Forum Games

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Captain is banned for looking uncaring

Cascone is banned for not noticing the LAWFUL EVIL alignment.

Merelith is banned for stereotyping herself.

BTW, is Merelith having those naughty thoughts to, or is it just Kelsey?

Dj-Bogie is banned for asking questions he REALLY doesn't want to hear the answer to.

Starfinder Superscriber

Kelsey is banned for not answering questions that we ask!

DJEternalDarkness wrote:
Kelsey is banned for not answering questions that we ask!

DJ is banned for not having the answers.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Carl is banned for thinking answers are the answer

What, this game is still going? Locke is banned for continuing this farce...

Obvious_Ninja wrote:
What, this game is still going? Locke is banned for continuing this farce...

Ninja is banned for stating the obvious.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Carl Cascone is banned for being for being on Don Vito Corleone's payroll.

Charles Scholz is banned for not making Carl Cascone an offer he couldn't refuse.

Geistlinger is banned for buying into the myth that you cannot refuse the mob.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Geistlinger is banned for buying into the myth that you cannot refuse the mob.

Kelsey is banned for not noticing the head of the racing horse i placed in her bed.


Carl Cascone is banned for not siting his source: The Godfather for those wondering.

Skeletons with eyes? BANNED!

GoldenOpal is banned for being a doppelganger.

Belphegor is banned for not throwing rice at Ralph and Betty's wedding. {flings toast at thread}

Dark Archive

Abed Nadir is banned for trying to confuse everyone here mentioning Ralph and Betty and some ancient ritual around mating.

Rene Venair is banned for not taking a jump to the left and a step to the right.

Jerry Lewis is banned for time warping.

Captain Merelith is banned for trying to stop the time warp.

I shall now put my hands on my hips and bring my knees in tight.

gran rey de los mono is banned for not doing the Curly Shuffle.

Dark Archive

Geistlinger is banned for linking to the wrong version of the Curly Shuffle

Geistlinger and Threadjack Gestapo are both banned for mentioning that vicious earworm.

Kavren Stark is banned for being a wise guy. Nyuk nyuk nyuk.


Geistlinger is banned for not having a bigger nose.

Silver Crusade

Sean (aka Technowizard [aka Darksmokepuncher]) is banned for not having a visible nose.

Nightskies is banned for also having a diminutive nose. And (six) beady eyes.

Ambrosia Slaad is banned for not blinking. It's creepy.

Spanky the Leprechaun is banned for turning blue. You forgot to breathe again!

Spanky is banned for winning 1st Place in the Jack Elam look-alike contest.

And Geistslinger is banned for ninja'n me. You freaking nihlist!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Walter is banned, coz I think I look more like Festus.


Spanky is banned for making think of the word "fetus". I don't like it.

Darksmokepuncher is banned for talking like a man with a paper nose when he doesn't even have a nose to begin with.

Kavren Stark wrote:
Darksmokepuncher is banned for talking like a man with a paper nose when he doesn't even have a nose to begin with.

stark is banned because I left Vito corleone's payroll and joined the Mandarin's. He ordered me to do it

Cascone is banned for whackin a made man.

Spanky is banned cause I know what he means, but it still sounds dirty.

DJ-Bogie is banned for having his mind in the gutter.

Dark Archive

Geistlinger is banned for forgetting that DJ-Bogie was only cleaning the gutters because it was on his honey-do list.

Cosmo3PO is banned is banned for knowing all those languages, but not allowing dirty language.

Redhead is banned for posting "is banned" twice.

Sovereign Court

Kelsey MacAilbert is banned for leaving herself open for a direct ban instead of banning folks via her countless alias minions. (how many are you up to now?)

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

zylphrx is banned for... being an ancient alien.

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is banned for making me think of souvlaki.

gran rey de los mono is banned for using words I have to Google the meaning of.

Starfinder Superscriber

Random Hippie is banned for going past dreadlocks and onto actual plants on her head.

DJ EternalDarkness is banned for playing too much dubstep in the club.

Yanni is banned for making me thing of the litter box.

Kat's Eye wrote:

Yanni is banned for making me thing of the litter box.

Kat is banned because he/she cannot spell a simple three letter word correctly.

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