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Hi James,
I would like to know your opinion on these two questions:
- If a paladin grants the use of smite evil to his allies through the use of aura of justice, do you think the smite evil bonuses should apply to spells, such as a wizard casting disintegrate?
- The fire snake spell from the APG is a bit unusual in the way it describes the area it affects as 5-foot squares. Am I right in thinking that, when counting squares, each second diagonal should cost two squares instead of one?
Many thanks!
Smite evil is too good. My gut reaction is to not allow it to do additional things, so no... it won't add to spells.
Diagonals should be counted the same as for movement.

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James Jacobs wrote:I'm sorry if I was not clear. The feat would not give you the ability to cast magic missile, you still have to be a wizard or sorcerer who can cast magic missile first. The feat just enhances the casting of a particular spell.scifan888 wrote:Do you think a feat that allowed a caster of magic missile to create 1 missile/ level with no cap on the number of missiles is a worthwhile feat or a wasted feat?It's a broken feat. Mostly in that it breaks the game design philosophy that feats shouldn't hand out class abilities or spellcasting. A better way to model this would be to create a new spell. Greater magic missile for example, or a unique spell-like ability.
Still sounds too good, frankly... especially how it starts interacting with other feats and abilities.

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How do giants, dragons, etc. get around if their frames aren't appropriately sized for their bodies? Is the size of creatures and the inherent issues with such physiologies something that should be hand-waved in Pathfinder?
If you mean " How do these things move if they're not real-world biologically sound?" then the answer is "because magic." AKA: Handwave.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

If you were to create a CN god with the following domains and subdomains;
Home Subdomain(Community)
Construct Subdomain (Artifice)what would his/her personality and goals be ?
Depends entirely on what the god is of. A god of war with the above domains would be very different than a god of rebellions or a god of robots or a god of madness or a god of castles and so on. Furthermore, if the god was a human god it'd be different from a dragon god or an elf god or a naga god, etc.
When I invent gods... the domains are generally the LAST part I come up with, in other words. I build the god's personality and history and appearance and faith and all that first, and then pick the domains that match those structures.

KetchupKing |

Good evening James! Just sitting at my desk with a fresh copy of Inner Sea Gods, and hoped you could answer some questions!
1. Do pirates from Minata also worship Besmara?
2. On a scale of 1-10, how much does Nurgal hate aboleths? They did destroy the culture that worshiped him after all.
3. How often do the Tian Gods interact with the Inner Sea core 20, if at all?
4. Are there any mythic fonts to be found in Minkai?
5. If someone had a protean or axiomite ancestor in their blood, do they have an equal chance of being born a tiefling or aasimar?
6. Did the Serpentfolk have any presence on Tian Xia, or are they pretty much Garund only? I had been reading about Yamata no Orochi, and thought it would be an awesome Tian counterpart to Ydersius. Not a full fledged God like him but maybe a mythic servant of immense power, struck down by Shizuru herself.
7. What was the most difficult part of designing Tian Xia? Was the sheer size of the continent a big factor?
These last two questions are a little spoiler-y for Jade Regent and Mythic Realms, so I'll put them in the spoiler tab.
8. Does the fact that Jade Regent has such a massive political impact on Minkai influence decisions your team makes to revisit it with modules or even another AP? If JR doesn't happen, then Minkai is a very different country overall.
9. It says in either the Mythic Realms book or Dragon Empires Gazetteer (can't recall atm) that the Valashaians and the Azlanti/Thassilonians never interacted. Now, both groups certainly spanned longer distances to reach their goals, and it seems to me that the Thassilonians especially would want extraplanar slaves from the Valashaians. I have no issues with keeping them separate, but since it does make some sense for them to have interacted at some point, what were some of the reasons you came up with for the two groups not meeting, both in world and out?
Phew, that came out a bit long winded. Regardless, thanks for your time and I hope you have a wonderful week!

