>>Ask *James Jacobs* ALL your Questions Here!<<

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Paizo Employee Creative Director

HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:
Adding to Thomas LeBlanc's question, what is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten at a gaming night with your friends? ('Con Food is always weird, so I guess that doesn't count.)

For a while, a friend of mine was doing a tradition of picking up a weird new food item at the Asian market every session. The weirdest thing he brought to the table was something I didn't try—raw pickled duck eggs. No thanks.

Hi James,

two question regarding the Absolom map:
- is the big round thingy in the midlle of the foreign quaters the Irorium?
- I don't think any building in the foreign quaters is big enough to be the Grand Lodge, does that mean it Lodge is not in that quater or did the artist just forgot to draw it, where on the map should the Lodge be?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

aeglos wrote:

Hi James,

two question regarding the Absolom map:
- is the big round thingy in the midlle of the foreign quaters the Irorium?
- I don't think any building in the foreign quaters is big enough to be the Grand Lodge, does that mean it Lodge is not in that quater or did the artist just forgot to draw it, where on the map should the Lodge be?

The Absalom map shows an area that's about 35 times as huge as the map of Korvosa, which was physically four times the size. That means that the "buildings" shown on the Absalom map are not buildings at all, anymore than an overland map shows individual trees in a forest.

In other words, with the possible exception of the central cathedral and one or two castles... none of the shapes on the Absalom map show individual buildings at all. I some day hope to revise/rebuild the Absalom map to be more accurate... but for now, the Absalom map is really only good for showing the basic locations of the various districts. It shouldn't be used at ALL to set actual building shapes.

I probably shouldn't ask, but which do you find more annoying?

The fandom for a certain drow ranger.

The hatedom for said character.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Do you like me? Or do you just find me annoying?

Can I work with you some day? What would it take for me to get there?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
who wins, wraith or t-rex?
Alas... the wraith. The T-rex can't hurt him, and the wraith's touch attacks will make short work of him.

But can't that just lead to a Dread Wraith T-rex, using the template from Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary?

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

James, my cart has over $150 of stuff. How do I appease the wife before hitting buy? She is immune to flowers and chocolates. Has resistance to unexpected gifts (she will know something is afoot). I have not been able to get a good result on Knowledge(women) to find her vulnerability...

I would normally resort to a FLGS, but the nearest one is months away. I need help!

Have you ever gone as a T-Rex for Halloween? If not, get some jumping stilts to make you both taller and scarier as you chase down the children to eat (their candy) if you make a T-Rex costume.

EDIT: I just noticed "A complete system covering vehicle combat, including wagons, boats, airships, and more" in the Ultimate Combat description = awesome!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:

Halflings of Golarion came out in Feb, Faiths of Purity comes out in April, while Humans of Golarion comes out in June, which means March and May don't have a Player's Companion. Yet June, July and August have books, will there be a Player's Companion in Sept, as that's my birthday???

If not, anything awesome coming out in Sept?

There's plenty awesome coming out in September. We haven't announced anything past August yet, though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ravingdork wrote:

Do you like me? Or do you just find me annoying?

Can I work with you some day? What would it take for me to get there?

I think you're probably a bit too concerned/focused on the rules side of things. That's good and all... but in my opinion, the rules should ALWAYS be secondary to the game. When rules work best, they're invisible. When they don't work, they should be flexible; the rules won't have their feelings hurt at all if we make ad hoc rulings, after all.

Another thing—passion is great for hobbies... but don't let it run so hot that you lose sight of the fact that it's supposed to be a game. It's supposed to be fun. And that means that sometimes, it's best to leave a pointless argument alone.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kvantum wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
who wins, wraith or t-rex?
Alas... the wraith. The T-rex can't hurt him, and the wraith's touch attacks will make short work of him.
But can't that just lead to a Dread Wraith T-rex, using the template from Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary?

Depends on the GM. And depends on how that GM interprets the Advanced Bestiary.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

James, my cart has over $150 of stuff. How do I appease the wife before hitting buy? She is immune to flowers and chocolates. Has resistance to unexpected gifts (she will know something is afoot). I have not been able to get a good result on Knowledge(women) to find her vulnerability...

I would normally resort to a FLGS, but the nearest one is months away. I need help!

Have you ever gone as a T-Rex for Halloween? If not, get some jumping stilts to make you both taller and scarier as you chase down the children to eat (their candy) if you make a T-Rex costume.

EDIT: I just noticed "A complete system covering vehicle combat, including wagons, boats, airships, and more" in the Ultimate Combat description = awesome!

Tell her that it's not REAL money if you buy it on the internet. It's just electrons!

