Kingmaker Obituaries


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Name: Duchess nee Queen Eirwen Kirsi
Race: Human (advanced, 25 pt buy, oodles of "fat loot")
Classes/levels: Eldritch Knight 6 (Fighter 1, Water Sorceress 7)
Adventure: Varnhold Vanishing (APL 16 upgun)
Location: Vordakai's Tomb, "Dining Room B"
Catalyst: failed Fort save
The Gory Details: (optional) Her Majesty, having earlier delivered a disintegrate against which Vordakai failed his saving throw, was the Big V's number one target. 180 damage will do that they say. His "big gun" for the round was unlimbered, a trusty finger of death against which she failed the DC 31 Fortitude saving throw. 160 damage put her 6 hp into "dead". Sadly, her armor's determination enchantment activated, restoring her to the living once more mere moments after her demise.

Our Rulers did succeed in banishing him back to his phylactery ... whatever and wherever that may be. <evil grin>

Tem wrote:

Name: Ulfie Skysword

Race: Half-Orc (formally Human)
Classes/levels: Cleric of Gorum 9


Name: Lucius Vane
Race: Dwarf (formally Half-Elf)
Classes/levels: Fighter (Phalanx Fighter) 6 / Diviner (Foresight)1

Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: Drelev Keep
Catalyst: A well prepared opponent
The Gory Details:

After sneaking into Drelev Keep, the party was none too stealthy and the guards quickly became aware of their intrusion. After fighting their way through a dozen guards to the higher levels of the keep, they eventually found themselves on a balcony looking out over the inner courtyard. It was at this point that Imeckus made himself known, flying around the corner and blasting everyone with a fireball. Everyone ran onto the balcony to attack and were met by a ray which caught Lucius full in the chest - reducing him to a pile of dust. Despite this turn of events, they pressed the attack and some started taking to the air. After a coule more devastating blasts from fire and lightning, Ulfie failed one too many saves and was incinerated. Finally deciding enough was enough, the rest of the party made a hasty retreat through the underground tunnels. Having already suffered some severe wounds himself, Imeckus opted not to persue in favour of taking stock of his new found loot.

my lt never got to kill imeckus either, and he escaped in the end

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

thenovalord wrote:
Tem wrote:

Name: Ulfie Skysword

Race: Half-Orc (formally Human)
Classes/levels: Cleric of Gorum 9


Name: Lucius Vane
Race: Dwarf (formally Half-Elf)
Classes/levels: Fighter (Phalanx Fighter) 6 / Diviner (Foresight)1

Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: Drelev Keep
Catalyst: A well prepared opponent
The Gory Details:

After sneaking into Drelev Keep, the party was none too stealthy and the guards quickly became aware of their intrusion. After fighting their way through a dozen guards to the higher levels of the keep, they eventually found themselves on a balcony looking out over the inner courtyard. It was at this point that Imeckus made himself known, flying around the corner and blasting everyone with a fireball. Everyone ran onto the balcony to attack and were met by a ray which caught Lucius full in the chest - reducing him to a pile of dust. Despite this turn of events, they pressed the attack and some started taking to the air. After a coule more devastating blasts from fire and lightning, Ulfie failed one too many saves and was incinerated. Finally deciding enough was enough, the rest of the party made a hasty retreat through the underground tunnels. Having already suffered some severe wounds himself, Imeckus opted not to persue in favour of taking stock of his new found loot.

my lt never got to kill imeckus either, and he escaped in the end

My group hit Imeckus with a suffocate spell. He ended up being able to teleport away but I believe he died from the spell after escaping.

Of course, he might have gotten better since then... :)

Jason Nelson wrote:

My group hit Imeckus with a suffocate spell. He ended up being able to teleport away but I believe he died from the spell after escaping.

Of course, he might have gotten better since then... :)

Ha! I'm trying to decide what he's going to do from here since it was the PCs who were forced to flee and he's still at Fort Drelev. Among the "loot" he took from the downed PCs was the Occulus of Abaddon. That could spell trouble for the PCs later on...

Grand Lodge

Tem wrote:

Name: Ulfie Skysword

Race: Half-Orc (formally Human)
Classes/levels: Cleric of Gorum 9


Name: Lucius Vane
Race: Dwarf (formally Half-Elf)
Classes/levels: Fighter (Phalanx Fighter) 6 / Diviner (Foresight)1

Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: Drelev Keep
Catalyst: A well prepared opponent
The Gory Details:

After sneaking into Drelev Keep, the party was none too stealthy and the guards quickly became aware of their intrusion. After fighting their way through a dozen guards to the higher levels of the keep, they eventually found themselves on a balcony looking out over the inner courtyard. It was at this point that Imeckus made himself known, flying around the corner and blasting everyone with a fireball. Everyone ran onto the balcony to attack and were met by a ray which caught Lucius full in the chest - reducing him to a pile of dust. Despite this turn of events, they pressed the attack and some started taking to the air. After a coule more devastating blasts from fire and lightning, Ulfie failed one too many saves and was incinerated. Finally deciding enough was enough, the rest of the party made a hasty retreat through the underground tunnels. Having already suffered some severe wounds himself, Imeckus opted not to persue in favour of taking stock of his new found loot.

Awesome pcs reduced to 'loot'. Too funny! :)

Scarab Sages

Some back-story before I get to this tale of unwitting demise:

Having been playing Kingmaker over the course of the past several months as a Bones Oracle, my party had opted to take on Falgrim Sneeg's small army of werewolves in the south of our lands as quickly as was possible. With a bit of preparation we launched our attack, and though I'll spare you the full details, we eventually found ourselves facing Sneeg and his massive troll friend, Golka. In a very close fight, my party gets the best of them both. Being a Bones Oracle, however, I decide to keep the body of the troll for use later.

