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My party has started and is three sessions (plus a few solo side quests) into Kingmaker. This is a relatively young group of kids, including my daughters, that I am teaching to play, and they are really loving it. It really brings back the wonder I remember when I first played. Here is the cast:
Sophia Petrov (LG human female Bard 2): My youngest wanted to be a "princess" so Sophia fled from her evil stepmother to eventually find her way to Oleg's. When creating this character, I didn't realize how bloodthirsty my youngest daughter would be, and Sophia may need to become a duelist. She has ties to the Rostlandic nobility.
Ellena (NG gnome female Druid 2): My middle daughter fell in love with the Lini iconic character, and basically recreated her, complete with a snow leopard companion. To add a touch of individuality, she acquired a pony named Ambrose and is teaching him dressage so she can become a mini mounted terror. Her Leopard is Ranger, who she worries about getting hurt. Ellena is an orphan from Gronzy forest.
Katniss (CG human female Ranger 2): My oldest, not to be under done in originality, picked her favorite character from the story "Hunger Games" to model her character after. Katniss is a hunter and archer extraordinaire, with giants for her favored enemy. Katniss comes from a poor family and learned to poach in order to support her family.
Kushnak (CG half orc male Fighter-1: Kushnak is a professional soldier who fights with a long sword and shield. He is a shield specialist with a vicious power attack.
Other supporting characters (2-3 play at once and we rotate characters and usually have 4 PC's on each expedition):
Lucietia (CG elven female rogue-1): This is mom's character. Mom hates Pathfinder, D&D, etc, and is actually scowling at me as a write this. Lucietia is brutal with her weapon finesse, and may chose to join an Aldori school.
Garlon (LG human male Sorcerer-2): Garlon is a former mercenary that had a vision (celestial bloodline) at which time he began wandering, trying to find the meaning of his strange gifts. Despite being a sorcerer, he is a stone cold killer with his crossbow (precise and point blank shot).
So far, we have managed to save the temple of elk, befriend the fey after some scary and funny incidents, and take out Kressle. We are not searching for the mites and just found out the kobolds are fighting them for some odd reason.

Drejk |

When creating this character, I didn't realize how bloodthirsty my youngest daughter would be
Hey, her father kills monsters for fun, what did you expected? ;)
Lucietia (CG elven female rogue-1): This is mom's character. Mom hates Pathfinder, D&D, etc, and is actually scowling at me as a write this. Lucietia is brutal with her weapon finesse, and may chose to join an Aldori school.
Adding such parents to children's innate ruthlessness its no wonder that your daughter is bloodthirsty :D

Pirate |

I'm not the DM, so I tread here lightly. Here is our group (as best as I can give). Spoiler tags are also in place because some of our Leadership is made up of NPC’s from the module itself. We are all currently level 8.

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Seeing as my group is into Book Two now I thought I'd pop in and update my group:
The Ruling Council of Kyshahn. Every character on this council gets a vote (since NPCs are outnumbered on the Council this tends to prevent stale-mates between players. The Baron always has final say though).
Ruler: Baron Auron "Doc" Thundershield of the Clan Thunderclash
Dwarf Cavalier 5 PC
Councilor: Zool the Fabulous Gnome Sorcerer 5 PC
General: Ulver Thundershield Former PC, NPC while player is on HiatusHuman Druid 5
Grand Diplomat Rosalina "the orphan" Elf Rogue 5 PC
High Priest: Grandfather Jhod Kavken Human Cleric 4 NPC
Magister: Hollow Graves Esq. B.Nec Human Necromancer 4 NPC [spoiler]Zool the fabulous used to fill this role until Svetlana gave birth to her twins. Current paramour of Grand Diplomat Rosalna. Hollow Graves is a Pathfinder, and adventurer from Geb.
Marshal: Sarynn "Trollslayer" Human Barbarian 5
Royal Assassin: Vacant
Spymaster: Janiven of Westcrown Human (Urban) Ranger 2/Rogue 2 NPC
Treasurer: Althalos D'Montaigne Human (Shapeshifter) Ranger 5 PC former NPC
Warden: Grand Inquisitor Rhonin Human Inquisitor of Erastil 5 PC

Ignotus RPG Superstar 2011 |

So, my group is in the middle of Rivers Run Red. The plot has been derailed a bit by a succession struggle touched off by the death and subsequent reincarnation of the baron, but it's producing awesome games so I don't really care too much. We have:
Baron Isha - CN Ranger 6. A man of the wilderness, Isha is diffident and cautious by nature; he has recently come to realize that his comrades have little respect for him as a result. In truth he is a good man and stout of heart, but is easily cowed by his friends. He succeeded Baron Vladimir as ruler of Volkstagg due to the machinations of Magnar Varn, and is engaged to one of the Magnar's many daughters.
"Olga" - LE Fighter 6. Baron Vladimir, a harsh and cunning man, and an aspiring Aldori duelist, was the first ruler of Volkstagg. After his ignominous death at the hands of a giant he was hunting, he was reincarnated as a mysterious young woman. Now he bides his time in the choppy political waters, waiting to reclaim his crown.
Franco Orlovsky - NG Cleric 6 (Pharasma). Kind, compassionate, and righteous when roused to anger, the minor noble Franco has kept the party alive in many dire situations. He leads a small cult of archaeologist-priests who serve Pharasma and seek to plumb the secrets of death. Furious at the recent murders committed by the warlock Volosh, he is leading the hunt for his former comrade.
Valdis Vines - LN Druid 6. A Medveyev bastard (all bastards from the Medveyev region are given the surname "Vines"), Valdis was raised by the Medveyev family, who he despises. Fatalistic and somewhat cruel, Valdis does not permit the followers of Erastil to worship at the shrine to the god he has proclaimed as his grove. He is currently raising a mysterious, deformed child given to him by the Medveyev druidic circle.
Volosh Vines - CN Warlock 6. Another Medveyev bastard, though more distantly related, and raised on the street. As a youth, he was part of the same criminal gang as Vladimir. Fiercely loyal but ruthless and bloody-minded, Volosh murdered several of his enemies while they were indulging themselves at a brothel, and is now on the run.

Xyll |

Just started campaign my brother talked me into 2nd level characters to make them more survivable. I raised levels of encounters then ran into having a 9 player party instead of 6 it is not good for the enemies.
Sir Galeson Barsteel. Human LN Paladin of the Order of St. Cuthbert. Lawbringer pain in the butt, leader.
Athalia Arroway. Human CG Ranger. Warden bandit hunter, scout
Gerkholb Masterstone. Dwarf LG Cleric Targos (sp). Healer good dwarf
Morgrim VIII Steelforge.Dwarf NG Fighter. Young dwarf lord, young player nephew.
Nasdrouya. Elf LN Fighter(Archer). Bow Scion ranged terror
Jayden. Elf NG Wizard/Rogue. Quiet stalker, new to spellcasters.
Krakus. 1/2 Elf LN Fighter(Mobility) Useful second in command
Elsbeth. 1/2 Elf CG Sorcerer(Stormborn) Acts like archer
Fidgit. Gnome C Druid. Niece young likewise very bloodthirsty and really really funny.
Vash Fidgits Snow Leopard mount
So Far they saved olegs, killed a bear, killed spiders and more bandits in less then 2 rds per combat. I am going to have to make serious adjustments.

The White Baron |

We have played 12 sessions in our weekly kingmaker campaign so far and are well into the second book RRR.
Baron Gabriel Idaeus (5th lvl human paladin LG)Recently raised from death.
Cryxus (Heavy warhorse, Gabriels divine mount)
High Priest Enyo Valatore (6th lvl human druid NG)Recently lost Clovis his bear animal companion.
Rillif (Elk, Enyos new animal companion)
Magister Julleus Tryphon (6th lvl elven wizard NG) Generalist
Warden Isaac Elwood (5th lvl human fighter NG) Archer

philip nicholls |

We've only been playing Kingmaker for a few weeks and have just hit third level, we have three players.
Micah CG Half-elf fighter, she was raised by Elves but forced to leave after her Mother died as the tribe didn't care for Half-breeds, she then was adopted by an old human who trained her as a fighter,she is very implusive.
Harik CN Half-orc sorcerer (abyssal bloodline) he hasn't revealed much of his background yet except he carries his father's skull as a drinking flask (more on this later), actually quiet short (5'5") for a half-orc.
Karoth NG Human cleric of Sarenrae, when he was born he had a birthmark similar to Sarenrae's Holy symbol so he was given to the local temple to raise, he tends to be fairly committed but a little nieve.
Early in the first adventure we found out that all three PCs had the same father Elma the unfaithful who apparently had been wandering throughout golarion fathering children for years until he was killed by Harik's mother after she caught him with a younger orc female.
It provides a different reason for the party to stay together.

