Kingmaker Obituaries


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Name: Kaleb Lopas
Race: Half-Elf
Classes/levels: Rogue (Charlatan) 2
Adventure: Random Encounter
Location: In the forest somewhat 20 miles south of Oleg's Tradepost
Catalyst: Shambling Mound
The Gory Details:

We are travelling back towards Oleg's when we are ambushed by a Shambler. It targets the groups elven diviner wizard, who somehow percieves the danger and rolls a 20 to tumble away from danger, just making the DC. The human druid (me) encourages everybody to flee this creature, but is hackled a bit as a coward. In defense of the group I'd say that we had just descimated a gigantic boar without suffering any wounds. At all. The Oradin (Oracle/paladin) engaged the Shambler as did the druid and his tiger. The Halfling ranger stood at a distance and began peppering the Mound with sling bullets from his staff sling. The bard began to inspire som courage, which surely was needed. And then things turned ugly...
The half-elf rogue tried to tumble within striking distance of the Shambler but failed and was soon grappled, taking a nasty hit at the same time. Shortly after, the Shambler squeezed the rougue who feel apart dropped to -18... and with Con 10, he was really, really dead. So the Shambler decided that it was time for a TPK... He dropped the druid, Oradin and the Tiger, and having gained more hp from the wizard, who realy didn't know Shamblers that well and decided to hit the Shambler with a lightning attack, felt rather confident though it had been taking some nasty cuts from the trio, was looking to advance on the pesky adventurers... But grease and grease and grease the shambler went down, time and time again and was denied attacks and advancement, so ever so slowly it was taken down by frost rays from the wizard and sling bullets from the ranger and some really almost hit arrows from the bard, it finally stopped squirming. The druid, tiger and oradin had stabilized by them selves and one after another was brought back on their feet...
I really thought we'd all die, but we didn't...

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Name: Athos, Miles Manners, Virgil Donati, Kazaar
Race: Human, Human, Half-orc, Half-orc
Class/Levels: Conjurer 14, Ranger 14, Fighter 12, Inquisitor 14
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: Irovetti's Palace
Catalyst: Jason Nelson's Irovetti revamp that makes him an "unholy terror" (See the WotRK Reference Thread)
The Gory Details:
During the final showdown with Irovetti, one of his clerics used destruction and Virgil rolled a catastrophic 1, being consumed in unholy fire. Kazaar, a recent undead convert after being captured in war, was commanded to fight the party and found no mercy at the hands of the party's cleric.

Afterwards, all was going well in the final showdown at Irovetti's palace but then poor Athos used his dimensional hop ability to escape the action, appearing right next to a Dust Of Disappearance'd Irovetti. One x3 crit later he was chunky salsa.

The encounter became a horror movie next, with each player waiting for their turn to get torn asunder by the River King's Rod of Razors. Miles the ranger made a few awesome perception checks that kept him alive a bit longer but he eventually fell as well.

After almost losing 2 out of the 3 remaining party members in an awesome fight, Irovetti finally fell to pair of spiritual allies that had been harrying him.

Name: Kaelith
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Barbarian 1
Adventure: The Stolen Lands
Location: Thorn River Camp
Catalyst: Shortsword coup de grace
The Gory Details:

The party, on the trail of the bandit camp that Happs and his cronies had come from, stormed the bandit's camp where Kressle and half a dozen of the bandits were settled. They decided to go for something of a pincer attack, with Kaelith and Figaro (the party's halfling ranger) approaching from one side, and the rest of the party coming in from the other.

As Kaelith entered the clearing, Kressle (now made aware that the camp was under attack) caught the barbarian with a lucky critical from a thrown dagger, knocking him down to 1 hit point. The next round Kaelith was knocked unconscious by a bandit's arrow, and the round after that he ate a coup de grace from a third bandit taking an opportunity when it was presented. This bandit was then swiftly dispatched by a very distraught halfling ranger and the party's half-elf sorceress.

Name: Jin
Race: Ifrit
Classes/levels: Sorcerer 8
Adventure: The Varnhold Vanishing

Feasthall in Vordakai's Tomb

Catalyst: Two handed greataxe of a re-equipped dread zombie cyclops
The Gory Details:

Another Spoiler:
In the feasthall of Vordakai's tomb, there are listed 4 dread zombie cyclopses with leather armor and large battle axes. Because of a 6 member party and the fact that they'd been walking through a lot of battles, I revised it to 6 dread zombie cyclopses wearing chain shirts and armed with large greataxes. The fight was going well for the party, but the sorcerer was hit and dropped to 1 hit point, and didn't retreat from the field of battle. Was hit again the following round for a devastating 33 points. Ripped him in half. Also, one of the zombie cyclopses dropped the party's alchemist, and then dragged her off to be "examined" by Vordakai himself. Hopefully, for her sake, I won't have another obit to write after next Friday.

Name: Nolq
Race: Rat-folk
Classes/levels: Alchemist 5
Adventure: Book 2
Location: ESE of the Staglord Fort
Catalyst: Wandering Monster
The Gory Details:
On the way home after a successful mapping expedition to the east of the Capital (former Sag Lord Fort), the party encountered a ford. Nolq wanted to head back to refit, but he was alone in this desire/ So, crossing the ford, our ranger sees a Wyvern in the distance. We dismount and the Wyvern comes closer. Nolq recommends we offer the beast a horse, but the ranger fires an arrow at it and "it's on". Two bites with failed con saves later, Nolq is unconscious. One round and 5 more con damage later, Nolq is in the afterlife. As compensation, the party decides to name the ford after him.

Name: Marz
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Ranger/6
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Abandoned Fort
Catalyst: The Dancing Lady

The Gory Details:
The party split up in reaction to the mist trap. Two, an inquisitor and a druid, exited the tower. The other three (rogue, witch, and Marz) went up the steps. Marz and the witch failed their saves. The rogue was chased back down the stairs by some vexgits I added to flavor the encounter. Marz was closest to The Dancing Lady and readily agreed to a dance with the beautiful women. What followed was the party Benny-Hill'ing it up and down the stairs trying to figure out what to do.

