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@Rope Talk: I always found merging the non-wrestling knotwork into escape artist made the most sense. For wrestling and tying a resisting target, I use the CMD stuff as written.

Once I folded use rope into escape artist, I changed the name of that skill to "Ropework" and split escape from manacles off into Disable Device (which I changed to "Sabotage" so every skill was one word). In practice, it's just easier not to change anything, I just go nuts about semantics sometimes. I play it RAW, in the end.

Sorry for no question, James. If someone wants to start a spinoff thread about folding and naming skills, I'm so there.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kevin Mack wrote:
I know it is still some time away and you may still not be ready to reveal a lot of details but I was wondering Shatterd star seems to be a find the missing parts treasure hunt type of adventure will there be a rival group/orginisation trying to retrieve the parts as well or is it more just a case of visiting random dungeons?

No rival groups after the parts as a whole, but the PCs aren't the only ones who are looking for the parts of the Shattered Star...

Basically, in each individual adventure, there's a different NPC or group after that adventure's particular parts OR no one else is after them at all.

James Jacobs wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
What kind of armor is Nualia wearing? It's listed as a +1 breastplate in Burnt Offerings, but it's never looked like... well, like anything but nifty weirdness. Numerian power armor with the battery long since run dry?
It's a breastplate, but the artist took a LOT of artistic freedom (that, and he had, if I remember correctly, about a week or less to do the piece before we needed to ship the book). A LOT of the art in Burnt Offerings was last-minute. So... yeah. An unusual breastplate based on, if I were forced to nail it down, an old and archaic Thassilonian style of armor.

And here I thought it was just supposed to be a literal breastplate :P

Will Kaer Maga show up in the Shattered Star Adventure Path?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

donato wrote:

Has Paizo ever considered getting a second-party developer? Basically, a company that would be dedicated to creating content only for Golarion but would have to run all content past you at Paizo to maintain consistency and quality.

It would allow for quite a bit more APs and adventures to be made every year.

No. The development of Golarion is a complicated enough task that further complicating it by having off-site devleopers isn't something that would streamline the process, nor would it result in "better continuity."

Being physically located in Paizo's building is really really important for this kind of job.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kevin Mack wrote:
Also is shatterd star the ap where we finally find out what all those entwined succubus are about (Apologies if this has already been asked)

No. The Magnimar Book will be.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cheapy wrote:

Some kind of "Use Rope" skill, you say? :)

I can totally see why they got rid of it, but I'm not sure why they decided to roll it into a combat maneuver. I mean, in combat tying? Sure, that makes sense. But for out of combat? I can't see the reasoning.

So perhaps Disable Device? That's the catch-all technical skill it would seem.

The ability to make CMB/CMD checks doesn't just vanish when combat turns off.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mechalibur wrote:
Will Kaer Maga show up in the Shattered Star Adventure Path?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Where has Tom Rex (Ace Reporter) gone?!?!

I meant my comment on in/out of combat as to why full BAB classes are better at tying ropes than Wizards. Although reading up on it...I'm not sure there are any rules for tying knots well. Just tying people up.

According to the conversion guide, Use Rope was split into Climb and Grapple. Guess there are no rules for tying ropes anymore.

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the month after the current release schedule ends, and 10 being 2014, when do you hope for that next Numeria feeler to be?

Yes, I may be a bit obsessive.

James Jacobs wrote:
AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:

Oh and speaking of which, yet another question for Mr. T-Rex... I wont' be getting Distant Worlds until next week, but I know from past write ups that the people of one of the planets are psychics? How is this handled in Distant Worlds? What can you tell us before we get our books? Heh.

It's not handled at all. We may mention a few of the creatures are psychic or have a predisposition for mind magic or something like that... but the rules crunch in the book is more interested in monsters and how being in space or on other planets works than it is in giving out new player character options.

Are there rules for low or high gravity? Do Golarionians have super-strength on Akiton?