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We just began Stolen Land last night with a party of seven:
Bertran, N male elf magus 1
Cav'vee, N male human cavalier 1 (order of the sword)
Dridar, CN male gnome druid 1 with bear animal companion
Gil Windtale, CN male elf rogue (scout) 1
Chiyome Mochizuki, NG female human ninja 1
Surg Hert, N male el'an psion 1
Velos, NG male human cleric 1 of Nethys
The heros defeated the bandits at Oleg's and are now getting ready to go on their first journey of exploration of the Greenbelt.

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My team.
King: a gnomish summoner with realized delusions of grandeur. Ruler
George: a flying ape bodyguard his edelion.
Angelique: a gnomish life oracle who speaks with the voices of angels (especially while in combat) is King's wife and cohort. Co-ruler.
Sashana: a human ranger dedicated to archery and Erastil. Warden
Arve: a human witch that grew up in dwarven mines and is still accompanied by his canary familiar. Treasurer.
Rake: a human fighter with a flair for the Aldori dueling sword. Royal assassin (styled executioner).
An inquisitor of Gorum who's total lack of diplomacy has not yet gotten everyone killed and who's name escapes me right now. (Chancelor)
We've been at it for a bit and just finished of Vordaki. Now to do the rest of part 3. The party has worked hard to make friends, recruting and integrating the local Kobalds convincing Beltine to serve as Magister and bribing a hill giant to serve as High General.

Archmage_Atrus |

I just started a new game with a new crew a couple weeks ago, so I'm running two Kingmaker games now.
This is a smaller crew of two players only, so I've been supplementing the party with a DMPC.
Davidoff Stammel (LG male human Paladin3 of Abadar): Probably going to end up being the ruler.
Moss (NG male half-elf Druid3 of Erastil): And his cougar animal companion Fitz, who ended up not liking the taste of mite at all.
Their first companion, Rothyn Shar (NG female human Sorcerer2), ended up torn to shreds after the party thought it would be a great idea to test out their newly acquired 2nd level might against the two trolls they saw cresting a nearby hill among the Kamelands.
Their next companion I believe will be a Cleric of Abadar who comes to Oleg's keep bearing the charter to kill the Stag Lord. I'm considering having him have a second companion, a rogue of some kind, as well.


I had not noticed this thread until today.
We are in the middle of RRR. My players are as follows:
Varron Townend - Human Ranger (Infiltrator Archetype). He took a wolf as his animal companion that helps him with tracking. He rescued the wolf during their exploration of the stolen lands.
Deacon Kilganon - Human Rogue
Zillian Swift - Halfling Summoner (Synthesist Archetype).
Celestein - Half Elf Cleric
Kazin the Great - Tiefling Magus
They are a good, solid group of players who only munchkin some of the time.

Melissa Litwin |
My group appears to be further along than most: we're level 14 and just entered part 6 (Forest of 1000 Screams or something like that).
King- Gnome Summoner 14 (NG): Yes, that's his name. He's our king obviously. His eidolon, George, is the consummate butler, bodyguard, and manservant. He is married to:
Angelique- Gnome Life Oracle 12 (NG): King's cohort. We call King/George/Angelique "Team Gnome". Her curse being that during combat she only speaks Celestial makes sense with her very good disposition.
Shoshana Stetvenya- Human Trapper Ranger 14 (NG): Worshipper of Erastil, she tries very hard to keep the kingdom civilized and safe for farmers, trappers, and really all folk. She serves as marshal.
Juiz- Human Inquisitor 14 (CN): Worshipper of Gorum, his official title is long enough to cause heralds to pass out in announcing it. He is the High Priest of Gorum, Bearer of Overbane, Slayer of Magical Beasts and Extradimensional Beings, and a few other things I've forgotten. He is the high priest of the kingdom.
Praelor- Half-orc Bard/Cavalier 12 (CN): Juiz's cohort. We're always surprised when Praelor hits things, but he does exhort us all to great deeds! He was human but recently died and was reincarnated as a half-orc. He's still figuring out how to speak around his new tusks.
Rail- Human Fighter 14 (CN): Rail carries a shovel-saw-crowbar-falcatta. Yes, he did in fact add all the random weapon utilities onto one very ghetto-fied weapon. He hits things hard, has high AC, and we're not quite sure he has a working brain. He serves as the kingdom's executioner (assassin role).
Arv- Human Witch 14 (N): Arv serves as magical blasting power, knowledge base, and backup healer. He is our party treasurer and determines who gets what gear based on mathematical calculations far beyond any of the rest of us (26ish Int, next best is King with a 12). Not surprisingly, Arv is the kingdom's treasurer as well.

Kain Gallant |

In the game I'm running, our player group blew up midway through RRR, with only two of the original players remaining with the game, and one of them decided to roll a new character. Fortunately, the one player who retained his original character was the nation's leader, so when new players joined the game, it was easy to insert them in as mercenaries hired by the lord.
Nation of Veridia
Original Group - "The Wardens of the Reach"
- Gerrard Blackdust II (LN male human marshal/chameleon): The son of a noble merchant who lost his father and his entire company in a terrible accident (and suspected sabotage), the expedition was the only way to regain his wealth. He became the nation's leader.
- Duridana (CN female human ranger): As a young girl, she mysteriously fell into a magical slumber, only to reawaken one hundred and fifty years later, and with a marking of the fey tattooed on her back. She joins the expedition to find out what they fey had done to her. She became the nation's marshal.
- Bragi (NG male dwarf cleric): A dwarf who found the calling of faith in his older years. He is the cleric of St. Argath (god of laborers and perseverance in my campaign world), and joins the expedition to spread his god's faith. He became the nation's high priest, and converted many of the bandits into hard working citizens.
- Agnieszka (CG female half-elf witch): A middle-aged witch who joins the expedition at the prompting of her Granny. She became the nation's grand diplomat.
- Tick (LN male gnome summoner): A scholar in his venerable years, Tick joined the expedition to learn more about the fey living in those lands. He became the nation's magister.
- Crio (CN male human barbarian): A barbarian exiled from his tribe, he sought to make a new home for himself. He became the nation's warden.
- Yasuhiro (CN male human rogue): An orphan adopted by Akiros, he joined the party after they defeated the Stag Lord. He became the nation's spymaster.
Current Group - "The Emerald Guard"
After the original group broke up (in-game it was due to mounting frustrations with how affairs were being handled), only Gerrard remained. Needing to deal with the growing troll threat, he put out a call for adventurers to form his own personal guard. In addition to himself, here's who he got:
- Victor Spinu (LN male psi-goblin (aka blue from Psionics Unleashed) telepath/psion uncarnate): For a while, he pretended to be a gnome before completely revealing himself to others. Very good at manipulating others.
- Gordawg Wildhammer (NG male dwarf cleric): A cleric of Deianeira (goddess of seasons and hunting), this nature-loving dwarf eventually replaced Bragi as the nation's high priest (Bragi went on to concentrate on leading the faithful of St. Argath in Veridia).
- Rennab (CG male half-orc alchemist): Treated poorly as a child, he wanted to prove that he was not an abomination by doing good in the world. However, his alchemical experiments resulted in him transforming in Crutor whenever heads need bashing.
- Haldor (LG male dwarf fighter): A dwarf who simply wants to fight for money, but with the goal of establishing his own dwarf hold.
- Valyra Altar (CN female half-elf rogue): A rogue who loves exploring ancient ruins, she was captured by the trolls, and freed when the Emerald Guard defeated them. She joined them, and proved so useful that she became the nation's new spymaster.
The Emerald Guard is now currently level 9, and facing off with a pissed off Vordakai.

