Chief Sootscale

Striker2054's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 121 posts (135 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Shadow Lodge

Also, I was looking at possibly picking up armor as an advanced concept shortly.

Shadow Lodge

I had planned to do a bit with architecture and Engineering, as well as gaining some influence over fire. As far as weapons, since I saw that Baxtara had made weapons, I was figuring if she wished at a later date, we could work my smithing ability into them to forge metal weapons, and engineering to make bigger pieces.

Shadow Lodge

Evolution or adaptation.

Shadow Lodge

Never mind. I know a person under a similar handle on a different forum for a podcast called Fear the Boot. It's a really good RPG podcast.

Shadow Lodge

Do you Fear the Boot?

Shadow Lodge

Nacius: Darwinism is a very broad concept. I can understand mutation and survival, even paranoia (after a fashion), but Darwinism is a broader term for a lot of it. Also, alignment sounds like CN.

Bloody Gentleman: Luck is hardly the exclusive purview of criminals and killers. Was it thrown in as a random bit, or is there a logic to it?

Iolth Taknith: Vengeance is not an act of good, really. Justice is, which I think is what you may be going for from the sound of your concept as I have read it. If that’s the case, then perhaps Lawful Good may be more appropriate? Up to you.

Stratos: Art and weather? Very interesting spread of concept. I am curious as to how you are intending to combine those. Though you may wish to talk with our current Air God in this case, since you would be treading into his territory.

And finally... Lord Foul: Are you FtB9000 Compliant?

Shadow Lodge

Posted an opening scene, as it were. Mostly placed everyone, but that doesn't preclude a "birth scene" for your character.

Shadow Lodge

Out of curiosity, Nunya, what does your character look like?

Shadow Lodge

Rollover time will depend on you and future events. I was thinking that Sundays might work best, but there's nothing saying it couldn't be a different day.

Shadow Lodge

Name: Glubokaya Gora
Played By: Peter
Domains (Portfolios): Dwarves, Smithing, Engineering, War
Theme: Dwarf Father, Forge Father, Hammer of Creation
Alignment: Lawful Good
Attack: 3d6
Defense: 3d6
HP: 40
Description: Stern faced and barrel chested, Glubokaya Gora is the epitome of Dwarfkind. His hair is a deep rusty red, his eyes are like burnished steel. Most days he can be found wearing his heavy leather smith’s apron and a black kilt. However, when outfitted for war, his armor is Mithral full plate, carrying a Warhammer and shield.

Shadow Lodge

Trying to figure out if there's a region of Golarion that has a more Celtic feel to it. Closest I could find is the Land of the Linnorm Kings, but that's more Norse than Celtic. Any help?

Shadow Lodge

GRDLM is banned for just not getting it.

Shadow Lodge

Yeah, but he's friendly, named george, and keeps the rat population down.

The Next poster Likes it like that.

Shadow Lodge


Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You got it. You are now the guy arrested in the Drunk driving commercials.

I wish I was a little bit taller.

Shadow Lodge

And cast flesh to stone
The levetating whale falls
smashes the bad guy

Shadow Lodge

Clip on. Nice try! I'm the Kobold Charlie Sheen! WINNING!!!

Shadow Lodge


Shadow Lodge

Sean Connery was in The Longest Day with John Wayne.

Shadow Lodge

Sneaky Thieving Kobold Win!

Shadow Lodge

Granted. You get attacked by a pod of Orcas that don't care which form you're in and only see you as chow.

I wish I wasn't so damn tired.

Shadow Lodge

Mad Badger is Banned for having Bubonic Plague Fleas.

Shadow Lodge

Vac Man

Shadow Lodge

Draconic Kobold Blood Win!!

Shadow Lodge


Shadow Lodge

Apocalypse Ponies!

Shadow Lodge

Win steal.

Shadow Lodge

Charles Scholz wrote:

TB = Turkey Bacon

The Ultimate EVIL!

An Evil that will undo Humanity. But don't forget...

VB= Veggie Bacon. I've seen this evil and it must be purged.

Shadow Lodge

Yup, I could use a pint at The Mytre in Cambridge. I miss good pints.

The next poster knows what I'm talking about.

Shadow Lodge

Granted. You die from heat stroke because your body can't self cool.

I wish my job was less stressful.

Shadow Lodge

Mad Badger is banned because he doesn't realize I'm actually on top.

Shadow Lodge

Granted, but that guy next to you....

I wish for a New Car

Shadow Lodge

The Unhappy Mustelid

Shadow Lodge

Mad Badger: Banned for not knowing his place

Shadow Lodge

But not for long!

Shadow Lodge

What can I say, I like my women like my coffee. Dark and bitter.

The next poster has it all backwards.

Shadow Lodge

No, not so much, but the next poster is no stranger to love.

Shadow Lodge

Good part about falling into your own traps is knowing how to get out of them.

The Prize returns to me!!!

Shadow Lodge

Striker has leveled up and gained the Banhammer proficency. First target: The Mad Badger! BAN!!!

Shadow Lodge

Yule Log

Shadow Lodge

Kobold Bite!!


Shadow Lodge

Cause it feels good

The next poster needs to let it all out.

Shadow Lodge

Madclaw is Banned because I got the Banhammer

Shadow Lodge

Ehh. I'm a kobold. It's what I do.

This next guy wants to Rule the World.

Shadow Lodge

Sid Haig who was in The Devil's Rejects with Dallas Page.

Shadow Lodge

And it's the Kobold with the steal!

Shadow Lodge


Shadow Lodge


Shadow Lodge

DJ Eternal Darkness is banned for having a huge forehead!

Shadow Lodge

Here. Whole pack. Too bad your stuck somewhere you can't smoke.

I wish my face wasn't numb from dental work.

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