Varisian Wanderer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey, James!
1) If you were making an elf cleric of Desna using 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8, how would you assign the ability scores?
2) What do you think of this pic?
3) Heard any new music lately that has reminded you of Desna? Or have any suggestions for music to play in the background while meeting a star monarch?
As always, thanks for any answers!

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Don't Trust Me wrote:I'll deputize Jason for that task.James, at Gencon will you and Baron Armen Heashvaun please meet me here?
No urban Aboleths I promise!

Axial |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1) Which of the following does the mindset and actions of this character align with?
a) Antipaladin
b) Szuriel worshiper
c) Rovagug worshiper
2) During the chase scene in the first volume of Curse of the Crimson Throne, if one of the PCs grappled Trinia Sabor and picked her up over his shoulder, what would be her reaction?
3) If some party members want to save Trinia and others want to turn her in, should I as the GM just...let them fight it out?
4) At the Adventure Path Q&A panel, what did you guys mean when you said that some of the new good-aligned creatures would be "grittier" what did you mean?

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Hey, James!
1) If you were making an elf cleric of Desna using 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8, how would you assign the ability scores?
2) What do you think of this pic?
3) Heard any new music lately that has reminded you of Desna? Or have any suggestions for music to play in the background while meeting a star monarch?
As always, thanks for any answers!
1) Like this:
Str 8
Dex 13
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 15
Cha 14
2) Not bad; I like her wings!
3) No new music lately, no. I'd go with the older Dead Can Dance song, "Host of the Seraphim."

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1) Which of the following does the mindset and actions of this character align with?
a) Antipaladin
b) Szuriel worshiper
c) Rovagug worshiper2) During the chase scene in the first volume of Curse of the Crimson Throne, if one of the PCs grappled Trinia Sabor and picked her up over his shoulder, what would be her reaction?
3) If some party members want to save Trinia and others want to turn her in, should I as the GM just...let them fight it out?
4) At the Adventure Path Q&A panel, what did you guys mean when you said that some of the new good-aligned creatures would be "grittier" what did you mean?
1) Dunno. My flash is out of date and youtube won't play and in order to instal I need to quit Safari and if I do that I'll just do work and won't be back to answer questions here for a while and I've already clicked reply, so... I'll go with Rovagug Worshiper.
2) Indignation, fear, and lots of Escape Artist attempts or maybe even stabbings. She doesn't want to get caught because she is pretty sure of what'll happen if she IS caught.
3) Let them work it out. That's kinda the point of encounters like that; to let the PCs roleplay things out. If your group isn't mature enough to figure things out without PVP... better to learn that near the start of an adventure path, after all, so you can can that AP and start a different one that might be more in sync with your party.
4) That not all of the good monsters will be happy friendly non-threatening looking cutiepies.

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Hi James.
Easy question today. What character have you taken to the highest class level from a starting level of one?
Oops, second question. How is the Horror on the Orient Express game going?
My druid from Jim Butler's late 90s' game Ruvaglor got up to 22nd level, but went through two editions of the game (he went from 2nd edition, into a 3rd edition playtest, and ended in 3rd edition). Since a big chunk of him was playtest... he feels more like 2 characters to me than 1.
So I'd go with Shensen, who I got up to about 19th level with a +2 ECL penalty for most of the way.
Horror on the Orient Express is going well; the party's not yet made it TO the train, since we've only had 2 sessions (the 3rd one got derailed, as it were, by Paizocon...)

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If you had the chance to get Neil Gaiman writing an AP for Paizo, would you hire him?
I'd send him over to James Sutter so Neil could write fiction for us.
Being a great author does NOT make you a great adventure path writer. In fact, a lot of the skills you develop as a fiction writer will HURT you as an adventure writer.
I would pay Neil Gaiman to consult on an AP's story, for sure. But not to write the actual adventure. Not until I tried him out first on a PFS scenario or something like that to see if he could do it.

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Star Monarchs: Cute or THE CUTEST?!
Are Sunblades made of metal, and thus capable of being fashioned of special materials (assuming one was trying to make one of course and didn't just find it, in which case one would assume it's as steel as any other non-special material magic sword) or is it more like a lightsaber, with the blade being a bar of light with the hilt just being empty until you start fighting, which is the direction 5e seems to have taken with them?

