Nightflier's Return to Korvosa Discussion Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Dark Archive

Okay then.

Scranford, are you okay with this?

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12
nightflier wrote:
Kythvanath wrote:
So trying to figure out what to take (assuming I still have s/w spells) would take burning hands for "crowd control" but since Kyth is scared of fire it will probably be shield since mage armor won't stack with the class bonus, and magic missile, shocking grasp, chill touch, or magic weapon any ideas on which. Also toying with gravity bow possibly probably not though.

Okay, this is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna limit your school access. You must choose four schools of magic to which you have access to. The rest of the class stays the same. Does this suit you?


Let do this thing!!!

Dark Archive

Sorry for disappearing. My internet connection went down. I'm back now.

Male Human Vanguard

Welcome back glad you got internet back. Also I believe that sep 25 I should get a bonus feat or something since its my birthday just a suggestion :)

Male Human Vanguard

I've noticed that though the elements are supposed to be in balance and yet fire always has the pointy end of the stick while the other elements have a couple of spells here and there and fire has a spell on every level or at least it looks that way am I wrong? (Curious since Kyth won't use fire to harm anyone yet want him to be able to damage with more spells than just shocking grasp and magic missle.)

Male Human Fighter 1 35xp
Kythvanath wrote:
Welcome back glad you got internet back. Also I believe that sep 25 I should get a bonus feat or something since its my birthday just a suggestion :)

If that's the case today is my birthday I want a bonus feat too! :)

Dark Archive

Kythvanath wrote:
I've noticed that though the elements are supposed to be in balance and yet fire always has the pointy end of the stick while the other elements have a couple of spells here and there and fire has a spell on every level or at least it looks that way am I wrong? (Curious since Kyth won't use fire to harm anyone yet want him to be able to damage with more spells than just shocking grasp and magic missle.)

I'll look into it.

Male Human Vanguard

Oh I'm just hoping that ultimate magic has ENERGY SUBSTITUTION from complete arcane in 3.5 or at least something like it. I don't want to try and bring in anything from 3pp or 3.5 or anything so if ultimate mahic doesn't have it I'll work with it its not important just strange.

Male Human Vanguard

Is there anyone uncomfortable with Kyth being a Vanguard if so check the Magus and see if they want him changed personally I'd like to leave well enough alone but I remember Scranford being worried and some others slightly. So as I said I'd rather leave it as.

Also is it just me or at the moment does the Magus look a bit over powered? It gets weapon channel at 1 and the twf with spells can anyone say first attack shocking grasp through weapon and then another shocking grasp with off hand or burning hands....

Male Human Vanguard

Why do I have three posts in a row....
Anyway just trying to work this out since its been said in the game thread twice now by me and once by Kristophe are we going to send a group for supplies and the other to talk to witnesses, or is everyone going to do both together?

Male Human Vanguard

Trying to come up with some way to raise my ac the original plan was to use shield to raise it by 4 any other ideas since that spell isn't in one of my 4 schools.

Female Human Oracle (Flame) 1
Kythvanath wrote:

Trying to come up with some way to raise my ac the original plan was to use shield to raise it by 4 any other ideas since that spell isn't in one of my 4 schools.

Dip into fighter for 1 level and get huge class defence bonus.

Male 1/2 elf Rogue 1

You can't have everything. 16 is very respectable for level one. If you want great AC play a fighter. And taking the dip into fighter to get the AC bonus is just the type of thing I hate about using alternate rules.

Male Human Vanguard

Ok 1. Never said I want everything have I 2. Asking for ideas no reason to get pissed off 3. I believe we agreed that you keep your first class defense nothing taken later. So I don't understand your reasons for being so hostile everything I have done has been with the consent of the group, and I have even said if it is to much of an issue with the Vanguard class I could stay as a bard or now take the magus class. So I'd appreciate it if you'd quit with the attitude its unappreciated. Are we not all in this game to have fun? So I say we just have fun, only reason asked about any type of ac bonus is because I need to be in melee for the class to work the way its supposed to.

Edit: You seem to have the idea that I want to play a god class this is not the case I have no problem with a 16 ac but since I will spend most of my time in melee I was hoping to bump it up 1 or 2 points. In fact I might just waste 100 gold pieces and buy chain armor to get a 17 ac.

Male 1/2 elf Rogue 1
Kythvanath wrote:

Ok 1. Never said I want everything have I 2. Asking for ideas no reason to get pissed off 3. I believe we agreed that you keep your first class defense nothing taken later. So I don't understand your reasons for being so hostile everything I have done has been with the consent of the group, and I have even said if it is to much of an issue with the Vanguard class I could stay as a bard or now take the magus class. So I'd appreciate it if you'd quit with the attitude its unappreciated. Are we not all in this game to have fun? So I say we just have fun, only reason asked about any type of ac bonus is because I need to be in melee for the class to work the way its supposed to.