After a few more levels, as well as a short trip to Daggermark for a special scroll, I manage to turn Golka into a Juju zombie. Having a feat or two to specialize in creating undead, Golka retains all the things that made her bad (fighter/barbarian levels, high natural AC, massive Str + specialization in a Large-sized Greatsword), and is then enhanced by bonuses to strength, DR, a huge list of immunities, the works. She's become a terrifying beast, and now accompanies my reluctant (hah) necromantic Oracle wherever he goes. Imagine my elation as this creature guards myself and my comrades over those next few weeks; imagine my anguish as my party and I enter the final room in Vordakai's complex...

Name: Golka
Race: Troll Juju Zombie
Classes/levels: Fighter 4/Barbarian 1
Adventure: Varnhold Vanishing
Location: Vordakai's Tomb
Catalyst: Horrifying Daemonic-Undead Monstrosity
The Gory Details:

Our party finds a secret entrance into Vordakai's tomb/throneroom just in time to see Vordakai finish calling a being of horrific guise and terrible purpose: a graveknight. Part undead and part daemon, the being of bone and fel energies lumbers forward to meet our party head on. Dark energies issue from its' soul-infused form to burn our bodies and chill our souls. Fully 3/5 of our party gives in to their fears of this monstrosity and flee before it into the previous chambers of the tomb. All that remain are myself, our Duke the sorcerer, and Golka.

Even before I think to set Golka to doing what she does best, a sinister aura threatens to wrest control of her from my Oracle's clutches. Only after rushing to her and Protecting her from Evil does she make the Will save to not be controlled by our foe in what would certainly be the end of us all. Having regained control of her, I direct her to battle with the horror before us.

The two monsters clash. The graveknight strikes blows that deal great harm, and would do much more to the living; Golka's immunities serve her well. Twice Golka strikes the creature with her blade of choice, a giant mithril greatsword, and is struck twice in return. Thrice she strikes the following round, cleaving chunks of unnatural bone and sinew from the graveknight's frame, but finally the foe seems to find his footing, and strikes two critical strikes against my poor undead companion (oh, how cruel for Pathfinder to have revoked what would have been her deathright immunity). The graveknight is lumbering, on his last leg, but he has done the damage - Golka falls a second time, to rise no more.

Having struck the creature with spells as it battled Golka, my sorcerous Duke and I manage to finish what we started - a full set of magic missles ends the graveknight even as Vordakai had stepped up to heal it with his Lich's touch. With the terrible creature snuffed, the rest of my party rushes back to battle Vordakai. Still, though we managed to get through what is undoubtedly the most terrible and incredible battle we've yet to face, I cannot revel in the glory of our victory, for I have lost a friend.

Golka, though you tried to murder us, you murdered many for us as well. You will be remembered.

Make sure your kingdom erects a monument to Golka in remembrance. :)

Somnus the Bonemender wrote:
Golka, though you tried to murder us, you murdered many for us as well.

Truly, this is epitaph to live, er, die, ahem, live and die twice.

Name: Katya Grigorovna Borocova
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 5
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: The Kamelands (wandering monster)
Catalyst: Wait, there's *two* basilisks?!

The Gory Details:

After narrowly escaping a nighttime ambush by a barghest, the party was exploring the Kamelands near "A Cry For Help". Stumbling across a mated pair of basilisks, General Katya (not having any clue what the creatures were) valiantly charged in...and though she made her first two Fortitude saves, she succumbed to the petrifying gaze in the next round. The pair of basilisks went on to petrify three horses and the druid's baby mastodon animal companion before they were put down. The blood of the pair was enough to restore both the General and the mammoth, but not any of the horses (and Katya's horse was wearing horseshoes of speed, too!).

Highlights of the really entertaining random encounter include the Witch's familiar -- a weasel -- charging in against the two creatures to deliver inflict spells (since weasels are naturally immune to their petrification). The party does intend to return to claim Katya's horse...but one of the other "statues" will have mysteriously vanished, claimed as yet another "art object" for Nyrissa's gallery.

My second character casualty this week, and the druid lost another pet. Nearly had a TPK as well, so all in all the bloodiest week we have had.

Name: Kaliel
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Cleric 7 of Cayden Cailean
Adventure: Varnhold Vanishing
Location: Tors of Levenies, on the stair leading up from the Valley of Death
Catalyst: Cyclops critical hit
The Gory Details: The party was a jumped by a wandering group of 6 cyclopes as they rested on the stairs. Kaliel normally hangs back and plays the role of healer/buffer during combat, as his relatively low Constitution (12) gives him the lowest HP total in the party. For some unknown reason he was feeling pretty confident and ballsy during this encounter, perhaps because the cyclopes were having trouble overcoming the heavy armor of the party goons, the fighter and paladin. Anyway, he saw an opening and rushed forward to put his magical keen spear to use, and scored a mighty hit (for all of 4 points of damage, Strength isn't his thing, either). Then the dwarven fighter slashed at the same one, to much greater effect, leaving the cyclopes with just a single hit point left. The cyclopes return stroke to Kaliel, however, was a critical hit for 51 points of damage. Kaliel has already been dinged by a heavy crossbow bolt, so the crit took him straight to the drunken paradise of his god, without passing Go and collecting $200. The group spent the rest of the evening trying to get him to Restov to be raised, since he didn't want the druid to reincarnate him as something weird.

Name: Indigo
Race: Wolf
Classes/levels: Animal Companion 7
Adventure: Varnhold Vanishing
Location: On the road from Varnhold to Restov, ambush coming out of the mountains
Catalyst: Too many failed saving throws.
The Gory Details: As the group tried to rush their fallen cleric Kaliel back to Restov to be raised, they were jumped by a peluda coming out of the mountains. Indigo was first hit by the barrage of quills from the peluda, and failed his save against poison. He failed again the next round, taking more Constitution damage. He then closed and performed his usual duty, attempting to flank, only to get nailed by the peluda's tail and poisoned again, again failing his save, and then failing his save again against the original poison. Without the cleric's ability to perform selected healing channels or restore the ability damage, poor, brave Indigo was a goner. Going 0 for 4 on the poison saves (basically a 50/50 proposition for Indigo to make it), Actually, this fight was as close to a TPK as we've come through the first three books. Peludas are nasty beasts, particularly against a clericless party whose main arcane caster is a fire sorcerer. They eventually took it down by attrition, but not before everybody was significantly wounded, Indigo was dead and two other characters were unconscious.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Brian Bachman wrote:
Peludas are nasty beasts....

