Alch |

I, for one, am glad that they specified what, exactly, happens when you wear the coat over armor, because if they hadn't, the very first question would have been, "so what happens if I wear my coat over my armor?"
I can easily point to half a dozen different items that have been published that would really, REALLY have benefited from one extra line of crunch to explain how the item in intended to work. Adventurer's Sash, anyone?
I've got to admit, you have a good point. Although I wouldn't even have thought about wearing one armor over another...
What about my other questions? Any ideas?

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APG wrote:If a familiar belongs to a witch that has died, it only retains its knowledge of spells for 24 hours,Is it only me or do witches really suck when they die?
Dead characters do no DPS.
On the other hand, a witch which has lost her familliar is in a lot better shape than a wizard who's lost all his spellbooks. IF she summons a new famillar she's got at least a partially functioning spell list. The wizard however has a lot more work to do in such a case.
In many ways the APG classes are "advanced" classes. Some of them represent greater challenges and require different modes of thinking compared to the traditional 4 and the sorcerer. (I tend to think of sorcerers as easy-mode wizards)

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Question on the Nature Warden prestige class. The ability of "Woodforging". Am I reading this right they can carve themselves up a longsword, shortsword or a bastardsword for example and in their hands it is considered a masterwork weapon (normal for others). From their if they choose to they can have someone else enchant it (or do it themselves) effectivly allowing the Nature Warden to have +1 weapon (masterwork to others) and possibly special abilites like...I dunno "+1 flaming burst" if you want to be sick and twisted...kinda like ordering a veggie burger with bacon?

hogarth |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

The Azata subdomain ability says:
"These bonuses last for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1), although the saving throw reroll only applies when the creature is touched. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier."
Does this mean that a 14th level cleric with 16 Wisdom can't use this ability at all, because 14/2=7 rounds > 3+3=6 rounds?

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Question on the Nature Warden prestige class. The ability of "Woodforging". Am I reading this right they can carve themselves up a longsword, shortsword or a bastardsword for example and in their hands it is considered a masterwork weapon (normal for others). From their if they choose to they can have someone else enchant it (or do it themselves) effectivly allowing the Nature Warden to have +1 weapon (masterwork to others) and possibly special abilites like...I dunno "+1 flaming burst" if you want to be sick and twisted...kinda like ordering a veggie burger with bacon?
I would treat the weapon as magically active only as long as it remains in the hands of the Nature Warden. If someone else tries to use it, it looks feels and swings like a wooden stick but in the hands of the creator it is a deadly weapon to be reckoned with.
As only masterwork items can be enchanted it would cease being magical while not being held by the Natures Warden as it no longer maintains the prerequisites to be such.

Quandary |
3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Is there any difference for an oracle with the Nature's Whispers revelation?
More specifically, how signifigant is the difference in wording?
Sidestep Secret mentions being subject to Max DEX (from armor),Nature´s Whispers doesn´t say anything. (yet I would guess is also still subject to Max DEX)
Having your (CHA in place of DEX) bonus to AC reduced (by armor) seems similar (just weaker) to having it ¨lost¨ (i.e. when immobilized) like Nature´s Whispers references.
Reading the text directly, one would seem to lose the AC bonus from Nature´s Whispers if flat footed/surprised or immobilized, but that text is not present in Sidestep Secret. I´m not sure if there is a flavor difference intended that one should be subject to flat footed AC loss and the other not, but it seems at least for cases like immobilization that they should work the same.
(in the case that the bonus applies while flat footed, I assume the character still IS flat footed, i.e. subject to sneak attack and unable to take AoO´s, even if their AC isn´t penalized)
Maybe it´s just me, but I´d really prefer them to be written like ¨functions like X other power¨ (as other ´copycat´ powers do), with any exceptions denoted (i.e. like similar spells are written). That saves space which can be used to make the one description (referenced by the ´2nd´ ability) more robust if need be.
Sidestep Secret (Su): Your innate understanding of the universe has granted you preternatural reflexes and the uncanny ability to step out of danger at the very last second. Add your Charisma modifier (instead of your Dexterity modifier) to your Armor Class and all Reflex saving throws. Your armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus applies to your Charisma instead of your Dexterity.
Nature’s Whispers (Ex): You have become so attuned to the whispers of the natural world, from the croaking of frogs to the groaning of great boulders, that your surroundings constantly keep you preternaturally aware of danger. You may add your Charisma modifier, instead of your Dexterity modifier, to your Armor Class. Any condition that would cause you to lose your Dexterity modifier to your Armor Class instead causes you to lose your Charisma modifier to your Armor Class.