As I expected, they dealt with the vexgits quickly and having taken minimal damage, but the gremlins provided a nice distraction. The Dancing Lady was more of a challenge. The party didn't seem to know how to handle her. The dancing apparently terrified them and they would not commit to the fight. A few would run up, get mesmerized, and then run back down when she stopped to pin and feed on Marz. Then the others would run up and do the same.

Marz was actually able to escape once, making it partway down the stairs. However, the rogue had run back in and was struggling (in the negatives at one point), so Marz returned to the fight after a little healing (IIRC) and the cycle started over again.

Once Marz was in danger of dying, then the party committed. Unfortunately, Marz was fully drained before the others could kill the sith. The witch actually contributed quite a bit to Marz's death, having vomited spiders on and shot lightning at the sith while she had Marz pinned, but it was The Dancing Lady's Con damage that landed the final blow.

Marz's remains have been returned to New Zinnia to be interred next to those of Zinnia and the memorial plaques for Rupert and OzKar.

Name: Kazaar and Miles
Race: Half-orc and Human
Classes/levels: Inquisitor 15 and Ranger 15
Adventure: Sound of One Thousand Screams
Location: Thousand Breaths
Catalyst: Ilthuliak and Tarlaxian, respectively.

The Gory Details::
After springing Ilthuliak's carefully laid trap (see my thread "Ilthuliak on hard mode") the party found themselves face down in a pile of mud, an acid cloud, an acid pool, and darkness. The relentless reflex saves that followed proved too much for Kazaar who was knocked unconcious and eventually killed by the residual damage.

After defeating Ilthuliak in a fight that consumed nearly the entire session, the party decided to camp out in the high folly. Not wanting to miss an opportunity, Nyrissa sent Tarlaxian the Young Linnorm to ambush them. The party member on watch, Miles, heard the creature coming and hid. When he noticed the primeval dragon preparing to breath attack the inside of the extradimensional tent the party was sleeping in, he took action and fired an arrow at it. He had blown his cover but saved quite a lot of pain for his allies. The party eventually emerged from the tent to help miles defeat the creature, but Miles couldn't avoid the creature's jaws. One successful bite was all it needed for it's ludicrous poison to begin effect. He failed the initial save and I rolled an 8 on the potential 1d8 con drain. His body died of toxic shock.

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Name: Jaekah, General of Iomrall
Race: Juvenile Magma Dragon
Classes/levels: Cavalier 14/Champion 3
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: The Swamp Scar
Catalyst: An angry Rusalka and very hot dice.

The Gory Details: I replaced Ngara the Spirit Naga in my game with Ngara the Rusalka Battle Scion/Champion, and made her one of Nyrissa/Ilthuliak's henchmen to tie her closer in to the plot. After freeing Sepoko from his charm, the party was asked to go slay "The Drowning Lady" - as the boggards knew her - in vengeance to assure their alliance with the newly-conquered Drelev. The party made their way to the Swamp Scar, battled through her Boggard minions, an advanced Blackspawn Stalker, The Tree that Weeps (imported from WotRK), and a pair of very nasty swamp-dwelling, flying, fiendish, three-headed sharks I found stats for. They also slew a mythic troll and scared off a pair of troglodyte barbarians Ngara had coerced into service; the pair saw the troll go down in one round and wisely decided they wanted nothing to do with this party.

When the group faced Ngara herself, she distracted them with another pair of her freakish sharks while she looped around behind the party and began spamming her dominate monster SLA on the spymistress, eventually clinching it in the second attempt. After slaying the last shark, Jaekah moved in to attack Ngara herself; while he landed some solid blows on the Rusalka, she gave back as fiercely as she took. She lashed back at Jaekah with her wakizashi, scoring three crits out of the four hits she made, carving him down from around 3/4 HP to into the negatives, then on top of that choked the last of his life out of him with her tresses before tossing his lifeless corpse aside and turning to the rest of the party. She was summarily surrounded and put down fairly swiftly after that; the party then broke the dominate on the spymistress and raised Jaekah with a mythic breath of life from the oracle countess.

I must be doing something wrong. I haven't had a single death, though I've had a few close calls...

They even went after a shambling mound and owlbear at 1st level...

Nah, the early parts of Kingmaker can be very easy, thanks to the 15-minute-adventuring-day nature of hexporation. They can also be very deadly if the party gets bad rolls on random encounters, and/or bad luck in combat. It's very swingy, and sounds to me like your players just have pretty good luck =)

Scarab Sages

Name: Queen Arabella Ravenna, ruler of Vallis
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Weapon Master 6/Aldori Swordlord 3
Adventure: ancient prophecy coming to pass
Location: Serpentstone (Capitol) Piers
Catalyst: Sea Serpent and Skum attack on the docks

The Gory Details:
Random kingdom event generated an hostile river monster. I decided to tie it into an upcoming event, the attempted summoning of Dagon by his champion. This was a prophecy the party received during the very first week down in the Stolen Lands, and its been three years coming. Events have been escalating as the time of the prophesied return draws near. The party is 9th level now, and in their capitol so I added a few high level cultists to the sea serpent and skum attack, one of which was high enough to cast a death spell.

The queen failed her saving throw on a 2, then used her re-roll (I gave them all a re-roll dice for Xmas they can use 1/session) and rolled a 1. Instant royal corpse. She did get resurrected, which ate up a lot of the party gold, and put the kingdom even further in debt to the Church of Sarenrae, since the NPC high priestess had to summon and even higher priestess from Casmaron to cast Resurrection.

The party threw a big feast in honor of the town guards who fought off quite a few attackers, and awarded those who were most brave with newly minted sea serpent skin armor.