Hah! Awesome. The peluda (and blodeuwedd) were my contributions to that issue's bestiary. Nice to see the myth-made-monster put up a good fight.

Neil Spicer wrote:
Brian Bachman wrote:
Peludas are nasty beasts....
Hah! Awesome. The peluda (and blodeuwedd) were my contributions to that issue's bestiary. Nice to see the myth-made-monster put up a good fight.

If my 12-year old daughter, whose animal companion Indigo was, shows up some day looking for some payback (be scared if she's wearing her lacrosse goalie gear), you only have yourself to blame. :)

Seriously, nice job on the beastie. They were actually very close to attacking its tail and going for a sunder, but never got around to it. That's why I love throwing new monsters that haven't appeared in the Bestiary yet at them. Their strengths and weaknesses aren't known. And it was very fun watching my other daughter, who plays a fire elemental sorceress (and current Duchess) get frustrated as her fireballs and scorching rays had no effect on it. I'm not popular in my house now.

I have also used the blodeuwedd in the campaign, right outside of Varnhold, although it ended up being a friendly non-combat encounter that I used to steer them in the right direction to investigate the Vanishing and give some foreshadowing of Nyrissa and the endgame of the AP.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Brian Bachman wrote:
If my 12-year old daughter, whose animal companion Indigo was, shows up some day looking for some payback (be scared if she's wearing her lacrosse goalie gear), you only have yourself to blame....


Brian Bachman wrote:
I'm not popular in my house now.

My apologies for setting you up to take the brunt of their wrath due to the outcome. :-]

Brian Bachman wrote:
I have also used the blodeuwedd in the campaign, right outside of Varnhold, although it ended up being a friendly non-combat encounter that I used to steer them in the right direction to investigate the Vanishing and give some foreshadowing of Nyrissa and the endgame of the AP.

That's a very good use for that creature. I purposefully set that one up so it could make for a good addition to the storyline of Kingmaker should any GM choose to use it...or include one as a wandering encounter. Everything said, I think the blodeuwedd is actually one of my favorite monster creations so far. I'm glad you found use for it as well as the peluda.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

I also worked a blouduwedd into my Kingmaker, in this case that she was patrolling outside the Lonely Barrow and at first fought the PCs to keep them from going in, because she feared they would bring the inhabitant's sword out (IMC I made it a fey bane weapon). They eventually managed to get her talking and agreed to let them go in and whack the wight, taking whatever else they wanted but leaving the sword there and leaving the hex wild and undeveloped. In return, she would use her plant growth to boost the farms in the adjoining hexes.

It turned out to be a fun moment and a nice use of the creature to add to the fey stylings of the AP.

Jason Nelson wrote:

I also worked a blouduwedd into my Kingmaker, in this case that she was patrolling outside the Lonely Barrow and at first fought the PCs to keep them from going in, because she feared they would bring the inhabitant's sword out (IMC I made it a fey bane weapon). They eventually managed to get her talking and agreed to let them go in and whack the wight, taking whatever else they wanted but leaving the sword there and leaving the hex wild and undeveloped. In return, she would use her plant growth to boost the farms in the adjoining hexes.

It turned out to be a fun moment and a nice use of the creature to add to the fey stylings of the AP.

Damn, that's a fine idea, Jason. Wish I'd thought of doing it that way!

Name: Kyrill Lebeda
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Monk/2
Adventure: Stolen Land
Location: Tatzlwyrm lair
Catalyst: "There's TWO of them?!"
The Gory Details: While the party was advancing against the sun-bathing Tatzlwyrm, brave Kyrill decided to outflank the beast. With a series of succesful athletics checks he managed to jump from stone to stone in the wild river, ending up on the far side of the island where the Tatzlwyrm laired. He stormed through the shrubbery, only to realise that it was the exact location of the Tatzlwyrms mate. While the first wyrm blocked the rest of the party from aiding Kyrill, its mate made short work of the poor monk.

Name: Borghildr
Race: Dhampir
Classes: Bard 6/Dragon Disciple 2
Adventure: Varnhold Vanishing
Location: Vordakai's feasting hall
Catalyst: Overconfidence in high HP and low AC. Dhampir's can't be saved by Breath of Life (positive healing)

The group having handily defeated Vodakai by drawing him downstairs having smashed an unlucky wall, ran into a group of mixed advanced and normal dread zombies. Borghildr ran off to deal with two by herself, and took a heavy beating, then instantly fatal damage in a single hit without enough hero points to save herself.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Name: Baron Desmond
Race: Human
Class: Paladin of Torm level 6
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Encounter in Troll Lair Hex
Catalyst: 8 Trolls with a taste for flesh

Name: Gabriel
Race: Human
Class: Summoner level 6
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Encounter in Troll Lair Hex
Catalyst: Head stomped on in his sleep by hairy smelly troll foot.

Name: Ramus
Race: Aasimar
Class: Cleric of Kossuth level 6
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Encounter in Troll Lair Hex
Catalyst: 2 trolls played paddy cake with his noggin

Up to this point the party has pretty much steamrolled over most encounters and scenarios save the Tentriculous which almost TPKd them. They are (well were) one of the most balanced and nasty parties I have run and as such I think became a bit cocky in their abilties to win any battle.

