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back@James, Noticed the pregen characters were taken out of the latest AP, would you consider adding them to the AP players guide line for us in the future? Seems more appropriate there anyway.
Thought about it briefly, but from what I've heard, the vast majority of folks don't use the pre-gens for player characters anyway. And since a Player's Guide's focus is about creating your OWN character, throwing pre-gens in there is counter-intuitive to me.
If we put the iconics up as stat blocks anywhere, it'll be as an online resource at this point. Not sure when we'll have the time to do that, though...

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Demons are probably smarter than me, and I would not trust a devil as an advisor if it was a prisoner. Well I would not trust one anyway, but one that had extra reasons to do me harm is even worse. Assuming 3.5 methodology applies to pathfinder demons just have trouble staying focused for the extent that devils do, which is why they can't/don't use the same plan.
Demons have no problem "staying focused."
Chaotic does not mean scatterbrained. Looking at things like the Worldwound, the Mwangi Expanse, Tanglebriar, and the subtle conflict in western Varisia between Lamashtu and Pazuzu... there's plenty examples of demons being able to carry out long, complex plans that meet with a fair level of success.

Power Word Unzip |

DM Nickademus wrote:back@James, Noticed the pregen characters were taken out of the latest AP, would you consider adding them to the AP players guide line for us in the future? Seems more appropriate there anyway.
Thought about it briefly, but from what I've heard, the vast majority of folks don't use the pre-gens for player characters anyway. And since a Player's Guide's focus is about creating your OWN character, throwing pre-gens in there is counter-intuitive to me.
If we put the iconics up as stat blocks anywhere, it'll be as an online resource at this point. Not sure when we'll have the time to do that, though...
I like the pregens that have been made available for society play (although I do wish that Feiya had been included in the APG selection). I'm running the first section of Hook Mountain (the Graul homestead) for a mini-con this weekend, but impending work deadlines have cut back severely on the time I have to make pregens for that session - so the PFS pregens are perfect for my game, since they're already scaled to level 7.
I agree with the decision to remove them from the APs - those pages are getting used for better stuff already, judging by Carrion Crown - but it'd be nice to see more Society pregens based on the iconics (Feiya and Seltyiel, please!).

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When visualizing a bright day in Nidal, is it pretty close to the mark to describe it as looking like someone put a "night filter" over the camera lens like in many old movies, where everything was still brightly lit...just tinted?
And seconding the call on Transformers 2... Seeing Optimus Prime mercilessly execute Decepticons and shouting "GIVE ME YOUR FACE" was only the beginning of that movie's many and varied problems....

John Kretzer |

Mikaze wrote:When visualizing a bright day in Nidal, is it pretty close to the mark to describe it as looking like someone put a "night filter" over the camera lens like in many old movies, where everything was still brightly lit...just tinted?
And seconding the call on Transformers 2... Seeing Optimus Prime mercilessly execute Decepticons and shouting "GIVE ME YOUR FACE" was only the beginning of that movie's many and varied problems....
Other problems with that movie:
special effects that are overly complex and hard to look at
robot heaven
Devastator's big balls
racist robots
spastic editing/directing
no dinobots
Um the thing that bother me was when they left the Air and Space museum in Washington DC....I have been there....serveral times....there is not a big airfield out back. I mean could they not atleast get the location right?

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mdt wrote:Why's that? Because I see Transformers 2 as the worst movie of the year, and possibly the worst movie of the decade?James Jacobs wrote:Soooooooo let down by that. :( :( :(Beercifer wrote:James, have you seen the Rifftrax for Transformers 2?Nope. Not sure I want to watch Transformers 2 again, even WITH Rifftrax help.
The Keanu Reeves remake of "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and Terminator 3, beat it on both counts. :)

Bill McGrath |
At this point, I must remind the real TF fanbois that in the original cartoon they drive from the US to Morocco. In a few hours.
That said, TF2 sucked for many more reasons beyond plot holes and geography errors.
The drive might just be possible if you're okay with crossing the ice cap and doing lots of backtracking... but that's amazing. Kids shows can really get away with so much!
I wouldn't see myself as a fanboy, I was a bit too young when it was out originally. I did sit down to watch the animated movie when I was about sixteen, though, so I'm a big fan of that. And the soundtrack is incredible.