Scarab Sages

Name: Sir Aedric Harte, Marshall of Vallis
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Paladin of Abadar 9
Adventure: Surprise attack by a hostile Mivonese swordlord house
Location: on the road in Mivon
Catalyst: Hill Giant Lancer riding a wooly rhino

The Gory Details:
The Queen and her entire Council went south to Mivon to officially receive a wedding proposal from her intended, Lord Giovanni (a mivonese swordlord). After a disastrous banquet where a bandit leader Rainbow's Daughter slew the lord and heirs of another Mivonese house, the banquet was cancelled. The Queen's intended invited her entourage back to his castle to hold new festivities there, but along the road they were attacked. An enemy wizard who has a big grudge against the Magister of Vallis over a dead apprentice led a large group of giants and orc barbarians against the forces of Lord Giovannia and Queen Arabella.

We had a big fat mass combat that lasted four hours and resulted in the Marshall of Vallis sacrificing himself to keep the queen alive. The hill giant lancer had 15' reach and had the Queen, the General, and the Marshall all within threat range and all under 10 hps (his min damage was 16). The commander of the Queensguard (cohort to the queen) had just sacrificed himself via the bodyguard feat to save her life, but things were still dire. The paladin moved in order to get the queen in burst range, and was missed by the attack of opportunity. The subsequent charge however, resulted in a crit for about 50 more hps than the Marshall currently had. The Queen and General avenged his death, but the inquisitor could not get to him in time to use their breath of life scroll.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Oid wrote:
the party decides to name the ford after him.

In our defense, that has been SOP when we lose a party member.

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
Oid wrote:
the party decides to name the ford after him.
In our defense, that has been SOP when we lose a party member.

Ours was to name new settlements after my character's dead cohorts. We ended up with Giacomo's Rest (Kobold Bard died freeing compatriots from Drow slavery), Giselletown (Sorcerer with a bad roll versus Disintegrate), Minionville (he didn't last long enough to even get a proper name!) and one or two others.

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Name: Ethan (General of Riverdale, formerly Marz)
Race: Half-Elf (formerly Human)
Classes/levels: Ranger/6 (Drop and Draw)
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Troll Fort
Catalyst: Full round (with crit) from Nagrundi

The Gory Details::
The party was making a return appearance at the troll fort, intent on ending that threat once and for all. They had already been forced to retreat once, leaving two dying members behind to be capture. This time, they approached openly, charging their mounts up the path to the fort. Once inside, they cleared the first room of its two guards and explored the remaining rooms. The tower had been blocked off and the kennels were empty. In the storeroom, they found the path leading deeper into the lair and went down it.

As the rogue scouted, Nagrundi noticed the intruders. The rogue immediately retreated back to the storeroom. The inquisitor retreated after a failed intimidation by Nagrundi. Ethan planned to buy time for the others to position themselves in the storeroom and based up with Nagrundi. He apparently expected to survive the attack or two that was coming before retreating as well. Nagrundi grabbed the half by the legs with one claw, by the arms with the other claw, and wrenched him literally in half at the waist. (Numbers-wise, both claws and both bites hit. One bite was a crit. Ethan went from 42 HP to over negative Con in one round.)

Only the bear-shaped druid saw this happen. The rest of the party found out when Nagrundi chucked the upper half of Ethan's corpse into the storeroom. Nagrundi eventually fell and the survivors escaped to their horses. They'll be resting up nearby before entering again.

The position of General for the kingdom of Riverdale seems to be cursed. The citizens of Riverdale were not aware of Marz's reincarnation so this makes the fourth general that Riverdale has lost.

Dark Archive

Name: Droth
Race: Elf
Class/Levels: Rogue (carnivalist) 5
Adventure: River's Run Red
Location: New Bixion (PC's home town)
Catalyst: Trying to escape from an organ grinder.
The Gory Details: I've added a large bit of horror to my game. Unfortunately for Droth one of those creatures was an organ grinder from the book of unrmitting horror. He tried to tumble past, failed the roll, the organ grinder didn't with it's four foot long meat cleaver.

Dark Archive

Name: Eko Strongheart
Race: Human
Class: Hunter 6
Adventure: River's Run Red
Location: Wilderness
Catalyst: Poor decision making.
The Gory Details: Omitted to save the player more humiliation.

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Ben Gum wrote:

Name: Eko Strongheart

Race: Human
Class: Hunter 6
Adventure: River's Run Red
Location: Wilderness
Catalyst: Poor decision making.
The Gory Details: Omitted to save the player more humiliation.

Oh come now just change the names to protect to innocent.

Name: Duke Mortie Von Klinkerhoffen
Race: Human
Class: Rogue 12 / Trickster 3
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: Armag's Tomb
Catalyst: Charging 2 skeleton champions with a rapier.

The Gory Details:
Mortie, always one for charging in first without thinking (slightly low wisdom), instantly charged 2 of the skeletal champions in Cavern of the Slain. With his rapier, he did minimal damage, before the skeletons started hacking Mortie to bits. The skeletons rolled unbelievably well using power attacks while also scoring a couple of critical hits. Mortie went down like a sack of spuds.

Mortie was resurrected back at the capital of Stagfell, but he has now learned never to go charging in by himself.

Name: Lord Asheron Ostlavsky
Race: Half-Orc
Class: Marshal 3
Adventure: The Stolen Lands
Location: Stag Lord's Keep
Catalyst: Injured and pissed off Mythic Challenge "Stagy"

The Gory Details:

The party's plan was: Enter the Keep under the guise of new recruits. The female human Artificer would go engage Auchs in a game of "Soldiers" with his toys and keep him occupied. The Cleric, Cavalier, and Marshal would go hand over the booze to the Stag Lord. They'd wait until he got drunk, then kill him in his "sleep".

They decided to change the plan and just attack him after handing over the booze.

Stagy was rather pissed off. BUT Stagy was lounging on his bed.

They stabbed stagy was he was still lounging.

Stagy got up, they got an AoO. Both crited.

Stagy was still alive, and even more pissed. He moved to the corner of the room.

Cleric Sonic'd the bandits who were coming to their "lord's" aid.

The Cavalier charged. He crited.