After a long and resource draining session of clearing out the Troll Lair they got to Hargulka's Lair and decided to camp a mile or so from the stronghold and get a nights rest and attack him fresh in the morning. So I rolled the chance for encounter and upped the chance since Hargulka was attracking more trolls to his cause and if I rolled an encounter it would automatically be trolls. Well I did roll the encounter and I rolled 8 trolls...yikes.

They set up watches but with only had one person per watch. Though not ideal I think they were a bit overconfident because this was the first real encounter I rolled in this module. The Baron was on watch and rolled a 7 perception and didnt see the trolls before it was too late. The camp was surrounded and trolls proceeded to nom nom the party. Baron Desmond ordered a retreat and the Elven ranger-rogue Rowen, who drank a potion of invisibilty, and the halfling cavalier Bron (and new Baron of Lionsgate) who mounted (hehe) his wardog and did a tactical retreat to safety were the only two to survive. Ramus (who had only leather on instead of his magical full platemail) was critted 3x by the same troll and rended (they are still trying to find his small intestine). Poor Gabriel never got out of bed before he was a troll chew toy and the noble Baron fought on downing several trolls but with no fire he finally succombed to their fury.

I must say they all took it well even with all the personal investment and backgound stories that we had created for them. But never fear...replacements have already been rolled up and poised to take up them mantles the fallen and statues will be erected to honor their sacrifice.

Name: Queen Eirwen Kirsi (twice), "Guru" (High Priest) Mulder da Cultist, High Magus 'Torsin Tightbutt V', Molly Missy
Race: advanved female human, advanced (human) reincarnated half-elf, advanced female half-elf, advanced 4 HD soulbound doll cohort
Classes/levels: Ftr 1/ Sor 7 (water) / EK 7; UA cloistered cleric 15; Wizard (universalist) 15; cohort bard 13
Adventure: kingdom event between chapters 3 and 4
Location: capitol city temple of da Cultist
Catalyst: friendly fire just when they didn't need it
The Gory Details: (optional) The next-to-last kin of the infamous Graul clan, a three-eeyed mutant ravenous human ogrekin Wizard 20 (metal elementalist, scrollmaster) with the Greater Eldritch bloodline (undead) feats and True Name arcane discovery for an exemplar Shemhazian Demon "pet" - plus a shield guardian triple-advanced flesh golem, set up shop in the 3-month old temple of da Cultist, slaughtering followers, shredding copious sacred books and having the Gargantuan demon defacate in the corner. Our Rulers opened the outer doors, sighting the enormous demon copping a squat. They were buffed to the gills (our heroes) and proceeded to find out about this Shemhazian's 32 SR. The fight was brutal but Our Rulers (having eaten a disjunction early in the fight) were holding there own. Torsin ripped loose with a cold ice strike that caught 2 PCs, 2 cohorts, one of 3 summoned fiendish ankylosaurs, the Shemhazian and Silas Graul within the cone. The damage from this cone spelled their doom as Silas cut loose with a chain lightning that killed the Queen, Torsin and put da Cultist into negatives that he only survived due to his armor's determination property.

After another round of hostilities, Silas put the icing on the cake with a shrapel burst followed by a grasp of the dead (undead bloodline ability) that re-killed the Queen, destroyed Molly Missy, and ensured da Cultist and Torsin were very deceased.

Shadow Lodge

Name: Iorweth, Magister of Crimsondale, Student of the Aldori Swordlord School of Fighting
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 1/Wizard 4
Adventure: RRR (During inserted Carnival of Tears Module)
Location: PC's town, site of the Carnival of Tears, Tent of Modern Engineering Wonders
Catalyst: Failed save vs. Dark Brownie's Confusion
The Gory Details:
Iorweth fails his save vs Confusion during the fight with the Dark Brownies and the Banaan Grimstalker. A nearby Dark Brownie takes advantage of this, and uses his Dimension Door spell like ability on Iorweth (rolls a 1 on his save) to teleport them on top of the Planer machine. Iorweth, already having taken damage, becomes a mushy paste.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Turin the Mad wrote:

Name: Queen Eirwen Kirsi (twice), "Guru" (High Priest) Mulder da Cultist, High Magus 'Torsin Tightbutt V', Molly Missy

Race: advanved female human, advanced (human) reincarnated half-elf, advanced female half-elf, advanced 4 HD soulbound doll cohort
Classes/levels: Ftr 1/ Sor 7 (water) / EK 7; UA cloistered cleric 15; Wizard (universalist) 15; cohort bard 13
Adventure: kingdom event between chapters 3 and 4
Location: capitol city temple of da Cultist
Catalyst: friendly fire just when they didn't need it
The Gory Details: (optional) The next-to-last kin of the infamous Graul clan, a three-eeyed mutant ravenous human ogrekin Wizard 20 (metal elementalist, scrollmaster) with the Greater Eldritch bloodline (undead) feats and True Name arcane discovery for an exemplar Shemhazian Demon "pet" - plus a shield guardian triple-advanced flesh golem, set up shop in the 3-month old temple of da Cultist, slaughtering followers, shredding copious sacred books and having the Gargantuan demon defacate in the corner. Our Rulers opened the outer doors, sighting the enormous demon copping a squat. They were buffed to the gills (our heroes) and proceeded to find out about this Shemhazian's 32 SR. The fight was brutal but Our Rulers (having eaten a disjunction early in the fight) were holding there own. Torsin ripped loose with a cold ice strike that caught 2 PCs, 2 cohorts, one of 3 summoned fiendish ankylosaurs, the Shemhazian and Silas Graul within the cone. The damage from this cone spelled their doom as Silas cut loose with a chain lightning that killed the Queen, Torsin and put da Cultist into negatives that he only survived due to his armor's determination property.

After another round of hostilities, Silas put the icing on the cake with a shrapel burst followed by a grasp of the dead (undead bloodline ability) that re-killed the Queen, destroyed Molly Missy, and ensured da Cultist and Torsin were very deceased.

