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Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cole Deschain wrote:
Is there any rules-heavy content which, in your opinion, is particularly needed at this point?

Do adventures count?

And I think there's always room for more Bestiaries.

All that said, I'd rather see rules support flavor for the most part, but there are some new areas that need more rules support as well. I can't reveal what they are since those books haven't been announced yet, of course... :P

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Are NPC statblock books one of those "I don't like them, but..." things like dwarves are? :D

Anyhoo seriously though, I was wondering since Adventure's Guide seems to be more Golarion specific, is Bestiary 6 also going to use Golarion's terms?

Also speaking of needing more bestiaries, what kind of monsters you think are needed there to be more of?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:

Are NPC statblock books one of those "I don't like them, but..." things like dwarves are? :D

Anyhoo seriously though, I was wondering since Adventure's Guide seems to be more Golarion specific, is Bestiary 6 also going to use Golarion's terms?

Also speaking of needing more bestiaries, what kind of monsters you think are needed there to be more of?

No. A product is an entirely different category than a game rule.

To a certain extent, ALL Bestiaries use "Golarion terms" in that the monsters are Golarion monsters.

As for Bestiaries... I just don't believe that there can ever be too many monster books. They're my favorite type of rulebook. For the latest list of monsters I think there are more of, you'll need to wait and see Bestiary 6's list, which is pretty much all hand-chosen monsters by me.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

What did you think of the N7 day trailer for Andromeda? (Here it is, in case you haven't seen it yet.)

Here is a bunch more information regarding ME:A, in case you're curious.

A variety of important tweets.

Some details regarding the RPG elements of Andromeda.

101 questions and answers with the game's director.

Details about loyalty missions.

Downright massive infodump from NeoGAF, copypasted from a digital copy of Gameinformer.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:

What did you think of the N7 day trailer for Andromeda? (Here it is, in case you haven't seen it yet.)

Here is a bunch more information regarding ME:A, in case you're curious.

A variety of important tweets.

Some details regarding the RPG elements of Andromeda.

101 questions and answers with the game's director.

Details about loyalty missions.

Downright massive infodump from NeoGAF, copypasted from a digital copy of Gameinformer.

I haven't watched it yet, and don't intend to watch it. Nor am I all that interested in reading up on Andromeda before hand; I'd rather go in fresh than run the risk of having my expectations raised in the wrong way. Furthermore, the way the internet reacted to Mass Effect 3 was so frustrating that I just don't trust internet fans (and Mass Effect fans in particular) from doing anything but aggravating me, so that's another reason I'll be passing on immersing myself in Mass Effect hype.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Cheliax, Empire of Devils SPOILERS!:
In one of the older Player Companion books, Cheliax, Empire of Devils, a story is recounted of the Hellfire Redeemer, allegedly the sword of a Sarenite knight who attempted to slay Abrogail Thrune I, only to be so enraptured by her beauty that he slew his own companions at her command, their blood staining his shining sword black and red, and thus he became the first Hellknight. The story is known fiction, especially since the Hellknights actually predate Abrogail I's reign, yet the Hellfire Redeemer IS real, an intelligent sword appearing to the desperate and naive to corrupt their souls as they carve a place in Cheliax's history before disappearing again in search of its next wielder.

My question is this: In the book, the Hellfire Redeemer is described as a longsword, but that doesn't seem to make much sense given its owner worshiped Sarenrae, for whom the scimitar is the supreme weapon. Was this a case of miscommunication between writers or something? Early writing before all Sarenrae's details were codified? Would it make more sense for the Hellfire Redeemer to be a scimitar if I wanted to give it to an evil PC?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

My question is this: In the book, the Hellfire Redeemer is described as a longsword, but that doesn't seem to make much sense given its owner worshiped Sarenrae, for whom the scimitar is the supreme weapon. Was this a case of miscommunication between writers or something? Early writing before all Sarenrae's details were codified? Would it make more sense for the Hellfire Redeemer to be a scimitar if I wanted to give it to an evil PC?

I suspect it was indeed a writier/developer getting confused, perhaps confusing Iomedae and Sarenrae maybe. Scimitar does make more sense in that regard.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

That is what I shall make it then. Thank you James! :)

Are we doomed? :(

James Jacobs wrote:
The Doomkitten wrote:

What did you think of the N7 day trailer for Andromeda? (Here it is, in case you haven't seen it yet.)