Marshal attacked and missed.

Stagy was barely alive and angrier yet. He shot his mythic "free" shot at the Marshal and crited. Marshal went down. Two shots into the Cavalier he goes down.

Cleric heals the Cavalier. Cavalier gets up and drinks his potion.

Stagy fires another free shot into the Marshal, Marshal is now beyond saving. And Crits on the Cavalier.

Cleric is pissed. Moves up and Mace Mash Faces Stagy. Stagy drops.

The party doesn't have enough to revive the Marshall. And the Cavalier was "bonded" to the Marshall, so he "left the party".

Oh I feel the need to post about my last episode. The only reason there wasn't a TPK is the GM(me) had to get up at 4:30 am and had been up 18 hours as it was.

Name: Tad
Race: half-Orc
Classes/levels: monk 2

Name: Jane
Race: Elf
Classes/levels: Druid 2
Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: Mite Cavern: War Room
Catalyst: Tickleback

The group had entered the cavern with their usual lack of stealth. They had worked their way through the hatchery, the prank workshop and the chamb of torment, but in each chamber, at least one mite escaped deeper into the lair. At the chasm, the Druid had her wolf jump across and the wizard approached the edge with her lighted dang drawn. Looking over, she saw the bulk of the giant centipede below. I gave them plenty of time to react, and determine what it was, and then it started to climb up.

The centipede really wasn't too much of an issue, but being that the monk jumped in the chasm to try and land on the centipede (succeeding), the Druid had h wolf jump in, fell down and got AoO'd into negs. Mikmek, intent on taking the fight to the mite, and thoroughly inspired by the monk, jumped in the chasm as well....and landed in negs.

Following that fight, the notice of which alerted the mites above, who started to come down in small numbers. They eily took out the first six, but the remainder withdrew and waited.

Soon, the party was climbing the wall, und barrage of poisoned darts from the mites above. Once achieving the rim of the shaft, the monk began pulling the mites in, while the others waited for opportunities to climb up.

And then Tickleback and Grabbles appeared. Now the wizard had caught a glimpse of this pair before, and had greased the shaft, causing the two to slide down from the hatchery. She w downright scared of the thing, but still they pushed on.

I might add that the spellcasters were down to orisons and cantrips.

The monk rushed the giant tick. Crit with th bite. Monk goes down to around -18. The party stays. Tickleback moves towards the Druid. Again with the bite and down to -9. The wizard and sorcerer, and their familiars area the only ones up, and the menacing mite and his monstrous mega-tick are approaching.

Silver Crusade

Name: Stone
Race: Half-orc
Classes/levels: Witch (Scarred Witch Doctor) 3
Adventure: The Stolen Lands
Location: Stag Lord's Fort
Catalyst: Critical manyshot
The Gory Details: After hitting Stone with one manyshot, the buffed up Stag Lord (now a Warpriest) fired another manyshot to drop the witch. One natural 20 later had the witch 50 some odd points in the negative.

Shadow Lodge

Name: Naralesh
Race: Elf
Classes/levels: Wizard 1
Adventure: The Stolen Lands
Location: Oleg's Trading Post
Catalyst: Natural 20 from a worthless bandit scum
The Gory Details: After surrounding the bandits in the very first encounter ever, they win initiative, and drop the cavalier on the first round. Naralesh shoots the bandit leader in the back from atop a roof, he whips around, natural 20, 21 damage, dead wizard. Bard drops the same round, swashbuckler escapes as only survivor. Campaign over in two rounds of combat, and the cavalier didn't even get to take an action.

@%#$ everything to do with rocket tag. This is why I don't play level 1s.

The Morphling wrote:
@%#$ everything to do with rocket tag. This is why I don't play level 1s.

Yup. I haven't started lower than 2nd in years. Just make them hold their level up to 3rd until they actually have enough XP to go from 1st to 3rd (presuming you're using XP at all) and it works out just fine.

Just rewind. No sense for stuff to end in the first combat.

I am fairly certain that doesn't have to mean the end of the campaign. The bandits are thugs, but they have bosses... and those bosses want more men. Plus who knows how many more of them are out there? Oleg's is likely to pay a heavy price for their "defiance" but that doesn't mean the PCs are murdered by the bandits.

Left for dead with most of their valuables taken... probably, but Oleg has more equipment. If something happened to him his wife may just replace their gear if they promise to get revenge.

Or... the bandits take their gear, rope them, and take them off to the bandit encampment. Now they have a chance to live and flee.

Even a total party wipe-out does not have to mean the end of a campaign.

Name: Grigor (not that one)
Race: human, Vos (Russian/Mongol-like guys IMC)
Classes/levels: Cleric 6
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: boggard village
Catalyst: being the favored enemy of the boggard wardens

Name: Leif, son of Bjorn
Race: human, Rjurik (Viking-like guys IMC)
Classes/levels: Ranger 8
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: boggard village
Catalyst: too much boldness, being the favored enemy of the boggard wardens

The Gory Details: The initial assault on the boggard (reskinned as hobgoblins IMC) village went well, with little trouble. The full showdown with the boggard wardens (6, with 5 frog companions), Sepoko, and 6 of the lesser boggards happened in the throne room.

After some warmups that went very much in the PCs' favor, the very armored cavalier and less-armored barbarian jumped down through the skylight. Leif followed them down, as did two cohorts. The hand-to-hand fighting was fierce down there, with several instances of the human-hating boggards getting a lot of hits with their extra damage from favored enemy and Power Attack: if any of those critted, it was bad news.

Before leaping into the fray, Grigor cast a silence spell centered on the cavalier's armor, who made a point of chasing the boggard cheiftain, nerfing of his spellcasting.

Four rounds into this, Grigor went down after one of the wardens scored with all of his hits and confirmed a crit, pushing him past dying. The barbarian would have gone down, except she had DR and magical help.

