The Talking Donkey presents: The Dwarven Defense - Back from the Brink (OOC Discussion)

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Dwarf Transmuter (Enhancer) /6
Rhen StoneHeart wrote:
Rahkeg Oathsworn wrote:
*casts Haste*, just let me double your atacks per round and give +1 to hit my crossbow-inclined friend :P
That was in 3rd edition my friend, now it's just 1 extra attack! It's been awhile since you played a wiz, huh? LOL...

You have 1 attack per round based on your BAB, and you don't have rapid shot. With haste, you will have 2.


Male Dwarf Daring Champion Cavalier 6; HP: 52/52; AC:23 Touch: 17 FF: 16; CMB: +6; CMD: 23 (27) Fort: +7; Ref: +8; Will: +3; Initiative: +7; Perception: +10; Speed: 20; Darkvision 60' Panache: 2/2

Ah, ok, you had me worried there.

Dark Archive

hp:55(65)|ac:13|T:13|FF:14|CMD:17|F8|r8|w10|Init:+7| Perc:+11|SM:0

*looks around for a Dwarf named Flint, and a kender...*

thank the GODS its not 2nd ed, lol

Male Equine Donkey 10 / Mule 10 / Epic Ass 10

Still trying to put a few final touches on your... um... next post we'll say. I won't get it up tonight because of work in the AM. I'll try and post it tomorrow before I go in for overtime. Fridays are typically long days for me, just FYI. At absolute latest I will get a good, quality post (or three) up on Saturday. Please bear with me, as I am required to do OT at a minimum of once per week.

I could just through up a post or two to keep things going, but I'm going for quantity. The post should be well worth it when it makes it's way up. Feel free to continuing talking, joking, and RPing amongst yourselves until I get that post up.

Thanks for understanding.

Feldspar, note I've just given you a +2 overall boost to strength, since you're already wearing a belt of strength +2 and this buff gives a +4 that does not stack. That'll put you at 22 strength, increasing your attack roll with the Dorn Dergar by one to +13/+8, and your damage by two to +10 since it's a two handed weapon. With a full power attack... that's a pretty impressive +16 to damage while still having +11/+6 to hit, my friend you are hitting HARD.

Male Human Traveler / 8
Stormchaser wrote:
Feldspar, note I've just given you a +2 overall boost to strength, since you're already wearing a belt of strength +2 and this buff gives a +4 that does not stack. That'll put you at 22 strength, increasing your attack roll with the Dorn Dergar by one to +13/+8, and your damage by two to +10 since it's a two handed weapon. With a full power attack... that's a pretty impressive +16 to damage while still having +11/+6 to hit, my friend you are hitting HARD.

Stormchaser: Thanks! I appreciate the buff a great deal. I'm looking forward to putting that damage on the Duergar, believe me!

Dark Archive

hp:55(65)|ac:13|T:13|FF:14|CMD:17|F8|r8|w10|Init:+7| Perc:+11|SM:0

Sorry for the long time between posts. Doing this from my phone in the hospital, should be ot later today.

Male Equine Donkey 10 / Mule 10 / Epic Ass 10

I apologize as well, I had a very busy weekend, Church, Fantasy Football Draft party and Tabletop Kingmaker as DM. And that was just yesterday.

Sovereign Court


Your attacks should be at +14/+9 with the buffs btw. +16 on the first attack due to coming out of invisibility. AC should be 19 IIRC- 20 base, -2 from enlarge, +1 from haste= 19.

Male Human Traveler / 8
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:


Your attacks should be at +14/+9 with the buffs btw. +16 on the first attack due to coming out of invisibility. AC should be 19 IIRC- 20 base, -2 from enlarge, +1 from haste= 19.

I'm power attacking, so I get -2 to attacks from that. I forgot about the invisibility bonus. You're right about the AC though. For some reason, I got confused on the AC. I was thinking about the Duergar charging and somehow that made me think I got a -2. Weird.

Anyway, thanks for the corrections. Hey, it's still early here in the U.S. ;)

Sovereign Court

Wander Weir wrote:
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:


Your attacks should be at +14/+9 with the buffs btw. +16 on the first attack due to coming out of invisibility. AC should be 19 IIRC- 20 base, -2 from enlarge, +1 from haste= 19.

