Banned for feeding the Bunyip.
Banned for being the orneriest outlaw west of the Pecos.
Banned for being the orneriest outlaw east, north, and south of the Pecos.
Uncle Teddy is banned for being the orneriest outlaw in the Pecos - he's the Esther Williams meets Jaws of desperados, I tell you!
IHIYC is banned for shark discrimination.
Lemoncherry Candyapple is banned for seeing everything through rose-colored glasses.
IHIYC is banned for NOT seeing everything through rose-colored glasses, and also for mind reading because I was literally thinking of that joke two hours ago.
LemCher CandApp be banned for failing customer support feature.
Ol Poog is banned for his version of tech support is a dagger up the strap.
Molten Dragon is banned for starting to sound a bit too much like Ulfen Death Squad.
I'm Hiding in Your Closet is banned for gratuitous banning.
Joynt Jezebel is banned for abandoning her Juke.
GT is banned for abandoning his ways as a jukebox hero.
Molten Dragon is banned for leaving a mess on my kitchen floor - such things attract ants.
What? No, not that kind of mess. He left cookie crumbs all over the floor when he raided the cookie jar.
Banned for not waking me up from my nap!
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Banned for napping for 20 years without setting an alarm.
Alayern is banned for having a chinbutt.
IHIYC is banned for not yet having vacated my closet.
Quiche is banned for installing a camera in his closet.
Schism is banned for Kitsune discriminatory thoughts.
Luna Shiratori is banned for being so soft and cuddly...and cuuute.
*Hugs the fox tightly*
*Pets the fox and cuddles some more*
Lilly is banned for catching the mange from Luna.
Molten Dragon is banned for no hoarding enough gold, the other dragons are starting to talk.
FN_Geernorg is banned for being a small asian boy IRL.
krevon is banned for making me want to style that beard.
That'd be one hell of a goaty.
Lilly Hennett is banned for trading her eye for a sip from the Well of Knowledge...the Well of Dirty, Dirty Knowledge.
IHIYC is banned because his album "Songs from your Closet" contained not a single slow rock ballad.
Molten Dragon is banned for finding fault with that.
IHIYC is banned for not offering Slash a chance to do a special guest appearance and guitar solo on his album "Songs from your Closet."
GMB is banned for producing and directing an extremely offensive video of one of IHIYC's songs. Is that GoatToucher dancing in the background???
MD is banned for teaching GT his evil, unholy, disturbing backup dancer moves, known as "getting the goat" style. It combines dub step and polka dance moves, simply horrific.
GM_B iz bant forr spikee hare!
ZP is banned because his frog hat is moderately disturbing.
Molten Dragon is banned because I think it's adorable (I just wish it would get rid of that grotesque growth on its assohwait that's Poog).
No, that be IMPOSTER POOG.
Poog only true Poog around here.
ClosetClown be banned for not knowing difference.
The Only True Poog is banned for yelling.
Mar Nakrum is banned for not making more "Why not Zoidberg?" jokes.
Goat Toucher is banned for his choice of profession.
Quiche Lisp is banned for looking a little bit like GoatToucher.
Good grief you're right!
You're banned for revealing a hideous fact to the masses.
The Fiend is banned for showing fear.
Belphegor is banned for claiming i even know the concept of fear.
Banned with a capital B
Banned for protesting too much.
Schism is banned for having her hair and skin tones way to similar, it is very confusing.
Banned for messing up my order in the drive through
Molten Dragon is banned from the drive thru after having had his order ruined and throwing a temper tantrum and burning restaurant and everyone in it to a crisp.
Angry little guy is banned for messing up Molten Dragon's order on purpose.
Schism is banned for selling ground beef to McDonalds customers in India and tell them it was "special" blackbean patties. The karmic cycle is very angry now.
GM Beernorg is banned for not conforming to the Orcish standards of beauty.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mar Nakrum is banned for conforming TO the dwarven standard of beauty...hairy hairy beauty...ugh.