Most of the lesser boggards and giant frogs were killed (rounds took a LONG time) by this point, but the heroes were grouped in pairs, surrounded. The winter wolf came in to change the equation. Leif, though down to 6 hp, disdained the cure potion that the cavalier tried to hand him, and went to melee with Sepoko. One of the wardens ripped him apart instead.

Sepoko was soon killed (on a bite critical) by the winter wolf, and the remaining boggards fled into the swamps.

I had adrenaline running near the end, and all were concerned about a TPK (well, not quite, as the 2 PCs & 1 cohort on the surface and the 1 PC home at the castle wouldn't have bought it). I suspect there was an element of PC suicide on the part of Leif, his player had been grumbling earlier that he wasn't competing with the cavalier or barbarian in damage output. Yes, I did put this level-8 party up against a Book 4 set of encounters, but: 1) I warned them a little, and 2) I did not upgrade it for 6 players, as I have in the earlier Books.

Name: Mattheas Silvo
Race: Aasimar (born after Erstil himself shot his father with a holy arrow in the crotch, no joke)
Classes/levels: Druid 1
Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: Random encounter
Catalyst: magic gone wild, centipede, confidence and love for vermin...

The Gory Details: In an attempt to kill a bandit the magical energies spontaneously erupted and called forth a Rhino (that killed most of the bandit's at Oleg's Trading post) and turned himself into icy stone.
Luckily the local hermit, Bokken, had a trick p his sleeve and saved the druid with a special ointment, but that left the druid a bit crippled.
On the way back to the trading post they encountered a giant centipede. Mattheas, being the friend to all vermin he was, attempted to subdue the creature with magic only to have half of his torso chewed off and his guts spilled all over.

To his luck, after 4h of brisk walking, Bokken saved his life again via an old, weird Numerian artifact, a scarab that burrowed into his chest, and reincarnated him as a gnome.

Name: Marshal Robert Gage
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Inquisitor/6
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Owlbear Den
Catalyst: Really angry owlbear

The Gory Details:

The party returned to New Zinnia after defeating the trolls to find the city burning. The town's warden, Akiros, was severely wounded. The Varnhold embassy lay in ruins. The militia was scattered with the destruction of the barracks and the baron lay somewhere in the ruins of the library. They quickly rescued the baron and several inquiries later the party knew a large owlbear was responsible.

They tracked the beast over many miles to its lair. The rogue tried to infiltrate, but was caught by the shriekers and got out before anything could respond. Robert tried to bait the creature out, but only succeeded in luring out a shambling mound. Eventually, the party thought to look for other entrances and found one. The ettercaps and spiders at the back door were dispatched quickly, but the druid and rogue took some poison damage. The party wisely retreated to rest.

The following day, they again went in through the back door again. They found the remains of the owlbear's mate and cubs, the slain bandits, and the one surviving offspring. The rest of the party set to checking out the bodies and cub while the rogue scouted ahead.

The rogue quickly found the giant owlbear and warned the other. They took a few rounds to buff and position before the sorcerer launched a fireball into the main chamber. Unfortunately, their planning proved to be for naught as they elected to stand toe-to-toe with the beast and it proved stronger than anything they had faced before. A few rounds later, the druid tank was dying, the rogue was trying to get enough distance to heal, the sorcerer was valiantly slinging spells and the witch was looking for the exit.

Robert, who had been hanging back firing crossbow bolts, tried to divert the owlbear's attention from the rogue. He stepped up to the creature and received a severe clawing in response. Still standing and seeing no other option, Robert let loose a battlecry and leaped at the monster's face, trying to plant a final bolt right in its eye. Sadly, the beast was ready and swatted the pesky human into a cave wall. Robert did not survive.

The witch was finally able to kill the owlbear with a lightning bolt and bring the rest of the party back to consciousness.

Name: Takeshi, Warden of Iomrall
Race: Naga (homebrew variant)
Classes/levels: Samurai 14/Champion 3
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: Armagk's Tomb
Catalyst: Armagk

Upon sufficiently impressing the guardian Zorek to be allowed to pass without conflict, Takeshi led the Lords of Iomrall into the chamber of the war god and found themselves face-to-face with the biggest lizardman they'd ever seen. Armagk, armed with Ovnirbaane, immediately charged and would have likely put Takeshi down right there if it wasn't for his displacement effect on his armor.

As it was, the brutal barbarian lord still managed to brutally rip into the party, particularly Takeshi as the main frontman. Takeshi never technically died, but Armagk took him deep into the negatives (around -44 I believe) before some emergency healing from Elegy brought him back up; if it hadn't been for his samurai Last Stand ability, he would have died, possibly twice, so I'm calling this one a technical victory.

The party did eventually overcome their deadly relentless opponent, scattering the Talon Lords and seizing Ovnirbaane for their own. Though, nobody in the party really has a use for it, so it's probably going to end up in a vault somewhere.

In semi-related news, burning disarm is cheap as heck.

Name: Vach'ya Fullmoon
Race Half-Orc
Classes/levels: Ranger 1/Inquisitor 11 (Erastil)
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location:Outside the gates of Fort Drelev
Catalyst Rushed preparation and multiple evocation spells

The Gory details:
While technically brought back with two hero points and a Breath of Life spell, my DM is within his rights to count this as a death.
Vach'ya and the rest of the high council received word that a boggard army bolstered with two Hezrou, a high cleric of Gogunta (spelling?), and a powerful naga were attacking our newly liberated fortress. While we had an army stationed there, we heard that they were getting annihilated by the Hezrou and we needed to act fast. Without buffing ourselves, we immediately teleported to the front gates and waded into the battle. Vach'ya, recognizing the threat of the Hezrou and their powerful spell-like abilities engaged them, keeping them occupied with his high armor class while the spellcasters did everything they could against them. While his buffs from judgement and bane helped a lot with this, it didn't help against the repeated invocations spammed by the naga and the Cleric. Once the hezrou and barbarians had been dealt with, the rest of the armies battled while Vach'ya charged at the cleric and naga. They opened up with two Cone of cold spells just as he closed the distance, freezing his blood to ice. He was saved (with the use of two hero points so his cohort could act out turn) by his brother and a Breath of Life spell.