And yes, I have gone as a T-Rex for Halloween. Or, at least, I tried to. It ended up looking more like Shark Man, alas.

Yup; the vehicle combat rules, if they pan out the way I hope they will, will work for most any type of vehicle. From horseback to race cars. You'll just need stats for the vehicles to have at it!

Dark Archive

cool so we'll be able to play charioteers any time soon?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ulgulanoth wrote:
cool so we'll be able to play charioteers any time soon?

We'll see come Gen Con when the book comes out.

Ravingdork wrote:

Do you like me? Or do you just find me annoying?

Can I work with you some day? What would it take for me to get there?

You have to do everything I say without question. Now if you reply with a question you have already failed.

Once you take care of that I might consider you for the Wraithstrike Apprenticeship Academy(WAA), and there are no crybabies before anyone tries to make fun of the name.

Shadow Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:

Tell her that it's not REAL money if you buy it on the internet. It's just electrons!

That could be a very dangerous thing to tell some women. They might take it to heart.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

James Jacobs wrote:
Tell her that it's not REAL money if you buy it on the internet. It's just electrons!

Unfortunately, that would work in her favor as well. I get annoyed when she buys from the iTunes store. Plus she buys enough online already...

James Jacobs wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
cool so we'll be able to play charioteers any time soon?
We'll see come Gen Con when the book comes out.

YAY! More incentive to attend. My wife wanted to buy new furniture, I wanted Gen Con. I won the argument, but did I really win?

Soon I can see how well the official rules work compared to mine. Why weren't trains mentioned? They are a staple for my steampunk needs...


What's the best Message board alias you've come across?

Also as someone who loves the class archetypes, is this something you see as continually evolving or do you think there's a "finite" amount of archetypes in the tank before it gets old (if so are we close/not etc)?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Where can I get the best sushi at PaizoCon?

Btw, I am still waiting for my live scorpions.:)

Dark Archive

what should one explore more in Varisia from the prespective of a GM?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Tell her that it's not REAL money if you buy it on the internet. It's just electrons!

Unfortunately, that would work in her favor as well. I get annoyed when she buys from the iTunes store. Plus she buys enough online already...

James Jacobs wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
cool so we'll be able to play charioteers any time soon?
We'll see come Gen Con when the book comes out.

YAY! More incentive to attend. My wife wanted to buy new furniture, I wanted Gen Con. I won the argument, but did I really win?

Soon I can see how well the official rules work compared to mine. Why weren't trains mentioned? They are a staple for my steampunk needs...

Again... the vehicle chase rules will (should!) work with any vehicles.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Black Dow wrote:


What's the best Message board alias you've come across?

Also as someone who loves the class archetypes, is this something you see as continually evolving or do you think there's a "finite" amount of archetypes in the tank before it gets old (if so are we close/not etc)?

No one's using it here, but someone somewhere (I forget who and where) used a picture of Donald Sutherland from the end of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" as an avatar. That's pretty dope. Those of you who've seen the movie know the shot I'm talking about.

I absolutely think there's a finite amount of archetypes. Just because they're easier to apply and qualify for and create than prestige classes doesn't mean we'll never hit saturation on them. Where that point is... I'm not sure. But I suspect we'll be pretty close to it by the time we get done with Ultimate Combat.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:

Where can I get the best sushi at PaizoCon?

Btw, I am still waiting for my live scorpions.:)

There's a place called "Blue C Sushi" in Bellevue that's pretty good conveyor belt style sushi. As for "made to order" sushi, there's actually quite a few good places in and around Bellevue. Alas, I can't remember any of the restaurant names off the top of my head, since I've been to so many.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ulgulanoth wrote:
what should one explore more in Varisia from the prespective of a GM?

This question's kinda awkwardly phrased. Did you mean to ask "WHEN" there'll be more GM info about Varisia?

If that was the question, the answer is "This Gen Con, in Pathfinder #49."

James Jacobs wrote:
Black Dow wrote:


Also as someone who loves the class archetypes, is this something you see as continually evolving or do you think there's a "finite" amount of archetypes in the tank before it gets old (if so are we close/not etc)?

I absolutely think there's a finite amount of archetypes. Just because they're easier to apply and qualify for and create than prestige classes doesn't mean we'll never hit saturation on them. Where that point is... I'm not sure. But I suspect we'll be pretty close to it by the time we get done with Ultimate Combat.

Before that time comes are we likely also to see more "culture specific" archtypes - such as the Aldori Swordlord for Fighters, as I think these Golarian specific archtypes add alot of flavour and uniqueness to "regional" classes; a Shoanti Cinder Witch would be very different from a Shackles Brine Sister (using witches as an example).