Edit: You seem to have the idea that I want to play a god class this is not the case I have no problem with a 16 ac but since I will spend most of my time in melee I was hoping to bump it up 1 or 2 points. In fact I might just waste 100 gold pieces and buy chain armor to get a 17 ac.

But all your posts are about making your character better, and have nothing to do with making the game better for everybody. And I'm not pissed off...just see warning signs of things that have destroyed games I've been in in the past. Sorry if you took offense, but if you don't want an opinion...don't ask for one.

Male Human Summoner 1

Hey, guys, I'm sorry to say this, but I have to withdraw. A recent event in my family has thrown my life into chaos. I'm sorry, and I hope you all have a great time!


Hey, it´s alright! I hope everything will be alright with you and everything will be solved :) Was really nice to see first posts and how your character was growing to life, but these things happens. Take care and hopefully we can play in some other game together later

Male Human Vanguard

Hey its fine real life takes priority or a game any day just sorry to hear about the problems.

Also I want to apologize to the whole party if it seemed as if I was trying to make a god character that was never my intent and I am sorry.

And I never said I didn't want an opinion I said the way you said it I didn't like, but I'm no better once was in a game with a gnome half-dragon who used a large great axe with no penalties and could kill 8 enemies in a single round not a fun game when all your swashbuckler does is stand around and watch a 3 foot thing kill everything.

Male Tiefling - Daemon Spawn Alchemist 1

Sorry I disappeared for a bit. Spent lots of time outside recently and very little time on the computer. Kinda forgot about Korvosa. Back now though.

Male Human Vanguard

That brings up a good point who is in charge? Kyth has combat training so he would be good for that kind of stuff but is young and headstrong so I'd vote maybe Galirian since he does have the highest diplomacy modifier.

Male Human Fighter 1 35xp

Didn't mean to step on your toes there, I honestly don't check this thread as often and Galrian seemed an obvious choice.

Male Human Vanguard

My toes are fine just wanted an idea so that we didn't end up with three people going for leader. The sergeant might have just thrown us out.

Male Human Vanguard

Well thats sad the errta for players guide has spring attack as a full round action now. I was planning on using it with weapon channel for hit and run tactics.


Mhm. I don´t mind of being leader, but will see later how will turn out plus will be interesting for RP purpose

Seems like also people getting busier these days? Curious what´s up with everyone.

Male Human Vanguard

Me and Cyra are still here.

Male 1/2 elf Rogue 1

Kristophe is still peaking around corners.

Dark Archive

I suppose that we are approaching the end of the year and many businesses are under increasing pressure. I know I am.

Female Elf (Forlorn) Witch 1; 6/6 hp; AC: 12, (Touch 12, FF 10); F +1, R +2, W +3, Perc +3/+5 Init +2

Still being a witch, he he.

Male Human Vanguard

So any opinions on the glow stick arrows?
Sounds like a good plan to me at least.

Female Goddess blessed human Oracle 1 ((hp 9/12; AC 13, t 13, ff 10; Fort +2, Ref +3. Will +1; Init +3; Perception -1 (beyond 30ft autofail)

Been in training for my new job leaving work at 10:30 followed by hour commute. Will get to regular schedule in 2 weeks.

Male Human Vanguard

Hey nightflier were the traits you have on your profile usable on this game? If so damn I would have loved weapon bond it would have been so much easier to allocate ability points.

Male 1/2 elf Rogue 1
Kythvanath wrote:
Hey nightflier were the traits you have on your profile usable on this game? If so damn I would have loved weapon bond it would have been so much easier to allocate ability points.

I'm not nightflier, and don't mean to speak for him, and I know it seems like I'm being comfrontational with you, but this is a core Pathfinder game. I don't understand why you keep trying to reach out for things not in the core. Nobody else had problems with this. On a personal note, I know Nightflier doesn't have a problem with it, but to me Weapon Bond is a horribly overpowered feat, that removes the only advantage that dedicated fighters have. Not only is your to hit as good as a dedicated fighter, but things like fatigue, and exhaustion that hurt a fighter, don't affect the Weapon bond feat. This type of feat is why I quit playing 3.5 and don't want to see this happen to Pathfinder.

Nightflier's other games are intentionally over the top, but he balances this with over the top challenges. This is a CORE game.

Male Human Vanguard
Kristophe wrote:
Kythvanath wrote:
Hey nightflier were the traits you have on your profile usable on this game? If so damn I would have loved weapon bond it would have been so much easier to allocate ability points.

