The Green Faith

Glimzig Berenfoodle's page

14 posts. Alias of Torolf.

Full Name

Glimzig Berenfoodle




Oracle 1





Special Abilities

Oracular Curse: Lame


Neutral Good


Mystery of Nature (Erastil, Gozreh)




Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Scald, Sylvan, Varisian


Agent of House Medyved

Strength 7
Dexterity 10
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 20

About Glimzig Berenfoodle

AC: 11 (Size +1)
Touch: 11 (Size +1)
Flat-footed: 11 (Size, +1)
Base attack bonus: +0
CMB: -3 (-1 size, -2 Str)
CMD: 7 (-1 size, -2 Str, +0 Dex)
Favored Class: Oracle (+1 Skill point per level)

Hit Points: -2
Initiative: 0
Movement: 15' (50' while mounted)

Fort: +1 (+0 Base, +1 Con)
Ref: +0 (+0 Base, +0 Dex)
Will: +2 (+2 base, +0 Wis) +1 if within 30' of animal, +2 vs. Fey


Wolf, as Druid (1) animal companion.


Heavy Crossbow (Small): (1d8 damage)
Dagger (Small): (1d3 damage)

Feat & Traits:

Extra Revelation: Friend to the Animals

Campaign Trait: Noble Born (Childhood friend of House Medvyed) +2 Diplomacy checks vs. Fey, and +1 trait bonus to will saves vs. Fey spells and supernatural abilities.
Gnome Racial Trait: Animal Friend (+1 to will saves as long as an animal of at least tiny size is within 30'. Handle Animal is class skill)

Class & Racial Abilities:

Proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Cleric Spells: (Charisma based, limited spells known, does not need to prepare spells)
Oracular Curse Lame: One of your legs is permanently wounded, reducing your base land speed by 10 feet if your base speed is 30 feet or more. If your base speed is less than 30 feet, your speed is reduced by 5 feet. Your speed is never reduced due to encumbrance. At 5th level, you are immune to the fatigued condition (but not exhaustion). At 10th level, your speed is never reduced by armor. At 15th level, you are immune to the exhausted condition.
Mystery: Mystery of Nature
Bonded Mount: You gain the service of an unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal mount. The creature must be one that you are capable of riding and is suitable as a mount. A Medium oracle can select a camel or a horse. A Small oracle can select a pony or wolf, but can also select a boar or a dog if she is at least 4th level. This mount functions as a druid’s animal companion, using your oracle level as your effective druid level. Bonded mounts have an Intelligence score of at least 6.
Friend to the Animals: Add all summon nature’s ally spells to your spell list. You must still select these spells using your allotment of spells known. Animals within 30 feet of you receive a bonus on all saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier.

Racial Abilities
Small size: +1 bonus AC and to hit, a –1 to CMD and CMB, +4 to Stealth.
Slow Speed: Base speed of 15 feet. (-5 due to oracular curse)
Low-Light Vision:
Academician: Some gnomes are more academically inclined than their kin. Gnomes with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on any one Knowledge skill. This racial trait replaces the obsessive racial trait.
Gift of Tongues: Gnomes love languages and learning about those they meet. Gnomes with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks, and they learn one additional language every time they put a rank in the Linguistics skill. This racial trait replaces the defensive training and hatred racial Traits.
Keen Senses: +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Gnome Magic: Gnomes add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against illusion spells that they cast. Gnomes with a Charisma of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities:

* 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, and speak with animals. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell's level + the gnome's Charisma modifier.
Illusion Resistance: Gnomes get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells or effects.
Weapon Familiarity: Any “gnome” weapon is a martial weapon.


Class Skills: Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (planes), Knowledge (religion), Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Survival, Swim

Trained skills
Diplomacy: +10 (1 rank, +5 Cha, +3 trained, +1 race) +2 vs. Fey
Handle Animal: +9 (1 rank, +5 Cha, +3 trained)
Knowledge: Nature +6 (1 rank, +2 Int, +3 trained)
Knowledge: Nobility +5 (1 rank, +2 Int, +2 race)
Linguistics: +3 (1 rank, +2 Int)
Ride: +4 (1 rank, +0 Dex, +3 trained)
Survival: +4 (1 rank, +0 Wis, +3 trained)

Untrained skills
Bluff: +6 (+5 Cha, +1 race)
Perception: +2 (+0 Wis, +2 race)

Spells Known:

Cantrips: Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food/Drink
Level 1 (4 per day): Command, Cure Light Wounds, Obscuring Mist


As a young gnome, Glimzig Berenfoodle was injured by a poorly thrown cold iron dagger. He and his parents had been traveling with other pilgrims to a shrine of Erastil when bandits attacked the group. Two families, including the Berenfoodles, made a stand in front of the shrine to protect it from desecration, while the other pilgrims scattered to find help. Not skilled combatants, the Berenfoodles were all wounded, and their blood mingled with the blood of the other defenders.

At the worst of the fighting, as the pilgrims were overcome, a pack of wolves entered the fray, some circling and keeping the bandits at bay, others dragging the wounded into the shrine and guarding them. One young wolf pup managed to drag Glimzig and another human child into a dark corner to hide them. When help came, including the cleric who tended the shrine, they found the place a mess of blood and fur.

The bandits driven off, the cleric set about to healing the wounded, but found that the wound in Glimzig's leg defied his powers. As a well-armed and well-dressed party entered the shrine in sharp formation, he announced that this wound had been touched by the divine, to add a blessing to a curse. The cleric received his second shock as he recognized the human boy; he was the youngest son of House Medyved.

House Medyved has great respect for the Wilde to begin with. This, added with their bravery and Erastil's blessing on the little gnome (the wolf pup never left Glimzig's side) caused them to take special note and watch over the Berenfoodles. The youngest son wanted them to be adopted into the family, but this was not deemed appropriate. Instead, they formally acknowledged a debt to the family, and arranged for their comfort and security, and education for their son.

Due to his physical disability, Glimzig focused more on academics and linguistics, since both disciplines allowed him to reach people and places his lameness would otherwise prevent.

When the time came for the Charter into the Greenbelt. the Medvyeds put forth Glimzig as their own candidate, confident that his skills would be useful, and that his appreciation for both civilization and the Wilde would help secure the interests of both as the Stolen lands were reclaimed.