jennibert |

We're currently working on Varnhold Vanishing after taking six and a half in game years to get through River Run Red. (Currently, we're actually working through parts of Hook Mountain Massacre, as the DM thought that Varndhold should have more than 1 city after existing so long, but also needed an excuse for largely destroying the additional cities to limit our power when we take them over. He's set it in his homebrew world.)
We're down to only two actual PCs at this point, but I'll go ahead and list the Council of Xylari:
Lina Hansonii Aumar, Duchess of Xylari half-elf monk/warmage/enlightened fist
Crushing Grass, General centaur swordsage/psychic warrior
And now the NPCs....
Elminster Aumar, Duke of Xylari human fighter/rogue
Siassara Pendrod, Treasurer half-elf inquistor/monk
Ginon Reiksberry, Magister halfling bard
Kesten Garess, Warden human fighter
Melphia Kavken, High Priest elf adept
Bardo Alarnus, Councilor half-orc expert
Brode Adamant, Marshal dwarf samurai/cleric
Tomin Hanvaki, Diplomat gnome aristocrat/psion (telepath)
Sabatieni McNorton, Spymaster halfling sorcerer
We have two more people who travel with our party:
Lamya dark elf duskblade
Jasper Garrett human monk/swordsage

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Illyana, LN Female Undine Free Hand Fighter 1(Sword Scion)(Brevoy-Restov)
Safyia, CN Female Dwarven Two-Handed Fighter 1(Brigand)(River Kingdoms)
Braun, CN Male Half-Elf Hedge Witch (Noble House- Lodvoka) (Brevoy- Issia)
Circe, N Female Half-Elf Druid (Pioneer) (Chelilax)w/ Treebark(wolf)
I've had them go through the opening scene and they are on their way to challenge Kressel. At Oleg's they captured Happs, while swiftly excuting the rest, leading to a moral division between the group on whether to execute people that surrender or not. An argument between the Undine and the Druid, with the druid thinking enemies should be swiftly put down, and the Undine in believing that a surrendered person is not a lawful target for execution if they are showing a willingness to change away from their crimes. On their way to Thorn River Camp they ran into Kobolds and a confrontation took place, however the Undine and the Druid quickly stabilized the Kobolds as the Chaotic members picked this fight over a valuable herbalistic resource.

Helikon |

Our group so far:
Those who pray
Lemar of Restov Paladin of Abadar and soon Baron
A Halfling who trys to be Mr Nice Guy
Zonaris Lebeda Priest of Abadar and our Treasurer and Fop
Those who fight
Hadredh Barbarian/Oracle soon to be Rage Prophet
Kind of nice guy who likes to whore, drink and fight
Tyvara Cavalier of the Dragon Order our Tactican
Those who Scout and Kill
Vernel Ranger and Master of the bad Dice
Leom Hann Inquisitor of Erastil
She who does the soothsaying
Carmelizia Witch and Mistress of the Harrow Deck

rat_ bastard |

The Deadeye's Fellowship:
Cairne Garess = Wizard (conjurer)/Cleric of Sheyln, noble born bastard of Brevoy, skilled architect and patron of craftsmen, tradesmen and artists
Segrid = Human Ranger, A sword and board combatant and devotee of Erastil, the party's tank.
Andraste = Aasimar Paladin, another devotee of Erastil, blessed by her god in a miracle before the eyes of the party, a skilled archer.
Jeremiah Nixon = Teifling Magus, A black sheep of Brevoy, skilled with a crossbow and magic.
Carden = Human Inquisitor, a devotee of Erastil, blessed by her god in a miracle before the eyes of the party, a switch hitting inquisitor.
Zelata = Aasimar Sorcerer, erratic, immature and loaded down with every possible fire spell. Zel is the flaming hammer we batter foes with and try to keep contained.

James the Dark |
The Yet-Unnamed Greenbelt Explorers
Donat Volk = Human Wolf Shaman Druid, a cynical outsider who heeded the call to the charter in no small part to deal with the bloody bandits in the Narlmarches. Is pretty sure Ulfred's going to get himself killed.
Pyter = Elf Divine Hunter Paladin, who is going to 'retire' after only the second session, to be replaced by a fresh minted Aldori Swordlord.
Olga Orlovsky = Half-Elf Ranger, a legitimized daughter from a tryst with an elven diplomat, she was so far out of the line of inheritance that she decided to roll the dice and head out into the wild to earn her own fortunes and glory.
Ulfred Geidie = Human Witch, the sole Arcane caster, and a somewhat selfish brat. He's young, and it shows. Finds Donat humorless, and Sati spooky.
Sativa Badesh = Human Rogue, a Qadiri woman looking for very specific revenge in the Greenbelt, and is otherwise quite closed off. Deals well with Donat since he doesn't ask questions she doesn't want to answer, and she just doesn't talk much.

Waiwode |

We started Kingmaker in early January, and are headed into our 5th session tomorrow.
Sir Karl von Allegmund - Cavalier, Human, Noble Scion and Leader.
Kaspar Eisenberg - Wizard (Fire Mage), Human, and Sir Karl's retainer.
Drogov Lekarnic - Alchemist, Human, and Investor in the Expedition.
Zeleny Stroma - Cleric of Erastil, Dark Fey Changeling.(Pretty much a Half Elf)
Vaszilla - Ranger, Human. Ex-bandit "indentured" to the Expedition.
-- Everyone has had a gas so far!

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Two sessions in, the group features a ... uh, variety of naming conventions.
Barael Medyved: Human (Brevic) titan-(orc-)blooded sorcerer
Throk: Hobgoblin ranger
Gurthloyne: Human (Brevic) cleric of Pharasma
Gaul-gull: Half-orc rogue
Verran Kale: Human (Numerian) barbarian
Zorya Svensdottir: Human (Ulfen) bard
Defrens the Vast: Ifrit oracle (metal)

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Here's my character, Elesias Orlovsky, along with his wife/cohort Imperia and all of his followers.

Caius |
Our kingmakers came from the Swift Axe Company, founded to quell the bandit plague in the Greenbelt.
Ruler- Dellandra, an undead blooded sorceror raised near the Gallowspire. Also has adopted Lilium, a child (to all outward appearances) summoner, as the heir apparent.
Councilor- Jhod Kavken, the voice of the people and personal friend to the company.
Diplomat- Akiros, as part of his penance, has drawn many people to the fledgling nation.
High Priest- Gorim Stonefist, a devotee of Torag and blacksmith extraordinaire
General- Jeggare Dreadmaw, recently ordained Hellknight of the Godclaw and founder of the Strategic Information and Tactics Headquarter (S.I.T.H.) colloquially known as the Strength in the Heartland.
Spymaster- Roger Flint, river privateer and shameless casanova.
Magister- Linnaea von Blau, a peculiar little gnome witch whose father's fiendish influence is starting to show.
Marshal- Belletrix Dazzlefoot, Cavalier of Erastil and farmer.
Treasurer- Oleg Levenston, Overseer of finances of the Kingdom of the Nine and friend to the company so long as he never finds out about Roger and his wife.
Warden- Garuum, a boggard we befriended out in the swamps putting his considerable strength to work for the kingdom.
Royal Assassin- Mr. Bubbles, Lilium's steadfast guardian. His size and power work well to quell any local troublemakers, but a more subtle hand may be necessary as we look to concerns outside of our own lands.

Salacar |
Glad to share, here's my current Kingmaker group ^_^
Alexander D'stiliar: LG Male human ranger/fighter, originally from the River Kingdoms and dreams of starting his own colony
Lilith Tealeaf: CG female halfling ranger with aspirations to ride the Stolen Lands on the back of her wolf companion =)
Elrahr Silverkin: LG male Aasimar Cleric of Irori, pretty much the heal-bot of the group
Adrian Tyrian: LN Male human Marshall, bastard child with a military education, striving to gain his father's respect