kijeren |

Is it me, or is Reach Spell just better than Enlarge Spell in almost every way?
Reach Spell (Metamagic)
Your spells go farther than normal.
Benefit: You can alter a spell with a range of touch, close, or medium to increase its range to a higher range category, using the following order: touch, close, medium, and long. A reach spell uses up a spell slot one level higher for each increase in range category. For example, a spell with a range of touch increased to long range uses up a spell slot three levels higher. Spells modified by this feat that require melee touch attacks instead require ranged touch attacks.
Enlarge Spell (Metamagic)
You can increase the range of your spells.
Benefit: You can alter a spell with a range of close, medium,or long to increase it's range by 100%... An enlarged spell uses up a spell one slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.
You can't increase the distance of a long-range spell, which seems to be the only reason to take Enlarge Spell anymore.
Am I missing something?
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3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1) How do you calculate a saving throw DC for the Oracle revelations?
Fire Breath says the save DC is Charisma based, but doesn't address the level of the ability. Spray of Shooting Stars doesn't say anything about the saving throw DC.
I used 10 + Charisma Mod + 1/2 Oracle level for a game last weekend, but it would be nice to have an official answer.
2) Can Moonlight Bridge be used as a wall?
The relevant text says that the 10' wide bridge starts adjacent to your position and extends in any direction for 10' per Oracle level. It certainly sounds like a way to get a wall of force at low level.

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Is it me, or is Reach Spell just better than Enlarge Spell in almost every way?
APG p168 wrote:Reach Spell (Metamagic)
Your spells go farther than normal.
Benefit: You can alter a spell with a range of touch, close, or medium to increase its range to a higher range category, using the following order: touch, close, medium, and long. A reach spell uses up a spell slot one level higher for each increase in range category. For example, a spell with a range of touch increased to long range uses up a spell slot three levels higher. Spells modified by this feat that require melee touch attacks instead require ranged touch attacks.vs
Core Book p122 wrote:Enlarge Spell (Metamagic)
You can increase the range of your spells.
Benefit: You can alter a spell with a range of close, medium,or long to increase it's range by 100%... An enlarged spell uses up a spell one slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.You can't increase the distance of a long-range spell, which seems to be the only reason to take Enlarge Spell anymore.
Am I missing something?
Enlarge Spell is +1 level.
Reach Spell is +3 levels.
I should certainly hope that Reach Spell is better than Enlarge Spell in every way!

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Sure.Enlarge Spell is +1 level.
Reach Spell is +3 levels.
I should certainly hope that Reach Spell is better than Enlarge Spell in every way!
What he said. Reach is quite flexible in a way that Enlarge is not. I'm not sure why anyone would bother with Enlarge now. How often do you need to double the range of a long ranged spell? Who plays a Snipceror?

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Quote:And so?!? i can't use this subdomain until November 2010?!?Agathion Subdomain:
Replacement Power: The following granted power replaces the holy lance power of Good domain
Agathion are race of neutral good outsiders (see Pathfinder Bestiary II)
Of course you can. Your cleric just won't know anything about the creatures he venerates until then. :P

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Benkalas wrote:Of course you can. Your cleric just won't know anything about the creatures he venerates until then. :PQuote:And so?!? i can't use this subdomain until November 2010?!?Agathion Subdomain:
Replacement Power: The following granted power replaces the holy lance power of Good domain
Agathion are race of neutral good outsiders (see Pathfinder Bestiary II)
Good and what can i do if i want use 6th liv. spell [i]planar ally[i](Agathion only)?!?

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Jason Nelson wrote:You might want to reread Reach Spell. To change a spell from Close to Medium range (e.g.) is +1 level.
Enlarge Spell is +1 level.
Reach Spell is +3 levels.
I should certainly hope that Reach Spell is better than Enlarge Spell in every way!
And so it is!
In that case: Enlarge = teh suck for everything except Long range spells... which are already long enough!
Now, if Enlarge still made your lines and cones bigger like in 3.0, that would be rockin! :)

Dire Hobbit |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Don't know if this is the right thread or if it's been brought up elsewhere, but...
Prices for cursed items would be very nice. You might really want a cursed magic to use in conjunction with the spell Beguiling Gift.
Also, the Monk variant class Ki Mystic allows rerolls for himself and allies with various powers. The typical boiler plate of whether the reroll can be called for before or after the result of the first roll is revealed is missing.