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Rysky wrote:James Jacobs wrote:Wait, what?Rysky wrote:I've gotten a standstill with playing Dark Souls 2. What should I play now, Morrowind or Oblivion?You can't go back in the Elder Scrolls.
With the exception of "The Elder Scrolls Online," each installment in the Elder Scrolls franchise was better, and an improvement, on the one that came before, such that if you play them in reverse order, they grow less and less fun to play.
AKA: It's not recommended by me to play them in reverse order.
I know the graphics, interface, and combat got better with each iteration but I still like the worlds, especially such an alien one such as Morrowind. Out of the three ES games I've played (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim) I love all the worlds the same, I'm always finding new stuff :3
Am I wrong in assuming you interpreted my first question as me never having played those two?

Seannoss |

Hi James,
I know this is a can of worms but how do you balance high level games? Like what should ACs and DCs be measured against?
Its a vague question but it has been very challenging balancing against some characters while other get left behind. And it feels nigh impossible to do so with mythic rules added on.
And, by the way, this would be another vote for a 'how to run high level characters' book.

Zark |

I’m down with the flu and can’t attend todays (Swedish) premier of Godzilla. :(
So, I’m bored and thought I start working on my next characters backstory and stats (even though we are far from ready with our current campaign).
Apparently our next game is Way of the Wicked. I can’t find any player’s guide so I thought I ask you for advice.
I thought I buy the Inner Sea Gods. My favorite classes are Bard and Sorcerer and I have high hopes for the Arcanist, Swashbuckler, Warpriest and Shaman. The Investigator seems cool as well.
1) So do you think Inner Sea Gods could be an inspiration even if your character is a Bard, Arcanist or a Swashbuckler?
2) I’m playing a Druid right now since my Paladin died, twice. I found out pet’s isn’t my thing. Nor is the Paladin actually. So what kind of character do you think could be fun in Way of the Wicked? I get the feeling that spellcaster probably is more fun than a mundane class.
3) None of us have played evil characters before. Any advice on how to go about it in a mature way?
3a) Any advice on what we should not do?

Alleran |
I've come across what might be a problem in the Sarenrae obediences of ISG, and I'm wondering if they're the intention (apologies if this seems like a rules question).
As I understand it, if you aren't in the Evangelist or Sentinel class, the boons default to the Exalted ones. However, Sarenrae's have a problem, specifically the second Exalted one.
"You can add your exalted levels to any cleric levels you have to calculate the power of your channel energy ability. In addition, you can spend three of your daily uses of channel energy to channel an especially powerful burst of healing..."
It seems to be assuming that you're in the Exalted class, and on top of that it requires Channel Energy. So what happens if your character doesn't have Channel Energy? Or doesn't have three uses of it (e.g. Empyreal bloodline Sorcerer)? Do you gain Channel Energy? It makes Sarenrae's obedience and boons much less worthwhile than those of other deities, since hers are reliant on membership in the Exalted class and/or being a cleric (what about oracles?).

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I've come across what might be a problem in the Sarenrae obediences of ISG, and I'm wondering if they're the intention (apologies if this seems like a rules question).
As I understand it, if you aren't in the Evangelist or Sentinel class, the boons default to the Exalted ones. However, Sarenrae's have a problem, specifically the second Exalted one.
"You can add your exalted levels to any cleric levels you have to calculate the power of your channel energy ability. In addition, you can spend three of your daily uses of channel energy to channel an especially powerful burst of healing..."
It seems to be assuming that you're in the Exalted class, and on top of that it requires Channel Energy. So what happens if your character doesn't have Channel Energy? Or doesn't have three uses of it (e.g. Empyreal bloodline Sorcerer)? Do you gain Channel Energy? It makes Sarenrae's obedience and boons much less worthwhile than those of other deities, since hers are reliant on membership in the Exalted class and/or being a cleric (what about oracles?).
There are oracles that channel. Life Oracles, for instance. Remember you're not required to worship any of the dieties that back your mystery as an Oracle. You might even hate their guts.