Orthos wrote:

Name: Takeshi, Warden of Iomrall

Race: Naga (homebrew variant)
Classes/levels: Samurai 14/Champion 3
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: Armagk's Tomb
Catalyst: Armagk

Upon sufficiently impressing the guardian Zorek to be allowed to pass without conflict, Takeshi led the Lords of Iomrall into the chamber of the war god and found themselves face-to-face with the biggest lizardman they'd ever seen. Armagk, armed with Ovnirbaane, immediately charged and would have likely put Takeshi down right there if it wasn't for his displacement effect on his armor.

As it was, the brutal barbarian lord still managed to brutally rip into the party, particularly Takeshi as the main frontman. Takeshi never technically died, but Armagk took him deep into the negatives (around -44 I believe) before some emergency healing from Elegy brought him back up; if it hadn't been for his samurai Last Stand ability, he would have died, possibly twice, so I'm calling this one a technical victory.

The party did eventually overcome their deadly relentless opponent, scattering the Talon Lords and seizing Ovnirbaane for their own. Though, nobody in the party really has a use for it, so it's probably going to end up in a vault somewhere.

In semi-related news, burning disarm is cheap as heck.

I'm guessing someone had a familiar spamming that one for them. Ovnirbaane should have been swatting that aside with ease.

Turin the Mad wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Name: Takeshi, Warden of Iomrall

Race: Naga (homebrew variant)
Classes/levels: Samurai 14/Champion 3
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: Armagk's Tomb
Catalyst: Armagk

Upon sufficiently impressing the guardian Zorek to be allowed to pass without conflict, Takeshi led the Lords of Iomrall into the chamber of the war god and found themselves face-to-face with the biggest lizardman they'd ever seen. Armagk, armed with Ovnirbaane, immediately charged and would have likely put Takeshi down right there if it wasn't for his displacement effect on his armor.

As it was, the brutal barbarian lord still managed to brutally rip into the party, particularly Takeshi as the main frontman. Takeshi never technically died, but Armagk took him deep into the negatives (around -44 I believe) before some emergency healing from Elegy brought him back up; if it hadn't been for his samurai Last Stand ability, he would have died, possibly twice, so I'm calling this one a technical victory.

The party did eventually overcome their deadly relentless opponent, scattering the Talon Lords and seizing Ovnirbaane for their own. Though, nobody in the party really has a use for it, so it's probably going to end up in a vault somewhere.

In semi-related news, burning disarm is cheap as heck.

I'm guessing someone had a familiar spamming that one for them. Ovnirbaane should have been swatting that aside with ease.

It was Errol the Warmage, actually, and he punched through the SR resistances with ease. Armagk made all his saves, but all burning disarm does on a successful save is make you not take damage, you still drop the weapon.

Though I later recalled that he had resist fire 20 and thus should probably have gotten to ignore that. Also a quick Google search tells me that he could have chosen to tank the damage and not drop the weapon; my players neglected to inform me of this (which, in their defense, Errol's player was absent that night so Elegy and Lilith's players were filling in for him, so they weren't as familiar with his spells as normal).

The nice thing about my Armagk being a Lizardfolk rather than a human meant that getting disarmed didn't particularly put much damper on his ability to rip Takeshi a new one. Claw Claw Bite, suckers.

Silver Crusade

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Name: Marshal Toof, son of Howl-of-the-North-Wind
Race: Goblin
Classes/levels: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 6
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Troll Fort
Catalyst: Alchemist bombs and Hargulka's Necklace of Fireballs

The gory details:
The PCs had been cleaning up the fort with no major problems, when they ran into Hargulka and the rock troll at the same time. Hargulka's necklace made his first save against the alchemist's bomb, but not the second--which spelled the end for Toof, who had already been softened up by Hargulka, the rock troll, and the biggest of the fireballs from the necklace. Now whenever the alchemist throws a bomb in combat, all the other players wince. The party did decided to resurrect Toof using their scroll of reincarnation. Toof's player was nervous about rolling a new body that didn't have a bite attack, but the bastard lucked out--he came back as a new goblin.

Name: Grand Diplomat Laurent Liacenza
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Swashbuckler 6
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Owlbear layer
Catalyst: Owlbear Colossus

The gory details:
I played with the giant owlbear to make it more epic--making it a colossal, climbable monstrosity a la Shadow of the Colossus. Laurent readied an action to climb the owlbear's arm when it attacked, succeeded, and nearly made it to the owlbear's head for a good ol' eye-stabbing before he failed his acrobatics (by one!), fell a good forty feet, and was then picked up the owlbear, thrown across the room, and died. Like Toof, Laurent was resurrected, although raise dead was used this time to avoid any race shenanigans.

Once again, not a PC for me.

The piscodaemon in V's tomb is kinda wimpy when both front-line fighters facing him are protected by Freedom of Action (spell and ring), and then he blows his Acrobatics roll against the Ice Slick spell (see above: Vesket) and then can't roll to cast defensively his stinking cloud to cover his retreat.

Name: Tyme
Race: Halfling
Classes/levels: Druid 7
Adventure: Realm of the Fellnight Queen
Location: Rhoswen's throne room
Catalyst: Fireball

The gory details:

The party has climbed to the top of the queen's palace, and swung in through the balcony. After scattering the guards, they rush the queen, desperate to keep her off balance. Second round of combat, Rhoswen steps to a pillar and unleashes a shadow evocation fireball into the party, druid fails will and reflex. The rest of the party is injured, except for the mountain lion monk, which made both saves and has evasion.

Name: Hoid
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Druid 7
Adventure: Realm of the Fellnight Queen
Location: Rhoswen's throne room
Catalyst: Fireball

The gory details:

Third round of combat, the queen detonates another explosion of flame and shadow. The noble Hoid, king of our nascent realm, is no more.