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LazarX wrote:Nah. She's not EVIL. Just kinda impatient. Treat her nice and she won't stab you.ulgulanoth wrote:would Merisiel Sillvari answer our questions if she had her own thread?I suspect however that her answers would alternate between "A Dagger in your ribs" or "My fingers on your purse" with occasional combinations of the two.
Didn't she cut to ribbons the guy who made her Paizo blog entry? There was blood dripping from the fonts! :) If you guys aren't safe from her, who is?

mdt |

First Transformer Movie by M.Bay....was great, up until Optimus Prime referred to Megatron as his Brother.
Complete Nerd-Rage Meltdown.
Second movie was your typical 'America Saves the World with Explosions!' crapola.
If you look at the original series, Optimus and Megatron were friends in their 'youth', back when Megatron first started creating the Decepticons, before Optimus became Optimus Prime. When he was Orion Pax.You can take that however you want, though. The brother line fits with my mental image of Optimus thinking of his old friend like a brother. Or, it's even possible that all cybertronians of a given production run are 'brothers'.
So no nerd-rage meltdown for me.

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I think I got that from the demon book that came out at then end of 3.5. I don't remember the exact wording it basically said most demons were not well suited for long term goals. How long "long term" was never got defined though
I guess Pathfinder has changed how the chaotic quality affects demons. So how the does being chaotic affect demons now?
I may have written a big chunk of the 3.5 Demon book, but I didn't write all of it, nor did I develop it. WotC obviously is fine with demons having trouble with long-term goals... but since D&D has a tradition of demons making long term goals that predates WotC itself (Orcus's plans for Bloodstone, for example, or Graz'zt's plans for Greyhawk for example), I tend to think that representing demons as being unable to carry out long-term plans as an error.
But now that I'm Creative Director and not just a freelance author, I get to make decisions about demons that stick! :-)
Being chaotic doesn't affect demons at all. Alignment isn't a condition. It's a result. Demons are chaotic because they embody the winding down of things—entropic destruction, in other words. They exist to destroy and distort things—either by tearing down buildings and forests and bodies, or by corrupting them into twisted mockeries. Preferably both.
Inability to plan for long term stuff is best modeled not by alignment but by low Intelligence scores.

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James Jacobs wrote:The Keanu Reeves remake of "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and Terminator 3, beat it on both counts. :)mdt wrote:Why's that? Because I see Transformers 2 as the worst movie of the year, and possibly the worst movie of the decade?James Jacobs wrote:Soooooooo let down by that. :( :( :(Beercifer wrote:James, have you seen the Rifftrax for Transformers 2?Nope. Not sure I want to watch Transformers 2 again, even WITH Rifftrax help.
Actually... I disagree.
Both of those movies have something Transformers 2 does not—a few isolated scenes that are actually pretty well put together.
I can't think of a SINGLE scene from Transformers 2 that's not annoying in some way. Mostly because the special effects in that movie are so complicated and unwatchably cluttered, but also because the movie's edited like someone who's allergic to scenes that last longer than 10 seconds.
Note that none of that means that either of those other two movies are GOOD movies. They're both bad too.

Wildebob |

This might be published somewhere, but I skimmed Gods and Magic and didn't see it so I thought I'd ask you...
Why do Golarion's deities care at all about mortals? I haven't gotten a powered-by-worship vibe from any of them. Sure, they're relative weakness would draw bullies out and the good ones might intervene to protect. There are possibilites...or are mortals just the most fun toy in the toybox?