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Was Sturovenen the Dragoneagle a "real" deity among the Sarkorian faiths? Or was he a god-called eidolon? Was he just made up? And what is/was his alignment?
Unrevealed. Mostly because I'm not sure who that is off the top of my head, which is itself an indication that there's not much more to say about him/her/it.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Good evening James! Just sitting at my desk with a fresh copy of Inner Sea Gods, and hoped you could answer some questions!
1. Do pirates from Minata also worship Besmara?
2. On a scale of 1-10, how much does Nurgal hate aboleths? They did destroy the culture that worshiped him after all.
3. How often do the Tian Gods interact with the Inner Sea core 20, if at all?
4. Are there any mythic fonts to be found in Minkai?
5. If someone had a protean or axiomite ancestor in their blood, do they have an equal chance of being born a tiefling or aasimar?
6. Did the Serpentfolk have any presence on Tian Xia, or are they pretty much Garund only? I had been reading about Yamata no Orochi, and thought it would be an awesome Tian counterpart to Ydersius. Not a full fledged God like him but maybe a mythic servant of immense power, struck down by Shizuru herself.
7. What was the most difficult part of designing Tian Xia? Was the sheer size of the continent a big factor?These last two questions are a little spoiler-y for Jade Regent and Mythic Realms, so I'll put them in the spoiler tab.
Spoiler:8. Does the fact that Jade Regent has such a massive political impact on Minkai influence decisions your team makes to revisit it with modules or even another AP? If JR doesn't happen, then Minkai is a very different country overall.9. It says in either the Mythic Realms book or Dragon Empires Gazetteer (can't recall atm) that the Valashaians and the Azlanti/Thassilonians never interacted. Now, both groups certainly spanned longer distances to reach their goals, and it seems to me that the Thassilonians especially would want extraplanar slaves from the Valashaians. I have no issues with keeping them separate, but since it does make some sense for them to have interacted at some point, what were some of the reasons you came up with for the two groups not meeting, both in world and out?
1) Not significantly, but a few do. Not nearly to the extent that she's worshiped in the Shackles.
2) He doesn't really hate them much; the destruction of Azlant actually probably delighted him.
3) Depends on the deity, since some of the Inner Sea core are also Tian core.
4) Yes; there pretty much has to be mythic stuff on all the continents to one extent or another. Minkai has at least a few on its own.
5) No. They have a better chance of one, but which one has the better chance depend on the strength of those bloodlines.
6) There is a serpentfolk presence in Tian Xia, but it's pretty small; nagas and nagaji have a stronger role in the intelligent reptile niche there. Ydersius wasn't and isn't worshiped there.
7) Making sure that it respected real-world traditions and was inclusive of as much of Asia as possible.
9) Distance is a factor. Isolationisim is a factor. And if they HAD done lots of interacting, then it would have looked strange that we never mentioned that in all the Runelords/Thassilon stuff we already covered. Also, not everything needs to be interconnected. That overcomplicates things.

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Mr. James Jacobs,
From what you know of Iron Gods! *Apply echo here* How well would that shipper and upbeat fleshwarper I mentioned to you a little bit ago fit in?
I don't really remember those classes; I tend to answer in a fire-and-forget style here. But a fleshwarper would be kind of a fish out of water in Numeria, and folks would assume that you were involved with mutants and not really understand what you were up to. It feels like the wrong character thematically, for Numeria.

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Was Sturovenen the Dragoneagle a "real" deity among the Sarkorian faiths? Or was he a god-called eidolon? Was he just made up? And what is/was his alignment?Unrevealed. Mostly because I'm not sure who that is off the top of my head, which is itself an indication that there's not much more to say about him/her/it.
Just looked at Lost Kingdoms. The text seems to indicate that he wasn't a true god, as his "dawn-feathered offspring" were reputed to have been summoned by the god callers of the Neverhome clan, indicating he, or at least those connected to him, were eidolons. And there's no indication of alignment anywhere.
Are there ANY LG gods besides Erastil and Torag that would make sense for a Sarkorian to worship if they became a paladin?

