Cromm10k's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


For starters use a necklace of adaption. All you need now is heat/cold protection.

You can always use one of the many good generators at EN World's O.G.R.E.

Name: Gneral Shawn Baldar, High Priest Edric Hornwood, Spymaster Ineluki Chukku
Race: Human / Human / Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 4 // Cleric of Abadar 4 // Ranger-Beastmaster 2 / Rogue 2
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Lizardfolk Village
Catalyst: The Lizardking Vesket
The Gory Details:

Discovering der Lizardfolk village the group engaged them in some diplomatic banter. During the conversation Inluki hears a child screaming from inside the village. They ask the lizardfolk guards about it and they tell the characters that a human kid is used to "nurish" their god. The party imediatly springs into action, buffing up and wading enlarged through the river to free the child. The wizard and the bard waste some spells on the guards ... When the lizardking shows up with his pet caimans the group is scattered all over the palisade. Not able to get a good defensive positon Vesket downs one character after the other with his vital strikes (and one nasty crit for 47 damage on the fighter): first Shawn, then Edric and last Ineluki Using hero points (in Shawn's case two, thanks to the crit) they get up again or stabilize only to get killed again. Ineluki went down unconscious but bleeds to death in the village while wizard and bard run for their lives ...

So much about charging "blind" into an unknown place without any plan for what to do when things go from bad to worse ...