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Star Monarchs: Cute or THE CUTEST?!
Are Sunblades made of metal, and thus capable of being fashioned of special materials (assuming one was trying to make one of course and didn't just find it, in which case one would assume it's as steel as any other non-special material magic sword) or is it more like a lightsaber, with the blade being a bar of light with the hilt just being empty until you start fighting, which is the direction 5e seems to have taken with them?
They're cute. The CUTEST is still the faerie dragon.
Sun blades in Pathfinder are made of metal.

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A human-elf hybrid is a helf-elf. A human orc hybrid is a half-orc.
Is it fair to say that a human-halfling hybrid is a "quarterling"? would a hybrid of that and a human be an "eighthling"?
On a (slightly) more serious note, is interbreeding between two non human humanoids possible? Are there such on Golarion? If there are, what is their race for stat purposes? And lastly, what happens if a half orc mates with a half elf?

Bruno Mares |

Hi James!
What about an index with all the classes, archetypes (and class options, like domains and bloodlines), prestige classes, feats, skills, spells, and another rules options of Paizo Products?
How you all in Paizo control the rules options? Is there any index there that you use to a quickly consulting about anything?
Any chance to an access to we all? I just want a reference tool to consult all rules options in Paizo products, that point which source should be readed for the complete rules.

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Just seen the new occult Iconics and again excellent work. If it's not to bold may I ask who decided the basic descriptions for each of the iconics on this one (Details like making one a kid another an old lady etc?)
That would have been myself, Erik, Wes, and Jason for the most part.

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A human-elf hybrid is a helf-elf. A human orc hybrid is a half-orc.
Is it fair to say that a human-halfling hybrid is a "quarterling"? would a hybrid of that and a human be an "eighthling"?
On a (slightly) more serious note, is interbreeding between two non human humanoids possible? Are there such on Golarion? If there are, what is their race for stat purposes? And lastly, what happens if a half orc mates with a half elf?
There is no such thing in Pathfinder. Whatever you wanna call them in your game if they exist is up to you. I recommend not going there cause I think it's kinda corny.
It's possible only with magic, and not to any extent that enough viable children can be produced to constitute anything like an actual race.
If a half orc and half elf get together, they can't have kids. Incompatible.

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Hi James!
What about an index with all the classes, archetypes (and class options, like domains and bloodlines), prestige classes, feats, skills, spells, and another rules options of Paizo Products?
How you all in Paizo control the rules options? Is there any index there that you use to a quickly consulting about anything?
Any chance to an access to we all? I just want a reference tool to consult all rules options in Paizo products, that point which source should be readed for the complete rules.
What about it? In this modern age of internet, the Archives of Nethys are already done and get updated faster than we could update. A print version of it would be obsolete a month later. No thanks.
We have all of our products in PDF and can search them as needed, of course. We also pay a single person, Mark Moreland, to be our continuity guy.
You can have access to this by buying PDF copies of everything we publish and then storing them on one computer. Or just go to the Archives of Nethys.