Name: Tzelvek
Race: Centaur
Classes/levels: Fighter 7
Adventure: Realm of the Fellnight Queen
Location: Rhoswen's throne room
Catalyst: Fireball

The gory details:

After retreating from the holocaust, the monk and fighter heal up and charge back in. By cleaver tactics, mighty Tzelvek charges the pillar containing Rhoswen with her lance. With no room to maneuver, the sorceress, the sorceress is impaled, retaliating by detonating a fireball in the centaur's face.

Another round of combat sees the queen and fighter still conscious. The queen remedies this with yet more flame, calculated to engulf the tall centaur, but leave her majesty intact.

Name: Nymer
Race: Tiger
Classes/levels: Tyme's animal companion
Adventure: Realm of the Fellnight Queen
Location: Rhoswen's throne room
Catalyst: Baleful polymorph

The gory details:

After immolating the druid and bard, and as the fighter and druid are retreating, the wicked queen turns our fearsome cat into a pretty canary. Nymer makes his will save. Now he is a mighty tiger, in the form of a bird.

How it ended:

Mountain lion monk takes out queen via grapple after she downs the fighter. By end of fight monk has made all saves against one baleful polymorph and five shadow evocation fireballs. He is now in the throne room, totally unscathed, surrounded by corpses. Also, most of the room has taken 50d6 fire damage.

Our story ends with the monk having a discussions with the tiger turned canary as to what to do now.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Lloyd Jackson wrote:
Adventure: Realm of the Fellnight Queen

But, but, that's not Kingmaker.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

That's true, but I'm running it as part of the campaign, and I don't think Fellnight has its own obituaries section.

For me, carnival of tears and fellnight realm are the forgotten chapters of kingmaker.

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A lot of people add ROTFNQ to their Kingmaker games, so I definitely can get behind allowing it in the obits here. I certainly wouldn't want my own contributions omitted/refused because they took place in something I added on. (For example, I'm replacing most of Chapter 5 with a heavily tweaked Red Hand of Doom, but I don't see why that would disqualify any deaths therein from this thread, since plotwise it's still part of my ongoing Kingmaker campaign.)

Here! Here!

Heh - my own game's party deaths have ALL been from tacked on material.
Let's face it, much of what's on these boards falls into that category...

Name: High Priest Travaris Stone
Race: male half-elf
Classes/levels: Cleric 5 (Cayden Cailean)
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: the Mud Bowl
Catalyst: picking mushrooms alone
The Gory Details:

The group was expecting trouble, but the rogue suggested the cleric go up on his own and see if it was safe, and the cleric agreed. Then the tendriculos revealed itself.

Surprise bite, near max damage (11 on 2d6 + bonuses). Grappled. The cleric miraculously manages to cast a spell, sanctuary. I ruled that caused the creature to drop the grapple - it would have to take an action to try and pierce the ward. Then the cleric tried to run.

The tendriculos made the Will save to break the sanctuary, hit with the AoO, and I rolled near max damage again (11 on 2d6 + bonuses). The AoO outright killed poor Travaris, and no one else had even gotten a chance to act yet.

Sadly, the poor fellow had just gotten married about 2 weeks prior.

Name: Lilith of the Blackwood, Spymistress of Iomrall
Race: Leanbh-dubh (Homebrew Race)
Classes/levels: Slayer 14/Mythic Trickster 4
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: Maure Castle - The Violet Hold (Tomorast's Hold)
Catalyst: Prompt reaction to the enemy's ego
The Gory Details: In the lower levels of Maure Castle, Lilith found a tapestry depicting the vampire Ibrahim and the lich Vordakai overlooking an ancient city of some sort. Irritated at her ex-sire's arrogance and ego, Lilith tore the tapestry down... revealing the three symbols of death behind it. Two of them didn't quite sap her life force... the third however did.

Countess Elegy hung the tapestry back up - backwards - and resurrected her.

Name: Thorin
Race: Dwarf
Classes/levels: Druid 7
Adventure: Interregnum -- between Rivers Run Red & Varnhold Vanishing
Location: Lake Silverstep
Catalyst: A centaur dreadknight

The Gory Details:

I'm running a modified version of Varnhold Vanishing, in which Vordakai (still imprisoned in his tomb) is acting through a proxy. The rulers of Inedania were exploring near Lake Silverstep when they encountered a centaur in black armor who spoke in a whisper, accompanied buy a cyclops skeleton and six hobgoblin skeletons.

The centaur (actually a mythic dreadknight) demanded the location of the silver dragon's body. The players obviously knew not where the body could be found, but the centaur (named Kerezar) decided they'd be excellent additions to his nascent undead army.

Cue battle. The party's wizard and alchemist quickly discovered the dreadknight was rather invulnerable to their standard attack spells and bombs, so the heavy fighting fell to the barbarian. Barbarian delivered a lot of hurt, but Kerezar delivered the hurt right back.

The druid, thinking he could do some good, charged in to heal the barbarian. Said barbarian, however, healed himself with power from his legendary weapon. (These are mythic folk). The druid, having figured out their opponent was undead, cast his healing spell at Kerezar instead. Kerezar, incensed that somebody would hit him with positive energy, attacked the poor druid with blade and hoof. Two rounds later, the druid was dead. Meanwhile, the rest of the group brought Kerezar down.

They bundled up the druid's body, the wizard cast Gentle Repose, and they hied to Restov for a Raise Dead spell. After some very uncomfortable negotiations with the Church of Abadar, they got the druid raised. (In addition to the standard fee, the Church of Abadar wanted a temple in the PCs' capital).

Unfortunately, when the players reached Restov ... they also learned that a dreadknight comes back to play if you don't destroy his armor AND that they now have a new recurring adversary. But that is another story ....

Name: Derrick Wrath
Race: Fetchling
Classes/levels: Warden 14/Mythic Guardian 4
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: Maure Castle - The Statuary
Catalyst: Pissing off a Lich
The Gory Details: The time had finally come for the long-awaited rematch with the lich Vordakai, and to aid him in the fight Vordakai had used his resources to acquire a mirror of opposition, with which he'd managed to trick the PCs into allowing his familiars to create clones of Elegy, Takeshi, and Derrick - a new ally the group encountered within Maure - to aid him in the upcoming battle.