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James I completed my Trygon , what do you think? I also think I will be making up the stats for Zsevorax the demon lord of venomous vermin, nascent demonlord of Deskari.

mdt |

This might be published somewhere, but I skimmed Gods and Magic and didn't see it so I thought I'd ask you...
Why do Golarion's deities care at all about mortals? I haven't gotten a powered-by-worship vibe from any of them. Sure, they're relative weakness would draw bullies out and the good ones might intervene to protect. There are possibilites...or are mortals just the most fun toy in the toybox?
I'm not James, but I'll give you my $0.02.
Good battles Evil, wherever it exists. And vice versa.
Evil can get strength from mortals, be it magical items, souls for rituals, life force for powering spells/rituals/items, etc.
Even if good had no altruism, they'd have to deal with the mortal world just to deny evil a resource.
To a lesser extent, Law and Chaos are the same.
As to neutrality, well, if everyone else is mucking around with the mortal realm, Nuetral needs to be involved as well! Obviously, otherwise the balance might be tipped.
Anyway, my $0.02 worth. :)
EDIT : Oh, and even if Evil couldn't get benefits from mucking around in the Mortal Realms, their very nature wouldn't let them stay away. CE has to destroy everything. LE has to control everything. NE has to exploit everything.

Dragon78 |

1)How many Sorcerer Bloodlines and Oracle Mysteries are there in Ultimate magic? is it greater, equal, or lesser than in the Apg
2)If you have a favorite Godzilla movie then wich one(s) is it?
3)If an assimar(or tiefling) has the Celestial bloodline(or Abyssal/Infernal) would the the energy resistances stack?
4)Have you seen "Let me in" and/or "Let the right one in"? If so the what did you think?
5)Have you seen "Kick ass", "Scott Pilgrim vs the world", and/or "Sucker Punch"? If so what did you think?
6)I know that most of the sky metals found in Numeria haven't been shown game mechanics wise in the game. But have you guys worked out how they will work yet and what there prices are going to be?
7)When Will we find out what the new Sorcerer bloodlines are going to be?
8)Will there ever be a second misfit monsters redeemed or classic treasures revisted?
9)Who is your favorite artist(s)? (Have you ever heard of Frank Cho or Budd Root?)
10)I would love to see books along the lines of Classic horrors, misfit monsters redeemed,etc. for Fey, Giants, and another dragons one(maybe linnorms) are there any more monster ones like these in the works?

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This might be published somewhere, but I skimmed Gods and Magic and didn't see it so I thought I'd ask you...
Why do Golarion's deities care at all about mortals? I haven't gotten a powered-by-worship vibe from any of them. Sure, they're relative weakness would draw bullies out and the good ones might intervene to protect. There are possibilites...or are mortals just the most fun toy in the toybox?
Why do people care about their pets? They like them; they amuse them, they help protect their interests. Why do people enjoy games like the Sims? It's fun to manipulate and direct things and influence things and collect things.
And on top of that... they're gods. Not everything they do needs to be understandable by mortals.
Faith and Worship IS something that the deities enjoy, but it's not something they need to survive. Think about why you might enjoy having something that idolizes and looks up to you, treats you like a hero, is loyal to you and helps spread your good name. Whether it's a child or an employee or a pet or whatever... that's kind of why the deities care about mortals.

