Convoluted |
Hello all,
I am trying to do the stats of my character when it wild shapes. I plan on wild shaping into a Deinonychus. This is the build I am using:
https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0ApKITYAMjC_7dGVUWUl2NkpWMzZHRFNiQl NMVTVBNFE&hl=en
And I am following Treantmonk's guide. This is what I have so far:
Str: 20 (18 + 2)
AC: ?
Speed: 60'
Low Light(instead of Dark vision)
4 attacks
+8 1d8 +5
+8 1d8 +5
+8 1d6 +5
+? 1d4 +?
While power attacking what would my attacks be, and why is the last attack of 1d4 less than the rest of the bonuses? Am I forgetting any other bonuses the wild shape will get me. Also I'm assuming that I can't take Natural Spell at 3rd level because I don't have wild shape yet.

Convoluted |
You use the druid's base attack+his modified attributes you get due to wildshape.
It will be easier you post your druid's stats. Unlike 3.5 you don't get the animal's stats as your own.
Sure if it would be easier
Str: 18
Dex: 18
Con: 14
Int: 7
Wis: 13
Cha: 8
But I posted the link to the entire character sheet.

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Wow, those are pretty awesome stats.
In answer to your question about the lower attack bonus, that is a secondary natural attack, which means it goes off at -5 to hit and half-STR bonus to damage. If you take the Multiattack feat, you can reduce this penalty to -2.
For Power Attack, this means that those attacks also get only +1 damage per -1 attack penalty, unlike your primary talon/bite attacks, which get +2/-1.

wraithstrike |

concerro wrote:You use the druid's base attack+his modified attributes you get due to wildshape.
It will be easier you post your druid's stats. Unlike 3.5 you don't get the animal's stats as your own.
Sure if it would be easier
Str: 18
Dex: 18
Con: 14
Int: 7
Wis: 13
Cha: 8But I posted the link to the entire character sheet.
I did not see that but now--> link to character sheet
It seems Jason has this one.
PS: Your AC: 16=10+(2 natural armor, 4 dex)

Convoluted |
Convoluted wrote:concerro wrote:You use the druid's base attack+his modified attributes you get due to wildshape.
It will be easier you post your druid's stats. Unlike 3.5 you don't get the animal's stats as your own.
Sure if it would be easier
Str: 18
Dex: 18
Con: 14
Int: 7
Wis: 13
Cha: 8But I posted the link to the entire character sheet.
I did not see that but now--> link to character sheet
It seems Jason has this one.
PS: Your AC: 16=10+(2 natural armor, 4 dex)
Doesn't the shield bonus carry over? It says you lose all armor bonus but shield bonus isn't a armor bonus.

Convoluted |
In Treantmonk's guide he says this:
AC: 21 (Druid) 19 (Ape) (Druid AC 10+ 2 Nat, +2 Nat enh, +2 shield, +1 enh, +1 Def, +1 Dodge, +2 Dex)
10 Base AC
+2 Natural Bonus for wildshaping
+2 Natural Enh from Barkskin
+2 Shield (I'm assuming because it carries over)
+1 Enhancement on the Shield...I think
+1 Dodge
+2 Dex
So Mine would be following this logic
10 Base AC
+2 Natural Bonus
+2 Shield
+1 Dodge
+4 Dex
For a Total of 19 AC? I put the ? there because I am still not sure.

Quandary |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Paizo has been working on other projects besides substantially updating their Errata/ latest printing,
but posts from the editorial staff are pretty clear that Paizo considers Shield bonuses as inappropriate.
Though the current wording may allow Shield bonuses to apply to Wildshape,
you should expect the wording to be amended AT SOME POINT in the future to disallow them.
There is always the option to Wildshape into an Ape-like form that can use weapons and shields.

Convoluted |
Wow, those are pretty awesome stats.
In answer to your question about the lower attack bonus, that is a secondary natural attack, which means it goes off at -5 to hit and half-STR bonus to damage. If you take the Multiattack feat, you can reduce this penalty to -2.
For Power Attack, this means that those attacks also get only +1 damage per -1 attack penalty, unlike your primary talon/bite attacks, which get +2/-1.
So my attacks would be:
+8 1d8+5+8 1d8+5
+8 1d6+5
+0? 1d4+2 (+2(Str)+3 BAB -5)
Power Attack
+7 1d8+7
+7 1d8+7
+7 1d6+7
-1 1d4+3
Did I do that math right?
Treantmonk has this, but I think he has too few 1d8 and too many 1d6 and I don't get how he gets such a high attack on the secondary natural:
Attack: +10/+10/+10+5 (Druid) +10/+10/+10 (ape) (Druid +3 BAB, +5 Str, +1 enh, +2 flank, -1 power attack)
Damage: 1d8+8/1d6+8/1d6+8/1d4+3 (Druid) average 41 1d6+9/1d6+9/1d6+9 (Ape) average 37. Total average 78

