(Game) I Has An Alignment...

Forum Games

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I propose a game.

The rules are simple.

We create an alignment for every possible combination of two letters!

I will start.

Now GO!

FC = Fu_kin' Crazy
MB = Magnificent Bastard
SB = Sonofa B_tch
RA = Really Awesome
UE = Understandably Evil

MF = Mother ....er

Oh, and, of course:

BA = Badass


UR = Unbelievably Radical

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

NI = Not Irredeemable
WS = Wait and See

Should I be compiling these in the original post?

I will eventually lose the ability to edit it, won't I?

Oh, and:

BM = Batman
EH = Eh...
LO = lol omg
VH = Violently Homosexual

KY - Kaotic Young

Can't forget
LS - Lawful Stupid

Rake wrote:

I propose a game.

The rules are simple.

We create an alignment for every possible combination of two letters!

I will start.

Now GO!

FC = Fu_kin' Crazy

I'm pretty sure it's against the rules to bypass the swearing filter like that.

SB - Spinless bastard

VP - Violent pyschopath

BR - Bad rollplayer

MG - Mostly good

TN - Total nerd

TM - Troubled Misunderstood.

AR - Angsty Renegade.

TD - Tragic Different

HR - Hopeless Romantic

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

MD - Mostly Dead

FR - Foolish Rusher

AT - Angel Treader

BS - Blind Sider

SH - Slappy Happy

WK - Who Knows
WC - Who Cares
CM - Complete Monster
GD - Gives a Darn
SF - Suicidal Fanatic

FS = Full of S**t

CM = Chronic Masturbator

BJ = Boob job

PM - Post Monster
PF - Pathfinder Fanatic
FF - Fourth Edition Fanboy

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Rake wrote:

I propose a game.

The rules are simple.

We create an alignment for every possible combination of two letters!

I will start.

Now GO!

FC = Fu_kin' Crazy

I'm pretty sure it's against the rules to bypass the swearing filter like that.

RL = Rules Lawyer

HC = Hardly Cares

Lawful Neutered (also useful for Neutered Evil, Neutered Good and Chaotic Neutered, oh and don't forget True Neutered)

Chaotic Noogied

Chaotic Goof

Lawful Weevil

Darnit, I knew I had a ton of these over the years. But there are all the ones I could think of.

Starting from AA

A A Anonymously Alcoholic

A B Absolutely Benevolent

A C Automatically Cantankerous

A D Artfully Demonic

A E Angelically Euphoric

A F Ambivalently Forgetful

A G Artificially Good

A H Attention Hog

A I Almost Intelligent

A J Abrasive Jerk

A K Advanced Kleptomaniac

A L Already Lost

A M About Moronic

Grand Lodge

Charles Scholz wrote:
MD - Mostly Dead

AD - All Dead

SN - Slightly Neutral

HE - Hilariously Evil

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Alternative for TN: Thread Necromancer? ;)

NM: Neutral Me

CM - Chaotic Mundane
LR - Lawful Rebellous

TS - The Swivl
BN - Beardy Neck
EM - Epic Munchkin

CE - Choatic Evolved
LG - Lawful Grognard

NM - Neutral Malignant
BE - Benign Evil

LiE: Likely Evil
CNi: Chronically Nice

Dark Archive

TR: Thread Resurrector.

BS: Bad Speler
SD: Spelcheker Kiler
GP: Grammar Police

The old alignments redefined

LG: Luxioriously Greedy
LN: Legally Negligent
LE: Lawfully Enriched
NG: Not Good
TN: Too Nice
NE: Not Evil
CG: Cool Guy
CN: Certainly Neutral
CE: Certifiably Evil

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

TE: Too Enthusiastic

SE: Sorta Evil
SH: SuperHero
WN: Why Not?
CD: Can Do
ED: Energy Drink (powered by)
PE: Philosophically Evil
TG: Theoretically Good (the munchkin paladin alignment.)

Sovereign Court

QV - Quixotic Villain
KB - Kinda Benevolent
CE - Concentrated Evil

NW - Nicely Wicked
NE - Nominally Egalitarian
SW - Seriously Warped
SE - Somewhat Empathic

RR - Rigorously Rational (been reading Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality lately)

CF - Crazy, or Faking? (Dumbledore in the aforementioned fan-fic)

NO - Naively Optimistic (Hermione, in HPatMoR and, sometimes, in the canon as well)

RI: Randomly Inconsistant
RP: Roll Player
SS: Seriously Sicophantic
NG: Not Good
IE: Impotently Evil
IE: Incompetently Evil
IE: Ignorantly Evil
IE: Improbably Evil
IE: Infinitely Evil
IE: Inconcievably Evil
IE: Idiotic Evil
IE: Infintecimaly Evil
(IE is fun. you can join in too!)

CM: Chaotic Monosocial
YB: Why bother?

LW: Lawful Wood

Shadow Lodge

CB= Chaotic Batman
LB= Lawful Batman
GB= G.D. Batman
BG= Batman Good

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

FA = Frag All
FA = Friggin' Awsome
FA = Forgotten Alignment
FA = Forever Always

Shadow Lodge

QG = Quixotic Good

Scarab Sages

QA = Quadruple Amputee
QB = Quiet Buddha
QC = Quantum Cat
QD = Quickly Dies
QE = Questions Everything
QF = Quasit Familiar
QG = Quirky God
QH = Quail Hunter
QI = Quaint Ideas
QJ = Quite Jewish
QK = Queen's Knight
QL = Quagmire Lookalike
QM = Qigong Monk
QN = Quarrelsome Nudge
QO = Quantitatively Old
QP = Quidditch Player
QQ = Quaalude Quaffer
QR = Quagga Rider
QS = Qualified Surgeon
QT = Quenches Thirst
QU = Quizzical Unitarian
QV = Quintessential Vampire
QW = Qlippoth Worshipper
QX = Quixotic Xenophile
QY = Quarter Yield
QZ = Quasar Zapper

Shadow Lodge

RS = Red Shirt

The Exchange

KN- Knightwhosays Ni


1 person marked this as a favorite.

CB. chaotic bacon.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

TB = Turkey Bacon

The Ultimate EVIL!

XI = Xenophobically Inclined

HG -- Have Gun

Shadow Lodge

Charles Scholz wrote:

TB = Turkey Bacon

The Ultimate EVIL!

An Evil that will undo Humanity. But don't forget...

VB= Veggie Bacon. I've seen this evil and it must be purged.

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