Thrown Weapons = Useless?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Are there any decent builds that can utilize thrown weapons and still be able to hold up next to other more traditional combat-focused characters at higher levels? At lower levels thrown weapons are a blast, but later when you have to start overcoming DR and getting your weapons enchanted, it is much more economical to enchant a bow or crossbow than pay for the enchanting of a few daggers (as well as the need to get returning on them all) In the end, if you don't want to find yourself being useless, you are better off dropping thrown weapons and stick to standard melee and ranged weapons.

Am I wrong?

Grand Lodge

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Didn't think so. It's unfortunate since throwing knives are so deadly in reality. Maybe in the Super Advanced Player's Guide next year we will see some feats for thrown weapons :P

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

As an alchemist with the sticky poison discovery thrown weapons work all right. My alchemist has a spear with returning so I can poison once a round at least.

Dark Archive

My friend created a home brewed item that is priced and powered exactly like the amulet of mighty fist except that it only affects thrown weapons (or weapons when thrown) and takes the bracers slot.

I think they were called Bracers of Thrown Daggers.

I'd imagine it would look something like this:

Bracers of Thrown Daggers
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Slot arms; Price 5,000 gp (+1), 20,000 gp (+2), 45,000 gp (+3), 80,000 gp (+4), 125,000 gp (+5); Weight —


These bracers grant an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on attack and damage rolls with thrown weapons or weapons that have been thrown.

Alternatively, these bracers can grant melee weapon special abilities, so long as they can be applied to thrown weapons. See Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities for a list of abilities. Special abilities count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of the item, but do not modify attack or damage bonuses. Bracers of thrown daggers cannot have a modified bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus equivalents) higher than +5. Bracers of thrown daggers does not need to have a +1 enhancement bonus to grant a melee weapon special ability.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic weapon, creator's caster level must be at least three times the bracer's bonus, plus any requirements of the melee weapon special abilities; Cost 2,500 gp (+1), 10,000 gp (+2), 22,500 gp (+3), 40,000 gp (+4), 62,500 gp (+5)


In Treantmonk's lab there is a monk build he has that throws shuriken using the flury of blows, lotsa thrown weapons in a round. Just a thought.

Dark Archive

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if youuse a prestige class for 3.5's book of 9 swords they can be doable. it gives you the ability to add returning to all your weapons and make them come back as free actions for multiple attacks.

combine that with fling ally/enemy and you can have +4 dwarfs of throwing and returning :P

I seem to recall an enchantment like returning that made it come back immediately too, but I can't recall what it was now...

Choant wrote:
In Treantmonk's lab there is a monk build he has that throws shuriken using the flury of blows, lotsa thrown weapons in a round. Just a thought.

Yeah, if you can get away with throwing "ammunition"-type stuff (like a monk throwing shuriken or a Stone oracle throwing rocks or someone using a sling glove from the Legacy of Fire Player's Guide), it might work. Probably more trouble than it's worth, though.

DragonBringerX wrote:

My friend created a home brewed item that is priced and powered exactly like the amulet of mighty fist except that it only affects thrown weapons (or weapons when thrown) and takes the bracers slot.

I think they were called Bracers of Thrown Daggers.

I'd imagine it would look something like this:

Bracers of Thrown Daggers
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Slot arms; Price 5,000 gp (+1), 20,000 gp (+2), 45,000 gp (+3), 80,000 gp (+4), 125,000 gp (+5); Weight —


These bracers grant an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on attack and damage rolls with thrown weapons or weapons that have been thrown.

Alternatively, these bracers can grant melee weapon special abilities, so long as they can be applied to thrown weapons. See Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities for a list of abilities. Special abilities count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of the item, but do not modify attack or damage bonuses. Bracers of thrown daggers cannot have a modified bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus equivalents) higher than +5. Bracers of thrown daggers does not need to have a +1 enhancement bonus to grant a melee weapon special ability.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic weapon, creator's caster level must be at least three times the bracer's bonus, plus any requirements of the melee weapon special abilities; Cost 2,500 gp (+1), 10,000 gp (+2), 22,500 gp (+3), 40,000 gp (+4), 62,500 gp (+5)


That is a pretty cool idea concept! I might just use that.

Liberty's Edge

I don't think it is useless - is just isn't an archer.