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Am I wrong in assuming you interpreted my first question as me never having played those two?
I assumed by the way you phrased it that you hadn't played Arena or Daggerfall, yeah.
Playing Morrowind before playing Oblivion before playing Skyrim is the best path though, especially since there ARE backwards pointing easter eggs.

Axial |

Axial wrote:Quick question: The Technomancer prestige class from the upcoming technology guide: does it require spellcasting or grant spell progression?Yes and Yes. It's basically the prestige class invented by and used often by the Technic League. It doesn't have an alignment restriction, but it's very much associated with the Technic League in Numeria. Who are the bad guys. Players should get GM approval before taking levels in the class, especially since it does some things that not all GMs want players to be able to do.
This is all valuable information. I was mainly interested in writing up a Lich Wizard 5/Technomancer 10 as a villain in a future campaign. I think a "Cyberlich" would make for an interesting antagonist.
EDIT: Actually, why wouldn't this be an appropriate prestige class for Iron Gods? In a campaign based around using futuristic technology, wouldn't becoming a technomancer actually make sense?

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hi James,
I know this is a can of worms but how do you balance high level games? Like what should ACs and DCs be measured against?
Its a vague question but it has been very challenging balancing against some characters while other get left behind. And it feels nigh impossible to do so with mythic rules added on.
And, by the way, this would be another vote for a 'how to run high level characters' book.
Practice is huge. The more you run high level games, the better you get at it.
Another huge thing is to reach high level organically. If you learn the capabilities of a party one level at a time over the course of months, by the time they're high level you're familiar with their tactics and capabilities and anticipating their actions and making engaging and balanced encounters is a LOT easier.
And don't be afraid to make changes on the fly during the game. If a fight is too easy, add more hp to the monsters or give them the Advanced template or add more foes or new complications in the environs. If the fight is too hard, have the foes end up with fewer hit points or have the environment turn against them or have allies show up or play the foes as a little less tactical. Your job as the GM isn't to kill the PCs. It's to entertain them. Balancing that against presenting the game as something that presents danger and a possibility of death is tough.
I always use hero points or plot twist cards or the like, and give players a few boons like a divine blessing that lets them avoid death once per campaign or the like. This way, I can turn up the difficulty a bit higher. The thing that tends to kill PCs off more than not is just bad luck on dice, and when the players have things like hero points they can moderate and deal with that bad luck.
Know the rules better than your players. Or if that's not possible, be comfortable in trusting players to help you make rulings.

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The NPC wrote:I meant chipper and upbeat not shipper, sorry... Although if done right maybe that could also be a character trait?Mr. James Jacobs,
From what you know of Iron Gods! *Apply echo here* How well would that shipper and upbeat fleshwarper I mentioned to you a little bit ago fit in?
Ah; a chipper character would fit in well. And now that you corrected that, I do recall the chipper fleshwarper. You'll be regarded as a weirdo, just as you would be in most parts of the world.