Here is a bunch more information regarding ME:A, in case you're curious.

A variety of important tweets.

Some details regarding the RPG elements of Andromeda.

101 questions and answers with the game's director.

Details about loyalty missions.

Downright massive infodump from NeoGAF, copypasted from a digital copy of Gameinformer.

I haven't watched it yet, and don't intend to watch it. Nor am I all that interested in reading up on Andromeda before hand; I'd rather go in fresh than run the risk of having my expectations raised in the wrong way. Furthermore, the way the internet reacted to Mass Effect 3 was so frustrating that I just don't trust internet fans (and Mass Effect fans in particular) from doing anything but aggravating me, so that's another reason I'll be passing on immersing myself in Mass Effect hype.

1. Were you fan of the ME 3 ending?

2. Which choice did you take? Red, blue, or green?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Aww, I guess that means NPC books don't sell that well compared to bestiaries? :'(

Hey James.

So I re-read the article on Hastur today, and noticed something: in the "relationship with other deities" section, it mentions Hastur and Shub-Niggurath and their respective cults are sometimes allies. That's all well in good, but it occurred to me as odd that Xhamen-Dor isn't mentioned. Xhamen-Dor is from Carcossa as well, after all. I'd think the two gods would be quite close.

So my question: what is the relationship between Hastur's cult and Xhamen-Dor's? Are they tight like with Shub-Nigguraths?

Thanks as always for the (currently much-needed) escapism.

Did you get my email about NenkotaMoon/Conservative Anklebiter laughing about my death? As a Paizo freelancer, doesn't it seem encouraging?

Silver Crusade

*hugs Kali and the Directorsaur*

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:

That is what I shall make it then. Thank you James! :)

Are we doomed? :(

Looks like we are.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Delightful wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The Doomkitten wrote:

What did you think of the N7 day trailer for Andromeda? (Here it is, in case you haven't seen it yet.)

Here is a bunch more information regarding ME:A, in case you're curious.

A variety of important tweets.

Some details regarding the RPG elements of Andromeda.

101 questions and answers with the game's director.

Details about loyalty missions.

Downright massive infodump from NeoGAF, copypasted from a digital copy of Gameinformer.

I haven't watched it yet, and don't intend to watch it. Nor am I all that interested in reading up on Andromeda before hand; I'd rather go in fresh than run the risk of having my expectations raised in the wrong way. Furthermore, the way the internet reacted to Mass Effect 3 was so frustrating that I just don't trust internet fans (and Mass Effect fans in particular) from doing anything but aggravating me, so that's another reason I'll be passing on immersing myself in Mass Effect hype.

1. Were you fan of the ME 3 ending?

2. Which choice did you take? Red, blue, or green?

1) Yes.

2) Green.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

CorvusMask wrote:
Aww, I guess that means NPC books don't sell that well compared to bestiaries? :'(

Not what I said at all.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Generic Villain wrote:

Hey James.

So I re-read the article on Hastur today, and noticed something: in the "relationship with other deities" section, it mentions Hastur and Shub-Niggurath and their respective cults are sometimes allies. That's all well in good, but it occurred to me as odd that Xhamen-Dor isn't mentioned. Xhamen-Dor is from Carcossa as well, after all. I'd think the two gods would be quite close.

So my question: what is the relationship between Hastur's cult and Xhamen-Dor's? Are they tight like with Shub-Nigguraths?

Thanks as always for the (currently much-needed) escapism.

Xhamen-Dor's relationship with Hastur is covered in Xhamen-Dor's article. There wasn't room to talk about that in the Hastur article, and since the alliance/association between Hastur and Shub-Niggurath has been established in fiction for several decades, it seemed a better use of wordcount to talk about than something that can be talked about later in context with Xhamen-Dor's own article.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Folks... we're handling the hate and bile that's being spewed on this thread and elsewhere. Let's keep this thread to questions to me, please, that aren't toxic or threatening. One more and I'll have this thread locked for an indefinite amount of time. I'm at zero patience at this point.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Sorry James. Was shocked. Post deleted.