Jabberwonky |

Our group gathered this past weekend to begin the Kingmaker adventure path. It was a cozy saturday evening, many laughs were had, as our rag-tag team of adventurers found themselves gathering in the Three Bells Alehouse in Restov answering a call for work from one of the Swordlords. Here is a brief breakout of our players:
Simbala -- Human Oracle A refugee from the blood spattered country of Galt, Simbala was an oracle to a Duke of Galt, until the night the mob decided Bright Gwynneth had called for the Duke’s head. Barely escaping with her life, the elderly seer had known that she and four others must flee north. Fortuitous that she had jumped into the wagon with a squire, a maid, and the head butler -- only where was the fifth? They made their way north, meeting up with the mercenary Shirin, who tired of her current employer. Fortuitous fates indeed mused the Oracle, as once again the future was delivered. Together the five struck out for the free city of Restov, though Simbala’s dreams are once again plauged with an unshakable certainty that all is not yet in the clear...
Twix -- Gnome Rogue An acrobat and wily lady with a good hearted streak and bright purple hair. She’s shared little thusfar, save indicating that she was instrumental in helping Greta escape the enslavement of The Masters. She and Greta have traveled since, a wandering trail leading them to the free city of Restov, where they are responding to a call from one of the Swordlords for able bodied workers.
Greta, Human Magus Greta hails from the backwaters of Numeria, a Kellid tribeswoman who won the honor amongst her peoples of serving “The Masters”, enormous and strange three legged metal monstrosities that their village reveres. Having been damaged during her servitude, she was cast off with other detritus to be flushed away, only to be found by a rather inquisitive gnome called Twix. Amongst the other refuse were any number of treasures, but the one that stood out the most to Greta was an old and corroded scabbard so beaten and worn its blade could not be drawn.
Sir Falkragg -- Half Orc Cavalier. Our Cavalier is attached to the household of The Crimson Sword, the Swordlord funding the expedition into the greenbelt. He is being sent to make sure that the mission goes appropriately and in accordance with the house’s wishes. Having served most of his life as a master at arms for the house training their soldiers, he was granted knightship in conjunction with this assignment, granting him the ability to speak on the house’s behalf.
Mordirien Mabrinden, Elven Cleric of Pharasma. Being of the long lived races can lead to interesting mindsets in some, our Cleric is no exception. Carrying the message and comforts of Pharasma, he engages life as simply a step that brings us all closer the our final end. He can come across as somewhat disdainful of the lesser, short-lived races, but made a quick bond with Tellen, a mere human. The Church, seeing potential in him, is observing his progress, and waiting to see where his path leads. Perhaps he will continue to work the good deeds of Pharasma, or perhaps he will be initiated into a small splinter sect who’s purpose is to help certain persons reach that final end.
Shirin, Human Fighter. A dual scimitar wielding dervish from the dusty wastes to the south, Shirin hired on as a guard to escort Minister Phar’sul to the Royal University of Brevoy. The long journey spent with the minister telling self aggrandizing stories, wide eyed peasants staring at their caravan, and far too long aboard ship with her stomach in her throat, left Shirin eager to hire on with anyone that might actually lead to some danger. Having crossed paths with Simbala and the other refugees from Galt, Shirin collected her wages and left her employ for the Minister to see the Galtesans safely the remainder of the way to Restov
Professor Heinrich, Ratkin Alchemist. Having been an adjunct professor teaching alchemical theory in Lepidstat University, Professor Heinrich has for the past three years been teaching at one of Lepidstat’s sister academies, the Royal University of Brevoy. The Professor and his daughter have made a comfortable home in the city, but this is about to change...
Tellen, Holy Gun of Cayden Cailean. Little is know about this mysterious and handsome stranger, save that trouble seems to find him wherever he goes. Having the determination to bring good into the world, an impeccable faith in his patron, and the knowledge that true enlightenment can only be found through his patron’s worship, he rides his ragged mare where Cayden’s will takes him. The only remembered son of a Barwench in Absolom, having never known his father, he finds himself in the free city of Restov nearly penniless... and thirsty...
I decided to flesh out a bit of an introduction/prelude for our team, allowing them to RP getting hired for the exploration effort, revealing some politics within the Restovian nobility, and setting them on the road to Oleg’s. This resulted in an audience with The Crimson Sword (Their swordlord patron), a foiled kidnapping of Simbala by some nasty Galtish thugs, a somewhat terse conversation with the Marshal of Restov (who reluctantly produced the charter of exploration) and some time on the road to the stolen lands. Interesting rumors accompanied the mercenaries and pesants they’ve met on the road -- word of Issians gathering strength, of horrible war machines being constructed, of Rostlander heroes gathering their own armies to protect the land, and of a rumored Keep on the Borderlands to the south and west. The night culminated with a wandering monster encounter as they neared the region they are going to be exploring (I set Oleg’s about 2 weeks from Restov by horse). Tatzylwyrms should be a bit more frightening to the group now...
All in all it was a smashing success! We are all long time RPers, having played for the better part of 30 years, and good friends to boot, some of us as far back as college. If anyone is interested in following the story, check out our obsidian portal site: To Forge a Kingdom: Tales from the Stolen Lands. An aside, The same player is running both Professor Heinrich and Tellen, I’ve introduced the concept of Troupe style play for interested players. We also expect that Twix will be only available sometimes, as her time commitments are far greater than many of the rest of us. Thus it looks like we’ll be primarilly a group of 6 exploring the Green belt. And oh what goodies I have in store for everyone...

Papa-DRB |

Well, a lot has changed. At 2nd level, Aegon (player left) and Edwardo (switched to wizard->) left and Crispin (evoker) joined the party. At 5th level Calenhad (player left, pregnant wife) and Grug (son) and Gob (grandson) joined the group.
We are a little more than halfway thru Book 2, and the group now consists of:
Crispin..............NG Evoker 5
Grug.................TN Barbarian3/Fighter 2 (scout!)
Gob..................TN Battle Oracle/5
Greenbow..........LG Ranger/5 with Greenwolf animal companion
Kabal................TN Druid (Bear shaman) with Darro animal companion
Karina...............LG Cleric/5 (DM NPC, by player request!)
-- david
We start this coming Monday (January 31st, 2011), and will play on every other Monday evening, alternating with one of my players DM'ing Serpent's Skull.
Aegon...................TN Human, male Wizard(Evoker) - Issian
Calenhad Medvyed..LG Human, male Paladin of Erastil - Noble Born
Edwardo................LN Human, male Swashbuckler (Tome of Secrets) - Rostlander
GreenBow..............LG Human, male Ranger (Treantmonk Switch-hitter) - Rostlander
Kabal.....................TN Half-Orc, male Druid(Bear Shaman) - Pioneer
Darro....................TN Bear, male Animal companion (Kabal)I am using 20 point buy, and the 6 PC version (dividing XP by 6), at least for the first chapter, till I get a handle on exactly what they are capable of. They have a lot of pointy stick damage, but not a lot of healing initially, so we will see.
-- david

loimprevisto |

Aside from the one I participate in, I've been peeking in on the Pint-sized kings from time to time. They're a kingmaker group composed entirely of halflings... I thought it was an interesting idea.

tarcandor |
Starting by the end of this month, I've got:
1. a human inquisitor of Iomedae
2. a human paladin of Iomedae
3. a human cleric of Iomedae
4. a half-elf druid
5. a half-elf rogue (scout subclass for advanced player guide)
1 and 2 are brothers, 4 is halfsister to the two of them...
I'm guessing the 'kingdom' they will be building is going to be a theocracy :p