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I’m down with the flu and can’t attend todays (Swedish) premier of Godzilla. :(
So, I’m bored and thought I start working on my next characters backstory and stats (even though we are far from ready with our current campaign).Apparently our next game is Way of the Wicked. I can’t find any player’s guide so I thought I ask you for advice.
I thought I buy the Inner Sea Gods. My favorite classes are Bard and Sorcerer and I have high hopes for the Arcanist, Swashbuckler, Warpriest and Shaman. The Investigator seems cool as well.
1) So do you think Inner Sea Gods could be an inspiration even if your character is a Bard, Arcanist or a Swashbuckler?
2) I’m playing a Druid right now since my Paladin died, twice. I found out pet’s isn’t my thing. Nor is the Paladin actually. So what kind of character do you think could be fun in Way of the Wicked? I get the feeling that spellcaster probably is more fun than a mundane class.
3) None of us have played evil characters before. Any advice on how to go about it in a mature way?
3a) Any advice on what we should not do?
There is a Player's Guide, but I'm not sure where it is available. I got mine from my GM.
1) Absolutely. Inner Sea Gods can be an inspiration for ANY class, in fact. Religion is more than casting divine spells.
2) If you know what kind of class you like, play that one, but evil. I"m playing a neutral evil tiefling bard worshiper of Nocticula in my Way of the Wicked game, and am having a blast.
3) Look at all the movies and books and comics you've read and focus on how the villains in those books work and act and emulate them. And don't be afraid to test your limits and boundaries. And as for "a mature way," remember that some bad guys aren't mature... but playing an immature character isn't the same as being an immature player.
3a) Don't do party strife. Work together. Evil does not mean "stab the other player characters in the back."

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I've come across what might be a problem in the Sarenrae obediences of ISG, and I'm wondering if they're the intention (apologies if this seems like a rules question).
As I understand it, if you aren't in the Evangelist or Sentinel class, the boons default to the Exalted ones. However, Sarenrae's have a problem, specifically the second Exalted one.
"You can add your exalted levels to any cleric levels you have to calculate the power of your channel energy ability. In addition, you can spend three of your daily uses of channel energy to channel an especially powerful burst of healing..."
It seems to be assuming that you're in the Exalted class, and on top of that it requires Channel Energy. So what happens if your character doesn't have Channel Energy? Or doesn't have three uses of it (e.g. Empyreal bloodline Sorcerer)? Do you gain Channel Energy? It makes Sarenrae's obedience and boons much less worthwhile than those of other deities, since hers are reliant on membership in the Exalted class and/or being a cleric (what about oracles?).
If you don't have channel energy, you miss out on some of the boons. Not every character option needs to be equally usable for every character. That said, many classes grant channel energy, not just clerics.

Seannoss |

Thanks for the longer answer, its given me something to think about. I usually set up a challenge and let it go from there without adjusting on the middle, other than hp adjustments.
I know that you have said about not doing 4 part APs, which makes sense, but would a 12 part AP be conceivable again like the old dragon ones?
An issue with WotR is that characters grow too fast so I couldn't adjust organically. An epic AP like that could easily grow beyond 6 books but I'm not sure if devoting that much time to one story would be good for Paizo. Any thoughts on that?

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Are there ANY LG gods besides Erastil and Torag that would make sense for a Sarkorian to worship if they became a paladin?
Many of the Empyreal Lords who are LG and some of the NG ones would make sense. And since paladins don't have to worship actual gods... that snake dude might still work.

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James Jacobs wrote:Axial wrote:Quick question: The Technomancer prestige class from the upcoming technology guide: does it require spellcasting or grant spell progression?Yes and Yes. It's basically the prestige class invented by and used often by the Technic League. It doesn't have an alignment restriction, but it's very much associated with the Technic League in Numeria. Who are the bad guys. Players should get GM approval before taking levels in the class, especially since it does some things that not all GMs want players to be able to do.This is all valuable information. I was mainly interested in writing up a Lich Wizard 5/Technomancer 10 as a villain in a future campaign. I think a "Cyberlich" would make for an interesting antagonist.
EDIT: Actually, why wouldn't this be an appropriate prestige class for Iron Gods? In a campaign based around using futuristic technology, wouldn't becoming a technomancer actually make sense?
It absolutely would be appropriate for Iron Gods. It'd just be tricky to pull off, in the same way playing a winter witch in Reign of Winter would be tricky. You can do it, but it's weird and you'll need to have a GM who's willing to play along.