(Is "Golarionian" even the right word?)

Aerodus Whiteblade wrote:
Where has Tom Rex (Ace Reporter) gone?!?!

Here's the scoop! I've been up to two things of late, and one of them was hibernating. You see... not all of us have the boss's outstanding metabolism, and we need to periodically retreat into our dens to get some much-needed recharge time. And then, back to back with my hibernation time, I got sent out on a job in the field. It was a cow field. They were delicious. But now I feel a food coma coming on......zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cheapy wrote:

I meant my comment on in/out of combat as to why full BAB classes are better at tying ropes than Wizards. Although reading up on it...I'm not sure there are any rules for tying knots well. Just tying people up.

According to the conversion guide, Use Rope was split into Climb and Grapple. Guess there are no rules for tying ropes anymore.

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the month after the current release schedule ends, and 10 being 2014, when do you hope for that next Numeria feeler to be?

Yes, I may be a bit obsessive.

Nope. If you want to tie a rope to another rope, you just do it. It's more or less automatic. Rules for tying ropes together existed, I believe, as a weird sort of way to help justify the fact that such a strangely hyperspecialized skill existed in the first place.

I don't hope at all. I know what the next "Numeria feeler" will be, and it's not a product we've announced yet, so I can't say without revealing something too early.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:

Are there rules for low or high gravity? Do Golarionians have super-strength on Akiton?

(Is "Golarionian" even the right word?)

There are indeed gravity rules. Not a lot, since the book's not intended to be "Distant Gravities."

James Jacobs wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:

Are there rules for low or high gravity? Do Golarionians have super-strength on Akiton?

(Is "Golarionian" even the right word?)

There are indeed gravity rules. Not a lot, since the book's not intended to be "Distant Gravities."

Well, yeah. Just need enough to do the proper Barsoomian High Jump. :) (And Pathfinder characters are sufficiently awesome that they don't need much in the way of further boosts for a Sword and Planet game.)

...So what is the proper word for "person from Golarion," anyway? Golarian? Golarionite? Golarionman (-woman, -elf, etc)? Golarionling?

Sovereign Court


Cheapy wrote:

According to the conversion guide, Use Rope was split into Climb and Grapple. Guess there are no rules for tying ropes anymore.

If I was your DM, you would make an untrained (?) Profession: Sailor check or similar to splice ropes.

Dark Archive

Analysis wrote:
Cheapy wrote:

According to the conversion guide, Use Rope was split into Climb and Grapple. Guess there are no rules for tying ropes anymore.
If I was your DM, you would make an untrained (?) Profession: Sailor check or similar to splice ropes.

I can see that.

Or, yaknow: Survival; or Craft: traps; or Craft: Knotwork.

That's right. Craft: Knotwork. The return of User Rope!

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

James, I am going to be in Ft. Lewis for the next couple weeks. Have any recommendations for local tourist spots to hit in Seattle? So far I have been told the Underworld Tour and Tillicum Village are a must.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Cheapy wrote:

I meant my comment on in/out of combat as to why full BAB classes are better at tying ropes than Wizards. Although reading up on it...I'm not sure there are any rules for tying knots well. Just tying people up.

According to the conversion guide, Use Rope was split into Climb and Grapple. Guess there are no rules for tying ropes anymore.

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the month after the current release schedule ends, and 10 being 2014, when do you hope for that next Numeria feeler to be?

Yes, I may be a bit obsessive.

Nope. If you want to tie a rope to another rope, you just do it. It's more or less automatic. Rules for tying ropes together existed, I believe, as a weird sort of way to help justify the fact that such a strangely hyperspecialized skill existed in the first place.

I don't hope at all. I know what the next "Numeria feeler" will be, and it's not a product we've announced yet, so I can't say without revealing something too early.

Is it not too early to announce it now?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
James, I am going to be in Ft. Lewis for the next couple weeks. Have any recommendations for local tourist spots to hit in Seattle? So far I have been told the Underworld Tour and Tillicum Village are a must.