Box o' Flumphs |

Presently, my Kingmakers have resolved the situation in Varnhold, and are set to shift their attention to the west soon. Also, I've adapted Kingmaker for a homebrew setting, so obvious non-Golarion details ahoy.
Iriste du'Sartelle, Grandmistress of the Omtennian Order, Duchess of Omtennia; Female Human Cavalier [Gendarme]
As a scion of one of the Kingdom of Eramis’ most renowned noble houses, few expected Iriste du’Sartelle’s fate to be one of little consequence. Her own considerable skill in both the knightly tournament grounds and the political circles of the upper class ensured her fate would be of even more consequence than anyone could have guessed. Iriste was chosen as the leader of one of the expeditionary bands sent to tame the savage Bloodlands, a band which would in time grow to become the powerful Omtennian Order. A born leader, Iriste’s confidence, boldness, and dedication to the civilizing mission have earned her the admiration of her peers, the loyalty of her soldiers, and, it would seem, the envy of other, less fortunate expeditions.
Devrin Nestaine; Male Human Fighter
The Nestaine family has served various Eramisian noble houses as loyal soldiers and bodyguards for generations. After failing to prevent the assassination of his previous lord, Devrin Nestaine was nonetheless hand-picked by Iriste du’Sartelle to join her expedition into the Bloodlands. In the years since then, Devrin has emerged from the shadow of his greatest failure, serving as the General of the Omtennian Order’s forces. While he still views himself as a mere soldier and nothing more, his tactical prowess and loyalty to both the Order and the fighting men and women beneath him have been instrumental in seeing the Order’s continued growth in a savage land where all others have failed before.
Noran Zeltakher; Male Half-Elf Ranger [Skirmisher]
The bastard son of a Daetharonian ambassador and a Zalecian peasant, Noran left his macabre homeland at a young age to ply his trade as a mercenary - a path that would eventually lead him to Eramis. After some time in Aerisaide, he enlisted with the Bloodlands expedition as a scout and archer. Though possessing the characteristic dourness of his people, Noran has put his mercenary days behind him, having found a more promising path as one of the council members of the Omtennian Order. As Marshal, he has shaped the Order’s highway and wilderness patrols into a force equipped to survive in the harsh realm they seek to tame.
Sallindri Dalmathrin; Female Human Summoner
A noble-born arcanist and former administrator in the bureaucracy of the magocratic Nejassan Empire to the west, Sallindri was forced to flee the Empire of the Arcane after a court scandal she refuses to discuss. After briefly languishing in the Eramisian capital of Aerisaide, she found her way into one of the Bloodlands expeditions. Though a curious choice for the decadent and urbane mage, she saw the expedition as an opportunity to carve out her own little corner of the world. Since then, Sallindri’s spells and arcane knowledge have proven themselves an asset to the Order’s survival. In particular, her flair for the dramatic has been the source of unorthodox solutions to a number of problems faced by the Order’s leadership in the years since their arrival in the Bloodlands.
Sallindri is accompanied by her eidolon, an entity known as Herihex, which takes the form of a statuesque woman with six arms and purple skin.
Torciro Sarre; Male Human Rogue [Knife Master, Sanctified Rogue]
The Kerandian known as Torciro Sarre is an enigma. Arriving without ceremony at Fort Arelle a mere six days after the town’s founding, the strange man informed the leaders of the Omtennian Order that he had been sent by no lesser authority than the Celestial gods themselves to aid them in their quest. Though unnervingly eccentric and possessing some curious notions about the nature of the divine, he has nonetheless proven himself an asset to the Order, using his own unique brand of “diplomacy” to quiet would-be troublemakers.
Annora Varthes; Female Human Witch/Paladin [Oath Against Undeath, Oath of Loyalty]/Eldritch Knight
The Zalecian witch-paladin Annora Varthes was discovered by the party on the road between Fort Arelle and the Order’s capital city of Vendes, defending a group of pilgrims from one of Hargulka’s bands of troll raiders. In recognition of both the Order’s mission and its leaders’ having saved both her life and those of the pilgrims, Annora swore fealty to the Order on the spot. The serviceof a living saint has proven to be a major boon to the Order, interpreted by many as the Celestials themselves giving their tacit approval to their cause. More recently, she has been accompanied by Devrin on a number of diplomatic meetings in Eramis, leading to (as yet unfounded) rumors of a romance between the two.
And now, those who didn't quite make it. (Hence the two PCs above who joined the party at later times).
Aralandi Talvathir (Deceased); Female Elf Bard [Archaeologist]
Hailing from the elven empire of Daetharon, the explorer Aralandi signed up with the Bloodlands expedition in the hopes of exploring some of the ancient elven ruins left by her people millennia ago. One year into the Order’s mission, Aralandi's life was cut tragically short. After taking up the mission to rid the southern woods of a vicious scythe tree, Aralandi became the final victim of very creature the party had set out for. Her remains were interred beneath the sacred grove of the dryad Tiressia. Her loss was especially mourned by Noran, with whom a subtle romance had emerged. A memorial statue has since been crafted, put on display in the Order’s capital of Vendes.
Brother Nevaine Arelle (Deceased); Male Human Monk [Martial Artist]
As a younger scion of a large noble household with little hope of inheriting, Nevaine opted to join the Celestial clergy as a monk. As both an ordained priest and a nobleman, the church's officials hand-selected Nevaine to accompany the mission into the Bloodlands, to prepare the region for the eventual construction of temples to the Celestial gods. Unfortunately, the mild-mannered monk would end up just another casualty of the Bloodlands, taking an arrow to the heart from the Stag Lord as the party made their final assault on the bandit leader's fort. He has since been memorialized with a grand tomb at Fort Arelle.

Gethsemane |

Had our character creation session last week, the party is as follows:
Alex- Human (Possessed) Life Oracle 1
Ulric- Half-Orc Paladin w/ Oath against Savagery 1
Ingra- Dwarf Ranger 1
Queck- Gnome Celestial Sorcerer (this may be changed to a Witch, the player is currently undecided).
It currently appears like the majority of in party talking will take place in Orc...

Killer Power |

I started Kingmaker in January, but because two of our players are moving right now we are somewhat on a hold...
We are in the first book and the party stands right before the Old Sycamore Tree.
The party consists of the following characters (now all 2nd level):
Kendra (LG Human Paladin of Erastil) - My wifes character. After the ranger she played in Council of Thieves she wanted to play something different and she thought that she "get' the idea behind this paladin thing". Well, never had a paladin in any group before (neither AD&D, nor D&D nor Pathfinder) so I'm eager to find out how it will turn out. She is the twin sister of the druid in the party (I actually forgot her name... it's been really some time since we last played!). The sisters were seperated by their uncle after their parents died. The uncle wanted to get the heirloom and therefore wanted to kill the girls. Her sister escaped while Kendra was saved by the people of her village. After many years, the sisters reunite and shortly after said uncle led a barbarian raid on the village. Now the sisters seek veng... erm... justice! :oD
"The Druid" (NG Human Druid) - The sister of Kendra. After her uncle tried to kill her in the woods she fled and was raised by Gnomes. She has an Elk as a companion. (For the rest of the story see Kendra)
Kurssuk (CN Human Barbarian) - Kurssuk, originally born into a wealthy family, was abducted as a baby by fey and sold to the barbarians in the Stolen Lands. Here he had the status of a slave. When almost the complete tribe were out on a raid, he managed to overcome the guards and stole the sacred relic of the tribe: An ornamented Great Flail. Wounded by the fight he almost made his way back to civilization (on horseback) where he collapsed and were found by the twin sisters which took care of him. Since then he works as a bodyguard for his mistresses. In secret he do hopes that the expedition to the Greenbelt will give him the opportunity to get revenge on "his" tribe... Kurssuk is smart (In 13) but not very nice to look at (think of "Machete" in the movie of the same name... only in ugly (the very words of the player) Represented by a CH of 8). He is specialised in disarming his opponents.
Argus Treeblood (NN Elven Magus) - Argus, second born son of noble house in Brevoy learned of his gift of working magic by accident. Since then he was eager to learn more about spellcasting while in the meantime he obeyed the wish of his father to train with the sword. Soon enough he learned how to combine these two abilities. When neither his father nor his magic teachers could teach him more, he decided to "go into the world so he could learn more". His father wasn't pleased and disowned him... A good friend of Argus, the Halfling Garibald, gave him the opportunity to accompony him on an expedition to the greenbelt, where he surely could use his help...
Erin (NG Elven Witch) - Erin grow up in a family, which had close contact to the fey to the south. She found out about her magic talent by accident (very close to Argus story) and their parent thought, that she is a fey child and abandoned her. In the coming years she survived on Brevoys streets until a friend of her, a Halfling named Garibald, gave her an opportunity to accompony him on an expedition to the Greenbelt...
Also, the group started with a NPC, which most of the time stays at Oleg's and writes down the adventures of the party:
Garibald (NG Halfling Bard) - Garibald, better with words than with an instrument, is more a scribe than a bard. He loves to record events and dreams about his own chronicle. The expedition to the Greenbelt was the perfect opprtunity to let his dreams come through. But the Greenbelt is a rough land so he needs some protection. Lucky for him he had a couple of friends which could just help him out here... And two of them owned him some too!
My players know nothing of the plot or even the kingdom building. All they know is, that they are out in the Greenbelt for exploration and dealing with bandits... I can't wait to see the expression on their faces when they become actual ruler of their own kingdom.... :oD