Maybe I'm missing something but the key to a thrown weapon character is a two-weapon fighter build and I think the weapon training really makes this more possible. Will save is going to suck and it is a very Feat heavy build, but I understand those who want to be cool and throw knives. The nice side to this build is that it doesn't have to be all thrown weapon since one can still fight as a two weapon fighter.

So basically, I don't think this is useless build but like I said... it's no archer. The only bright side is that this build will eventually have two more attacks than an archer because of Great Two Weapon fighting and obviously be much more effective in melee situations than the average archer.

Human 20pt build: Str14, Dex18, Con14, Int12, Wis12, Chr7.

Fighter 1: Point Blank, Two Weapon Fighting; Quickdraw
Fighter 2: Precise Shot
Wizard 1 - Transmuter: Arcane Strike (use the roaming point for Dex)
Fighter 3:
Fighter 4: Weapon Focus - dagger; Weapon Specialization - dagger
Fighter 5: Weapon Training - dagger, etc.
Fighter 6: Improved Two Weapon Fighting; Double Slice

If my interpretation of the rules are right: we have a character at seventh level who has four dagger attacks with, thanks to the transmuter level, a 20 dex.

Attack: +6bab +5dex +1WF +1WT +1PB -2TWF = +12/+12/+7/+7.
Damage: +2Str +2WS +1WT +1AcStrike +1PB = 1d4+7 19-20x2 magic S/P

Item of perhaps necessity: Haver Sack

Well, I see the thrown weapons as a tool to down/weaken a mob or two before you can get to melee range, not a main offensive weapon. On higher levels you probably need some better tools, like the Javelin of Lightning IMO.

Edit: Heavens forbid they made that thing returning ;)

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Name Violation wrote:

combine that with fling ally/enemy and you can have +4 dwarfs of throwing and returning :P

Lol, nobody tosses a dwarf.

If you allow for 3.5 materials you can build a fairly decent throwing build.

The big problem with throwing weapons is that the people think it's ok for archers to have all these awesome enchantments on their bows or classes that automatically enchant their weapons or a thousand PrCs and class variants, people who throw weapons should have none of the above.

Rather then focusing on giving weapons the return quality, people should make things like magical bandoleers that can create enchanted knives which can then be thrown without worry. Hell, there's a quiver that does exactly that, just port it over direct.

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Ismellmonkey wrote:
Name Violation wrote:

combine that with fling ally/enemy and you can have +4 dwarfs of throwing and returning :P

Lol, nobody tosses a dwarf.

Exactly. You grab them by the beard, swing them around, and then let them fly.

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KaeYoss wrote:
Ismellmonkey wrote:
Name Violation wrote:

combine that with fling ally/enemy and you can have +4 dwarfs of throwing and returning :P

Lol, nobody tosses a dwarf.

Exactly. You grab them by the beard, swing them around, and then let them fly.

Puts a new spin on the idea of a "dwarven thrower". XD

If you're using 3.5 content, the Master Thrower can make some pretty sick builds. I made a 12th or 14th level master thrower once (just for fun, not to play, heh), that could do between 400 and 900 damage a round, depending on how gimpy I wanted to be. xD

DragonBringerX wrote:

My friend created a home brewed item that is priced and powered exactly like the amulet of mighty fist except that it only affects thrown weapons (or weapons when thrown) and takes the bracers slot.

I think they were called Bracers of Thrown Daggers.

I'd imagine it would look something like this:

Bracers of Thrown Daggers
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Slot arms; Price 5,000 gp (+1), 20,000 gp (+2), 45,000 gp (+3), 80,000 gp (+4), 125,000 gp (+5); Weight —


These bracers grant an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on attack and damage rolls with thrown weapons or weapons that have been thrown.

Alternatively, these bracers can grant melee weapon special abilities, so long as they can be applied to thrown weapons. See Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities for a list of abilities. Special abilities count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of the item, but do not modify attack or damage bonuses. Bracers of thrown daggers cannot have a modified bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus equivalents) higher than +5. Bracers of thrown daggers does not need to have a +1 enhancement bonus to grant a melee weapon special ability.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic weapon, creator's caster level must be at least three times the bracer's bonus, plus any requirements of the melee weapon special abilities; Cost 2,500 gp (+1), 10,000 gp (+2), 22,500 gp (+3), 40,000 gp (+4), 62,500 gp (+5)


A homebrew item we've always used is based off of WOTC's Quiver of Anariel. Imagine Jarlaxle's Bracer of Infinite Daggers; that's how this would work. The cost would actually be halfed since it's taking a slot, however. You could make a bandoleer that does this at the listed price. It's a good item.