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Thanks for the longer answer, its given me something to think about. I usually set up a challenge and let it go from there without adjusting on the middle, other than hp adjustments.
I know that you have said about not doing 4 part APs, which makes sense, but would a 12 part AP be conceivable again like the old dragon ones?
An issue with WotR is that characters grow too fast so I couldn't adjust organically. An epic AP like that could easily grow beyond 6 books but I'm not sure if devoting that much time to one story would be good for Paizo. Any thoughts on that?
A 12 part AP isn't that appealing to us these days, since it cuts in half the number of APs we get to do. Furthermore, we'd likely hit the level limit in part 8 (or part 9 if we go slow advancement), leaving us not much to do in the last several adventures.
If WotR goes too fast, one good option is to adopt the slow XP track and fit in additional side adventures along the way.
In fact, swapping over to slow XP advancement is a good idea for any AP... then drop in other encounters and adventures as you wish.

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Are there ANY LG gods besides Erastil and Torag that would make sense for a Sarkorian to worship if they became a paladin?Many of the Empyreal Lords who are LG and some of the NG ones would make sense. And since paladins don't have to worship actual gods... that snake dude might still work.
Dragoneagle. It does call into question what the heck's going on if said paladin takes the Touched by Divinity trait (indicating that said paladin is his child). Eidolons can't have children, right?

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James Jacobs wrote:Dragoneagle. It does call into question what the heck's going on if said paladin takes the Touched by Divinity trait (indicating that said paladin is his child). Eidolons can't have children, right?Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Are there ANY LG gods besides Erastil and Torag that would make sense for a Sarkorian to worship if they became a paladin?Many of the Empyreal Lords who are LG and some of the NG ones would make sense. And since paladins don't have to worship actual gods... that snake dude might still work.
Whether or not an eidolon is fertile and can have children or sire children is up to the GM. There's no reason I can think of that they couldn't though.

Ral' Yareth |

Ral' Yareth wrote:It can't fly.James
a Mezlan (Shattered Star n° 6, pg. 90) has the following special ability:
morphic body wrote:
A mezlan can assume the appearance of
any Medium or Small creature (other than creatures with
the elemental, incorporeal, or swarm subtypes—the body
assumed must be solid). The mezlan’s creature type doesn’t
change in this new form and it gains none of the mimicked
creature’s special abilities; the transformation is cosmetic
only. In these other forms, the mezlan retains all of its
normal statistics and abilities as depicted above. Though
this ability only affects the mezlan’s outward image, it is a
transmutation effect.If it morphs into a creature that has wings and can fly, such as a medium dragon, can it also fly? Or are the wings also meant to be cosmetic only?
Thank you
Would you allow said monster to cosmetically replicate clothes, armor and weapons, of an assumed form or would it need to acquire those after the transformation?
In other words, can a mezlan assume the form of a fully dressed human? Or would it always initially appear naked?
Thank you.

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Would you allow said monster to cosmetically replicate clothes, armor and weapons, of an assumed form or would it need to acquire those after the transformation?
In other words, can a mezlan assume the form of a fully dressed human? Or would it always initially appear naked?
Thank you.
It can make its skin and limbs look like clothes, weapons, and armor, but those changes won't give it armor class or attack bonuses. It would be naked and unarmed in such a case, even though it didn't look it.

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Whether or not an eidolon is fertile and can have children or sire children is up to the GM. There's no reason I can think of that they couldn't though.James Jacobs wrote:Dragoneagle. It does call into question what the heck's going on if said paladin takes the Touched by Divinity trait (indicating that said paladin is his child). Eidolons can't have children, right?Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Are there ANY LG gods besides Erastil and Torag that would make sense for a Sarkorian to worship if they became a paladin?Many of the Empyreal Lords who are LG and some of the NG ones would make sense. And since paladins don't have to worship actual gods... that snake dude might still work.
Okay, now I've got an idea not just for a paladin but also for a creepy summoner that's in a romantic relationship with their eidolon. Two ideas for the price of one!
On that note, you say paladins don't NEED a deity. What about the Green Faith? You have to be neutral in at least one component to write that on your character sheet correct? You can't be a "druidic paladin," right?