Did they roll up characters which don't sound as if they are out of a Rob Liefeld comic? :p

magnuskn wrote:
Did they roll up characters which don't sound as if they are out of a Rob Liefeld comic? :p

I'm not entirely sure who that is :P

Molly Missy is one of the soulbound dolls from Council of Thieves if that is any consolation.

Death wasn't permanent - it never is above 9th level or so unless they're stone broke. ^_^

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Turin the Mad wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
Did they roll up characters which don't sound as if they are out of a Rob Liefeld comic? :p

I'm not entirely sure who that is :P

Molly Missy is one of the soulbound dolls from Council of Thieves if that is any consolation.

Death wasn't permanent - it never is above 9th level or so unless they're stone broke. ^_^

That's Rob Liefeld. :p

magnuskn wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
Did they roll up characters which don't sound as if they are out of a Rob Liefeld comic? :p

I'm not entirely sure who that is :P

Molly Missy is one of the soulbound dolls from Council of Thieves if that is any consolation.

Death wasn't permanent - it never is above 9th level or so unless they're stone broke. ^_^

That's Rob Liefeld. :p

^_^ They all have proportionate feet and anatomy ... only the names are strange/suck/awesome (as you prefer).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, as long as the new group doesn't have an Alchemist with the Vestigial Arm discovery taken twice and called him Forearm... :p

magnuskn wrote:
Well, as long as the new group doesn't have an Alchemist with the Vestigial Arm discovery taken twice and called him Forearm... :p

I am so totally going to make that character some day. :)

Name: Harunobu Taniko
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Magus 8 / Duelist 2
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: Sepoko's Throne Room
Catalyst: First in, first down
The Gory Details: Since the PCs were particularly noisy making their way through scores of boggards, the survivors had fled to this room so that their fearless leader could protect them from the intruders. Taking the lead, Haru deftly dodged his way through wasps and boggard wardens to make his way to the chieftain. Unfortunately, after a couple lucky shots from the wardens, Haru was down in hit points. When Sepoko followed up with Slay Living, a low saving throw sealed his fate.

He was later raised, however, as the PCs were able to teleport their way to safety. They returned in force at a later date and exacted their revenge.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Tem wrote:

Name: Harunobu Taniko

Race: Human
Classes/levels: Magus 8 / Duelist 2
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: Sepoko's Throne Room
Catalyst: First in, first down
The Gory Details: Since the PCs were particularly noisy making their way through scores of boggards, the survivors had fled to this room so that their fearless leader could protect them from the intruders. Taking the lead, Haru deftly dodged his way through wasps and boggard wardens to make his way to the chieftain. Unfortunately, after a couple lucky shots from the wardens, Haru was down in hit points. When Sepoko followed up with Slay Living, a low saving throw sealed his fate.

He was later raised, however, as the PCs were able to teleport their way to safety. They returned in force at a later date and exacted their revenge.

I don't think you CAN be raised from a death effect. Requires resurrection. You could just retroactively charge him 5000 gp more... }:)

Jason Nelson wrote:

I don't think you CAN be raised from a death effect. Requires resurrection. You could just retroactively charge him 5000 gp more... }:)

Right. I wasn't sure how to rule it since he was dropped to -7 (which was well within his -Con threshold). It was the empowered fireball that the sorcerer dropped in the room on his next action that put him beyond saving. I had my nice DM hat on at the time so I let it slide. Besides, they lost a cohort due to a trio of Azure Lily Shambling Mounds later in that same session so their total costs for raising people was more than the value of the treasure they found. Still - I guess it was worth the experience points.

Name: Kousei Taniko
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Wizard 3 / Cleric 3 / Mystic Theurge 3
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: Lily Patch
Catalyst: Shambling Mounds
The Gory Details: To make this hex a little more interesting, I made a variant Shambling Mound that lives in this area. Mechanically, they were given the advanced template and also a 50% chance of creating a 5 foot burst of azure lily pollen each time they're hit in melee though the effect is prevented if it has taken fire damage (beyond its resistance) since its last action.

As it turns out, we were one man short for this session and he was the only one who had any ranks in survival. The PCs stumbled into the lily patch, triggering a burst of pollen. The summoner in the group was the only one affected and a couple rounds later the shambling mounds showed up. With a flurry of terrible perception checks, the shambling mounds got quite close before they were noticed. Within two rounds, three party members were grappled and in the process of being pulled into the swamp. The eidolon was putting out great damage until the summoner was crushed into submission and therefore disappeared. It came down to a choice at the end with our sorcerer being the only one able to hurt the shambling mounds. Thankfully, he was able to cast enough maximized scorching rays and empowered fireballs to finish them off before they could drag the bodies of his friends into the bog. Although Kousei was the only one to be killed, one other party member suffered paralysis from the poison and they were forced to teleport to safety shortly thereafter.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Name: Jax
Race: Elf
Classes/levels: Summoner 6
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Near the Lizardfolk Camp
Catalyst: Assassin
The Gory Details: I had each of my players describe a reason why they can't go home again before they started in the game. Jax was the first to die from that. He was kicked out of the elven nation for practicing "unnatural wizardry" (aka being a summoner). So when he and his "extraplanar harlot" (as his family thought of her as) rose to a position of prominence in this new nation, they hired an assassin to "put an end to their shame." The assassin posed as a diplomat from another country (having previously killed off the actual diplomat previously). She spent a day or two with them and fought with them against the lizardfolk, allowing the players to drop their guard on her. During first watch, a poisoned, keen, sneak attacking dagger went into his throat and he died. The assassin tried to run, but the (spell-less) ranger doing trickshot arrows to entangle her kept her from getting her 5x run speed on. The players caught her and she tried sneak attacking herself to death. The players healed her, brought her back to their city, interrogated her, and executed her.