The Guardian Beyond Beyond |

The Guardian Beyond Beyond wrote:Why do minor artifacts in Pathfinder now have special destruction conditions like major artifacts?Because all artifacts, be they major or minor, are pretty much impossible to destroy except via specific methods. As a general rule, the methods to destroy a minor artifact are "easier," but still not easy.
The only real difference between a minor and a major artifact is that major ones are unique, while minor ones are not. There's more than one staff of the magi in the world, for example, but there's only one axe of the dwarvish lords.
In D&D 3.5 minor artifacts could be destroyed like any other magic item. Why was this changed for Pathfinder? I don't understand the reason behind change especially when you have a ridiculous destruction condition.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1)How many Sorcerer Bloodlines and Oracle Mysteries are there in Ultimate magic? is it greater, equal, or lesser than in the Apg
2)If you have a favorite Godzilla movie then wich one(s) is it?
3)If an assimar(or tiefling) has the Celestial bloodline(or Abyssal/Infernal) would the the energy resistances stack?
4)Have you seen "Let me in" and/or "Let the right one in"? If so the what did you think?
5)Have you seen "Kick ass", "Scott Pilgrim vs the world", and/or "Sucker Punch"? If so what did you think?
1) The book's almost out... I don't wanna spoil that yet.
2) I do like the original Gojira (the Japanese cut WIHTOUT Raymond Burr, please!) a lot, but my favorite Godzilla movie is "Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack." I probably got the name a little wrong; it's a needlessly complex one. But the movie itself is REALLY good.
3) Nope; energy resistances from multiple sources do not stack.
4) I've seen both of those movies. They're equally awesome, which is pretty impressive since usually remakes aren't as good. "Let the Right One In" was the best vampire movie of the year, and so was "Let Me In." If I had to pick one over the other... that'd be a tough choice, but I'd probably pick "Let Me In" simply because the movies ARE so equal, that the fact that "Let Me In" is in the language I speak, it's easier for me to enjoy the movie than one where the actual writing is seen through the filter of someone other than the movie's writer (subtitles are better than dubbing by a HUGE amount... but they're not as good as knowing the delight of well-written and acted dialogue in the native tongue).
5) I've seen "Kick-ass" and really liked it. I will hopefully be seeing "Scott Pilgrim" soon—missed it in the theater. Same with Sucker Punch, although that one I'm a lot more wary about, since I get a weird fanboy-vibe from it that I don't from the others. I liked Watchmen well enough, and the remake of Dawn of the Dead was INCREDIBLE, but I really didn't like 300 at all. And furthermore, the "this fantasy world is all imaginary" is a plot construction that generally rubs me the wrong way.... I haven't SEEN Sucker Punch, so I can't say if it is an imaginary world, but the trailers sure make it look like one. I'd much rather see a movie like Sucker Punch that doesn't have any of the asylum element to it at all, and is 100% set in the fantasy world.

Ambrosia Slaad |

So... what's your (current, non-binding) opinion of the psionic races (dromites, elans, half-giants, duergars, maenaeds, xephs) as presented in the XPH/SRD?
If Paizo decides to do a psionics book down the road (PLEASE!), would you prefer to keep some/all of the psionic races, ditch them entirely, or(/and?) provide alternate racial traits (like in the APG) to the core races to give them more psionic flavor?

wraithstrike |

wraithstrike wrote:I think I got that from the demon book that came out at then end of 3.5. I don't remember the exact wording it basically said most demons were not well suited for long term goals. How long "long term" was never got defined though
I guess Pathfinder has changed how the chaotic quality affects demons. So how the does being chaotic affect demons now?Being chaotic doesn't affect demons at all. Alignment isn't a condition. It's a result. Demons are chaotic because they embody the winding down of things—entropic destruction, in other words. They exist to destroy and distort things—either by tearing down buildings and forests and bodies, or by corrupting them into twisted mockeries. Preferably both.
Thanks. I get it now. Cause havok and mayhem.

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So... what's your (current, non-binding) opinion of the psionic races (dromites, elans, half-giants, duergars, maenaeds, xephs) as presented in the XPH/SRD?
If Paizo decides to do a psionics book down the road (PLEASE!), would you prefer to keep some/all of the psionic races, ditch them entirely, or(/and?) provide alternate racial traits (like in the APG) to the core races to give them more psionic flavor?
I'm not a fan of any of the psionic races. They're all kinda silly in my opinion, and do weird things like have one be a completely human looking aberration. Bleh.
We wouldn't keep those races at all if we did a psionics book, I would suspect. What would we do instead? Dunno. That's still a long way down the road.

Dragon78 |

The Scott pilgrim movie was the best indie rock hipster video game comic book movie ever!!!
Sucker punch is like a pg-13 version of heavy metal is best way to describe it.
1)Have you seen "Paul" and/or "Your highness"? What did think?
2)Favorite foreign film?(mine would be Amelie)
3)Wich did you like best Aliens or Terminator 2?
4)If they were making a movie based on one of Lovecrafts works wich one would you want the most or wich one do you think they could do the best for a movie?
5)I had posted 5 more questions in my last post that was missed because I was updating my post when you were answering the first 5.