Quiver of Anariel:Quivers of Anariel appear to be typical arrow containers capable of holding a score of arrows. However, the quivers automatically replenish themselves with standard or magical arrows, such that they are always full. Some quivers also create arrows made of special materials, such as adamantine, cold iron, or alchemical silver.

Once an arrow it taken from the quiver, it must be used within 1 round or it vanishes.

Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, magic weapon, minor creation; Price 28,000 gp (standard arrows), 29,000 gp (masterwork arrows), 32,000 gp (+1 arrows), 44,000 gp (+2 arrows), 64,000 gp (+3 arrows), 92,000 gp (+4 arrows), 128,000 gp (+5 arrows); Add an additional +6,000 gp for adamantine arrows, +4,005 gp for cold iron arrows, or +200 gp for alchemical silver arrows; Weight 1 lb.

I dig the bracers of thrown daggers! That is a cool concept that fills a niche.

Returning, well, kind of sucks a little...
"Returning: This special ability can only be placed on a weapon that can be thrown. A returning weapon flies through the air back to the creature that threw it. It returns to the thrower just before the creature's next turn (and is therefore ready to use again in that turn). Catching a returning weapon when it comes back is a free action. If the character can't catch it, or if the character has moved since throwing it, the weapon drops to the ground in the square from which it was thrown."

So, one attack, and you can't move after. Also, you will probably be unarmed until the item returns.

There are several reasons why thrown weapons shouldn't be as good as a bow, but it would be nice if they were just a little better.

Shadow Lodge

It is possible, just not easy.

The one build I can think of which would make it work is a thrown weapon focused alchemist and a minimum level of 6. Swift Poisoning makes picking up the weapons of fallen opponents, poisoning, and tossing them into the fray a valid tactic. You could also take the feats which increase your range increments on thrown weapons to make them viable beyond 20 feet.

It's difficult, and it relies on something unconventional, but it is possible.

Here is one idea for a thrown weapons expert:
Might be tiresome as a PC, but a cool NPC encounter idea.

ProfessorCirno wrote:

Rather then focusing on giving weapons the return quality, people should make things like magical bandoleers that can create enchanted knives which can then be thrown without worry. Hell, there's a quiver that does exactly that, just port it over direct.

As written, a weapon with the returning property must be caught at the beginning of the next round. How many weapons can you catch with one hand?

You have the right idea with the bandolier (or quiver for javelins maybe). Personally I've been thinking along the lines of thrown weapons automatically reappearing in the bandolier at the beginning of the next round instead of creating enchanted weapons, although there is still a serious money sink that other combat styles don't suffer from.

Of course the argument against such a bandolier will be that since (most) thrown weapons can be used in melee, it would completely nerf disarm (and sunder if it creates weapons).

Probably a solution is for weapons created by the bandolier to dissipate or vanish after a single attack.

Grand Lodge

Freesword wrote:

As written, a weapon with the returning property must be caught at the beginning of the next round. How many weapons can you catch with one hand?

About a half a dozen throwing knives/darts/shurikens (depending on size maybe as low as 2), 3 javs/jav like items (like the pilum), 2 throwing axes/hammers. I like weapons ;) .

I think its also good to remember that its not always about damage. In the correct situations (especially at lower levels) there are some simple and cheep items that can dramatically help a party.

Some times it's OK to be the one distracting and irritating all the baddies while your friends pound on em.

Freesword wrote:
ProfessorCirno wrote:

Rather then focusing on giving weapons the return quality, people should make things like magical bandoleers that can create enchanted knives which can then be thrown without worry. Hell, there's a quiver that does exactly that, just port it over direct.

As written, a weapon with the returning property must be caught at the beginning of the next round. How many weapons can you catch with one hand?

You have the right idea with the bandolier (or quiver for javelins maybe). Personally I've been thinking along the lines of thrown weapons automatically reappearing in the bandolier at the beginning of the next round instead of creating enchanted weapons, although there is still a serious money sink that other combat styles don't suffer from.

Of course the argument against such a bandolier will be that since (most) thrown weapons can be used in melee, it would completely nerf disarm (and sunder if it creates weapons).