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Erik was in New York and shared pics of the conclusion to your campaign where he played Ostog the Unslain, congratulations on completing the campaign.
With Mad Max proving to be a hit are you itching to run a post apocalyptic road warrior game?
Did you ever play the original Car Wars game?
George Miller directed the entire Mad Max action franchise, noted for its profound violence. Ironically, did you know he is also the director of three family friendly movies: the second of the Babe movies, Babe: Pig in the City (1998), and both Happy Feet movies, Happy Feet (2006) and Happy Feet Two (2011)?
Did you know the jacket worn by Tom Hardy is the exact same one worn by Mel Gibson in the original trilogy, although heavily worn?
Some fun facts for you about Mad Max Fury Road
The movie was shot in sequence.
The flame-shooting guitarist is Australian artist/musician Sean Hape, better known as the artist Iota. In an interview on Vice, he said the guitar weighed 132 pounds, and shot real gas-powered flames, which he controlled using the whammy bar.
The portion of the blood-bag information tattoo being painfully needled into Max's back at The Citadel that was completed before he escapes reads: Day 12045, ht 10 hands, 180 lbs, No Name, No Lumps, No Bumps, Full Life Clear, Two good eyes, No Busted limbs, Piles OK, Genitals Intact, Multiple Scars, Heals Fast, O-NEGATIVE, HIGH-OCTANE, UNIVERSAL DONOR, Lone Road Warrior Rundown on The Powder Lakes V8, No Guzzoline, No Supplies, ISOLATE PSYCHOTIC, Keep Muzzled...
Director George Miller has written a background story for The Doof Warrior, the heavy metal musician, playing the flame-shooting electric guitar on The Doof Wagon.
Max's sawed-off shotgun misfires twice, as it did in Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
To prepare themselves to go into battle, ready to sacrifice their lives for Immortan Joe, the War Boys spray their lips and teeth with a silver substance, very much like common spray paint. Both the War Boys and Immortan Joe often speak about this as though it is a religious ritual, saying that it will allow them to "...arrive at the gates of Valhalla, shiny and chrome". However, in a May 2015 interview with CraveOnline, actor Hugh Keays-Byrne, who plays Immortan Joe, said that this practice, which the War Boys think is purely ritualistic, actually involves the inhalation of "...a very euphoric drug" that keeps the War Boys high and suicidally devoted to Immortan Joe. Another clue to the spray's narcotic properties is the fact that "chrome" and "chroming" are Australian slang terms for inhalant abuse. Writer/director George Miller said that he got the idea for this from Australian filmmaker David Bradbury's 1981 Vietnam War documentary "Front Line", in which Cambodian soldiers preparing for battle suspend small jade figurines of Buddha from their mouths with little straps.
This is the second Mad Max featuring Hugh Keays-Byrne. He played the villain Toecutter in Mad Max (1979).
The movie was originally planned as a sequel to Mad Max (1979) and a prequel to The Road Warrior. It is believed that Immortan Joe would have been the Toe Cutter, who survived the accident in Mad Max but was badly injured, resulting in his body being battered and broken. Also, Rictus Erectus was supposed to survive the accident at the end of the film, with a broken neck and some burns, and he would have become Lord Humungous.
There is a theory that Mad Max in this film is actually the Feral Kid from the second film, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981). Max does not speak very much in this film, and he grunts a lot like the Feral Kid. He also has a music box, like the one that Max gives the Feral Kid in the second film.
At one point Toast (Zoë Kravitz) is seen playing with the innards of a small music box, a reference to Max giving a similar device to The Feral Kid (Emil Minty) in Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior.
In the last scene of the movie, Furiosa's eye is swollen shut as a result of injury, the same as Max's is at the end of Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior.
The film editor, Margaret Sixel, is director George Miller's wife. When she asked her husband why he thought she should do it as she had never edited an action film before, Miller replied, "Because if a guy did it, it would look like every other action movie."
After the War Rig is driven off the platform and the platform begins to rise as it is drawn back up into The Citadel, a lone woman can be seen standing in the center. In the previous wide-angle shot of the crowd, The Wretched were shown begging for a place in Immortan Joe's coterie. This woman, played by Debra Ades, was likely brought aboard to be used as a breeder.
This is director George Miller's first R-rated movie since The Witches of Eastwick (1987).
On April 3, 2015, Tom Hardy announced he would sign on for 3 more Mad Max films.
Rosie Huntington who plays a pregnant favored breeder and I were personal friends and remained close even at the height of her modeling career. Alas after getting the role in Transformers: Dark of the Moon she let a lot of her friendships in New York drift apart.
This film is considered an Ozploitation movie, an Australian genre and/or Australian exploitation movie.
At least four members of the cast have been involved in comic book films. Tom Hardy starred as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises (2012), Nicholas Hoult starred as Hank/Beast in X-Men: First Class (2011), Zoë Kravitz who starred as Angel in X-Men: First Class (2011), and Josh Helman who starred as William Stryker in X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014). Hoult also starred in X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) and will star in the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse (2016).
Compiled from IGN and IMDB, and one personal fact from me.
You would think the flame shooting guitarist would give the hunting pack a morale bonus.