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LazarX wrote:James Jacobs wrote:The Keanu Reeves remake of "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and Terminator 3, beat it on both counts. :)mdt wrote:Why's that? Because I see Transformers 2 as the worst movie of the year, and possibly the worst movie of the decade?James Jacobs wrote:Soooooooo let down by that. :( :( :(Beercifer wrote:James, have you seen the Rifftrax for Transformers 2?Nope. Not sure I want to watch Transformers 2 again, even WITH Rifftrax help.Actually... I disagree.
Both of those movies have something Transformers 2 does not—a few isolated scenes that are actually pretty well put together.
I can't think of a SINGLE scene from Transformers 2 that's not annoying in some way. Mostly because the special effects in that movie are so complicated and unwatchably cluttered, but also because the movie's edited like someone who's allergic to scenes that last longer than 10 seconds.
Note that none of that means that either of those other two movies are GOOD movies. They're both bad too.
I consider them worse because they're crimes committed against predecessors which were classics. Terminator 3 was an exercise in misogyny which invalidated the closure of Terminator 2, and Keannu Reeves portrayal was a mockery of Michael Rennie although I'm willing to concede that it was probably not entirely his fault. Gravitas on the order of Michael Rennie is pretty dammed hard to copy.

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Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:James I completed my Trygon , what do you think? I also think I will be making up the stats for Zsevorax the demon lord of venomous vermin, nascent demonlord of Deskari.Looks good! Well done!
I started to do the crunch for this beastie.
Zsevorax- Lord of poisonous verminCommander: Deskari
Realm: The worldwound
Unholy symbol: Scythelimb dripping venom
Obedience: allow at least 6 poisonous centipedes to crawl over you and allow them to sting you
Boons: 1 summon swarm (centipede only), 2 Giant Vermin (centipede only), 3 harm
Do you like what you see so far? I'm also statting him up, would like me to post these stats here when I'm finished?

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2) I do like the original Gojira (the Japanese cut WIHTOUT Raymond Burr, please!) a lot, but my favorite Godzilla movie is "Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack." I probably got the name a little wrong; it's a needlessly complex one. But the movie itself is REALLY good.
James, as good as GMK was, Ghidorah's a good guy in it. GHIDORAH. Ghidorah, the Destroyer of All Monsters, the bad guy of half a dozen different Toho kaiju films. Just... no. I don't get how any fan of Gojira could say GMK is his favorite.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The Scott pilgrim movie was the best indie rock hipster video game comic book movie ever!!!
Sucker punch is like a pg-13 version of heavy metal is best way to describe it.
1)Have you seen "Paul" and/or "Your highness"? What did think?
2)Favorite foreign film?(mine would be Amelie)
3)Wich did you like best Aliens or Terminator 2?
4)If they were making a movie based on one of Lovecrafts works wich one would you want the most or wich one do you think they could do the best for a movie?
5)I had posted 5 more questions in my last post that was missed because I was updating my post when you were answering the first 5.
Honestly... had Sucker Punch been rated R I would have gone to see it in a heartbeat. And the fact that it was rated PG-13, when all of the director's other live action movies have been R, kinda set off the "This has been sanitized for the mass markets" alarm, which didn't help me want to see it. Not sure what's left in a PG-13 Heavy Metal movie to make it worth seeing, I guess? I'll see the movie eventually...
1) Haven't seen either. Haven't had time lately to watch nearly as many movies as I want, due to the Gen Con Death March. When I do go see movies lately... I kinda try to make them movies I really REALLY want to see, like "Source Code," "Insidious," and "Hanna." "Paul" and "Your Highness," being comedies, are just not as high up on my to-see list as sci-fi, horror, and action movies.
2) Favorite foreign film = Seven Samurai.
3) Terminator 2 is better than Aliens, and Aliens is a GREAT movie.
4) At the Mountains of Madness, directed by Guillarmo Del Toro and produced by James Cameron. I can still hope. If not that, then John Carpenter directing "Dunwich Horror."
5) Oh.

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James Jacobs wrote:
I'm not a fan of any of the psionic races. They're all kinda silly in my opinion, and do weird things like have one be a completely human looking aberration. Bleh.We wouldn't keep those races at all if we did a psionics book, I would suspect. What would we do instead? Dunno. That's still a long way down the road.
If you did come out with new races for a psionics book, would you be willing to include a couple oddball options?
For example, I wasn't a huge fan of the dromite, but I appreciated that they let me play a psychic bug-person.
Not really. Oddball choices are kinda a waste of space in a core product. Oddball psionic races would be better served in their own supplementary book.

