![]() I'm very excited for this one. We're just finishing Kingmaker (2 days to go!) & then we'll be alternating between Mummy's Mask & Strange Aeons. MM will use the standard tactical, grid based combat, but for Strange Aeons, I'll be converting over to Narrative Combat. Our group gets too bogged down with tactical play (up to 40 minutes per turn in Kingmaker), so I want to speed things up significantly. ![]()
![]() Hi Folks, I'm sure this has come up before, but I can't find it atm... Why aren't the map folios for an adventure path included in the AP subscription, rather than the Campaign Setting subscription? Considering the maps are specifically for use with the AP, it's odd that they're included with another product line. For instance, I like to buy the maps to go with the AP's I buy. I also use the PDF of the maps (Realm Works etc). Which meant I had to sub to the CS for 1 item, then un-sub (which kind of makes me feel a bit dirty, like I'm taking advantage of the system). I'm sure there's people who sub to the Campaign Setting, who don't buy the AP's & have no use for the maps. Even if they're not included directly in the AP subscription, can they be an optional addition? E.g. pre-order the map folio as an AP subscriber & receive the free PDF. I'm sure there's a legitimate reason why, so let me have it... :) Cheers,
![]() I know my background music will be totally different for this AP. Instead of the heroic soundtracks like Avengers: Age of Ultron that I use with our Kingmaker campaign, I'll use something like the Suspiria soundtrack by Goblin. That one really puts people on edge after a while. I'll also use the Asylum sound set by Syrinscape. ![]()
![]() Hi Folks, I'm going to be running a large aerial combat between airships with cannons & dragons in my Kingmaker campaign soon. Problem is I'm not sure on what rules to use. I have Ultimate Combat & Ultimate Campaign (along with ultimate Battles & War from Legendary Games), however I'm not really sure if there's a unified set of rules or what rules I should use. I feel that the mass combat rules in Ultimate Campaign are too generic. So does anybody have any ideas, or has anybody run something similar in the past? Thanks,
![]() Hi Folks, It's been a while since I've posted any maps, so I wanted to share my latest: maps for the glades in Thousandbreaths. I know I can't go to scale (the maps would be massive) & there's some errors & bugs in rendering the output for the Nightmare spire, but they give you a good idea of how they look. I'm having to rush the maps as we're gaming weekly at the moment. These maps are small (approx. 1000px), but the full sized maps are approx. 40MB each. I'll get them uploaded sometime down the track when I'm finished & have more time. As for grid size, the full maps are either 35 or 50px per 5 foot. The maps were created in Campaign Cartographer 3+ with the Dungeons of Scheley map pack. For glade B, I played around with watercolor effects in Photoshop. I'm not sure if I'll do the others like that. My thoughts at the time were to make them look like illustrations in a book. So here's the links to the SMALL versions: Enjoy! Cheers,
Edit: PS, there's no grid lines as I use d20Pro to generate the grids. ![]()
![]() I've had to create stats for Pitax using Hero Lab & that's now spurred me on to do the same for Brevoy. Pitax is approx. 90 hexes, so that worked ok in HL, however, Brevoy is a different kettle of fish. I think it came out at about 690 hexes, which is damn impossible to enter into HL without going crazy. Earlier in the year, I started on my own app that draws a grid over a map (CC3+ for me). You can then select multiple hexes & specify the stats for those hexes, eg plains + farm + road etc. Last night I plugged most of Brevoy into it. Next stage is to work out the farms / fisheries etc. I also need to do a heap of coding before Settlements are working & calculating their stats. Oh yeah, it also draws dynamic borders around the outside borders of countries. :) Once I have some stats worked out for each of the houses, I'll post them here. I've been contemplating being able to show stats for each house, then also combine them for the entire country. If the entire country is in the black, then you can assume there are trade agreements in place so each house can be fully functional. ![]()
![]() Ultimate Campaign Kingdoms and War chapter: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCampaign/kingdomsAndWar.html ![]()
![]() If you're anything like me, you've been busting your gut waiting for the Player Edition of Realm Works to hit! Finally when my players ask who "Pitax" is, I can tell them to "Check Realm Works"! :) ![]()
![]() Just a quick update that I'm currently working on getting things fixed around Varnhold. When rotating the map from the KM map pack so north faces north, the map is tilted around 45 degrees. But if I align Restov & Pitax over the map from the Inner Sea World Guide, it's around 15 degrees. From a quick inspection, my map looks pretty close to the KM map pack, but there are some minor changes required around Varnhold. I'll tweak the mountain ranges, along with the rivers & roads to match the map pack. Once that's all done, I'll export a few versions of the map (this time with the correct layers showing). It'll also require another change to the hexes I've entered into our Hero Lab kingdom portfolio. Sigh... :) ![]()
![]() Mark Norfolk wrote:
I was going to write that, but you beat me to it. :) I'm really busting for Ultimate War, but in saying that, I'm happy to wait for release. We can't have Jason being under too much pressure on a Friday. That's when all the really bad mistakes are made. ![]()
![]() Congratulations to the happy couple! :) Ours was a double wedding & promotion: Baron Mortie von Klinkerhoffen of Stagfell was married to Baroness Lyriina Varn of Varnhold, eldest daughter of Baron Maegar Varn (deceased). With the union, they united the baronies of Stagfell and Varnhold and were elevated to Duke and Duchess. Mustapha Baal Czak married Rosala Varn, second daughter of Baron Maegar Varn (deceased). ![]()
![]() Pandamonium1987 wrote:
I had the same problem last night. I set IE (v11) on compatibility mode & it then let me download. ![]()
![]() Kryx wrote:
I'll try to get a version with no hexes done this week for you. I'm holding off on sharing the CC3 file until I have things as correct as they can be (Varnhold etc) ![]()
![]() Kryx wrote: OldManJim, do you not see the issues I brought up about Varnhold pass? I tried to place the items in the region as best I could, but the geography just doesn't match up. I do recall having to fudge a few things around Varnhold when adding the symbols to my kingdom map. I'll take another look at it & see how I can fix it. Kryx wrote: Also I really love the building icons. Any possibility of sharing them? Will need them especially with the borderless version now. Unfortunately I can't share those symbols as it'd be against the licence for Campaign Cartographer. They're a part of the Campaign Cartographer Annual 2012.