Name: Turnip
Race: Half-elf
Classes/levels: Ranger 5
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Exploring the Narlmarches
Catalyst: Inability to roll Fort saves on his part and Perception checks on part of the party
The Gory Details: The party had set up camp for the night and Turnip had volunteered to take the first watch alone. Near the end of his shift, he spotted a wyvern flying in for a meal at a mere 50 feet away. Acting quickly, he blew on his whistle and fired a shot that missed utterly. Only one of four sleeping characters were awakened.
The wyvern struck hard, stinging and poisoning the dangerously outmatched half-elf for 4 Con damage. While the barbarian woke up and fetched his blade, Turnip retreated a short distance and fired a critical hit into the wyvern, who responded by charging and hurting the ranger badly again, who then failed his Fortitude save and took another 4 points of Con damage. While the barbarian tried to close with the wyvern, Turnip fired his bow desperately; only to be bit and knocked unconscious; held tightly in the creature's mouth. Poison damage kicked in again and brought him close to permanent death. Grom the barbarian managed to land a crit on the wyvern, who immediately withdrew and began to fly away. The cleric, finally roused from sleep, fireballed the wyvern and knocked it unconscious, causing it crash into the forest below; killing both it and Turnip outright.

He was soon reincarnated as a full elf.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Name: Eften Bors
Race: Dwarf
Classes/levels: Cavalier 4
Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: Stag Lord's Fort
Catalyst: Stag Lord
The Gory Details: In a desperate attempt to stop the Stag Lord from going into stealth in a back alley, Eften pursued his enemy. While he did find his, he also found several arrows sunk into his face and neck thus ending the life of the dwarf only seconds before his brother avenged him.

Name: Gneral Shawn Baldar, High Priest Edric Hornwood, Spymaster Ineluki Chukku
Race: Human / Human / Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 4 // Cleric of Abadar 4 // Ranger-Beastmaster 2 / Rogue 2
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Lizardfolk Village
Catalyst: The Lizardking Vesket
The Gory Details:

Discovering der Lizardfolk village the group engaged them in some diplomatic banter. During the conversation Inluki hears a child screaming from inside the village. They ask the lizardfolk guards about it and they tell the characters that a human kid is used to "nurish" their god. The party imediatly springs into action, buffing up and wading enlarged through the river to free the child. The wizard and the bard waste some spells on the guards ... When the lizardking shows up with his pet caimans the group is scattered all over the palisade. Not able to get a good defensive positon Vesket downs one character after the other with his vital strikes (and one nasty crit for 47 damage on the fighter): first Shawn, then Edric and last Ineluki Using hero points (in Shawn's case two, thanks to the crit) they get up again or stabilize only to get killed again. Ineluki went down unconscious but bleeds to death in the village while wizard and bard run for their lives ...

So much about charging "blind" into an unknown place without any plan for what to do when things go from bad to worse ...

Name: Korg, Brother of Kadoc, Baronial Executioner
Race: half orc
Classes/levels: Barbarian
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: troll lair, old dwarven fort
Catalyst: boss troll
The Gory Details:
The Founders, after a 3 day guerilla operation to asess the troll's strength, finally delved into phase 2 of the operation and invaded the fortress. The fighting was brutal but Our Founders gritted their teeth and made it to the throne room used by the leader of the trolls. The fight immediately started off with the troll leader pulling a glowing orb from his necklace. Kadoc, genius halforc wizard and the "handsomer" of The Brother's Grey fired back with a fireball of his own causing a chain reaction to the troll leader's magical necklace. Doughty Korg rushed forward with his axe raised and struck to finish the powerful troll scion but his axe was turned by the troll's armor. In retaliation, the troll attacked striking strong Korg viciously, the last strike being a bite that tore into Korg's neck spewing his life blood all about the chamber. The Baron himself, swift Buckles, struck in anger seeing his good friend go down in gouts of blood - felling the troll with one lasdt blow from his keen short sword.

Once the smoke cleared and it was determined the troll leader was forever still, Buckles stood in shock and tears, Xebeche the worshipper of nature determined there was nothing to be done about his ally, and Kadoc held his dieing brother in his arms and leaned forward to take his last request:

"Take this fortress... name it after me.... bury me with my axe and shiny jewelry..."

Name: Catesbaei Hansonii
Race: Elf (and proud of it!)
Classes/levels: Swashbuckler 4
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: In his own bedchamber in the castle in our capital
Catalyst: Someone (as yet unknown) decided to take out our Duke and Duchess.
The Gory Details: Catesbaei was actually the NPC husband of my character, Lina. He'd married her because he wanted to have the title, but they have grown increasingly fond of each other.

Lina and Catesbaei had been arguing most of the afternoon because of some things related to the re-emergence of a character from her background who was his greatest rival for her hand. (Catesbaei was jealous and Lina didn't understand why.) They entered their room and as they were crossing it, an assassin dropped from the ceiling and hit Catesbaei with his death attack, killing him instantly. Lina immediately began screaming for every healer she could think of, the other PCs, the rest of the Council, and guards. The assassin disappeared, but Lina had an item that allowed her to cast see invisibility (a spell a warmage would not usually have access to).

A few rooms away, the party's halfling bard (Ginon) and centaur swordsage/psychic warrior (Crush) were sleeping. Ginon was woken by Lina's screams, and woke Crush by making use of his Fiery Burst reserve feet. The centaur grabbed the halfling and crashed into Lina's room. Ginon tried to heal Catesbaei, but was forced to tell Lina there was nothing he could do. Crush used expansion to make himself huge and attacked with his greataxe while Lina started slinging spells, but both were fairly ineffectual until the assassin failed the fort save to avoid being blinded by Ginon's glitterdust. Lina then successfully set him on fire with a ray of flame, while Crush hit with the greataxe and Ginon contributed with a scorching ray. Desperate, the assassin dived out the window, only to be felled by the lingering flames, and then killed outright by a parting magic missile from Lina. He continued falling 60 feet to the ground, where he took more damage and ended up at -43 hp.