The Space Needle's pretty neat. Pike's Place market is also awesome, and the aquarium and Woodland Park Zoo are VERY good.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Cheapy wrote:

I meant my comment on in/out of combat as to why full BAB classes are better at tying ropes than Wizards. Although reading up on it...I'm not sure there are any rules for tying knots well. Just tying people up.

According to the conversion guide, Use Rope was split into Climb and Grapple. Guess there are no rules for tying ropes anymore.

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the month after the current release schedule ends, and 10 being 2014, when do you hope for that next Numeria feeler to be?

Yes, I may be a bit obsessive.

Nope. If you want to tie a rope to another rope, you just do it. It's more or less automatic. Rules for tying ropes together existed, I believe, as a weird sort of way to help justify the fact that such a strangely hyperspecialized skill existed in the first place.

I don't hope at all. I know what the next "Numeria feeler" will be, and it's not a product we've announced yet, so I can't say without revealing something too early.

Is it not too early to announce it now?

No. Or yes. Whichever answer is more frustrating.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

James Jacobs wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
James, I am going to be in Ft. Lewis for the next couple weeks. Have any recommendations for local tourist spots to hit in Seattle? So far I have been told the Underworld Tour and Tillicum Village are a must.
The Space Needle's pretty neat. Pike's Place market is also awesome, and the aquarium and Woodland Park Zoo are VERY good.

Thanks! Octopus week...

Our county zoo is going to have a dino exhibit with a cheesy, animatronic T-Rex. Jealous?

Are all new products announced in the Paizo Blog? Or is there a special place on this site where I can view all new products or released products so far?

Dark Archive

In purity of balance the Nethy's entry is the person standing there supposed to be a Gnome because I'm honestly not sure.

Another question, in the close-future would we be able to pay through Ideal aswel? Cuz I can't have a creditcard and asking my friends to buy products all the time is a long-slow-way of getting the books I want so I rather see Ideal-payment in the future so I can buy my own stuff instead of letting others with creditcards pay for it.

Going to be in a 20th level game pretty soon here, and I was wondering if Two Weapon Rend works with Multi-weapon fighting since MWF replaces TWF?

According to the rules to add a spell from a scroll to her/his familiar a witch has to turn it into a tasty snack for the familiar.

If the familiar is an improved familiar such as a mephit or imp does the familiar still have to chow down on the scroll or are they able to commit it to memory?

Also is it possible to apply the rule to a wizards spell book.... Say for example a spell book is part of some phat loot and the witch whips up a nice caramelised lightning bolt and sautéed speak with dead on a bed of dried Mage armor out of the spell book..... Would there be a chance of the familiar adding these to its list.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What are the chances of Paizo doing a book in the Revisited-line about the new dragons?

Imperial Dragons Introduced sounds like a cool title, and it feels like we could do with a bit more information about the eponymous dragons of the Dragon Empires. (And I'd certainly not mind finding out a bit more about the Primal ones either, for that matter.)

Imperial Dragons Unveiled

Hey James Jacobs...

Does lycanthropy affect the lifespan of the base creature?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Sincubus wrote:

Are all new products announced in the Paizo Blog? Or is there a special place on this site where I can view all new products or released products so far?

They're not really announced on the blog as much as they are just in the store... not sure, acutely, what the best way is to view those announcements though now that I think about it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Sincubus wrote:
Another question, in the close-future would we be able to pay through Ideal aswel? Cuz I can't have a creditcard and asking my friends to buy products all the time is a long-slow-way of getting the books I want so I rather see Ideal-payment in the future so I can buy my own stuff instead of letting others with creditcards pay for it.

I'm not sure... there's a lot of security concerns with allowing alternate payment methods that we've looked into and didn't quite meet our standards for security; that's more of a webstore question in any case.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kevin Mack wrote:
In purity of balance the Nethy's entry is the person standing there supposed to be a Gnome because I'm honestly not sure.