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On that note, you say paladins don't NEED a deity. What about the Green Faith? You have to be neutral in at least one component to write that on your character sheet correct? You can't be a "druidic paladin," right?
The green faith is pretty much one of the most iconic true Neutral philosophies on Golarion. As such, it's entirely inappropriate for a lawful good character.
If you want a nature-themed paladin, Erastil is the best bet.

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:On that note, you say paladins don't NEED a deity. What about the Green Faith? You have to be neutral in at least one component to write that on your character sheet correct? You can't be a "druidic paladin," right?The green faith is pretty much one of the most iconic true Neutral philosophies on Golarion. As such, it's entirely inappropriate for a lawful good character.
If you want a nature-themed paladin, Erastil is the best bet.
That morphs the Radiance weapon in Wrath of the Righteous into a longbow, though.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:That morphs the Radiance weapon in Wrath of the Righteous into a longbow, though.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:On that note, you say paladins don't NEED a deity. What about the Green Faith? You have to be neutral in at least one component to write that on your character sheet correct? You can't be a "druidic paladin," right?The green faith is pretty much one of the most iconic true Neutral philosophies on Golarion. As such, it's entirely inappropriate for a lawful good character.
If you want a nature-themed paladin, Erastil is the best bet.
Fine with me!

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Fine with me!James Jacobs wrote:That morphs the Radiance weapon in Wrath of the Righteous into a longbow, though.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:On that note, you say paladins don't NEED a deity. What about the Green Faith? You have to be neutral in at least one component to write that on your character sheet correct? You can't be a "druidic paladin," right?The green faith is pretty much one of the most iconic true Neutral philosophies on Golarion. As such, it's entirely inappropriate for a lawful good character.
If you want a nature-themed paladin, Erastil is the best bet.
You misunderstand. I don't WANT Radiance to become a longbow. I want it to stay a sword.

Jeffrey 'Zerzix' Swank |

James Jacobs wrote:3) Nocticula is the 2nd most-powerful demon lord. Lamashtu is the 1st most powerful demon lord. Pazuzu is probably 3rd or maybe 4th.
3) Additionally, is Nocticula outright the most powerful of the demon lords and the closest to true divinity, or intended to be the most powerful of them? She's CR 30, sure, but so is, for example, Pazuzu, and mechanics don't always translate perfectly.
HEY! What About ME!? I mean, um...what about Lascer? Lord of the Shadow Shoal!? Shouldn't I really be 3rd or 4th? lol And when am I getting an official Pathfinder entry?


James Jacobs wrote:You misunderstand. I don't WANT Radiance to become a longbow. I want it to stay a sword.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Fine with me!James Jacobs wrote:That morphs the Radiance weapon in Wrath of the Righteous into a longbow, though.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:On that note, you say paladins don't NEED a deity. What about the Green Faith? You have to be neutral in at least one component to write that on your character sheet correct? You can't be a "druidic paladin," right?The green faith is pretty much one of the most iconic true Neutral philosophies on Golarion. As such, it's entirely inappropriate for a lawful good character.
If you want a nature-themed paladin, Erastil is the best bet.
Bah, swords are overrated.
Seriously though, just go straight non-denominational. Then the weapon can be whatever you like.

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James Jacobs wrote:You misunderstand. I don't WANT Radiance to become a longbow. I want it to stay a sword.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Fine with me!James Jacobs wrote:That morphs the Radiance weapon in Wrath of the Righteous into a longbow, though.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:On that note, you say paladins don't NEED a deity. What about the Green Faith? You have to be neutral in at least one component to write that on your character sheet correct? You can't be a "druidic paladin," right?The green faith is pretty much one of the most iconic true Neutral philosophies on Golarion. As such, it's entirely inappropriate for a lawful good character.
If you want a nature-themed paladin, Erastil is the best bet.
Then... well... then worship Iomedae.