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5 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. |

Okay, this seems like the place. I'm sure there will be varying answers and rationales, but hopefully a clear, strong voice will emerge from the din and provide much needed gravitas.
On Alchemists and their core abilities:
1)Since it says extracts are like potions, does a prepared extract require the normal actions to imbibe(retrieve from wherever as a move action, possibly provoking attacks of opportunity, and drink as a standard action, possibly provoking attacks of opportunity AGAIN). Does Accelerated Drinker(as well as similar traits, feats, and abilities) treat extracts like potions and accelerate the drinking to a move action if already in hand?
2)Creating and throwing a bomb is described as a standard action and can later be accelerated to allow multiple bombs with the proper discovery, but does the single action include retrieving the catalyst vial or is that a separate move action? It has been suggested by my players that retrieving a catalyst vial is like retrieving a spell component and is considered part of the Bomb standard action. I would like to have a firm ruling on this as Bomb and Mutagen do not explicitly say how to treat the components prior to the standard action, unlike Extracts, which imply they must be retrieved like a potion.
3)Drinking a mutagen is a standard action. Does that mean retrieving it is included in the standard action, or is it treated like imbibing a potion? If it's like a potion, why doesn't it use the same language as the extract section? Calling it out as a standard action to drink a mutagen but not explicitly stating that drinking an extract is a standard action seems inconsistent and implies that the two follow different mechanics, one acting like a potion and the other acting like a completely separate ability that takes a standard action to activate(with the flavor of drinking a transformative elixir but not the slower mechanic for doing so).
If you can provide concrete answers to any of these questions, bless your heart and thank you. It will help me avoid pointless arguments with my players. Also, if there are concrete answers, I hope the errata for the APG includes them.

daemonprince |
3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. |

For the paladin variant Warrior of the Holy Light's Power of Faith ability, each benefit affects all allies (including the paladin) except the 12th level ability that grants energy resistance. This one only effects allies. Seems strange to have a single ability that doesn't work as the rest of them, is this perhaps an error or oversight?
Also, I am kind of curious if the light generated is suppressed by darkness spells...

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1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

I see that the sacred servant gets a domain but does this domain work like the cleric domain that has three uses plus ability based off of your wisdom or is the same ability now based off of your charisma.
Also, I am kind of curious if the light generated is suppressed by darkness spells...
I don't have my book infront of me but to my knowledge the light starts at a level equivalent to be suppressed by darkness. But later it is at a higher class level the light is higher than darkness..... unless the caster of darkness raises the level of the darkness spell , but that is a different story.

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I guess I've got to say, folks, that if a Paladin had decided to devote all her extra hit points / skill points to a single energy resistance, I'd be fine with her having, say, electricity resistance 400 by the time she's 20th Level. Crazy things happen at 20th Level, and she's certainly going to have had many times during her adventuring career where an extra hit point per level would have been helpful...

Zurai |

I guess I've got to say, folks, that if a Paladin had decided to devote all her extra hit points / skill points to a single energy resistance, I'd be fine with her having, say, electricity resistance 400 by the time she's 20th Level. Crazy things happen at 20th Level, and she's certainly going to have had many times during her adventuring career where an extra hit point per level would have been helpful...
But would you be fine with resistance 25 at 5th level or 100 at 10th?

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2)Creating and throwing a bomb is described as a standard action and can later be accelerated to allow multiple bombs with the proper discovery, but does the single action include retrieving the catalyst vial or is that a separate move action? It has been suggested by my players that retrieving a catalyst vial is like retrieving a spell component and is considered part of the Bomb standard action. I would like to have a firm ruling on this as Bomb and Mutagen do not explicitly say how to treat the components prior to the standard action, unlike Extracts, which imply they must be retrieved like a potion.
Sean Reynolds said in another thread that fetching and throwing a bomb was a standard action. I'll leave it as an exercise for your search fu to find because I'm feeling lazy.
As for the rest, well it's pretty obvious to me how you treat a potion-like substance that you drink but there is some dispute and there is no official answer.

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Warforged Gardener wrote:2)Creating and throwing a bomb is described as a standard action and can later be accelerated to allow multiple bombs with the proper discovery, but does the single action include retrieving the catalyst vial or is that a separate move action? It has been suggested by my players that retrieving a catalyst vial is like retrieving a spell component and is considered part of the Bomb standard action. I would like to have a firm ruling on this as Bomb and Mutagen do not explicitly say how to treat the components prior to the standard action, unlike Extracts, which imply they must be retrieved like a potion.Sean Reynolds said in another thread that fetching and throwing a bomb was a standard action. I'll leave it as an exercise for your search fu to find because I'm feeling lazy.
As for the rest, well it's pretty obvious to me how you treat a potion-like substance that you drink but there is some dispute and there is no official answer.
Found the thread using Sean Reynolds as a search term, thanks
So that's one official answer. The other two are maddening because they seem equivalent but equivalent actions are not always equal actions. I think the problem with alchemist is that it's not spell casting in a conventional sense and needed to be built from the ground up with zero assumptions and ambiguity. It's very easy to confuse flavor and mechanics(assuming that bombs are still drawn like a weapon because it says they're splash weapons or like a potion because the catalyst vials are prepared ahead of time like potions).

