2.5 install with new .Net 4 install on XP.
1. select a new monster on the combat screen (Aasimar)
2. add to monster list
3. save monster party
4. clear monster list
5. Crash report
Hope that helps.

Matteo Luconi |
Kyle Olson wrote:Miranda wrote:I haven't been able to reproduce this crash yet. Can you mail the files from the crash report to combatman@kyleolson.com, as well as the files under either "C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\CombatManager" in XP or "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager" in Vista/Win7?Hi,
Tried to track down one of the crashes in 1.2.5, this seems to always crash CM:
1. open CM with a monster already in the Monsters area
2. clear the monster area
3. select a new monster on the combat screen
4. add to monster list
5. save monster party
6. clear monster list
7. Crash report
Simplified test case:
Brand new CM 1.2.5 install with new .Net 4 install on XP.
1. select a new monster on the combat screen (Aasimar)
2. add to monster list
3. save monster party
4. clear monster list
5. Crash reportHope that helps.
I can confirm the issue too. Roughly the same configuration (.Net fw 4 on win XP) but I also noticed that it does happen with Aasimar, Aboleth but not with Abyss Gigas...
Hope to help!