Silver Crusade

*offers hugs to the T-Rex*

1. It seems that dwarves in most fantasy worlds are so homogeneous. Every dwarf likes beer, hates trees, is a proud warrior and a master blacksmith, etc. Maybe that's why you don't like them? And do you think other races like elves, gnomes, orcs, and goblins on Golarion are not that homogeneous and thus likable?

2. Do dwarves like to live in the mountains, and have no interest in living in the plains? I ask this because the dwarves once ruled the land of Druma but they relinquished it to the Prophets of Kalistrade so easily.

3. You said that elves are not into expanding and conquering. What about dwarves and gnomes? Do they have no interest in expansionism too?

4. You said several times that you like halflings very much. I don't get it because halflings are one of my least favorite races(other least favorite races would be half-orcs, half-elves, and dwarves). I have thought halflings are boring because they have no particular characteristics. The only characteristics they have are being good at throiwng things and being short. So why do you like them? What good quality do you find in them?

5. In Wardens of the Reborn Forge, I found an illustration that depicts Alkenstar. There seems to be an airship above the city, and there are also several giant chimneys that belch out smokes. They looked like giant factories to me. So can I assume that the steam engine is quite prevalent in Alkenstar, maybe? Of couse, that doesn't mean it reached the state of a steampunk nation.

6. So, if your boss(maybe Mona or Bulmahn?) allows you to write a book about the hierarchy of major religions, which city do you think would be appropriate to place the pope(aka the supreme leader) of the Iomedaean church? Cheliax obviously is not a good choice. Maybe Oppara or Absalom?

7. Since Sarenite church was originated in Kelesh, do you think the supreme leader of the Sarenite church would be in the capital of Kelesh?

8. Can I assume that Aspexia Rugatonn, the Grand High Priestess of Asmodeus in Egorian, is the supreme leader of the Asmodean church in the world(or at least in the Inner Sea region)?

9. I didn't know you crated Erastil. It made me curious, because I remember you said that you don't like Erastil. Is it true? It's hard to believe you don't like your own creation.

10. Gorum's origin story fascinates me. Was Gorum a deity from the beginning of his life?

11. Are the Whispering Way and the Urgathoan church friends or enemies? And is the Whispering Tyrant an Urgathoan, or an atheist?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aenigma wrote:

1. It seems that dwarves in most fantasy worlds are so homogeneous. Every dwarf likes beer, hates trees, is a proud warrior and a master blacksmith, etc. Maybe that's why you don't like them? And do you think other races like elves, gnomes, orcs, and goblins on Golarion are not that homogeneous and thus likable?

2. Do dwarves like to live in the mountains, and have no interest in living in the plains? I ask this because the dwarves once ruled the land of Druma but they relinquished it to the Prophets of Kalistrade so easily.

3. You said that elves are not into expanding and conquering. What about dwarves and gnomes? Do they have no interest in expansionism too?

4. You said several times that you like halflings very much. I don't get it because halflings are one of my least favorite races(other least favorite races would be half-orcs, half-elves, and dwarves). I have thought halflings are boring because they have no particular characteristics. The only characteristics they have are being good at throiwng things and being short. So why do you like them? What good quality do you find in them?

5. In Wardens of the Reborn Forge, I found an illustration that depicts Alkenstar. There seems to be an airship above the city, and there are also several giant chimneys that belch out smokes. They looked like giant factories to me. So can I assume that the steam engine is quite prevalent in Alkenstar, maybe? Of couse, that doesn't mean it reached the state of a steampunk nation.

1) You perhaps should expand your fantasy reading. Let me suggest authors like China Mieville, Clive Barker, Clark Ashton Smith, Michael Moorcock, Fritz Leiber, and George R. R. Martin; they're all excellent authors who've been building fantasy worlds and settings that explore things in new ways.

2) Dwarves prefer living in underground areas or areas where mining and stonework are supported. Mountains do this better than plains.

3) They don't, really, although Dwarves did a while back with the Quest for Sky.

4) You don't have to like what I like. And I'm not interested in trying to convince other people to like what I like. Instead, I do what I can to present things I like in ways that bolster what I like about them and let others read that info and make their own decisions.

5) No.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aenigma wrote:

6. So, if your boss(maybe Mona or Bulmahn?) allows you to write a book about the hierarchy of major religions, which city do you think would be appropriate to place the pope(aka the supreme leader) of the Iomedaean church? Cheliax obviously is not a good choice. Maybe Oppara or Absalom?

