Cinder Wolf

4G63's page

6 posts (7 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.


Thanks again for another great update.

I would love to see the following as well, specifically with the attacks. If not in the stat block, then in the "Attacks" tab of the creature/character.

eXaminator wrote:

New ideas:
- Link skills and saves (and maybe attacks) in statblock for automatic rolling (faster then using the context menu)

Any chance of getting Psionics unleashed stuff put in. I realize it's not core stuff, but I believe it is very popular. Thanks

Sorry, just found one more thing. The "add condition" page crashes the app for me whenever i click add. Anyone else have this happen since 1.1.8? I'm pretty sure I used 1.1.7 conditions without problems.

Thanks again for everything.

Also the Offense section for the Soulbound dolls is incorrect. The following is the correct data

Speed 20 ft.
Melee (Draggy) bite +3 (1d4–2)
Melee (Fluff Gugg) claw +3 (1d3–2 plus bleed)
Melee (Molly Missy) hair pin +3 (1d2–2/19–20)
Melee (Mr. Straw) pitchfork +3 (1d4–2)
Melee (Mwangi fetish) dagger +3 (1d2–2/19–20 plus poison)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attack unique ability (see below)

On the "Soulbound Doll" NPC, it has info under the "Tactics" and "Source" sections that is for another NPC. It should read:

During Combat: Once the dolls realize they have larger
playmates, they clamber up onto the disk to become
invisible if the PCs aren’t yet in the courtyard. Otherwise,
they grow silent and stalk stealthily toward the sounds of the
PCs. The dolls are competitive when they fight, shrieking
and giggling and never attacking the same foe unless there
are no other targets, yet once a doll takes damage, the
others quickly come to its aid and focus all their attacks on
the same foe.

Source: Council of thieves: What lies in dust

Thanks for all your contributions!

Hi, I was wondering if you were planning a PbP game or if this is for a home game. I have never played an E6 nor a PbP game before, but would love to give it a chance. All my friends here don't like gritty/low fantasy type games. Even though we never seam to play anything past lvl 12 in any of our games. They seam to get board and want to start something different all the time. They may have the MMORPG "alt-aholic syndrome" or something. If you are running a PBP or if anyone knows of one starting soon, and doesen't mind a newb joining, please let me know.

Thanks 4G63