GM Wulfson |

Since we seem to have such a hard time keeping a sixth person I guess we'll just have to roll with five. The encounters will be a little tougher, but conversely the rewards greater.

F. Castor |

If it is not too presumptuous of me and if you forgive the threadjack, I do have a NG tiefling witch (probably of the House Medvyed) I could offer up for consideration. He probably needs a bit of tweaking, but he is mostly ready mechanics-wise.
If, however, you prefer moving ahead with five, no biggie. I enjoy reading their adventures just as well. :-)

GM Wulfson |

Sorry for the slow posting rate, all. Last week my wife had Strep throar and I've got it now. Our daughter has had a sinus infection for going on two weeks now. It never seems to rain but it pours at our house. I'll get a proper post up later this afternoon, but right now I'm going to crash. At least we're getting it out of the way early so we should all be healthy for the holidays.

GM Wulfson |

Thank you all for your patience. While it no longer feels like I'm trying to swallow hot coals every time I swallow (now it only feels like a large rock) I'm still not at 100% but should be able to keep up with regular postings from here on out. With the three of us being sick within a two week span I've really had my hands full and appreciate everyone's understanding.
What say you all? Do you want to go with a sixth? Makes no difference to me.

F. Castor |

Certainly interested. I just need to finish writing his background and he is ready to go.
Just one question: Starting money?
Edit: All done. Although his last name may seem a little ominous, he does not use it when introducing himself. It is simply a remnant of his childhood, a nickname used by other children when the erroneous rumor that he was born at the stroke of midnight started traveling around. :-)
P.S. Thanks for the vote of confidence guys!

GM Wulfson |

Maximum gold to start

F. Castor |

Given that Lucien has Craft (Alchemy), could he have crafted flasks of acid and alchemist's fire, as well as antitoxin, at some point before starting the adventure? That would mean it would have cost him -if I read the Craft skill rules correctly- 30 gp for 2 flasks of acid, 1 flask of alchemist's fire and 1 vial of antitoxin and it would have taken him about a month's worth of work.
Other than that, the character is finished and ready to go. :-)

GM Wulfson |

Given that Lucien has Craft (Alchemy), could he have crafted flasks of acid and alchemist's fire, as well as antitoxin, at some point before starting the adventure? That would mean it would have cost him -if I read the Craft skill rules correctly- 30 gp for 2 flasks of acid, 1 flask of alchemist's fire and 1 vial of antitoxin and it would have taken him about a month's worth of work.
Other than that, the character is finished and ready to go. :-)
Go ahead and get the alchemist's fire and antitoxin, but hold off on the acid (you'll see why when I introduce your character).

GM Wulfson |

Maybe today, but more likely tomorrow. Want to give them a chance to react to the current situation.

F. Castor |

Any of you guys know what alignment a familiar is? In this case it is a witch's familiar, but I would assume whatever stands for the wizard applies to the witch as well in this regard.
For some reason I seem to remember that the familiar is the same alignment as its master, but I cannot for the life of me remember where I read that nor can I find it in the rulebook.

GM Wulfson |

Don't quote me on this but I believe that all familiars are neutral unless you take the Improved Familiar feat at which point the new familiar must have an alignment along one of your own alignment axis's.

GM Wulfson |

Ok, Lucien. You're on.

GM Wulfson |

Here's hoping everyone has a safe and happy new year!!!!

Vanulf Wulfson |

First of all I would like to thank you all for sticking around during my recent personal problems and i would like to continue running this
AP for you,, but it seems we've lost a few of our players, which I can't blame them for.
So if anyone can think of someone they would like to replace our missing players otherwise I'll post up a recruitment thread in the next day or so.

F. Castor |

Who did we lose?
From checking the IC thread, it would seem that Neil (Arianna Tchovsky), Dabbler (Marcus Effington) and James Hebert01 (Cale nil Surtova) have not posted in a few days, but at least as far as Neil and Dabbler are concerned, I think it is more a matter of the recent lull in the game rather than actually dropping out (that and, at least in Neil's case, deadlines and other silly things pertaining to his adventure-crafting thingy... :-P). I.e. I think they are still around.
I could give them a heads-up in Thom's game.

F. Castor |

I will be without a computer for a few days. I will try to post from work if I get the chance, but if I seem to be taking too long please DMPC Lucien so that the game is not held up on my account. Sorry for the inconvenience. Rest assured that I will be back to posting regularly as soon as possible (i.e. as soon as I have my computer back).

Neil Spicer Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut |

Hey, guys...
Now that we've reached Oleg's trading post again, this seems like a good time to bow out of the game. I've gotten spread a bit thin lately (i.e., I'm in multiple PbP games as well as a LOT of freelance work going on right now). Because my participation levels have dropped as much as they have, this game is probably the easiest one to trim. If you'd like, keep Arianna around as an enterprising businesswoman who starts taking an interest in laying the foundations of trade for the new kingdom. That way, if things clear up for me...and there's still room...I can pop back in and pick up the character again without having her ride off into the sunset.