Hi Kyle,
I've just played my first couple of session with your Combat Manager: what a game mastering bliss!! The program helps so much that it just changed the way we play, really! I don't have to ask players the majority of questions anymore ("what's your CMB, again?", "are you still Enlarged?") and the game runs much more smoothly then before.
While I wait to collect the money for a much deserved donation, there are a couple of features that may be useful to point out or suggest.
- I used the link initiative feature very much and agree with kingpin that having it persisted would be very useful for pre-preparing large groups of mixed monsters;
- having to select each monster to link the initiative one by one can be a little annoying... what about a multiselect feature?
- let's say that I have a group composed by, Kobold 1 who has linked initiatives with Kobold 2 and Kobold 3. If Kobold 2 or 3 go to 0 or lower HP they do not get decorated blue or red;
- I'd appreciate a "Reset Encounter" button that flushes the whole "Monsters" area;
- when there are lots of monsters in initiative and there is a scrollbar in the combat sequence it whould be useful to have the active characted focused in the list, i.e. when you reach the last char in a turn then scroll up to the first one;
- this one is tricky for me to explain... I'd like to be able to click on a monster in the combat sequence ad have it selected in the monsters section, so that I can edit it right away. Using the program I just felt so many times the need of this feature, I'd really appreciate something along these lines;
- are there any keyboard shortcuts? Like ctrl+space for next turn, ctrl+[1-6] for the corrisponding tab, etc...
Let me thank you one more time for your excellent work: bravo!