To complicate things further, our treasurer, who had been the party healer until her player got bored with her and declared she was pregnant as an excuse to replace her, was also nearby and responded to the screams. Her horror at her friend's death sent her into labor (9 on her fort save), sending Crush running off for a midwife while Ginon tried to comfort Lina. (The treasurer safely delivered a little girl.)

My character is now in very deep mourning for her husband, which will make her decisions as we come to the end of Rivers Run Red even more complex. Should be fun to roleplay. :)

Interestingly enough, these events, some of the worst in our country's history, happened in month 69.

Shadow Lodge

I've seen in previous AP obituary threads the DMs posting a total body count in their campaign.

How many character deaths in total have you had in your campaign thus far, including multiples deaths for the same character, if applicable.

Grand Lodge

DoomCrow wrote:

I've seen in previous AP obituary threads the DMs posting a total body count in their campaign.

How many character deaths in total have you had in your campaign thus far, including multiples deaths for the same character, if applicable.

I've had 2 pc deaths. Kregelor, elven paladin of Erastil, and Felric ,human druid of Erastil. They were investigating 'strange tracks' that went into a small opening in the side of a hill {The gold mine}. They were mauled by a pair of Aurumvoraxes. They both burnt heroic points permanently to be stabalized at -15 hit points. The rest of the party eventually killed them and found the very rich gold mine. My party are usually pretty intelligent about their tactics, the druid turned himself into a bat to reconnoiter the hole he was killed in one round. The paladin was did everything to save his friend and died also.


Name: Galen Starmight, King of Cordelon; Zin Serina, Councilor of Starfall; Molly Missy, Grand Diplomat of Starfall
Race: Constructed Elf (construct variant of lich), advanced human, advanced soulbound doll
Classes/levels: Mystic Theurge 9 (cleric 3 Abadar, wizard 3 - divination), Monk 15, cohort Bard 13
Adventure: between Chapters 3 and 4
Location: Restov
Catalyst: assassination attempt events for 2 kingdoms on the same month
The Gory Details: (optional) ambush style by 4 advanced denizen of leng wizard 9 (divination)/ arcane trickster 9 'assassins'. Surprise round and 4 full rounds = disintegrated King and cohort, electrocuted monk, temporal stasis wizard & EK, mazed cleric (twice), QMF'ing of 2 surviving cohorts.

Cordelon's King requires 10 days to reconstitute plus another day to track down his stuff. Cordelon suffers 9 Unrest as a result of the successful assassination.

Grand Lodge

DoomCrow wrote:

I've seen in previous AP obituary threads the DMs posting a total body count in their campaign.

How many character deaths in total have you had in your campaign thus far, including multiples deaths for the same character, if applicable.

So far my Kingmaker group has lost one PC, and has had a total body count of roughly 9. Including the general (my character) one shotting the king with a great axe crit in our last game. It was awesome.

Grand Lodge

Turin the Mad wrote:



Name: Galen Starmight, King of Cordelon; Zin Serina, Councilor of Starfall; Molly Missy, Grand Diplomat of Starfall
Race: Constructed Elf (construct variant of lich), advanced human, advanced soulbound doll
Classes/levels: Mystic Theurge 9 (cleric 3 Abadar, wizard 3 - divination), Monk 15, cohort Bard 13
Adventure: between Chapters 3 and 4
Location: Restov
Catalyst: assassination attempt events for 2 kingdoms on the same month
The Gory Details: (optional) ambush style by 4 advanced denizen of leng wizard 9 (divination)/ arcane trickster 9 'assassins'. Surprise round and 4 full rounds = disintegrated King and cohort, electrocuted monk, temporal stasis wizard & EK, mazed cleric (twice), QMF'ing of 2 surviving cohorts.

Cordelon's King requires 10 days to reconstitute plus another day to track down his stuff. Cordelon suffers 9 Unrest as a result of the successful assassination.

Due you are Brutal! lol!

PJ wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:



Name: Galen Starmight, King of Cordelon; Zin Serina, Councilor of Starfall; Molly Missy, Grand Diplomat of Starfall
Race: Constructed Elf (construct variant of lich), advanced human, advanced soulbound doll
Classes/levels: Mystic Theurge 9 (cleric 3 Abadar, wizard 3 - divination), Monk 15, cohort Bard 13
Adventure: between Chapters 3 and 4
Location: Restov
Catalyst: assassination attempt events for 2 kingdoms on the same month
The Gory Details: (optional) ambush style by 4 advanced denizen of leng wizard 9 (divination)/ arcane trickster 9 'assassins'. Surprise round and 4 full rounds = disintegrated King and cohort, electrocuted monk, temporal stasis wizard & EK, mazed cleric (twice), QMF'ing of 2 surviving cohorts.

Cordelon's King requires 10 days to reconstitute plus another day to track down his stuff. Cordelon suffers 9 Unrest as a result of the successful assassination.

Due you are Brutal! lol!

I keep forgetting to add " Party APL 21" lately. grins

Name: Vic, Jobu.
Race: Half-Elf, Halfling (though he thinks he's a dwarf).
Classes/levels: Ranger5/Cleric1, Barbarian 6.
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Troll Lair
Catalyst: Trying to root out the trolls.
The Gory Details: (optional) First, in a battle against the two headed Nagrundi, poor Jobu was hit with a full power attack. Initial dice rolls for the four attacks: [20, 20, 20, 10], though "sadly" only one critical confirmed. Either way the poor halfling ended up at -60ish and spent 2 ,uch needed hero-points to stay alive.

A few rounds later when the other two party members decided to run, Vic fled north to the cave the dogs were in, realizing there was no way out of there. He took a punch from Nagrundi and was down to -10, but still standing due to being hard to knock out (diehard feat). :) He heroically attacked the troll and died from the strenuous action, but yet again 2 hero-points saved the day.