7. Since Sarenite church was originated in Kelesh, do you think the supreme leader of the Sarenite church would be in the capital of Kelesh?

8. Can I assume that Aspexia Rugatonn, the Grand High Priestess of Asmodeus in Egorian, is the supreme leader of the Asmodean church in the world(or at least in the Inner Sea region)?

9. I didn't know you crated Erastil. It made me curious, because I remember you said that you don't like Erastil. Is it true? It's hard to believe you don't like your own creation.

10. Gorum's origin story fascinates me. Was Gorum a deity from the beginning of his life?

11. Are the Whispering Way and the Urgathoan church friends or enemies? And is the Whispering Tyrant an Urgathoan, or an atheist?

6) AHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHA no. Jason is not my boss. Erik Mona is, though. And he's pretty much 100% on board with me saying "I wanna write this book for Pathifnder" and then he says "I want to pay you to write it." That's absolutely not the problem. My passion and energy to write an entire book is the problem, and if I do dredge that up again some day there's many other books on my to-do list that I'd rather write.

7) It's possible but not guarenteed.

8) In the Inner Sea Region, yes. Not guaranteed to be the leader of the religion in the world.

9) I do like Erastil. I didn't like how another author snuck in some non-Erastil flavor to the deity; flavor we've since fixed and changed back to the way it should be.

10) No.

11) Both. The Whispering Tyrant does not worship Urgathoa, but he isn't an atheist.

Dark Archive

I don't know if this has been asked before but what Great Old One is your favorite and what makes them stick out so much in your mind?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
loc wrote:
I don't know if this has been asked before but what Great Old One is your favorite and what makes them stick out so much in your mind?

It has been asked, but I'm fine with answering again: Hastur and his associated mythos. I'm intrigued by Hastur because he's been SO differently represented over the years, and in a lot of ways he's the Great Old One who's been in fiction the longest, so he's had the most time to spread out his influence.

Dark Archive

Thank you for answering still!
My second question is from a story tellers stand point what two gods going to war would be the most interesting? I've always thought Lamashtu attacking Abadon was cool, and the story telling ideas of a war between the Cayden Caylin and the crazy Zon'Kuthon would have some really interesting viewpoints for everyone involved.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
loc wrote:

Thank you for answering still!

My second question is from a story tellers stand point what two gods going to war would be the most interesting? I've always thought Lamashtu attacking Abadon was cool, and the story telling ideas of a war between the Cayden Caylin and the crazy Zon'Kuthon would have some really interesting viewpoints for everyone involved.

Frankly, ANY two deities going to war would make for an impressive and interesting story.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I particularly like:

The Armag conflict between Gorum and Pharasma detailed in Kingmaker.

When gods war, should they be/are they more like a cold war, or open conflict like Sarenrae et all vs. Rovagug? What do you think makes for better story telling?
In reference to the spoiler, are there hard feelings over that still between the two parties?

Dark Archive

I've always found the body horror of Kyton's intimidating and with the recent ap's that have taken place in the world wound (demons) and cheliax(devils) Will we be getting anything that will deal with Nidal in the future to help high light these monsters?

1. Given that Iomedae is Aroden's Inheritor, does that mean she has any kind of religious or even legal claim to Cheliax given the Starfall Doctrine? Is that one of the reasons the Glorious Reclamation is so eager to get it back from the Thrunies?
2. Hope that this isn't one of those questions you can't answer like which deity is the weakest, but which god/goddess is the most widely worshipped in the Inner Sea area?
3. Does Desna get along with any of the gods of the Cthulhu Mythos? Hell, does any of the major Chaotic Good deities?
4. How do Cayden and Milani differ when it comes to freedom and fighting the Man?
5. Since you're the creator of Erastil do you think we've ever get a reason why the god of family doesn't actually seem to have one? Or is that an Aroden's death-level mystery?
6. Was Asmodeus always Lawful Evil?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kryzbyn wrote:

I particularly like:

** spoiler omitted **

When gods war, should they be/are they more like a cold war, or open conflict like Sarenrae et all vs. Rovagug? What do you think makes for better story telling?
In reference to the spoiler, are there hard feelings over that still between the two parties?