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James Jacobs wrote:Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:James I completed my Trygon , what do you think? I also think I will be making up the stats for Zsevorax the demon lord of venomous vermin, nascent demonlord of Deskari.Looks good! Well done!I started to do the crunch for this beastie.
Zsevorax- Lord of poisonous vermin
Commander: Deskari
Realm: The worldwound
Unholy symbol: Scythelimb dripping venom
Obedience: allow at least 6 poisonous centipedes to crawl over you and allow them to sting you
Boons: 1 summon swarm (centipede only), 2 Giant Vermin (centipede only), 3 harmDo you like what you see so far? I'm also statting him up, would like me to post these stats here when I'm finished?
Yup! Post it!

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James, as good as GMK was, Ghidorah's a good guy in it. GHIDORAH. Ghidorah, the Destroyer of All Monsters, the bad guy of half a dozen different Toho kaiju films. Just... no. I don't get how any fan of Gojira could say GMK is his favorite.
The fact that they had the guts to make Godzilla a bad guy and Ghidorah a good guy is part of what makes that movie so awesome to me.

Katerek |

Katerek wrote:I've not seen it yet, but I've been hoping to get a chance to see it since I first heard about it in the middle of last year. It's in one of my favorite genres of movie: the found footage genre. I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing it, and I hope it's playing at the Seattle International Film Festival in a month or so...Have you seen The Trollhunter? Its a Norwegian movie. If so, what are your thoughts?
I don't have the web-fu necessary to post a link to the IMDB site or I would do that here.
I got to see the international version just the other day...it is fantastic. I won't ruin anything for you, though, no worries there. Based on other comments by you I am pretty sure your taste in movies runs strangely parallel with my own so I think you will truly appreciate it. As for its genre - you nailed it, its got a real Blair Witch vibe to it.
As I understand it, it is going to be released in the states at some wider level sometime this year. I have also heard some scuttlebutt about a possible American remake - for which I have nothing but fear.
Once you have seen it I would love to 'hear' your comments.

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This might have been asked before, but I can't remember and am too darn tired to do a Search, so: Will the Redeemed Misfit Monsters be in Bestiary 3?
Since we haven't officially even announced a Bestiary 3... it's WAY too early to confirm or deny if anything from Misfit Monsters will be in it.

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As I understand it, it is going to be released in the states at some wider level sometime this year. I have also heard some scuttlebutt about a possible American remake - for which I have nothing but fear.
Once you have seen it I would love to 'hear' your comments.
"Let Me In" and "Ring" are both American remakes of foreign movies that were, in my opinion, better than the originals.
Not everything goes the way of the American remake of "The Vanishing."

Katerek |

Katerek wrote:As I understand it, it is going to be released in the states at some wider level sometime this year. I have also heard some scuttlebutt about a possible American remake - for which I have nothing but fear.
Once you have seen it I would love to 'hear' your comments.
"Let Me In" and "Ring" are both American remakes of foreign movies that were, in my opinion, better than the originals.
Not everything goes the way of the American remake of "The Vanishing."
I haven't seen "Let me in" due to an infestation of toddlers in my home, and I had actually forgotten about "Ring". You make a very valid point though.
Speaking of Japanese horror...have you read Uzumaki? I am not one for manga/anime typically, but that one really wowed me.

deinol |

Kajehase wrote:This might have been asked before, but I can't remember and am too darn tired to do a Search, so: Will the Redeemed Misfit Monsters be in Bestiary 3?Since we haven't officially even announced a Bestiary 3... it's WAY too early to confirm or deny if anything from Misfit Monsters will be in it.
They also usually try to wait at least a year before they reprint monsters in a compiled bestiary. So Misfit Monsters may be too close to the cut off date.

DM Nickademus |

I have always wanted to read H.P. Lovecraft and recently bought the leatherbound classic edition for $20 from Barnes and Noble(which I recommend to anyone who likes to "keep" books). I am a programmer by trade so my library is mostly technical.
Considering the size of the tome(large) and the time I have to read for fun(small), which story would you suggest one start reading for optimal Lovecraftian expierience?