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Alleran wrote:HEY! What About ME!? I mean, um...what about Lascer? Lord of the Shadow Shoal!? Shouldn't I really be 3rd or 4th? lol And when am I getting an official Pathfinder entry?James Jacobs wrote:3) Nocticula is the 2nd most-powerful demon lord. Lamashtu is the 1st most powerful demon lord. Pazuzu is probably 3rd or maybe 4th.
3) Additionally, is Nocticula outright the most powerful of the demon lords and the closest to true divinity, or intended to be the most powerful of them? She's CR 30, sure, but so is, for example, Pazuzu, and mechanics don't always translate perfectly.
Sorry, pal. I sold you off to Wizards of the Coast.

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Then... well... then worship Iomedae.James Jacobs wrote:You misunderstand. I don't WANT Radiance to become a longbow. I want it to stay a sword.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Fine with me!James Jacobs wrote:That morphs the Radiance weapon in Wrath of the Righteous into a longbow, though.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:On that note, you say paladins don't NEED a deity. What about the Green Faith? You have to be neutral in at least one component to write that on your character sheet correct? You can't be a "druidic paladin," right?The green faith is pretty much one of the most iconic true Neutral philosophies on Golarion. As such, it's entirely inappropriate for a lawful good character.
If you want a nature-themed paladin, Erastil is the best bet.
Or you could have now transform the arrows into swords when they're fired.

Tels |

James Jacobs wrote:Or you could have now transform the arrows into swords when they're fired.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Then... well... then worship Iomedae.James Jacobs wrote:You misunderstand. I don't WANT Radiance to become a longbow. I want it to stay a sword.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Fine with me!James Jacobs wrote:That morphs the Radiance weapon in Wrath of the Righteous into a longbow, though.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:On that note, you say paladins don't NEED a deity. What about the Green Faith? You have to be neutral in at least one component to write that on your character sheet correct? You can't be a "druidic paladin," right?The green faith is pretty much one of the most iconic true Neutral philosophies on Golarion. As such, it's entirely inappropriate for a lawful good character.
If you want a nature-themed paladin, Erastil is the best bet.
You mean like the... SWORDSPLOSION!!!?

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Then... well... then worship Iomedae.James Jacobs wrote:You misunderstand. I don't WANT Radiance to become a longbow. I want it to stay a sword.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Fine with me!James Jacobs wrote:That morphs the Radiance weapon in Wrath of the Righteous into a longbow, though.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:On that note, you say paladins don't NEED a deity. What about the Green Faith? You have to be neutral in at least one component to write that on your character sheet correct? You can't be a "druidic paladin," right?The green faith is pretty much one of the most iconic true Neutral philosophies on Golarion. As such, it's entirely inappropriate for a lawful good character.
If you want a nature-themed paladin, Erastil is the best bet.
She's a little too...modern for the kind of character I'm looking for. To wit, I want to play a paladin less like this and more like this.

Steven "Troll" O'Neal |

James Jacobs wrote:She's a little too...modern for the kind of character I'm looking for. To wit, I want to play a paladin less like this and more like this.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Then... well... then worship Iomedae.James Jacobs wrote:You misunderstand. I don't WANT Radiance to become a longbow. I want it to stay a sword.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Fine with me!James Jacobs wrote:That morphs the Radiance weapon in Wrath of the Righteous into a longbow, though.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:On that note, you say paladins don't NEED a deity. What about the Green Faith? You have to be neutral in at least one component to write that on your character sheet correct? You can't be a "druidic paladin," right?The green faith is pretty much one of the most iconic true Neutral philosophies on Golarion. As such, it's entirely inappropriate for a lawful good character.
If you want a nature-themed paladin, Erastil is the best bet.
Might I recommend Lymnieris, or Uskyeria.