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Humans can mate with a bunch of other humanoids that would be incompatible with each other. Was this a gift from Aroden (or any other god for that matter,) or a quirk of biology?
A quirk of biology. One of the ways that humans adapt and become the dominant species more or less; a side effect of that. Humans could do this LONG before Aroden was even born, after all.

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Erik was in New York and shared pics of the conclusion to your campaign where he played Ostog the Unslain, congratulations on completing the campaign.
With Mad Max proving to be a hit are you itching to run a post apocalyptic road warrior game?
Did you ever play the original Car Wars game?
George Miller directed the entire Mad Max action franchise, noted for its profound violence. Ironically, did you know he is also the director of three family friendly movies: the second of the Babe movies, Babe: Pig in the City (1998), and both Happy Feet movies, Happy Feet (2006) and Happy Feet Two (2011)?
Did you know the jacket worn by Tom Hardy is the exact same one worn by Mel Gibson in the original trilogy, although heavily worn?
Some fun facts for you about Mad Max Fury Road
** spoiler omitted **...
I've already got a post-apocalyptic game with road warrior elements. Including a prestige class called, yes, the "Road Warrior."
I never played the original Car Wars game, but did just play the re-released game a month ago.
And I do indeed know pretty much all of that George Miller trivia and Fury Road stuff. Turns out... I've been a fan of the franchise for nearly 30 years. Mad Max was the first R-rated movie I ever saw. Road Warrior was the first R-Rated movie I saw at home on my family's first VCR. Thunderdome was the first PG-13 movie I ever saw. The entire series is, to me, what Star Wars is to others as far as action-Sci-Fi movies go.

AlgaeNymph |
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AlgaeNymph wrote:James, what's your opinion of motivational speakers?Some are good, some are bad, and they have their place. I might not need their services today, but who knows what tomorrow might bring?
1. What would you think of one who charged $690 and up for a group seminar where he puts people through Hell, and asks you to pay for more seminars?
2. What's the difference between a Szuriel worshiper massacring everybody, and a Rovagug worshiper doing the same?
3. What skills as a fiction writer would hurt me as an adventure writer?

SirCasimir |
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Hey, 2 questions regarding dragons.
1. Under True Dragons, it says dragons cast spells as Sorcerers. But the statblocks given for gold dragons include Prayer, Divine Favor, Cure spells, and other divine spells. What gives? And how would this interact with giving a gold dragon Sorcerer levels?
2. If a gold dragon were to use its Alter Self ability to take the form of a humanoid, put on humanoid armor and magic items, and then change back - what would happen to that equipment?

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James Jacobs wrote:AlgaeNymph wrote:James, what's your opinion of motivational speakers?Some are good, some are bad, and they have their place. I might not need their services today, but who knows what tomorrow might bring?1. What would you think of one who charged $690 and up for a group seminar where he puts people through Hell, and asks you to pay for more seminars?
2. What's the difference between a Szuriel worshiper massacring everybody, and a Rovagug worshiper doing the same?
3. What skills as a fiction writer would hurt me as an adventure writer?
1) I would think that I'd rather not be that person's friend.
2) One is neutral evil, the other is chaotic evil.
3) Two that come to mind: Forcing the story to come to the predetermined end you as the author prefer, and not having a main character to write about (since the "main characters" of an adventure are the PCs, and are thus pretty much the one part of the story an adventure writer can't assume anything about). A LOT of the adventures for 2nd edition D&D fell victim to these errors, when the authors were more interested in the story than the way the players interact with the story.

Bruno Mares |

Bruno Mares wrote:Hi James!
What about an index with all the classes, archetypes (and class options, like domains and bloodlines), prestige classes, feats, skills, spells, and another rules options of Paizo Products?
How you all in Paizo control the rules options? Is there any index there that you use to a quickly consulting about anything?
Any chance to an access to we all? I just want a reference tool to consult all rules options in Paizo products, that point which source should be readed for the complete rules.What about it? In this modern age of internet, the Archives of Nethys are already done and get updated faster than we could update. A print version of it would be obsolete a month later. No thanks.
We have all of our products in PDF and can search them as needed, of course. We also pay a single person, Mark Moreland, to be our continuity guy.
You can have access to this by buying PDF copies of everything we publish and then storing them on one computer. Or just go to the Archives of Nethys.
Archives of Nethys is good enough! Thanks!
About the PDFs, I already do this, but a single archive with the names of the classes and etc, with the related source, would be more fast do identify the book to read. But Achives of Nethys do this very well! :D

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What do you do when you have one character concept but two ways to play it in terms of class setup? I've got a concept I'm working on, but I'm not sure whether to go with a paladin/oracle or druid/cavalier.