I would feel comfortable around my house with some decapitated goblins keeping my feet warm. Would Paizo be interested in making goblin head fuzzy slippers?


Have you ever bought a Games Workshop product?

If yes, what was it?

If nay, why not?

If maybe, why so vague?

*shakes fist*


This thread is awesome, thanks for your work James.


What can we do to make you less stressed at Paizo-Con?

Linked Question: What can we do to get you to play in more games [or run more games] at Paizocon?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Black Dow wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Black Dow wrote:


Also as someone who loves the class archetypes, is this something you see as continually evolving or do you think there's a "finite" amount of archetypes in the tank before it gets old (if so are we close/not etc)?

I absolutely think there's a finite amount of archetypes. Just because they're easier to apply and qualify for and create than prestige classes doesn't mean we'll never hit saturation on them. Where that point is... I'm not sure. But I suspect we'll be pretty close to it by the time we get done with Ultimate Combat.
Before that time comes are we likely also to see more "culture specific" archtypes - such as the Aldori Swordlord for Fighters, as I think these Golarian specific archtypes add alot of flavour and uniqueness to "regional" classes; a Shoanti Cinder Witch would be very different from a Shackles Brine Sister (using witches as an example).

Absolutely. There'll be a lot of them in "Inner Sea Magic," for starters. There'll be more showing up here and there as well.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Oterisk wrote:
I would feel comfortable around my house with some decapitated goblins keeping my feet warm. Would Paizo be interested in making goblin head fuzzy slippers?

That's precisely the type of product that works best when it's done by a licensed partner, not by Paizo.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

BenignFacist wrote:

Have you ever bought a Games Workshop product?

If yes, what was it?

If nay, why not?

If maybe, why so vague?

*shakes fist*

Yup. Plenty, but mostly just Call of Cthulhu supplements and copies of White Dwarf that contained Call of Cthulhu stuff. I've bought a few Warhammer things over the years, but not much at all; I'm not really into miniatures gaming that much.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Sleep-Walker wrote:

What can we do to make you less stressed at Paizo-Con?

Linked Question: What can we do to get you to play in more games [or run more games] at Paizocon?

Not much, alas. My dislike of convention isn't really something that can be fixed by attempts to fix it, and paradoxically, attempts to fix it only make me more uncomfortable.

As for getting me to run or play in more games at Paizocon... also not much. I'm already there for the whole time, so apart from convincing us to extend the convention's length, there's not much expansion to my gaming schedule available there.

So if someone were to -- hypothetically of course -- steal the T-Rex from the Walking with Dinosaurs arena show, upload a copy of your GMing, RPG, & (unclassified) Paizo info into it's T-800 brain, would you allow it to take your place at Cons?

What if it was allowed to chew on aggravating players?

If cyber-JacobsRex was busy doing his thing, if you were able to completely disguise yourself as anyone else, and if you could pose as just another con attendee... could you enjoy the Con then?

{asks the hermit slaad who does not like crowds}

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

So if someone were to -- hypothetically of course -- steal the T-Rex from the Walking with Dinosaurs arena show, upload a copy of your GMing, RPG, & (unclassified) Paizo info into it's T-800 brain, would you allow it to take your place at Cons?

What if it was allowed to chew on aggravating players?

If cyber-JacobsRex was busy doing his thing, if you were able to completely disguise yourself as anyone else, and if you could pose as just another con attendee... could you enjoy the Con then?

{asks the hermit slaad who does not like crowds}

It's not a matter of being recognized. It's more simply the fact that I'm not a fan of crowds. So being transplanted into a cybernetic dinosaur wouldn't make much of a difference.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

So if someone were to -- hypothetically of course -- steal the T-Rex from the Walking with Dinosaurs arena show, upload a copy of your GMing, RPG, & (unclassified) Paizo info into it's T-800 brain, would you allow it to take your place at Cons?

What if it was allowed to chew on aggravating players?

If cyber-JacobsRex was busy doing his thing, if you were able to completely disguise yourself as anyone else, and if you could pose as just another con attendee... could you enjoy the Con then?

{asks the hermit slaad who does not like crowds}

It's not a matter of being recognized. It's more simply the fact that I'm not a fan of crowds.

I think there are drugs for that now....

Paizo Employee Creative Director

joela wrote:
I think there are drugs for that now....

That sounds like an expensive way to endure side effects.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
joela wrote:
I think there are drugs for that now....
That sounds like an expensive way to endure side effects.

There are drugs to deal with the side effects, too ^_^

Paizo Employee Creative Director

joela wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
joela wrote:
I think there are drugs for that now....
That sounds like an expensive way to endure side effects.
There are drugs to deal with the side effects, too ^_^

Do you work for a pharmacy company? Or perhaps have stock in one?