God wars can be both. They both suggest all sorts of cool story lines. I don't think there's any hard feelings between the two parties you mention though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

loc wrote:
I've always found the body horror of Kyton's intimidating and with the recent ap's that have taken place in the world wound (demons) and cheliax(devils) Will we be getting anything that will deal with Nidal in the future to help high light these monsters?

Maybe. In the meantime, there's a little bit more about them in Iron Gods.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Delightful wrote:

1. Given that Iomedae is Aroden's Inheritor, does that mean she has any kind of religious or even legal claim to Cheliax given the Starfall Doctrine? Is that one of the reasons the Glorious Reclamation is so eager to get it back from the Thrunies?

2. Hope that this isn't one of those questions you can't answer like which deity is the weakest, but which god/goddess is the most widely worshipped in the Inner Sea area?
3. Does Desna get along with any of the gods of the Cthulhu Mythos? Hell, does any of the major Chaotic Good deities?
4. How do Cayden and Milani differ when it comes to freedom and fighting the Man?
5. Since you're the creator of Erastil do you think we've ever get a reason why the god of family doesn't actually seem to have one? Or is that an Aroden's death-level mystery?
6. Was Asmodeus always Lawful Evil?

1) Not a legal one, but certainly an emotional one. This is one of the primary plot points of Hell's Vengeance, after all.

2) Dunno. I'd like to think it was Sarenrae or Desna though.

3) No. She's a full-on enemy of the mythos, as are all chaotic good deities.

4) Milani is more hard-core militaristic about it.

5) His faithful are his family..

6) Unrevealed.

Hey James.

Hope you're well.

I was wondering whether you have read The Magus (1965), by John Fowles?

Thank you.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Psiphyre wrote:

Hey James.

Hope you're well.

I was wondering whether you have read The Magus (1965), by John Fowles?

Thank you.



Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Delightful wrote:
6. Was Asmodeus always Lawful Evil?
6) Unrevealed.

6) O_O whoa! (had to add the third six in a row... sorry)

Hi James
1-How common / popular is the worship of Zon-Kuthon in cheliax?

2-Does he have any dedicated temples in any of the country's city's?

3-Would house thrune accept or employ folowers of Zon-Kuthon as professional torturers or would they stay "in house" with asmodeus?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

James! Got my PDF copy of Horror Realms, and before questions- You guys rule, I love it, the Aboleth Corruption is especially delightful. Review incoming*. But first:

1. Which sections of the book were you the primary author for?


The Hive in Uskwood?
That's both neat and unexpected- whose idea was it?

EDIT* Or it would be if my review hadn't been eaten twice by the site... I'll try again later...

Hello James
1. How many domains had Peacock Spirit?
2. Was Xanderghul higher in mythic tiers than 5th tier?
3. What was elves reaction on the matter of an azlanti exile settling in the Emerald Spire?
4. And after that, how they reacted when azlanti forces came to take down this exile?
5. Can the pool in the center of Runeforge be fooled in to not reacting to a Runelords comeback?
6. If a Runelord got stuck by some accident in transition between Golarion and his hideout plan (sort of one part here, one part there), awake and fully counscious, would his finally reversing the process and coming back trigger the pool in Runeforge? Considering he was partially still in Golarion and awake.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

If a person was wearing a lamellar cuirass over a suit of chainmail, would that be considered four-mirror armor or half-plate?

What is your favorite kind of evil laugh?

Who/what is the most terrifying villain that you've ever designed?

Who/what is the most terrifying villain that you've ever faced as a player, for both the character and yourself?

Silver Crusade

The Doomkitten wrote:

What is your favorite kind of evil laugh?

Who/what is the most terrifying villain that you've ever designed?

Who/what is the most terrifying villain that you've ever faced as a player, for both the character and yourself?

To piggyback on this, Who/what is the most terrifying villain that you've ever faced in a video game?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Alundrell wrote:

Hi James

1-How common / popular is the worship of Zon-Kuthon in cheliax?

2-Does he have any dedicated temples in any of the country's city's?

3-Would house thrune accept or employ folowers of Zon-Kuthon as professional torturers or would they stay "in house" with asmodeus?

1) Quite common. To the extent that he's one of the 5 deities listed on page 54 of Inner Sea World Guide as a regional religion.

2) Yes. He has temples in most of the large cities.

3) They would and do. Check out Hell's Rebels for some examples.

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