New Base Class Concepts

Homebrew and House Rules

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northbrb wrote:
just a side question i had ( since this is in regard to a class idea i had) if a class gain power or even (magic) from the same place that aberrations come from would it be divine or arcane based?

I don't know, where do aberrations come from? I always figured "aberrationism" was relative, with beholders considering humans to be as strange as humans regard them.

But if you are thinking of The Far Plane, which has been described in some books as some sort of "beyond the beyond", then I'd make it a new type of magic, different from arcane and divine, because it is "beyond the beyond".

But otherwise, it could be arcane, divine, or psionic.

the wild-man, a Tarzan inspired base class.

gains speak with animal with one type of animal and gains all sorts of animal based abilities

I just posted a thread a couple hours ago to try and consolidate an area for custom class archetypes.  It seems like a lot of the concepts people are asking for could be done that way.  If anyone cares to try to put pen to paper and make some that would be cool. I'll post a link in case anyone cares. 

Archetype Thread

northbrb wrote:

the wild-man, a Tarzan inspired base class.

gains speak with animal with one type of animal and gains all sorts of animal based abilities

That was my "beastmaster" class. Affinity with animals...even had a Tarzan-like yell to summon them...wore only a loincloth (when everyone else required him to), brachiated with the best of them, ran like the deer, and eventually became "one of them"; that is, his creature type changed to Animal.

E-mail: drewnchick (at) att (dot) net if you want a copy of this class or any of the others I've created.

i already have my own write up for a wild-man base class but thanks a lot

How about something inline with the Blue Mage from certain Final Fantasy games? A class that gains features from monsters as they encounter them. I might start writing that up. :D

Liberty's Edge

I feel the need for a noble and and an expert, non roguish, class.

i have thought about a new class, noble style wit ha silver tongue and i thought it might be cool if a class like that gain followers really early like the get the leadership feat early on and gain followers from there before anyone else would have the option to do so.

All I can say is keep an eye out on those 3rd party publishers, guys. You never know who might be reading.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
northbrb wrote:

the wild-man, a Tarzan inspired base class.

gains speak with animal with one type of animal and gains all sorts of animal based abilities

Do you want a Beast Totem Savage Barbarian with some extra abilities, a Savage Skald bard, an Animal Shaman druid, or a Beast Master ranger? An oracle with the Nature mystery, a summoner with a naturalistic eidolon, or a witch with the Animals patron? All of these are options with the APG. The Animal Shaman druid is probably the best fit, followed by the Beast Master ranger, oracle with the Nature mystery, and witch with the Animals patron.

Perhaps a sorcerer with a custom bloodline ("Bestial")?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Paladinosaur wrote:
I feel the need for a noble and and an expert, non roguish, class.

There is an option in the Campaign Setting (3.5 until the new release) book that allows a fighter to trade their bonus feat at 1st level to gain 4 + Int modifier skill points and some extra class skills ("School-trained" I think). I really think that making PC classes (like a "noble" class separate from the aristocrat NPC class) based on one specific interpretation of a social caste (i.e., "knight," "samurai," etc.) instead of using it as a background and inspiration for a character of any class is inherently limiting and often results in overly specialized classes. Why can't there be "noble" barbarians (Land of the Linnorm Kings or some other Viking-esque variant), bards, clerics, druids, etc.?

A ranger has 6 + Int modifier skill ranks, the same as a bard; either one can fill the "expert" role. Heck, a wizard or a witch could serve, since they usually have a very high Int score.

Spyder25 wrote:
northbrb wrote:

no problem man, post as often as you want.

i had a class idea from a while back, it was a "gun mage" basically the had a magical gun like weapon that would shoot something along the lines of a ray but not descriptive like most spells.

I made a gun mage class. If you give me your email I can send a PDF to you.

I am definitely interested in this. We've been using the Iron Kingdoms gun mage and I'd like to see a more compatible version. (darkvoivode [atsymbol] gmail [dot] com) Thanks.

A real scientist, possibly an NPC only.
They do experiments, make blueprints, develop theories, and build prototypes. They can repair things in the manner of make whole but with no magic. For example they can design a shotgun and help make non magical cartridge rounds.


Just my opinion, but if you can say, "Its sort of like an [ADJECTIVE] [BASE CLASS NAME]," then it doesn't deserve to be a Base Class. It deserves to be an archetype.

I would prefer to see more Prestige Classes in the game over Base Classes or even some archetypes that support multiclassing better, along the lines of the tactician fighter, which is a great multiclass support archetype between the fighter and the cavalier.

It's funny, reading this post now and almost replying that, "Hey that sounds like ___ from the ___ they just released!" Then I remember that this thread started almost 2 1/2 years ago.

a puppeteer based class who uses marionettes for positioning, setting up flanks, and swarm tactics and has the ability to repair and replace her marionettes at will with a craft (dollmaking) check.

the marionettes wouldn't deal a lot of damage on their own, but there would literally be an army of them. could use wooden or plush dolls equally effectively.

an elementalist class that focuses on all aspects of an element, not just damage.

a spontaneous divine casting dragon disciple wannabe who slowly becomes an angel instead of a dragon.

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The Mutant
D8 hits per level
Take one base race, Add a leveled mutation at first, fifth, tenth, fifteenth, and 20th levels.
I'll make a chart showing when they get bonus spells based on their mutations.

My friend, another GM, home-brewed a "Healer" class with me, which I'm now playing in his campaign. It's a spontaneous, Charisma-based divine caster with very few offensive options, but a wide range of support abilities. They must be Lawful Good in alignment, but serve as the other side of the coin to the Paladin; while the Paladin vanquishes evil, the Healer nurtures good.

We thought it filled a much-needed niche in the game, as it allows a player to create a dedicated defensive specialist/healer without all the "warrior-priest" trappings of the Cleric or Oracle classes.

Double necro'd thread.

I have made a couple. One is the artificer (yeah, I know, yet ANOTHER one) that is based off the summoner. The other is the "priest" class, which is a divine full caster, with d6 hp and 1/2 BAB, and has a prayerbook (similar to wizard's spellbook), with an ability based off the dark knowledge ability from the Archivist class (from Heroes of Horror 3.5 book).

Haven't had any of them playtested, so not sure how terrible or awesome they are.

How does the prayerbook work, compared to divine casters that get whatever spells they need from the entire list for their class every day? If they're light armor, d6 HP and 1/2 BAB, they need a comparative buff, not a nerf.

I fashioned the priest after the class of the same name from the Tome of Secrets, from Adamant, and added in parts of the Archivist from 3rd edition. They give buffs to their party members dependant on a knowledge check, and they have the cleric's channel energy ability, but increased to d8s (like the Adamant's priest class). And they cast their spells based on Intelligence.

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