Irv |

Starting from AA
A A Anonymously Alcoholic
A B Absolutely Benevolent
A C Automatically Cantankerous
A D Artfully Demonic
A E Angelically Euphoric
A F Ambivalently Forgetful
A G Artificially Good
A H Attention Hog
A I Almost Intelligent
A J Abrasive Jerk
A K Advanced Kleptomaniac
A L Already Lost
A M About Moronic

Kavren Stark |

RR - Rigorously Rational (been reading Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality lately)
CF - Crazy, or Faking? (Dumbledore in the aforementioned fan-fic)
NO - Naively Optimistic (Hermione, in HPatMoR and, sometimes, in the canon as well)

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QA = Quadruple Amputee
QB = Quiet Buddha
QC = Quantum Cat
QD = Quickly Dies
QE = Questions Everything
QF = Quasit Familiar
QG = Quirky God
QH = Quail Hunter
QI = Quaint Ideas
QJ = Quite Jewish
QK = Queen's Knight
QL = Quagmire Lookalike
QM = Qigong Monk
QN = Quarrelsome Nudge
QO = Quantitatively Old
QP = Quidditch Player
QQ = Quaalude Quaffer
QR = Quagga Rider
QS = Qualified Surgeon
QT = Quenches Thirst
QU = Quizzical Unitarian
QV = Quintessential Vampire
QW = Qlippoth Worshipper
QX = Quixotic Xenophile
QY = Quarter Yield
QZ = Quasar Zapper