boredorboard |

I am not the GM of our kingmaker campaign, but I've been selected to be the kingdom's record keeper. We've just reached layer level 10, and have had PC's come and go, though they still hold a kingdom seat...
*King: DawnFather Samuel Winchester "aka The Dawn Father"
A Human Cleric of Sarenre (10).
He came to the green belt after the Main city of Griffon's Perch had been established to spread the word of his goddess. After a time the current Baron decided that the responsibilities of ruling a burgeoning nation were too much for him and gave the responsibilities to him. He is ignorant about races that are not human and can appear to be quite racist. Generally one of the other members of court has to take him aside and explain how to treat certain races. He has been able to make treaties with all sorts of local races so far.
*Queen: Kylashia Beldane-Winchester.
Human fey-blooded Sorceress (6) NPC.
Kylashia was originally an NPC from the first book, the Old Beldane... however using good roll play (and a sweet Diplomacy Check) Samuel began to befriend her and during their weekly card game she reveild that the old woman form was a disguise, that she was actually young and beautiful. Samuel eventually ends up convincing her to marry him. Last session was their wedding.
Ariande Windsong
Halfling, Ranger (Falconer)(9), Druid (1)
Ariadne was born a free halfling in Brevoy. Her father was once an adventurer and on one of his quests he had acquired a Roc egg and gave it to Ariadne as a gift. She named him Gorrignak. Ever since then the two of them had been inseparable. Her adventerous heart at first landed her in the pathfinder society but after a couple of her fellow PC's decided the trade king wasn't noble enough to have the trade agreements that they had acquired, he made it so that the group was sent away, so they were sent to help Brevoy investigate the Greenbelt. (Which growing up on the borders of the greenbelt, Ariadne had always wanted this opportunity. Also after a run in with a bard in her youth she was introduced to the word of Shelyn and became a devoted follower, becoming skilled in a variety of musical instruments. She even took up Calligraphy when she became Councilor. She also acquired the magical Lyre of building, which has become an invaluable tool in building the kingdom.
Kephri Mubarak
Human, Caviler (7) PC/NPC when she's not around
Born and raised in Cheliax with her faithful mount Habib, a camel. She also joined the pathfinder society in search for greatness. Her hot headedness got them kicked out when she decided to with hold the trade agreements from the trade prince. For a while she was wanted in Brevoy for wrecking a district of the city while she was on a drunken rampage, she woke up the next day with a varisian tatoo and war paint on her camel. She fell in love with the NPC Akros Ismort and eventually eneded up marrying him (the after party ended up destroying the local tavern). An incident happened with one of the local boys, Tig. He ended up being blinded by lizard folk, and his father (an only parent) died on a patrol. Kephri and Akros decided to adopt him.
Grand Diplomat
David Lionheart
Human, Oracle of life (5) GM's NPC
A Varisian wanderer who was a member of the pathfinder society and also kicked out. He was given the title of Baron despite being the youngest (17). When The Dawnfather entered the Kingdom he off loaded the responsibilities on him and decided to take up being Grand Diplomat, where he could travel the world and talk to forign peoples. He often sends back postcards of him with merchants, diplomats and all sorts of people.
High priest
Jhod Kavken
human, cleric of Eristil (4)
Left dishonored and assisting the PC's when they need help, they gave him a chance to redeem himself. (everyone that gets to a certain point gets to know about Jhod so I'm not gonna say much more about him.
human, Wizard (7) PC/NPC when not around.
Also originally from the pathfinder society, Bilbi has been searching for a way to break his family curse. born in an Ulfen community of great barbarians, his family was cursed with being short and puny, Bilbi's great grandfather was a giant of a man who apparently messed with the wrong sorceress. Bilbi made up for his lack of physical power by training to be a wizard. His specialty is fireball. At one point Bilbi was killed by a Troll king. The Dawnfather wouldn't stand for this and the court agreed to allow him to take out money from their coffers to hire a cleric to bring him back to life.
Halfling, Druid packlord (7) PC/ NPS when she dosen't play
Gwystian grew up in the Mwangi Expance, the daughter of slaves. She was brought up in the same house hold. One day she was with her owners hunting, but were in the territory of Green Faith Alcoyts. They got into a fight with her masters and won. Gwystian pleads for her life and they take her with them and train her as a druid of the green faith. She eventually decides to leave Mwangi and trabels up to the green belt.
Royal Assassin
Akros Ismort
Human, ex-paladin (1) Barbarian (3)
excommunicated after killing his lover and her husband out of rage he becomes a barbarian for hire and works for the Staglord. finding out that the PC's are there to put an end to the staglord's reign, he helps them into the fort and catches the eye of Kephri. Shortly after the staglord is defeated and Griffon's Perch is established, Kephri asks him on a date. They eventually get married and adopt a son, Tig.
Spy Master
Torm Shadowraith
Halfling, Rogue (8) Magus (2)
Torm met the party as a bounty hunter, and through adventuring with him, found him to be very skillful at what he does, and asked him to be Spy Master while the old spy master (Sylvan) was off doing work abroad. Also after learning the damage he could do with magic (after acquiring a wand of shocking grasp) he began to take courses at the magic academe, deciding to become a magus (cause seriously sneak attacking with magic may be OP, but it's brilliant :D)
Oleg Leverton
Human, Ranger (4)
Originally the owner of Oleg's Trading post, the PC's grant him the honor of being the kingdoms treasurer. His wife Svetlana makes sure that things in Olegton are kept in order and runs the town inn while Oleg is away.
Dwarf, Monk (10)
Orih has been searching the world for a purpose, trying to prove his greatness. He comes across a handful of the court on his way to Varnhold and is told of the horrors that happened and that they were hunting down the evil doer that caused the vanishing. He asks to join and together they fix the problem (trying to leave it vague for people who haven't gotten this far). He is then brought back to the Kingdom to celebrate. The current warden steps down wanting to run a black smith, something he's always wanted to do, and so the Dawnfather asks Orih if he wants the job, which he accepts under the condition that a monastery is built in the town.
**We have a number of NPC/PC's for times when we can't get 4 PC's in one room and the others want to play. We generally just do side quests on those days. They can also make an impact on the Kingdom and PC's. Just last night the dawnfather sent for Bilbi's assistant and Bilbi stormed in with an urn leaving the dawnfather speachless. (Poor Gizzwood blew himself up casting a spell against an evil cleric... double crit failed the roll... he was using a wand he was like 2 levels too low to use)

Thrund |

Sidhe Fax, female gnome Oracle (you might be banging your head against the screen at this point if you're British). Ancestor mystery, tongues, fell magic. Likely to become ruler due to being the only high-CHA character in the party.
Alea Mendax, female human Diviner wizard. On the run from a life of gambling, but while she is quite happy to cheat using divination, she has no time for enchantment or illusion (they are her opposed schools). Her player wants to be spymaster, but probably more suited to Magister.
Gregory, male human Scout rogue. Former bandit from the area who moved out when the Stag Lord moved in. Primarily uses a spear, and while not yet high enough level to get sneak attack on the charge himself, has been very successful bracing against enemies charging. Likely to become Marshal/Warden (depending on whether I fix the terminology). I'm going to have to change the name of a certain character in book 2 to avoid confusion.
Caitlin Orlovsky, female catfolk ninja. Noble-born (actually a favoured servant adopted by the Orlovskys), she has been asked to join the party by the family, since they didn't have any representation in Drelev's group. In my campaign, Drelev is the 'offical' colony, approved by Noleski and filled with those sympathetic to him, in order to give the Swordlords more leeway to pick and instruct the other three.
Croloideae, female elf Archer fighter. Took the time to train her mount and normally fights from horseback, meaning that as far as I can remember, she's got through most of book 1 as a figher without taking any damage. Probable General.
So far, despite a 4:1 gender ratio and the presence of a Catgirl Ninja Maid, the harem aspects of the party haven't been played up too badly, though things got rather silly when they found the hot springs.

JohnB |

Our party is level 7 and just moving onto Varnhold.
The primary characters are
Baron Rudy Orlovsky - a half-elf - noble born (but not favoured) member of the Orlovsky family. Aristoctat1/Bard6
Cassandra a half elf from the Goloskin mountains - but not a member of the Garess family. Sorc7
Larran Evenstar a full elf from far away. Light tank with dual wield short-swords. Fighter 7
Our Secondary Characters are
Ox - who was at a sword school with Rudy. Human, tank. Figher 7
Robert of Restov - a human cleric Priest of Iomedae. He is good in combat, heals/supports - but is configured to create magic stuff. Cleric 7
Hebrin Halfling Pioneer who acts as the party scout. Rogue1/Ranger2/Expert4.
We have three players - each player has a main character and a secondary character. The secondary characters are all configured to be useful, but not to be too influential.