However, Elegy and Derrick quickly determined that the mirror hidden near the rear of the room was the source of the duplicates, and Derrick used one of his maneuvers to smash the fragile magic item from across the room, destroying it and with it the copies of the three heroes.

Infuriated, Vordakai turned his most powerful spell available - ray of ending - on Derrick, blasting him into smoke and erasing him from existence.

Derrick was returned to life by a wish from the Puck, in exchange for the Purple Stone the party had found in the depths of Maure. However, Derrick is also very new to the idea of dealing with fey, and made several inquiries and questions of Puck before the party finally convinced him to stop, so these littler debts are yet left open and unpaid.

Name: Councilor Salar
Race: male halfling
Classes/levels: Ranger 6
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: the Dancing Lady
Catalyst: really wanted to dance!
The Gory Details:

The Dancing Lady posed as a damsel in distress who had been held captive by the other fey in the castle. And now that the party had freed her, she suggested celebrating with a dance! Salar, who was actually up on the roof looking down through the hole in the ceiling, cried out, "I want to dance with you!" and jumped down to the floor. The Dancing Lady laughed, helped him stand, and began to dance with him, at which point everyone in the group, except for the druid, failed their Will save.

The druid cast call lightning and began to strike the Lady with lightning while she began to drain Salar. The combo of her bite damage + the Con damage + the lightning killed him, although I think it was mainly the lightning damage...

Name: Andreas Grayquill
Race: male Elf
Classes/levels: Wizard 13
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: The Burgundy Throne, Irovetti's Palace
Catalyst: Irovetti's halberd

The Gory Details:
Irovetti was greater invs. thanks to Dust of Disappearance, and harassing the party (mainly the healer) while the rest of the PCs were busy fighting guards, trolls, and General Avinash (who changed shape to look like Irovetti).

The healer (NPC cohort) moved away from the whatever was attacking her, and the Andreas moved closer to cast some spells... standing just 5 feat from Irovetti (i forgot the reach property of the halberd, so not AoO). One crit later the wizard was down and Irovetti went back to harassing the healer.

... the healers next action was a Breath of Life on the Wizard (the lucky bastard).

Liberty's Edge

Name: Yuri
Race: male Human
Classes/levels: Rogue 4th
Adventure: Rivers
Location: Cairn Wight's Lair
Catalyst: Dwarven Greed

Befuddled by bats, the Dwarven Cleric cast Silence, ruining their echo location...the other party members tried to deal with the bats as the dwarf, seeing a body in the next chamber with a gold ring on it, went for the loot...ignoring the heads (and their effects) she pawed at the corpse greedily...never noticing the booted feet that were suddenly all about the ensuing melee that followed after the dwarf had been downed, the occupants of the tomb and their master beat down the party savagly, the rogue being slain when the Wight decided to switch targets from the walking fortress of the Paladin to the less well armored rogue....splat...

Name: Elunir
Race: male Human
Classes/levels: Alchemist 8th
Adventure: Varnhold Vanishing
Location: Flooded room
Catalyst: Staying around to help a fallen comrade

After telling the party I was going to kill them all - I actually felt a bit bad about this one...
(It was the 3rd session which the player had his new PC, after the old one left the party.)

As the room started to fill with water, the party wizard was felled by the large eel.
Not wanting Elensil to drown, Elunir held his head above water, whilst trying to figure out
what to do about the 2 dread zombie cyclops which had suddenly appeared...

As the zombies moved in to melee range, they both (pure bad luck roll of the dice to see
who was attacked) decided that Elunir looked like a good target.
Using their 'flash of insight' they both attempted a crit - both succeeded...
50 something & 30 something points of damage later, Elunir was decapitated & then split in half.

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Name: Syra
Race: Human, Female
Class/level: Witch 6
Adventure: River Runs Red
Location: Mud bowl, hex P
Catalyst: A shortcut to mushrooms
The adventurers had been given the quest of bringing back black rattlecap mushrooms. Finally they locate some in a stinky mud bowl that leaves Netvor, the Eldrich Kinght-in-training gagging. The sorcerer king walks around the perimeter picking ‘shrooms, while Syra uses the fly hex to swoop in and keep her feet clean. The Tendriculous, patiently waiting, grabs both of them in a surprise round and eats the witch in round 1. The king is soon to follow, and both are stuck inside, paralyzed and being eaten by acid. Netvor can hardly hit it, so the warpriest of Gorum goes charging in. He eventually gets eaten, but was not paralyzed. Despite a massive penalty for being grappled and using a greatsword one-handed, he splits open the plant and kills it off, rescuing his brother but was too late for the witch. She was eventually reincarnated as an elf.

Name: Lucky Meyvind and mount Seth
Race: Halfling, Female and wolf, male
Class/level: Cavalier 7
Name: Netvor Orlovsky
Race: Tiefling (curse from Asmodeus), male
Class/level: Cavalier (Marshall) 1, Arcanist (black blade) 5
Adventure: Rivers runs red
Location: Boggard swamp
Catalyst: Massive attack
The party had just come back from seeing some fey being killed by trolls, including a friendly grig. Netvor had been studying up on boggard society and even learned their language, possibly to try establishing peace or at least spy on them. When they arrived in boggard land, their scout tells them the boggards and the troll leaders are all together in one place. They hatch a plan, grow their flying mount to huge so all can fit, and go off launching fireballs. Both trolls and boggards fling missiles at them to little effect. The party is running out of spells, so some of them land. Lucky is boxed in by the boggard king (fighter 5), the two-headed troll, and Hargulka. Both Lucky and Seth fall to the four attacks of the two-headed troll. Netvor challenges Hargulka, but loses the damage race and falls. Hargulka is taken down by warpriest sword and fireballs, and the detonation of his necklace of fireballs eventually kills off the wounded.

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