I'm power attacking, so I get -2 to attacks from that. I forgot about the invisibility bonus. You're right about the AC though. For some reason, I got confused on the AC. I was thinking about the Duergar charging and somehow that made me think I got a -2. Weird.

Anyway, thanks for the corrections. Hey, it's still early here in the U.S. ;)

I missed the power attack penalty for some reason lol.

No worries ;). You and Rhen are the only visible members of our group at the moment anyway, the invisibility ends for you when you attack but i'm not planning to become visible this encounter lol.

I didn't list the invisibility bonuses on my first attack, since they seem to be able to see us, since they moved within melee range of us. Wouldn't have made that big a difference to the attack roll.

Sovereign Court

Fair point. I wasn't sure if they were just charging out to where they last saw us, if they could see us, or if the DM just forgot we were all invisible.

Sovereign Court

Ok whos party loot-meister? I'm struggling for posting time so i'd rather not on this game.

I'd rather not, I'm already one in another game.

Male Human Traveler / 8
Lucendar wrote:
I'd rather not, I'm already one in another game.


Sovereign Court

So is Stormchaser in one of mine, and i'm loot meister in 2 lol.

So who wants to trust the Rogue with the loot? ;)

Fine with me!

Sovereign Court

That'll be great!

*cough* 9 Wisdom... *cough*

Agreed. :)

Male Equine Donkey 10 / Mule 10 / Epic Ass 10

Just want to let everyone know I will be out of state until next Wednesday. My internet connectivity will be somewhere between limited and non-existent. If you can just bare with me through the next week we I will have better availability next week. Sorry all.

Ye be askin' a bunch o' dwarves to be patient!? I think ye got into a keg o' tainted ale!


Male Human Traveler / 8

Totally understandable!

Male Equine Donkey 10 / Mule 10 / Epic Ass 10

And back. Wow, not having internet for nearly a week is almost completely unbearable. Thanks for the patience and being so understanding. That was the one time a year I get to see my side of the family.

And shortly a new IC post will be up.

You guys rock!

Male Dwarf Cleric 6

No worries DM, I feel for you. I'm just very happy to see this hasn't died and we'll be continuing. :)

Male Human Traveler / 8

Welcome back!

Male Equine Donkey 10 / Mule 10 / Epic Ass 10

Thank you... it's good to be back in the world of internet and cell phone reception.

Male Equine Donkey 10 / Mule 10 / Epic Ass 10

And now for a very important question.

There are two ways we can proceed.

One, we can continue, much as I have already, fightin' through the tunnels, every step of the way, with numerous small combats. This will slow things down and make this drag out for a while, but it offers a bit of realism and chance for long conversations (mostly urged on by you the players) and role-play.

Two, I can some up what happened, based on your decisions, sumising what you encountered and how you faired, and then when something important comes up, ie' where to go things of importance, ie; junctions and important places, I'll present it to you and combat can start their, with more important, decisive battles. The RP will be less during travel times but can be just as in depth when things actually matter.

Please voice your opinions here.

I am fine with either way. I just want to keep you guys happy and having fun.

Sovereign Court

I vote two. One is nice in a RL game but i'd like something a bit faster paced in this PbP. Happy if group says one though.

Male Human Traveler / 8
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
I vote two. One is nice in a RL game but i'd like something a bit faster paced in this PbP. Happy if group says one though.

Ditto. I'm happy to have conversations and RP but I think it'll be easier to do that if we have significant events to discuss.

I vote two. One is nice in a RL game but i'd like something a bit faster paced in this PbP. Happy if group says one though.


Male Equine Donkey 10 / Mule 10 / Epic Ass 10

That's half of the group. One more vote and that's what we will go with... then I'll get your IC post up.

I agree with the group.

DM, any chance you can use maps for combat? As AK can attest to, I'm not too fond of visualizing combat in my head.

Agreed, it would be very helpful.

Sovereign Court

+1 if possible. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, but we have a frequently enlarged reach weapon user for starters...

Male Equine Donkey 10 / Mule 10 / Epic Ass 10

Sorry, I tend to get busy on the weekends. I apologize.

Sovereign Court

No worries.

Sure thing.

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