Probably a solution is for weapons created by the bandolier to dissipate or vanish after a single attack.

Right, that was more or less my problem with Returning.

That and it just looks goofy. The halfling skulking in the dark eyes his enemies, reaches into his cloak, and puts a dagger between their eyes. And then frantically dances around as his weapons then bounce back and aim at him!

I'm totally agreeing with the bandolier that maeks weapons that dissipate immidiately after, by the way; that's more or less where I was going with copying the quiver, which Brogue so helpfully posted.


Go rogue.

Each 1d4 dagger can get sneak attack for level appropriate damage.

You do run into the trouble of all ranged rogue builds, sniping is harder than flanking, but cake & eating & all that.

Max out TWF and ranged feats.

That Bracer of Daggers looks fair enough, at a quick glance.

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FiddlersGreen wrote:

Puts a new spin on the idea of a "dwarven thrower". XD

Exchange dwarves with efreeti, and you have a flame thrower.

psionichamster wrote:
cake & eating

Quantum cake.

So kind of along this thread, I wanted to get your thoughts on this idea:
A spell storing dagger with vampiric touch stored in it.
Will the dagger discharge the spell when it strikes a target it's thrown at? And would the thrower gain the resultant hp if it does?
Thanks for your time.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

stonechild wrote:

So kind of along this thread, I wanted to get your thoughts on this idea:

A spell storing dagger with vampiric touch stored in it.
Will the dagger discharge the spell when it strikes a target it's thrown at? And would the thrower gain the resultant hp if it does?
Thanks for your time.

Spell-storing is a melee-only enhancement. It doesn't work when you throw it.

Slightly different tangent, but the only time I've seen thrown weapons work in Pathfinder was with a melee-focused fighter. He carried a returning javelin as a back-up so if he couldn't close to melee, he'd move and (improved) vital strike throw his javelin. No quick draw needed, since he had higher than +1 BAB so he could draw while moving. And since he'd already moved, returning's strangeness about where the weapon goes didn't matter. It wasn't his main tactic, it didn't take alot of resources to pull off, and it let him hurt something on a round he otherwise wouldn't have. Mission accomplished.

Liberty's Edge

I once had a ftr 7/universalist Wizard 3 who had great fun using Hand of the Mage (I think that's what it's called) to throw his Keen Elven Curveblade several times a day. Sometimes I would do it just on general principle. Crits aplenty. It was a two-handed melee build, really, though.

Freesword wrote:

Rather then focusing on giving weapons the return quality, people should make things like magical bandoleers that can create enchanted knives which can then be thrown without worry. Hell, there's a quiver that does exactly that, just port it over direct.

I see you've been following the thread closely. ;-)

I quoted this a few posts up. There are also a pair of Set gloves in the MIC that create +1 javelins of force as a free action. This would also work for a throwing build. in fact, it's really the only way that I know of to create a throwing build RAW. The Bracers/Bandolier of Infinite Daggers that I've always used, while based off of the Quiver of Anariel, isn't actually RAW, so, *shrug*.


Probably a solution is for weapons created by the bandolier to dissipate or vanish after a single attack.

That's how the Quiver of Anariel works, and that's how I've done it. That's also how Jarlaxle's daggers worked. The daggers disappear, then magically reappear in the bracer or bandolier. Consider it a minor teleportation trick, or, if it's easier, conjuration creating a weapon that lasts only a few seconds.

Also, the way we've always done returning to make it not terrible is that the weapon magically returns to the *scabbard*, not the hand. Slight change, big difference. Works well for us.

Just a while back there was this thread on the same topic.

I think there were some good ideas for throwing and ranged in general, so I listed the thread for later easy reference.

So, take a look as it *may* help out.

Scarab Sages

What about a Glove of Storing? Free action to store the item in that hand. That limits you to 3 Returning Items but more than usable until you get to higher multiple attacks.

Well I don't know much how to solve the infinite dagger problem. I myself have it. but I have found a way to be efficient in the throwing dagger departement. The blinkback belt offer means to store and recover 4 of the bastards per turn. That measns you could have two magical one with called, and 4 magical or non magical one on your belt that will comes back and ready to be unleashed if your build is a Improved two weapon-throwing style.

the other thing that make this build efficient is that I am rogue with the followings.