concerro |

wraithstrike wrote:Doesn't the shield bonus carry over? It says you lose all armor bonus but shield bonus isn't a armor bonus.Convoluted wrote:concerro wrote:You use the druid's base attack+his modified attributes you get due to wildshape.
It will be easier you post your druid's stats. Unlike 3.5 you don't get the animal's stats as your own.
Sure if it would be easier
Str: 18
Dex: 18
Con: 14
Int: 7
Wis: 13
Cha: 8But I posted the link to the entire character sheet.
I did not see that but now--> link to character sheet
It seems Jason has this one.
PS: Your AC: 16=10+(2 natural armor, 4 dex)
No the shield bonus does not carry over until he gets the wild enhancement put on it.
edit: The link

concerro |

Jason Nelson wrote:Wow, those are pretty awesome stats.
In answer to your question about the lower attack bonus, that is a secondary natural attack, which means it goes off at -5 to hit and half-STR bonus to damage. If you take the Multiattack feat, you can reduce this penalty to -2.
For Power Attack, this means that those attacks also get only +1 damage per -1 attack penalty, unlike your primary talon/bite attacks, which get +2/-1.
So my attacks would be:
+8 1d8+5
+8 1d8+5
+8 1d6+5
+0? 1d4+2 (+2(Str)+3 BAB -5)Power Attack
+7 1d8+7
+7 1d8+7
+7 1d6+7
-1 1d4+3Did I do that math right?
Treantmonk has this, but I think he has too few 1d8 and too many 1d6 and I don't get how he gets such a high attack on the secondary natural:
Attack: +10/+10/+10+5 (Druid) +10/+10/+10 (ape) (Druid +3 BAB, +5 Str, +1 enh, +2 flank, -1 power attack)
Damage: 1d8+8/1d6+8/1d6+8/1d4+3 (Druid) average 41 1d6+9/1d6+9/1d6+9 (Ape) average 37. Total average 78
The attacks should be
+3(the secondary attack comes with a -5 penalty to attack)
Note: This is for the Deinonychus.

Remco Sommeling |

concerro wrote:+3(the secondary attack comes with a -5 penalty to attack)The 1/2 of Strength is only for Damage, not for attack, i think he mixed that one up.
it is not half strength, secondary attacks have a plain -5 on attack and half strength to damage. multi-attack feat decreases attack penalty to -2.

concerro |

Teydyn wrote:it is not half strength, secondary attacks have a plain -5 on attack and half strength to damage. multi-attack feat decreases attack penalty to -2.concerro wrote:+3(the secondary attack comes with a -5 penalty to attack)The 1/2 of Strength is only for Damage, not for attack, i think he mixed that one up.
If the druid has multiattack the penalty drops to -2 as mentioned and the secondary attack is at a +6.
The issue is getting a DM to allow it. The druid is not an animal and does not really qualify for multiattack, but I dont think its game breaking.

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Remco Sommeling wrote:Teydyn wrote:it is not half strength, secondary attacks have a plain -5 on attack and half strength to damage. multi-attack feat decreases attack penalty to -2.concerro wrote:+3(the secondary attack comes with a -5 penalty to attack)The 1/2 of Strength is only for Damage, not for attack, i think he mixed that one up.If the druid has multiattack the penalty drops to -2 as mentioned and the secondary attack is at a +6.
The issue is getting a DM to allow it. The druid is not an animal and does not really qualify for multiattack, but I dont think its game breaking.
For the deinonychus, honestly Multiattack only provides a catch-up bonus for one attack, and your weakest attack at that (smallest die at 1d4, 1/2 STR bonus to damage).
I think you'd get a better payoff from taking Weapon Focus (talons) - applies to your two biggest attacks. One talon hit is literally worth TWO foreclaw hits (1d8 + full STR).

wraithstrike |

concerro wrote:Remco Sommeling wrote:Teydyn wrote:it is not half strength, secondary attacks have a plain -5 on attack and half strength to damage. multi-attack feat decreases attack penalty to -2.concerro wrote:+3(the secondary attack comes with a -5 penalty to attack)The 1/2 of Strength is only for Damage, not for attack, i think he mixed that one up.If the druid has multiattack the penalty drops to -2 as mentioned and the secondary attack is at a +6.
The issue is getting a DM to allow it. The druid is not an animal and does not really qualify for multiattack, but I dont think its game breaking.
For the deinonychus, honestly Multiattack only provides a catch-up bonus for one attack, and your weakest attack at that (smallest die at 1d4, 1/2 STR bonus to damage).
I think you'd get a better payoff from taking Weapon Focus (talons) - applies to your two biggest attacks. One talon hit is literally worth TWO foreclaw hits (1d8 + full STR).
I would not take it either. I was just responding to the other post. :)