Dunno; assuming you're talking about Nethys's entry in Faiths of Balance... probably a gnome. But I don't have a copy here to be sure.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Zeigspade wrote:
Going to be in a 20th level game pretty soon here, and I was wondering if Two Weapon Rend works with Multi-weapon fighting since MWF replaces TWF?

Up to your GM. I'd say no, though, since multi-weapon fighting is already doing plenty of damage...

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
In purity of balance the Nethy's entry is the person standing there supposed to be a Gnome because I'm honestly not sure.
Dunno; assuming you're talking about Nethys's entry in Faiths of Balance... probably a gnome. But I don't have a copy here to be sure.

Yeah sorry meant Faiths of balance (Pic with the Quasit in it)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Theropod Cultist wrote:

Basically, instead of making these tree dwarves or sea dwarves to be edgy and non-traditional, I take the traditional dwarves and add non-traditional dwarves to the mix, so that both traditional and non-traditional forms of the race exist side by side.

Do you like this sort of approach?

That approach worked very well in Warcraft. You had the Ironforge dwarves which were the classic model. The Aerie Peak Wildhammers with their love of griffon flying and shamanic reverence of nature, and the secretive Dark Irons with their penchant for dark magic and their enslavement to a fire elemental Lord. For the most part they were the same race with the Dark Irons having been slightly modified because of their association with said elemental.


James Jacobs wrote:
Sincubus wrote:

Are all new products announced in the Paizo Blog? Or is there a special place on this site where I can view all new products or released products so far?

They're not really announced on the blog as much as they are just in the store... not sure, acutely, what the best way is to view those announcements though now that I think about it.

The best way to follow new product announcements is to go to each category (like Pathfinder Roleplaying Game) and clicking on the "Upcoming" RSS feed for what you're interested in.

James Jacobs wrote:
Sincubus wrote:
Another question, in the close-future would we be able to pay through Ideal aswel? Cuz I can't have a creditcard and asking my friends to buy products all the time is a long-slow-way of getting the books I want so I rather see Ideal-payment in the future so I can buy my own stuff instead of letting others with creditcards pay for it.
I'm not sure... there's a lot of security concerns with allowing alternate payment methods that we've looked into and didn't quite meet our standards for security; that's more of a webstore question in any case.

James nailed it pretty well—we'd have to review any payment methods pretty thoroughly before adding it to our site. I'd recommend you get a disposable gift card if you don't have a credit card of your own.

As someone who works with riggers and rigging for a living, simply tying knots is absolutely an INT based skill, but the actual physical handling of rope, rope coils, throwing rope and rope loops where you want them, these are all DEX based. And while knowing how to use rope is no doubt helpful in a survival situation, knowing how to eat, keep warm, define hazards and avoid them, or tracking someone you want to follow - none of those require rope use at all, and all seem pretty reasonably WIS based to me.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The 8th Dwarf wrote:

According to the rules to add a spell from a scroll to her/his familiar a witch has to turn it into a tasty snack for the familiar.

If the familiar is an improved familiar such as a mephit or imp does the familiar still have to chow down on the scroll or are they able to commit it to memory?

Also is it possible to apply the rule to a wizards spell book.... Say for example a spell book is part of some phat loot and the witch whips up a nice caramelised lightning bolt and sautéed speak with dead on a bed of dried Mage armor out of the spell book..... Would there be a chance of the familiar adding these to its list.

An improved familiar would indeed have to learn the spell the same way, unless the GM decided to change that flavor text, of course.

As for that last question... you got a BIT too complicated and lost my train of thought... so NO!!!!!

Would a doll of a zombie be socially acceptable in Geb?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hate to ask a question that may have already asked but:

I have some Eidolon/Summoner questions. If it makes any difference they are all for a Society-legal Summoner.