A few minutes later they were battling Hargulka himself outside of the lair, as they didn't want to fight both Hargulka and Kargadd at the same time (and realizing that the rock troll was scared of sunlight). Already being below 0 hit points after a few hits, the 4d6=10 fireball from Hargulka made poor Vic very very dead.

4000gp poorer and a reincarnate (houseruled mechanics) later Vic got a new half-elven body! Since he previously had spent his +2 bonus on charisma, this gave him a net bonus to his dexterity. :)

DoomCrow wrote:

I've seen in previous AP obituary threads the DMs posting a total body count in their campaign.

How many character deaths in total have you had in your campaign thus far, including multiples deaths for the same character, if applicable.

2 character deaths and 2 animal companion deaths so far. We're about halfway through the campaign. Just wrapping up Chapter 3 and moving on to Chapter 4 within the next two sessions. Characters are 9th level.

Fatality Tally: 2 PC deaths, two council member NPC deaths, and we're not done with Rivers Run Red yet. So far, it's been the campaign with the highest PC fatality rate. Would have been worse, but I sometimes pull my punches...

DoomCrow wrote:

I've seen in previous AP obituary threads the DMs posting a total body count in their campaign.

How many character deaths in total have you had in your campaign thus far, including multiples deaths for the same character, if applicable.

2 pcs

1 companion
41 sessions so far

Shadow Lodge

I've had 1 PC death so far and 4 deaths that were nullified through the use of Hero Points to cheat death.

I also came close to a TPK, but I have a bad habit of pulling my punches and giving my players breaks now and again.

A few close calls were also averted through the use of Plot Twist cards.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

It's a good question, and I'm not positive.

The druid PC has died I think twice.
His fighter/ranger cohort has died like 4 times.
His animal companion has died SIX times.

One PC was assassinated (right after the player left the campaign, the next month's event was assassination - it all fit together just a little too well).

A bard PC was killed and when raised was rebuilt as a witch.

The queen (a halfling fighter/barbarian) has been killed at least once (and is now an orc).

There might've been a few more deaths that I'm forgetting, along with many near deaths averted by judicious application of action points.

Name: Mitya Volsky
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Druid 4
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Tuskwater Lake
Catalyst: Turtle trolling

The Gory Details: Having learned from Arven about Ol' Crackjaw, the party (consisting of marshall Mitya [Druid 4], Baron Lupan [Bard 4], General Tessara [Cavalier 4], High Priest Lavro [Cleric 4], and Warden Gren [Fighter 4]) piled into a pair of canoes and paddled down toward the fishing hole. Mitya's player determined the boat loadout, and for some reason he put all the heavily armored characters (Tessara, Lavro, and Gren) into one boat, while Mitya, Lupan, and Mitya's wolf companion (companion number...four or five for this character) paddled in the other.

I made a roll to determine whether Crackjaw would be in the fishing hole, or would be encountered along the way. The dice dictated he would be met on the way. So I figured he would, as Arven suggested, crunch a boat like Jaws. I had Mitya's player roll to see which boat would get munched, and it came up Mitya's boat.

I rolled a sunder and Crackjaw holed the boat fiercely. Everyone in the boat rolled Reflex saves to keep from being pitched into the water, and only Lupan made it. Mitya and her wolf got pitched into the drink.

Initiative time. Mitya rolled well...Crackjaw rolled a 19 on the die. He went first.

I had Mitya's player roll to see whether the turtle would go after her or the wolf. It came up Mitya. I rolled a 20 on the attack and confirmed the critical, coming up with something like 46 damage and killing Mitya outright in a single blow. Those x3 crits are nasty.

The rest of the encounter went easily enough. Mitya's wolf, mad with grief, dueled the turtle for a surprising number of rounds, even doing damage, while the "armored people" boat made the shore; paddling madly, Lupan also reached the shore just as his holed boat sank beneath him. Crackjaw was peppered by a few arrows as it dispatched the wolf, and then he swam hard for Gren (another random die roll to determine target); Gren, standing safely ashore, prepared an attack (a brutal power attack), dodged the turtle's counter, and dispatched the critter with another casual blow.

There were a couple of funny things about this encounter. All the rolls that led to Mitya being attacked were made by Mitya's player himself. Had Mitya gone first, she could have cast control animal and defused the encounter with no problem, but Crackjaw was highest on the initiative chart. The critical was shocking in its abruptness, but --

Had the roll come up the other boat, though, the results could easily have been truly catastrophic, because everyone in that boat was wearing heavy armor and could very well have drowned if their boat had been hit instead. If Crackjaw had targeted them as they sank like rocks (and had resisted the control animal spell), all three would almost certainly have died.

Total Body Count Thus Far:
1. Karumkorum the alchemist, killed by that freaking whiptail centipede in the mite lair
2. Alfred the archer, brought down by zombies during the abortive attack on the rear of the Stag Lord's fort (I loved springing the zombie ambush on the poor PCs -- what a great encounter!)
3. Mitya Volsky, druid, as listed above
4. Four or five of Mitya's animal companions (three or four wolves who died and one elk who was encouraged to pursue other opportunities)

Body count: Bard has died twice.

Honorable mentions from last night's session:

Ran Armag's tomb last night with my six player party, using the six player mod.

Armag took out the Alchemist attempting to Detonate Armag and his skeletons to death. Had cold immunity discovery, so used cold - which did no damage to the skeletons, and only 60/230 damage to Armag. Armag scored 4 hits and instantly killed the Alchemist, saved by hero points.

Armag got stuck into the paladin next, who was a little surprised when his smite evil didn't work. 2 rounds later the paladin was instantly killed, but again saved by hero points.

A heal got the paladin back on his feet, then Armag cleaved hitting the rogue, ranger and paladin all at once and killing the ranger outright - saved by heropoints.

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