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Hey Warforged, your old Savage Tide PbP hasn't heard from you for a while...are you retiring your character?

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Hey Greene, what's up?
Anyway, how would you rule the effect of a merciful disentergration? Does it kill the target or just knock him out for a really long time? I know it seems obvious, but this could be a way to induce comas in-game...
All of my abandoned children return to haunt me...oh, Greene, Ravtahl and Rakless...I have failed you all.

Ravingdork |

A 11th level Alchemist with 18 int deals 6d6+4 damage with a Bomb,
A 11th level Alchemist with 18 int deals 7d6+8 damage with a Bomb on a critical hit,
A 11th level Alchemist with 18 int deals 7d6+4 damage with a Bomb using Vital Strike,
Is this correct?
Exactly right.

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A 11th level Alchemist with 18 int deals 6d6+4 damage with a Bomb,
A 11th level Alchemist with 18 int deals 7d6+8 damage with a Bomb on a critical hit,
A 11th level Alchemist with 18 int deals 7d6+4 damage with a Bomb using Vital Strike,
Is this correct?
Yeah, crits are pretty wimpy and vital strike isn't very vital. One more:
An 11th level Alchemist with 18 int deals 9d6+8 damage with a Bomb when they make a critical hit using Vital Strike,

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Glutton wrote:A 11th level Alchemist with 18 int deals 6d6+4 damage with a Bomb,
A 11th level Alchemist with 18 int deals 7d6+8 damage with a Bomb on a critical hit,
A 11th level Alchemist with 18 int deals 7d6+4 damage with a Bomb using Vital Strike,
Is this correct?
Yeah, crits are pretty wimpy and vital strike isn't very vital. One more:
An 11th level Alchemist with 18 int deals 9d6+8 damage with a Bomb when they make a critical hit using Vital Strike,
Yup, this situation came up in my game last friday actually. I had to take a break to read the rules after the game but I just told him he killed the guy to make is simple. Better to keep playing than run off to the lawyers begging for mercy.

northbrb |

i was looking at the fighter two handed fighter option and i saw that they gain the weapon training option for only two handed weapons, the ability doesn't list that it replaces any of the the weapon training options for the fighter.
my question is does this just mean that your first weapon training must be two handed weapons/

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i was looking at the fighter two handed fighter option and i saw that they gain the weapon training option for only two handed weapons, the ability doesn't list that it replaces any of the the weapon training options for the fighter.
my question is does this just mean that your first weapon training must be two handed weapons/
There is no weapon training group called "two handed weapon." They have to choose the normal weapon groups but only get the benefit from the two handed weapons in each group.

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northbrb wrote:There is no weapon training group called "two handed weapon." They have to choose the normal weapon groups but only get the benefit from the two handed weapons in each group.i was looking at the fighter two handed fighter option and i saw that they gain the weapon training option for only two handed weapons, the ability doesn't list that it replaces any of the the weapon training options for the fighter.
my question is does this just mean that your first weapon training must be two handed weapons/

Ravingdork |

Um...I don't think that is correct.
It looks to me like you get the bonuses with ANY weapon you wield, provided it is a two-handed weapon. Not so limiting as only being able to use two-handed weapons from a specific group.

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Um...I don't think that is correct.
It looks to me like you get the bonuses with ANY weapon you wield, provided it is a two-handed weapon. Not so limiting as only being able to use two-handed weapons from a specific group.
I feel like since Jason Nelson (who has been really great for hanging around this thread and other APG threads so much) agrees with my interpretation it's correct. But lets look through it.
Weapon Training (Ex): As the fighter class feature,
but the bonuses only apply when wielding two-handed
melee weapons.
Starting at 5th level, a fighter can select one group of weapons, as noted below. Whenever he attacks with a weapon from this group, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls.
So it looks like you select one group of weapons from the groups provided but you only get benefits when the weapon you're using from the groups provided is wielded in two hands. It seems pretty clear to me.

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Ring of Forcefangs- can you cast Mage Armor on yourself if you have this ring equipped?
(As written, if you cast mage armor on yourself, the item would prevent the spell and gain a charge. Odder than that, you could exceed 9 charges in the ring with mage armor, as the clause that limits it to nine specifically refers to incoming attacks- the wording is borked, but whether it works on non-attack spells or not is very much in the air)