SirCasimir |

What do you do when you have one character concept but two ways to play it in terms of class setup? I've got a concept I'm working on, but I'm not sure whether to go with a paladin/oracle or druid/cavalier.
Piggybacking on this one. I have a concept I could literally play as a Cleric, Oracle, Warpriest, or Sorcerer. Pretty sure I'm going with Sorcerer, but it sure was hard.

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What do you do when you have one character concept but two ways to play it in terms of class setup? I've got a concept I'm working on, but I'm not sure whether to go with a paladin/oracle or druid/cavalier.
I've never had this happen really since I tend to know what class I want once I have the concept down... but I'd go with the one that is classes I've played less, I guess.

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You know how demon minions of specific demon lords have specific quirks?
How would you recommend customizing the appearance of a succubus of Nurgal (if it's not too much trouble)? ^_^
Heavily suntanned or dark-skinned? "Battle-bikini"-style armor? Animalistic/lionesque? Something else?
Thank you! ^_^

Kajehase |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I believe Hicksville Nirmathas is written up in the Valeros issue of Pathfinder Origins.

The Minis Maniac |

So i would like your opinion on my solution for trace ancestry of other humanoids in humans in game? Meaning any other bloodline other than human in a human that isn't making up half of the person. Basically if one of your great grandparents is an elf, then you have a chance to be born half elf, but if you're not you can have elven characteristics (purely cosmetic no game effect). For example my chelaxian heritage human cleric of Iomedae has an aasimar sister. He was born with pupiless sky blue eyes and shocking white hair, but is human. He may have trace amounts of celestial blood with no game effect. Does this sound like a good solution?

Richard Moore Editor, Jon Brazer Enterprises |

Richard Moore wrote:I gotta agree with all of these, although I kinda liked "The Houses October Built". The ending did seem like a direct ripoff of a much better movie I've seen before, though (in fact, it was recommended by the panelists at the "Horror In RPGs" seminar at PaizoCon 2015).What was that better version of "Houses October Built"?
It's not a "better version" in any substantial way because the two films are so different otherwise, but the ending of "THOB" was pretty much directly cribbed from "The Vanishing".

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Is it a safe bet that you will be playing this?
What about this iteration of the game are you excited about?

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You know how demon minions of specific demon lords have specific quirks?
How would you recommend customizing the appearance of a succubus of Nurgal (if it's not too much trouble)? ^_^
Heavily suntanned or dark-skinned? "Battle-bikini"-style armor? Animalistic/lionesque? Something else?
Thank you! ^_^
A succubus of Nurgal would probably take one of two routes: She'd either be super armored and dress like a soldier going to war, or she'd be scandalously clothed like a desert wanderer who slinks through army camps after a battle looking to stir up trouble. She would not wear "battle bikini" armor at all, but would most likely be dark skinned.

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James Jacobs wrote:We also pay a single person, Mark Moreland, to be our continuity guy.So if I had to dig up some obscure setting trivia, like "where do I find more information about Hicksville, Nirmathas", would it be better to hit up you or Mark Moreland?
It'd be best to hit up the Pathfinder Wiki, frankly. Because if you asked Mark or I about it, that's what we would do.
If you want to know something BEYOND trivia, then either of us would do... or if the Wiki is properly notated you'll see what book it was in and thus the likely developer to ask more of.

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So i would like your opinion on my solution for trace ancestry of other humanoids in humans in game? Meaning any other bloodline other than human in a human that isn't making up half of the person. Basically if one of your great grandparents is an elf, then you have a chance to be born half elf, but if you're not you can have elven characteristics (purely cosmetic no game effect). For example my chelaxian heritage human cleric of Iomedae has an aasimar sister. He was born with pupiless sky blue eyes and shocking white hair, but is human. He may have trace amounts of celestial blood with no game effect. Does this sound like a good solution?
My opinion is to let the creator of the character do what they want. Minor cosmetic things like this that don't have game effects are fun to make characters unique, but the GM needs to be the one who gets final say. Every GM will have a different threshold as to what "minor cosmetic features" constitute after all.