I'm not nightflier, and don't mean to speak for him, and I know it seems like I'm being comfrontational with you, but this is a core Pathfinder game. I don't understand why you keep trying to reach out for things not in the core. Nobody else had problems with this. On a personal note, I know Nightflier doesn't have a problem with it, but to me Weapon Bond is a horribly overpowered feat, that removes the only advantage that dedicated fighters have. Not only is your to hit as good as a dedicated fighter, but things like fatigue, and exhaustion that hurt a fighter, don't affect the Weapon bond feat. This type of feat is why I quit playing 3.5 and don't want to see this happen to Pathfinder.

Nightflier's other games are intentionally over the top, but he balances this with over the top challenges. This is a CORE game.

You seem to have an obsession with me though while flattering is annoying. I understand you don't like extra options fine ok, but class armor was allowed before anything I did so I'm not sure where the whole "I don't understand why you keep trying to reach out for things not in the core. Nobody else had problems with this." comes from and is honestly offensive. I did not ask to change Kyth's chosen traits I was asking in hindsight. So before you get all core is core how dare you go out side of it, wait until you find out what's going on before attacking me. I have had no problems with anything anyone has done in fact I asked if anyone wanted me to change Kyth to a magus which is core. All I want is to ask a question of our GM with out you jumping on me like I just threatened to shoot someone.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12
Kythvanath wrote:
Kristophe wrote:
Kythvanath wrote:
Hey nightflier were the traits you have on your profile usable on this game? If so damn I would have loved weapon bond it would have been so much easier to allocate ability points.

I'm not nightflier, and don't mean to speak for him, and I know it seems like I'm being comfrontational with you, but this is a core Pathfinder game. I don't understand why you keep trying to reach out for things not in the core. Nobody else had problems with this. On a personal note, I know Nightflier doesn't have a problem with it, but to me Weapon Bond is a horribly overpowered feat, that removes the only advantage that dedicated fighters have. Not only is your to hit as good as a dedicated fighter, but things like fatigue, and exhaustion that hurt a fighter, don't affect the Weapon bond feat. This type of feat is why I quit playing 3.5 and don't want to see this happen to Pathfinder.

Nightflier's other games are intentionally over the top, but he balances this with over the top challenges. This is a CORE game.

You seem to have an obsession with me though while flattering is annoying. I understand you don't like extra options fine ok, but class armor was allowed before anything I did so I'm not sure where the whole "I don't understand why you keep trying to reach out for things not in the core. Nobody else had problems with this." comes from and is honestly offensive. I did not ask to change Kyth's chosen traits I was asking in hindsight. So before you get all core is core how dare you go out side of it, wait until you find out what's going on before attacking me. I have had no problems with anything anyone has done in fact I asked if anyone wanted me to change Kyth to a magus which is core. All I want is to ask a question of our GM with out you jumping on me like I just threatened to shoot someone.

As stated above I'm not attacking you personally, I just really don't understand why you constantly try for more options, when this was clearly stated to be a Core pathfinder game. Go above and read all your posts. They are always about wanting to do this, and being screwed because of your AC, and ruining your concept by changing feats.

If you want to know about personal attacks...fine. I find your gaming style selfish and offensive.You are as much a min-maxer as anyone I have ever played with, and you wouldn't last 2 sessions in one of my games without both myself, and all my players wanting to throw you out of the group, and you reduce my level of enjoyment of the game. I want to worry about the things happening in the game and not how you can maximize the potential of your character. I'm amazed at Nightfliers ability to deal with your type of player...That my friend is a personal attack.

Male Human Vanguard

Ok I have an idea, you go on and have your game I came to this game because I like Nightflier's style of GMing I love what he has done in the Midnight games. In fact I was very excited when I saw so many people I have seen in other rps I had read you included. But since apparently I am such a selfish gamer I will be dropping from this game you can have Kyth get killed how ever you want hell since you hate how I play and everything I do you can kill him yourself. Do enjoy this game everyone I am sorry I have been such a disruption.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12
Kythvanath wrote:
Ok I have an idea, you go on and have your game I came to this game because I like Nightflier's style of GMing I love what he has done in the Midnight games. In fact I was very excited when I saw so many people I have seen in other rps I had read you included. But since apparently I am such a selfish gamer I will be dropping from this game you can have Kyth get killed how ever you want hell since you hate how I play and everything I do you can kill him yourself. Do enjoy this game everyone I am sorry I have been such a disruption.

I was simply debating the options. You took it to personal level.

Male Human Vanguard

No, I am not going to let your attitude ruin the game I was having fun and still want to have fun. I am sorry for anything I have done. I have never wanted to lessen anyone's enjoyment, but I still want to play I like my character I put a lot of time into his background and everything about him. I put a piece of my self into every character I make. So I am going to stay in this unless Nightflier comes in and asks me to leave. Kythvanath Vanguard of the 1st tier is here until an enemies blade lays him to rest.