Dark Archive

If / when Paizo has official rules for Epic play, where'd you like an AP utilizing those rules to be headed? The Abyss? The Hells? Or...?

Dark Archive

will you give us any stories in the James Jacobs story thread?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

joela wrote:
If / when Paizo has official rules for Epic play, where'd you like an AP utilizing those rules to be headed? The Abyss? The Hells? Or...?

Unclear. Because part of figuring out post 20th level play would be figuring out what "campaign setting" would support it.

Pretty much the only thing we know about it is that we won't be calling it "epic levels," in fact.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ulgulanoth wrote:
will you give us any stories in the James Jacobs story thread?

Probably not. Since stories take a long time to write. And since time taken to write stories for free for message boards is time taken away from me to write stories for pay for work or freelance or other venues. ;-P

Dear Mr. Jacobs-a-saurus,

Given the phenominal velocity achievable by a panguin's exceptionally aerodynamic body, what method do you think is best suited to launch said panguin (jodi sized, and therefore amiri sized, we speculate) hard enough to serve as a T-Rex sized suppository?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

nathan blackmer wrote:

Dear Mr. Jacobs-a-saurus,

Given the phenominal velocity achievable by a panguin's exceptionally aerodynamic body, what method do you think is best suited to launch said panguin (jodi sized, and therefore amiri sized, we speculate) hard enough to serve as a T-Rex sized suppository?

Assuming you mean "penguins," then I'd first ask if you were talking about the little jerks, the big emperor penguins, or the giant albino ones beyond the Mountains of Madness. Size makes a difference... but catapults should work whatever the size.

James Jacobs wrote:
nathan blackmer wrote:

Dear Mr. Jacobs-a-saurus,

Given the phenominal velocity achievable by a panguin's exceptionally aerodynamic body, what method do you think is best suited to launch said panguin (jodi sized, and therefore amiri sized, we speculate) hard enough to serve as a T-Rex sized suppository?

Assuming you mean "penguins," then I'd first ask if you were talking about the little jerks, the big emperor penguins, or the giant albino ones beyond the Mountains of Madness. Size makes a difference... but catapults should work whatever the size.

Let's go with an emperor panguin. King of all panguins for the king of all dinosaurs, it only seems fair.

Liberty's Edge

Well, I didn't vote for them...

Liberty's Edge

nathan blackmer wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Well, I didn't vote for them...
Alright then, We'll make Studpuffin roll in vaseline and use him.

Puffins aren't penguins.

Also, I already rolled in vaseline.

*puts on a helmet*

Edit: it helps me leave the canon without leaving behind a bunch of feathers.

Studpuffin wrote:
nathan blackmer wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Well, I didn't vote for them...
Alright then, We'll make Studpuffin roll in vaseline and use him.

Puffins aren't penguins.

Also, I already rolled in vaseline.

*puts on a helmet*

Close enough.

*readies the catapult* now we just need that pesky Jacobs-A-Saurus to come back, he said the catapult would be sufficient.

Liberty's Edge

nathan blackmer wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
nathan blackmer wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Well, I didn't vote for them...
Alright then, We'll make Studpuffin roll in vaseline and use him.

Puffins aren't penguins.

Also, I already rolled in vaseline.

*puts on a helmet*

Close enough.

*readies the catapult* now we just need that pesky Jacobs-A-Saurus to come back, he said the catapult would be sufficient.

Shuh! I don't, like, do catapults. I'm not a penguin. Besides, that's grody.


Studpuffin wrote:
nathan blackmer wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
nathan blackmer wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Well, I didn't vote for them...
Alright then, We'll make Studpuffin roll in vaseline and use him.

Puffins aren't penguins.

Also, I already rolled in vaseline.

*puts on a helmet*

Close enough.

*readies the catapult* now we just need that pesky Jacobs-A-Saurus to come back, he said the catapult would be sufficient.

Shuh! I don't, like, do catapults. I'm not a penguin. Besides, that's grody.




Liberty's Edge

nathan blackmer wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
nathan blackmer wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
nathan blackmer wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Well, I didn't vote for them...
Alright then, We'll make Studpuffin roll in vaseline and use him.

Puffins aren't penguins.

Also, I already rolled in vaseline.

*puts on a helmet*

Close enough.

*readies the catapult* now we just need that pesky Jacobs-A-Saurus to come back, he said the catapult would be sufficient.

Shuh! I don't, like, do catapults. I'm not a penguin. Besides, that's grody.




*Handwalks away, thus having flipped the bird*

/tongue in cheek ;)

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