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Something I've always wondered: how quickly do genie-blooded, aasimars, and tieflings age? I've usually treated them as having the half-elf progression, but I cannot recall reading anywhere if they live longer than humans. Maybe I missed something in Pathfinder 25 (which had a great article going into tieflings as characters), but even that did not seem to shed light on the matter.
On a completely different note, which is your favorite Doctor? I've got a special place for the 10th, but the 11th is growing on me.

Dragon78 |

1)Will we ever see a classic treasure revisited 2 or misfit monsters redeemed 2?
2)will there ever be books like misfit monsters,classic horrors, etc. for Fey, Giants, Dragons(linnorms, primal dragons, etc.)
3)Are exited about "Thor", "Captain america", and/or "Green lantern"?
4)Have you seen "Amelie" or "The city of lost children"? if so did you like them?
5)Are there any APs you would like to see done theme wise or game mechanics wise?

HalfOrcHeavyMetal |

Where would you see a family/Clan of Half-Orcs settling peacefully (relatively, perhaps, would be the best term for this >_>) within Golarion outside of the oblivion-seeking Orcish territories? Areas where they can focus their natural aggression without coming into conflict with their neighbours seems to suggest a more down-to-earth lifestyle, such as farming, logging, fishing or other labor-heavy occupations where their natural aggression can be safely focused into productive lifestyles.
Something else that occurs to me is that Orcish physiology seems to create multiple births often amongst Orcs, but while limited to smaller numbers of children at a time, Half-Orcs also seem to follow suit with 'large' births or having litters, so to speak. If a community of Half-Orcs were allowed to grow and develop, how long would it take for an small group of around twenty or thirty to expand into a few hundred? Given four or three children a 'litter', losing one child on average, giving birth every five years with a cap of four litters per female, I would estimate the community would reach 200 adults by 50 or so years.

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

Dragon78 wrote:5)Have you seen "Kick ass", "Scott Pilgrim vs the world", and/or "Sucker Punch"? If so what did you think?5) I will hopefully be seeing ... Sucker Punch, although that one I'm a lot more wary about, since I get a weird fanboy-vibe from it that I don't from the others. I liked Watchmen well enough, and the remake of Dawn of the Dead was INCREDIBLE, but I really didn't like 300 at all. And furthermore, the "this fantasy world is all imaginary" is a plot construction that generally rubs me the wrong way.... I haven't SEEN Sucker Punch, so I can't say if it is an imaginary world, but the trailers sure make it look like one. I'd much rather see a movie like Sucker Punch that doesn't have any of the asylum element to it at all, and is 100% set in the fantasy world.
Re: bolded comment
Yikes, you're going to be even more disappointed in Sucker Punch than you think ... I'd make this one a Redbox at best; that way you're only out $1 plus that part of your life.
I do think it's worth seeing; the effects are cool, but ... that's about all it has going for it. In my opinion, it's even flatter than Watchmen or 300.

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Something I've always wondered: how quickly do genie-blooded, aasimars, and tieflings age? I've usually treated them as having the half-elf progression, but I cannot recall reading anywhere if they live longer than humans. Maybe I missed something in Pathfinder 25 (which had a great article going into tieflings as characters), but even that did not seem to shed light on the matter.
On a completely different note, which is your favorite Doctor? I've got a special place for the 10th, but the 11th is growing on me.
I have a feeling that my affection for the 11th is largely due to the synergy he has with the new producer Steven Moffat. (Tennant left the series because his producer was leaving as well.)
I think Moffat seems to be the one that's come to grips with the realisation that Dr. Who has really only paid lip-service at best with science fiction and has realised what the show was about all along. A strange magical quirky man with many faces and moods, and his magical blue traveling box.
In a way, these men have returned to Dr Who's original roots, a children's show, but instead of being lame attempts at historical education, it's magical fantasy show with a strong undercurrent of horror beneath. Moffat's been concentrating on classic phobias, frightful clowns, spiders, cracks in the wall and things under the sofa. And no one has ever frightened so effectively with unmoving statues.