Orthos |

My party is currently level 8 and are in the early throes of kingdom building while preparing for impending war versus the troll king Hargulka and dealing with some fey issues and other hazards.
The Lords of Iomrall
Duchess Elegy Medvyed: LN Human Oracle (Spellscar, Legalistic) - Ruler of Iomrall. Prissy, somewhat haughty, and eager to succeed lesser daughter of Medvyed house. Owes a debt to Queen Mab of the Winter Court; her Oracle powers were granted by the Queen of Air and Darkness for the purpose of making sure she could fulfill said debt.
Magister Errol Genio: CE Half-Elf Magus - Magister of Iomrall. A wanderer from the continent across the sea, where Elves reside, Errol is a seeker of knowledge and power. How he crossed that distance he doesn't remember, as after stumbling out of FaeReie alongside Elegy and Jaekah he seems to have been struck with an odd amnesia, revoking many of the memories of his life prior to his arrival in the region. Bearer of the Summer-forged sword Red Right Hand.
Spymistress Lilith Blackheart: CN Dhampir Rogue/Psion/Arcane Archer - Spymaster of Iomrall. A vagabond from lands afar, Lilith was living in the wilds of the Stolen Lands and encountered the party as they were exploring. She isn't much enamored with the idea of "civilizing" the Stolen Lands, but figures she can do more good for native nature from within the system than by fighting against it. Friend to the fey tricksters of the Narlmarches, who serve as her informants.
General Jaekah: TN Juvenile Magma Dragon True Primitive Barbarian/Cavalier (Order of the Seal) - General of Iomrall. Originally a runt of a Centaur, Jaekah befriended Elegy after she kept him from being executed by local guardsmen after an accident involving several merchant carts in a crowded street. This inadvertently led to her becoming lost in FaeReie and meeting Queen Mab, and Jaekah has since become her protector and companion. He was slain by a Barghest early in chapter 2, and due to a wild roll on reincarnate returned in the form of a dragon.
Marshal Takeshi: TN Human Ronin Samurai - Marshal of Iomrall. Takeshi is a man of the battlefield, a constant seeker of stronger opponents and greater dangers. Raised by monks in an island kingdom far to the northeast, Takeshi abandoned their teachings after many years and set out for distant lands. He found the party after wandering through the Stolen Lands for several months, and has been following them ever since as they seem to attract foes for him to fight.

Grendel Todd RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

I have a new crew wanting to do something sandboxy, so I'm again giving Kingmaker a good run ( just in time for the new Ulitimate Campaign Guide!).This time my heroes are a bunch of amoral (but lawful leaning) thug... er... adventurers:
Focus, an elvish Plague Sorcerer wiho hides his horrible, pock-marked features under a shadowed hood.
The Elf with No Name, a half-elf Ranger good with bows and a forgettable name here to homestead himself a future.
Gruunth, a half-Orc Cavalier of the Order of the Pale Dragon - dumb as a post but as good and noble as this group gets.
Grautha, a half-Orc Cleric of Pharasma here to get those she meets right with the Lady of Death.
Gel'nock, a half-Orc Rogue ex-Bandit working with our heroes rather than being put to the sword.
Kazooie, a Breegul Synthisist (home brew bird race) with a thing for "riding" his bear Eidolon.
Dorn, a Kellid Barbarian from Numeria with a thing for Greatswords
Tim, a savage human Wizard from the wilds
Deus Sertova, a Sulis Bladebound Elemental Knight Magus - psychotic bastard son of the king

![]() |

Ruling Council of Fluviallis (or Vallis as we call it)
Queen Arabella Ravenna – (Human Weaponmaster 5/Aldori Swordlord 2) niece of the leader of the Brevic Swordlord Council. Hot headed, used to be the chancellor of a town, has a tendency to be a bit Machiavellian in her solutions when bullied or taken advantage of. Her general and Marshall keep her from using her sword more often in problem solving. Hopes to reunite the Mivon and Brevoy swordlords by marrying a Mivonese aldori swordlord.
General Eric Fernbrook – (Human Order of the Dragon cavalier 7) bastard son of Duke Medvyed, kept his “bastard” name even after being claimed by his father. His stepmother is hard at work to make sure all the Duke’s living children are legitimate.
Marshall Aedric Harte – (Human paladin of Abadar 7) 4th son of a fallen noble house absorbed into a larger one by marriage, working against the corrupt secret LE heresy within the Church of Abadar in Brevoy.
Spymaster Belevius Grimm (Abyssal Tiefling Sorcerer 7) – bastard offspring of the daughter of a noble demon-hunting family and a rakshasa than captured her. The family welcomes his powers, but hides him and doesn’t let him out in public. He moved to the Stolen Lands in order to walk free in public without shame.
Warden Demetri Tomescu (Human Inquisitor of Desna 7) – monster hunter from Brevoy, acts as the party’s scout and tracker. Currently seeking the “worshippers of Mother Moon” from his dream that were being persecuted (aka the Nomen) in order to rescue them.
Grand Diplomat Max Kiesel (Human bard 7) – court bard, knows a lot about the nobles in Brevoy and their secrets and scandals. Works very closely with the Spymaster to gather intel and sometimes it is hard to tell where the diplomats stop and the spies begin. Tends to want to discuss everything before resorting to more drastic measures, and has been responsible for drafting some excellent treaties and agreements for the kingdom.
Magister Drakkus Karn Maalizar (Human Conjuration Wizard 7) – apprenticed with one of the senior wizards in all Brevoy. Has a very Saruman feel to his character, and I don’t mean when he was white! Very loyal to the crown and is constantly making backup plans just in case things go wrong…
Minister of Resources Falinax (Gnome druid 7) – direct descendant from First World (took the trait for this) who is very close to the land and its creatures, but tends to see the kingdom they PCs are building as the trees and the animals. Completely uninterested in any kingdom events or politics unless it involves Fey, animals, plants or the harvesting of “his” natural resources. Created a special role for him since he was not interested in any found in the book. As long as his position is filled, the party retains any consumption points generated by farms that are leftover after calculations.
So far the party has completed Book 1 and most of Book 2 minus Hargulka and Grigori. Still need to do a lot of exploring, especially in the Narlmarches.
Achievements are:
-Killing the stag lord with a decapitation crit card that he rolled a 2 to save vs. The party was well on their way to a TPK when it happened.
- Rescuing the mayor of Tammerling (a homebrew town in Rogarvia), father of the Queen from the dungeons of a castle (in Brevoy).
- Rescuing a Rogarvia baron and his family from an Usurper’s castle (in Brevoy). They were airlifted in with wyverns via a new alliance with another Baron.
- Fighting off an invading barbarian army from Numeria. They fought a separate tougher battle against a lionriding barbarian tribe that had taken over the Staglord’s fort.
- Fending off their lumber, mines, and other natural resources from Brevic opportunists.
- Surviving numerous assassination attempts on the queen and her council since the kingdom was formed. The worst nearly killed the queen and the general, and did manage to kill one of the ruling swordlord council, cooling relations with them for a while.
- Freeing the Winter Court of the Fey from their 10,000 year entrapment by elves. Needless to say their lands are cold these days, but they did recently receive a visit from the Winter Queen’s messenger, Jack Frost.