Female Goddess blessed human Oracle 1 ((hp 9/12; AC 13, t 13, ff 10; Fort +2, Ref +3. Will +1; Init +3; Perception -1 (beyond 30ft autofail)

Y'know I've tried really hard to stay out of this but frankly it's infuriating. Everytime I've been in a game where someone is attacked for thheir character design choices or made to feel as if they're doing something whong just because they want to have fun it happens to revolve around the same thing.


You and your refusal to accept anything other than the options you consider acceptable.

When you DM a game, feel free to state in big bold letters CORE ONLY DON'T EVEN ASK OTHERWISE!!! and refuse any other option to your heart's content.

Otherwise character creation is between the player and the DM unless they ask for help. If it isn't your character stay out of it. If an option upsets the whole game, fine everyone will note the issue and the DM will make a ruling. I you're the only one upset either deal or move on.

I've seen too many people have their enjoyment ruined by this crap to stay quiet. Back off, let people enjoy themselves and quit backseat DM'ing.

Nightflyer said:

Okay then.

Scranford, are you okay with this?

I'm sorry but no DM should ever have to post this question about another player's character because of one person.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12
Zariah wrote:

Y'know I've tried really hard to stay out of this but frankly it's infuriating. Everytime I've been in a game where someone is attacked for thheir character design choices or made to feel as if they're doing something whong just because they want to have fun it happens to revolve around the same thing.


You and your refusal to accept anything other than the options you consider acceptable.

When you DM a game, feel free to state in big bold letters CORE ONLY DON'T EVEN ASK OTHERWISE!!! and refuse any other option to your heart's content.

Otherwise character creation is between the player and the DM unless they ask for help. If it isn't your character stay out of it. If an option upsets the whole game, fine everyone will note the issue and the DM will make a ruling. I you're the only one upset either deal or move on.

I've seen too many people have their enjoyment ruined by this crap to stay quiet. Back off, let people enjoy themselves and quit backseat DM'ing.

Nightflyer said:

Okay then.

Scranford, are you okay with this?

I'm sorry but no DM should ever have to post this question about another player's character because of one person.

Gotcha. And i agree that I should have stayed out of it, and will from this time forward...However this as all role-playing games is not only Nightflier's game but all the PC's game. In this case I went to the effort to create a character that followed the rules layed out by the DM in advance. I will speak of it no more. And if I have issues I will address them with the DM only.

havoc iii...I apologize for taking this public.

Male Human Vanguard

Mmm if I am rereading spells correctly with one spell per day and a charisma of 16 that gives me 2 spells per day correct?

Male Human Vanguard

For anyone not following Nightflier's midnight thread I believe he is on a 10 day business trip. (End of transmission)

Male Human Vanguard

So anyone home.....?


Still here.

Just waiting for Nightflier to update and get the game going on
'taps his fingers'. Understandable: He is busy and got work to do, but I hope its not getting so badly in the way :S

Male Human Vanguard
Nightflier wrote:

Hey, guys. I haven't been able to check the boards these last few days, so I couldn't keep up with the game. I should return from my voyages come Wednesday, so I will return to posting as well.

Hopefully we will get some pbp action on Wednesday.

Dark Archive

Sorry, guys. I was called on a family emergency during the weekend, so I haven't read the thread. I'm back now, though. During the last two months RL impaired the game and I am truly sorry about that. I'll try to make it up to you.

Male Human Vanguard

Its cool RL is more important than a game. No need to apologize.

Male Human Vanguard

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Also +1 to the creepy spider head things.

Male Human Vanguard
nightflier wrote:
I am posting this from my phone, so I'll be short. My provider promised me that I'll get full internet access back first thing Monday morning, so I'll resume all of my games then. I would be very grateful if someone could repost this to my other game threads.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human {Black American} Monk 1 / Paladin 2 / Bard 1

Uhm..excuse me for butting in... I take it this game is full? I'm looking to play a Pathfinder World or Pathfinder Society.

I'd like to play my PFS Character Asherick 'Ashe' Whiteplume [Human{half-Chelaxian}, male - Paladin 6{IOMEDAE} / Bard 1]... he is posted at this very site. My story is that he is from Korvosa... but has been away for some time on tasks for the Pathfinder Society. If you have room I'd like to be considered for this game.

Thank you.

Dark Archive

Sunphoenix72 wrote:

Uhm..excuse me for butting in... I take it this game is full? I'm looking to play a Pathfinder World or Pathfinder Society.

I'd like to play my PFS Character Asherick 'Ashe' Whiteplume [Human{half-Chelaxian}, male - Paladin 6{IOMEDAE} / Bard 1]... he is posted at this very site. My story is that he is from Korvosa... but has been away for some time on tasks for the Pathfinder Society. If you have room I'd like to be considered for this game.

Thank you.

I'm just restarting this game after some issues with my ISP. Stick around. If somebody left the game while it was on a brake, you can jump in.

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