1. What happens to an Eidolon that is hit by the Maze spell? My group decided that it would be stuck in the Maze as a normal character unless dismissed by the summoner. BUT the other opinion was that the Eidolon was no longer technically on the same plain as the summoner it is auto-dispelled as per the Life Link rules. (Because it is on another plane and in a sense more than 10,000 feet away.)

2. Does the Improved Damage evolution apply only to ONE set of natural attacks, or every set of the same name. IE if my Eidolon has two claw evolutions do they both benefit from a single Improve Damage: Claws evolution?

3. Do Improve Damage evolution and the Improve Natural Attack feat stack? Also is the INAttack feat Society legal to begin with?

3a. And at the same time, would the INAttack feat improve all natural attacks of the same type or just one set like question 2?

4. Can a quadruped with three Limb: Legs evolutions take two Claw evolutions or does it need to take Limb: Arms to be able to take multiple Claw evolutions?

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Hey James, a few questions about Ratfolk from Bestiary 3...

How common are they in the Inner Sea Region, and where in the ISR are you most likely to find them? Do they have much of a presence in or around Varisia?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:

What are the chances of Paizo doing a book in the Revisited-line about the new dragons?

Imperial Dragons Introduced sounds like a cool title, and it feels like we could do with a bit more information about the eponymous dragons of the Dragon Empires. (And I'd certainly not mind finding out a bit more about the Primal ones either, for that matter.)

We could certainly talk a lot more about the Imperial dragons, but the trick there is the fact that our revisited lines have 10 chapters, and we only have five imperial dragons... Doing the five primals in the same book might be an interesting combo though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
ANebulousMistress wrote:

Hey James Jacobs...

Does lycanthropy affect the lifespan of the base creature?


Well... not unless you count being hunted down by angry mobs, I guess.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

doctor_wu wrote:
Would a doll of a zombie be socially acceptable in Geb?

Probably. Geb's a pretty wild place.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Trscroggs wrote:

I hate to ask a question that may have already asked but:

I have some Eidolon/Summoner questions. If it makes any difference they are all for a Society-legal Summoner.

1. What happens to an Eidolon that is hit by the Maze spell? My group decided that it would be stuck in the Maze as a normal character unless dismissed by the summoner. BUT the other opinion was that the Eidolon was no longer technically on the same plain as the summoner it is auto-dispelled as per the Life Link rules. (Because it is on another plane and in a sense more than 10,000 feet away.)

2. Does the Improved Damage evolution apply only to ONE set of natural attacks, or every set of the same name. IE if my Eidolon has two claw evolutions do they both benefit from a single Improve Damage: Claws evolution?

3. Do Improve Damage evolution and the Improve Natural Attack feat stack? Also is the INAttack feat Society legal to begin with?

3a. And at the same time, would the INAttack feat improve all natural attacks of the same type or just one set like question 2?

4. Can a quadruped with three Limb: Legs evolutions take two Claw evolutions or does it need to take Limb: Arms to be able to take multiple Claw evolutions?

1) The eidolon endures in the maze spell like a normal creature; the summoner can't dismiss it until it escapes.

2) One set of attacks at a time. Should probably work like the feat. Also, eidolons already are better than they should be so I tend to want to see these types of things default to the less optimal option.

3) I would say that they don't, because they're kinda the same thing. See the last sentence of #2 above.

4) Needs arms for claws.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:

Hey James, a few questions about Ratfolk from Bestiary 3...

How common are they in the Inner Sea Region, and where in the ISR are you most likely to find them? Do they have much of a presence in or around Varisia?

Ratfolk are very uncommon in the Inner Sea region; wererats are a LOT more common there. Ratfolk on Golarion are more of a Tian Xia Darklands race.

Dark Archive

Did you get any of the Pathfinder Battles minis?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Did you get any of the Pathfinder Battles minis?

Just the black dragon. I've actually got a LOT of minis already... I'm trying to fight clutter!

Sovereign Court

Are any of the planets in Golarion's system named after ancient/lost/dead gods?

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