-"The scout" archetype allows you to make a ranged sneak attack whenever you move 10 feet. only once per turn though. and it's not useful against other rogues (this ability gets nulified by uncanny dodge)

Far shot and ranged throw feat : the result means you can attack up to 30ft with no penalty.

Opening volley feat : Means when you attack in range, you can close up. Mix it up with weapon finesse and you got yourself a build that is effective up to 6 square.

Last but not least, the hunter surprise talent. It's a must if you built yourself with that two-weapon fighting build. This baby allows you to unleash hell once per day.

Once per day you can sneak attack a target to the end of your next turn without requiring the flank of flat-footed. So you can unleash two full-attack burst at let's say, by level 14, 6 attack that have decent chance to hit at 8d6 sneak per attack. Make the quick calculation, that's about 48d6 in a turn. twice. Now this is a move for all you power gamer out there of if you want your guy to shine for about 10 seconds.

the disadvantage here is that, it cost a decent 6 magical weapon to make this build "optimal" and not every quest allows for 6 magical dagger at 50 000 gold per thing. You can solve your problem by just paying for flat masterwork dagger at higher level but you'l still never be optimal since there are no items that create throwing weapon (except that javelin thing)

The advantage here is that versatility in both talents and feats, but also combat style both melee and range. Your pretty much good at both those and the style dosn't need that much feat and talent so you can fluff out the rest to your liking. Hell I took these others just to tune up the character in how I wanted.

-Cutpurse archetype.

-Fast stealth/expert leaper/Fast tumble/Fast getaway
-Improved steal

There is a pretty good one with Swashbuckler archetype Flying Blade, a blink back belt, and agile dagger. Your damage is pretty darn good. Depending on how you want to style it you can focus on....
Snap shot AOO control area.with some parry repost.
clusterd shots can help with DR.

WIth dex to damage, the nice crit rate increase, improved critical or the keen enchantment, and the precise damage boost it works pretty well.

Investigators with their studied combat do pretty decent as well.

Edit: O h wow this was a 4 year zombie undeadification here. No wonder no one mentioned various things I knew of. haha.

if the questionably legal combination of blinkback belt and two weapon throwing is used it is possible to create a throwing focused build which is competitive in DPR, not going to win any olympics but can keep pace with and often pass an archer (as long as the fight takes place in the thrower's close range).

cnetarian wrote:
if the questionably legal combination of blinkback belt and two weapon throwing is used it is possible to create a throwing focused build which is competitive in DPR, not going to win any olympics but can keep pace with and often pass an archer (as long as the fight takes place in the thrower's close range).

why is that questionably legal? technically with quickdraw, and a blinkback belt you could throw the same dagger with TWF ( each attack is resolved, teleports back you draw it with your other hand and throw. Doesn't disrupt twf's rules at all to me. Or is there some lil thing somewhere about not using the same weapon despite the attacks not going off at the same time period and your drawing it with the new hand?

On the subject of porting in 3.5 material, the magic item compendium has the "glove of endless javelins" gives you a +1 javelin of force as a free action on command.

Those are pretty cool. I let my players enchant it to give their throwing weapon bonuses and refluff it as anything other than javelins if they wanted.

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Dagger of Doubling can give you infinite free daggers with Quick Draw.

Zwordsman wrote:
cnetarian wrote:
if the questionably legal combination of blinkback belt and two weapon throwing is used it is possible to create a throwing focused build which is competitive in DPR, not going to win any olympics but can keep pace with and often pass an archer (as long as the fight takes place in the thrower's close range).

why is that questionably legal? technically with quickdraw, and a blinkback belt you could throw the same dagger with TWF ( each attack is resolved, teleports back you draw it with your other hand and throw. Doesn't disrupt twf's rules at all to me. Or is there some lil thing somewhere about not using the same weapon despite the attacks not going off at the same time period and your drawing it with the new hand?

The two weapon fighting rules start: "If you wield a second weapon in your off hand" which certainly implies a first weapon and a second weapon. This isn't definite though, it is only implied and the rules could be read to encompass either interpretation - that is why I said "questionably legal". Mind you the blinkback belt can carry multiple weapons and while have two enchanted weapons on it would work if one won't then you wind up having to enchant two weapons.

True enough.