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James Jacobs wrote:It's not a "better version" in any substantial way because the two films are so different otherwise, but the ending of "THOB" was pretty much directly cribbed from "The Vanishing".Richard Moore wrote:I gotta agree with all of these, although I kinda liked "The Houses October Built". The ending did seem like a direct ripoff of a much better movie I've seen before, though (in fact, it was recommended by the panelists at the "Horror In RPGs" seminar at PaizoCon 2015).What was that better version of "Houses October Built"?
Well... that particular ending is hardly new ground in horror. Poe was rocking that particular trope well over a hundred years ago...
That said... the original "The Vanishing" is many orders of magnitude better than "Houses October Built."

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Is it a safe bet that you will be playing this?
What about this iteration of the game are you excited about?
Of course I'll be playing it. The thing I'm most excited about it now is that it's a Fallout game that I've not yet played.

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Are you looking forward to the other video game announcements from this week: XCOM 2 and Bard's Tale 4 Kickstarter?

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Are you looking forward to the other video game announcements from this week: XCOM 2 and Bard's Tale 4 Kickstarter?
XCOM 2 not so much.
I threw in a pledge for Bard's Tale 4 already.

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Excited about Bethesda Fallout(RIP original fallout writing ;-;) and not excited about XCOM 2? Geez you break my heart man :p
Is there any "killer rabbit" creature in golarion that you can think of? (I can't think of any) As in, creature that appears harmless and adorable, but is dangerous as hell without ever really stopping being cute?

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Excited about Bethesda Fallout(RIP original fallout writing ;-;) and not excited about XCOM 2? Geez you break my heart man :p
Is there any "killer rabbit" creature in golarion that you can think of? (I can't think of any) As in, creature that appears harmless and adorable, but is dangerous as hell without ever really stopping being cute?
I've tried playing several XCOM games before, and without fail, I have never ever finished one. They get too close to real-time strategy for me, I guess, which is one of my least favorite of all video game genres.
The Fallout games are ALL among my favorite games ever. A game franchise whose installments I get bored with and never finish simply can't compare.
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.

Joe Hull |
I'm trying to figure out my damage normal vs critical. I have a+2holy cold iron longsword, I have a base attack bonus of 12, strength mod of +7, mythic power attack, improved critical and vital strike. I believe that works out to 2d8 +21 for a vital power attack. On a critical I get confused I think its 3d8 +65. I've been told a couple of ways to calculate the damage and I just want to make sure I'm doing it right. How badly did I screw this up?

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I'm trying to figure out my damage normal vs critical. I have a+2holy cold iron longsword, I have a base attack bonus of 12, strength mod of +7, mythic power attack, improved critical and vital strike. I believe that works out to 2d8 +21 for a vital power attack. On a critical I get confused I think its 3d8 +65. I've been told a couple of ways to calculate the damage and I just want to make sure I'm doing it right. How badly did I screw this up?
I end up at 3d8+63 on a critical hit. Not sure where you're getting that extra +2 bonus to your damage but at those numbers, the difference between +63 and +65 is inconsequential and I would never stop or slow game play down to figure out which is right.

The Minis Maniac |

The Minis Maniac wrote:So i would like your opinion on my solution for trace ancestry of other humanoids in humans in game? Meaning any other bloodline other than human in a human that isn't making up half of the person. Basically if one of your great grandparents is an elf, then you have a chance to be born half elf, but if you're not you can have elven characteristics (purely cosmetic no game effect). For example my chelaxian heritage human cleric of Iomedae has an aasimar sister. He was born with pupiless sky blue eyes and shocking white hair, but is human. He may have trace amounts of celestial blood with no game effect. Does this sound like a good solution?My opinion is to let the creator of the character do what they want. Minor cosmetic things like this that don't have game effects are fun to make characters unique, but the GM needs to be the one who gets final say. Every GM will have a different threshold as to what "minor cosmetic features" constitute after all.
Luckily I am the GM. I was just seeing what you thought of my GM solution is all :)