Forum Games

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Banned for being part of the problem.

Schism is banned for constantly causing problems for everyone.

Scarab Sages

Burning Straw man is banned for being a fire hazard.

IHIYC is banned for not having clearly marked fire exits in his closet.

Sovereign Court

Molten Dragon is banned for spending too much time in the closet with IHIYC you need to share more.

Dr. Sigmund is banned for starting the riot at last year's medical convention.

Old doc flumphs medical treatments largley consist of a rubber mallet to the forehead.

Molten Dragon is banned for thinking this was the False Factoids thread.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Belphegor is banned for smiling inappropriately at the broom cupboard.

Shadow Lodge

Curtisin is banned for having a crush on said cupboard

EM is banned for trading in erotic cabinetry without a license.

Shadow Lodge

GoatToucher is banned for forging an erotic cabinetry vendor's license

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

equinoxmaster is banned because I just saw Jayne (from Firefly) in a Stargate SG-1 episode. Connection? I don't know. Banned nonetheless.

Scarab Sages

Helena Handbasket is banned on suspicion of having two right hands.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Ha! Two left hands! [performs sinister shadow puppet play]

IHIYC is banned for Rakshasa bias (shame on you! We're people-ish, too).

The lizard is banned for smuggling chinese hats.

Shadow Lodge

TFF is banned for supporting every thing Cheliax does

HorseMazter be banned for letting pony run away from goblin's equine BBQ.

Scarab Sages

"THE" Poog of Zarongel is banned to the moon for a thousand years as a (completely and obviously) logical consequence for trying to eat ponies.

Shadow Lodge

IHIYC is banned for creating ponies 1000 years ago

Scarab Sages

equinoxmaster is banned for creating Phony Ponies (TM).

Shadow Lodge

IHIYC is banned for breakdancing erotically on a airplane

Scarab Sages

equinoxmaster is banned for standing on the wing of an airplane and terrorizing passengers inside.

HorseMazter be banned for creating that option on board of plane in 1st place.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

IHIYC is banned for gluing my house to the side of a plane and calling it a wing

Scarab Sages

equinoxmaster is banned for having the fish instead of the steak (I had lasagna).

Poog is banned for forgetting the dough-dog appetizers.
Equinoxmaster and IHIYC are both banned for ninjaing me while I was busy.

Banned for being busy.

Scarab Sages

Molten Dragon is banned for being too lazy to explicitly name who they are banning. I'm pretty sure being named when banned is a constitutional right.

I'm Hiding in Your Closet is banned for being a Mr. Bossy Boots. (Happy?)

MD is banned for trying to make people unhappy.

Scarab Sages

Cluny the Scourge is banned for carrying a grenade around in his mouth. Drop it! Drop iiiiit....

IHIYC is banned for letting Cluny off his leash to get into IHIYC's stash of grenades.

MD is banned for keeping his grenade collection in his closet. He knew what would happen.

GT is banned because s/he went to banned camp and didn't participate in the forbid-dance.

Phil is banned because I don't agree with him.

Burning Straw man is banned for being contrary.

Scarab Sages

Schism is banned for getting that hair of hers so close to Burning Straw man.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is Banned for pyromania.

Trekkie90909 is banned for closetphobia.

Scarab Sages

Phil Agree is banned for uglyphilia.

IHIYC is banned for taking the easy road.

Molten Dragon is banned for being inconsistent.

Scarab Sages

The Fiend Fantastic is banned because a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.

ClosetJester be banned for dismissing goblin-oid inventiveness.

Poog is banned for thinking the goblin way is the only way.

Schism is banned for for having "a way" for each of her 27 different personalities, bloody confusing that.

JH982 is banned for disbanding his all orc alt-rock tribute group Tusker Du.

GT is banned for being the biggest groupie of my former all orc alt-rock tribute band Tusker Du, they lads really miss him, and his ointment.

Scarab Sages

Jeff Harris 982 is banned not only for not banning GoatToucher, but for actually MISSING him when he's gone.

In addition, GoatToucher is banned for indecent public ear display.

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