The idea of one constantly teleporting dagger that i kick with the back of m yfoot out of my sheath nab in the air and throw, while spinning for full bab attack sounds greatly amusing.
two weapons does make more sense. just less amusing lol

DJCherryPie wrote:

I think its also good to remember that its not always about damage. In the correct situations (especially at lower levels) there are some simple and cheep items that can dramatically help a party.

Some times it's OK to be the one distracting and irritating all the baddies while your friends pound on em.

Tanglefoot bags, thunderstones, and the like can be pretty useful at low levels. Really, throwing weapon characters in general are a lot stronger at low levels. When you've only got one or two attacks and simple throwing weapons are cheap, it's easy to just carry enough to last a fight.

The problem is that throwing builds lose steam pretty quickly. Most of the non-damaging thrown items have fairly low fixed DCs that quickly render them useless. At level 1, a DC 15 thunderstone is potent. At level 10 you're running into monsters that only fail that on a 1.

Thunderstone falls away so fast. but Tangleburn bags I've had success with for a very long time. Not always mind you, the big bruser guy always gets away.. but i've mucked up archer, alchemist, and casters with them (lol one caster botched continued to botch something fierce, and burned nearly to death. Then his melee friend tried to free him, rolled a 1 and (gm choice of course) snapped his neck. (turns out the melee guy was basically the idiot from thunderdome and had Int 3 wis 4 and didn't realize he was ragdollig the mage trying to rip flaming goo off).

the new alchemical weaponry has some useful for quite a while thrown items. Though without a mechanic to make high level versions they fallaway too.

Vigil wrote:
Spell-storing is a melee-only enhancement. It doesn't work when you throw it.

Is there anything that actually prohibits a spell-storing melee weapon from triggering when you throw it? Spell storing just says:

"Anytime the weapon strikes a creature and the creature takes damage from it, the weapon can immediately cast the spell on that creature as a free action if the wielder desires."
It makes sense that ranged-only weapons can't do it for various reasons, but I don't see anything conceptually or rules-wise that would prevent throwing a spell-storing spear at something to deliver a payload. Its actually a really satisfying, flavorful move in my opinion.

As far as thrown-weapon tactics go, a character with Named Bullet and a decent attack (EK, Inquisitor, etc) can lay a really ugly hit on his mark - a great shot at a x3 spear crit, plus extra bonus damage from the spell. If you can slap a stored spell in there, that's a really, really bad day for someone.

BadBird is in the right here. Spell Storing can only be applied to melee weapons but there's nothing in the property's description that says anything about requiring the attack to be a melee one.

BadBird wrote:
Vigil wrote:
Spell-storing is a melee-only enhancement. It doesn't work when you throw it.

Is there anything that actually prohibits a spell-storing melee weapon from triggering when you throw it? Spell storing just says:

"Anytime the weapon strikes a creature and the creature takes damage from it, the weapon can immediately cast the spell on that creature as a free action if the wielder desires."
It makes sense that ranged-only weapons can't do it for various reasons, but I don't see anything conceptually or rules-wise that would prevent throwing a spell-storing spear at something to deliver a payload. Its actually a really satisfying, flavorful move in my opinion.

As far as thrown-weapon tactics go, a character with Named Bullet and a decent attack (EK, Inquisitor, etc) can lay a really ugly hit on his mark - a great shot at a x3 spear crit, plus extra bonus damage from the spell. If you can slap a stored spell in there, that's a really, really bad day for someone.

don't know about spell storing but a similar question was asked a few months ago on these boards cocerning the agile weapon enchant, and the consensus seemed to be that it applied when thrown. If you're interested a search for thrown agile weapon might turn up the thread.

By the way, this is an old thread. I guess a Warpriest could make a good base for a thrown weapons build.

Spell storing doesn't work on a thrown weapon because of the line "if the wielder desires". Since you're no longer wielding it when it strikes your enemy, you can't activate the power.

Sovereign Court

I don't know about full-on thrower builds, but I've had good times using javelins as something to use on attacks while we're still closing into melee.

Walk around with 2H weapon drawn. Spot enemy at a distance; can't or won't charge (enemy with nasty full attack that you won't kill in one hit). So grab a javelin, throw it and then re-grip your sword/hammer/whatever. With Strength and Smite damage, it's a decent action on a round you're not getting to attack in melee anyway.

Bows don't work so well for me; I can't use them one-handed. The 30ft range increment on javelins is quite enough for most combats though.

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