Rhazagal |
My group has been playing Kingmaker for a while now and we're in the middle of Rivers Run Red. They just reached 6th level at the end of last session... And thus far only two PCs have died, which is quite the surprise considering the death toll they've suffered in many, many other games and gaming systems...
Anyway. Without further ado, here are the Kingmakers!
Conley Woods, a Human Paladin of Erastil 6; current Baron of Rhoyvland. For some reason the Baron finds it distasteful to use Detect Evil on others.
Alexandrina, a Human ex-Paladin of Iomedae 5/Fighter 1; General of Rhoyvland. She Fell after losing her faith over a perceived failure to protect her Baron during their fight against the Dancing Lady. She now harbors a deep resentment towards all Fey.
Daregna (Dargna? Never been too sure about that one...) a demi-centaur (toned-down, medium-sized version of an actual centaur) Barbarian 6; bodyguard to Baron Woods. Will be interesting to see how she reacts to the "true" centaurs and how they will react to a "lesser cousin".
Talathel, an Elf Rogue 6; Royal Assassin (or "Royal Problemsolver" as he calls it). Talathel specilizes in being a Sniper.
Eleanor, an Aasimar Sorceress (Silver Dragon bloodline) 6; Rhoyvland's Magister. She caught some emotional scars from Davik Nettle, who haunted her sleep for weeks on end, nearly driving her permanently mad before one of the PCs -against the wishes of the two Paladins- swore to give the Bridgekeeper what he wanted.
Azankhel, a Gnome Bard 6; the current Grand Diplomat of Rhoyvland. Has gained some notoriety by discrediting Grigori through pretending to be Grigori's companion during the rabble rouser's speech and taking literally EVERYTHING Grigori said to ludicrous levels. From this spawned an unfortunate running gag about werewolves that poop gold... Bloody Gnomes!*deep sigh*. Azankhel's player is sort of a wild card as well as a VERY new addition to our gaming group. He's not the most regular member in the group, so his participation in the adventure is sort of an on-and-off affair.
Last but not least...
Drosnajer, a Fetchling Warlock 6; replacing a recently-retired (as in, at the end of the latest session) Halfling Cavalier of the Order of Paw DMC so that I can field-test the converted Warlock class (done by... Master Arminas and tweaked by yours truly). The Issian-born Drosnajer -or Dros for short- is an immaculate gentleman who earnestly seeks to prove his worth to the Ruling Elite of Rhoyvland in hopes of finding his place in the world. Thus far it seems the other council members -many PCs included- seem a little wary of the Warlock... Time will show whether or not they will learn to accept him.

Tauric |

The PCs are working for a patron, a young noble from an old, but now poor, Rostlandic family.
They are:
Robin Mountain, a fighter and a bastard of Howlan Garess, out to prove her worth (she has named her horse after the Lady Garess)
Beta, a sorcerer and Tiger Lord runaway
Adaryn Tuck, a bard and cousin of the Lebeda family
Hucklebuddy, halfling cleric of Cayden Cailean, just so darn likeable (has absolutely been destroying encounters with Charm Person)
Nox, a druid, and his bear cub, Onyx (who ate Kressle)
Scout, an elf rogue
Noname, (pronounced ne-nay-may) an elf cleric of Ketephys (elf god of the hunt)
and Etterskel Issianlocke, a gnome fighter who feels he's destined for greatness
So far they've killed Happs and his group, by charming one bandit to fire on his friends (I randomly rolled which bandits were repentant, and the player luckily chose the only one, so it wasn't a conflict to get him to shoot his companions)
Using the information provided by their new friend/prisoner, they headed to the Thorn River camp. I made some changes to the map ( I used a local river as a basis, and had the camp on an island in the river, with a log bridge). The party was spotted by a sentry patrol, but by Charming the bandit they were able to walk right into the camp with little problem. Their plan was to talk the other bandits into turning on Kressle and doing the dirty work for them, but the druid decided that was too much talking, and attacked Kressle first, which started a nice long combat, that only ended after the bear killed Kressle and the sorcerer intimidated the bandits to stop fighting.
(oh, I forgot to mention we were without our fighters and bard that night)
Now, the PCs have convinced the Thorn River bandits that they have been sent from the Stag Lord as reinforcements against the soldiers that killed Happs. This despite the fact that they only heard of the Stag Lord that very morning.

jake westlund 98 |
We have been playing for awhile now. In Varnold Vanishing already. The party is..
Karask Kesir, Duke of Watercrest (CG Gnome Summoner6/Fighter(Dragoon)2). From Katapesh. Faithful Eidolon steed Jorgundle.
General Grukar Ironhelm, Baron of Cross Water ( CG Dwarf Fighter 8). From the River Kingdoms. The Dragon General.
Geffyn Greywind,High Priest ( NG Elven Druid of Errastil 7/Fighter 1) Master Archer.
Shadis Riversnake, Marshal of Water Crest ( CN Half-Elf Ranger 8). From the River Kingdoms. His deadly great ax keeps the farms and waterways free of bandits
Master Jaxis Ostarian, Royal Chronicler and Assistant Diplomat ( N Human Bard7/Fighter1). From Taldor by way of Akiton.
They are deep and Vordakais Tomb and have survived their first encounter with the evil necromancer.

Solidchaos085 |
Figure I'll add the game I'm running between just me and my GF (worth mentioning, I was going to incorporate a mix of Jade Regent and Kingmaker into this):
Tempest (human witch formerly raised by elves before plague killed her adopted parents and left her watching over her 'younger' elven siblings, turning temporarily to a life of banditry before a "Trial by Water" killed her and she was 'saved' by the awakening of her witch power, found several years later by her aunt, an elven druid treesinger and was encouraged to join in an expedition to the Stolen Lands)
Viorec Demeloa (human ranger, ex-bounty hunter, from Varisia who, along with Ameiko and co., traveled east after the events of Rise of the Runelords seeking a new life found out about the charter into the Stolen Lands and jumped on board)
All of the characters from Legendary Games Conquering Heroes book (including Faunlara, the druid that serves as Tempest's 'aunt')
As well as the characters from Imperial Heroes (they're all friends of Ameiko and co., would seem odd to not include them)
And lastly, per her request, I'm also using a number of Iconics (she loves extensive roleplay, and is an advent BioWare fan)
It's a big group that we agreed to play out in a "Neverwinter Nights" style where Tempest takes a small group and the rest use the downtime rules from the Ultimate Campaign to 'keep up'

Stephen Ede |
My players are halfway through Varnhold Vanishing and ECL 9/10 (3 players gained a level from a DoMT. Unbelievable luck).
I started them at ECL 3 for obvious reasons when you see the party.
Silveth - Ruler - Male Silver Dragon Wyrmling (4 1/2 years old) 5th level Sorcerer. LG, Extremely Diplomatic.
Procul Hiss - Treasurer - Male Silver Dragon Wyrmling (Silveth's Twin Brother) 1st lst Cleric, 2nd lev Monk, 1st lev Sorcerer, Advanced Template. NG (despte his persistient claims that he's really LG). Has voluntarily been possessed by a huant of a previous incarnation of himself from several centureis ago. This was the cost of gaining the Advanced Template and means he sometimes has to make Will rolls of around DC 30 to avoid me making choices for his character. Yes, he's technically insane. Had serious anger issue BEFORE he became insane.
Inoxia - Warden - Female Blodeuwedd N - 5th level Druid. Wears the Stag Lord's Armour and goes topless (I've given her a +2 AC bonus vs most Male Humanoid opponents) Has acquirred a bunch of male NPCs as her personal court, including the Stag Lord's father than she has used her memory adjust abilities to convince that she is his "Good" Daughter. Has trained several Owl Bears for both sale and to add to the Kingdoms defense. Is seen as the representative of the fey kingdom members. The scandal rags have linked her romantically with Silveth and is seen as the 2nd in charge. Currently working on training a Bullete they captured.
Mariko - Kings Assassin - Female Half Celestial Slyph NE - 8th level Ninja. Currently pregnant to the Hill Giant (Inoxia rolled a 1 when making up her birth control medication and the 3rd of 3 10% pregnancy checks failed) Only PC to die so far. The fetus was successfully brought back with the 1 Raise dead but what tempaltes if any it has when born is up for grabs. Currently in start process of selling soul (not that she's aware of it) for xp to catch up with the rest of the party. Loves her poisons and sneak attack.
Rizzie - Magus - Female Tiefling - 9th level Witch. Retired dues to work/time conflict. Was about to start selling her soul as well.
Xia - Inoxia's Animal Companion+Cohort - Female Dire Tiger N - Advanced Template + 1st Level Monk - Many Styles + 3rd level Ranger - Skirmisher/Yokai Hunter. Has volunatirly been possessed by a haunt of a previous incarnation of herself. Her previous self and her Druid Mistress were killed by the previous incarnation of Procul Hiss. This has caused some party tension. Yes, she too is technically insane.
Making combat a challenge is difficult but most of the party aren't big combat freaks and the enjoyment they get from the effects of their races on the setting up of the Kingdom and the adventure makes it worth the extra work. :-)

Bofdm |
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I've been wanting to run Kingmaker for a couple of years now. There is just something incredibly enticing about a sandbox campaign that plays out over years, possible even generations of PCs.
So finally I started getting things organized and gathered a group of awesome PCs together to start exploring the Stolen Land and forge a new kingdom.
I will admit my favorite tabletop setting is Eberron, so that is the world I am running Kingmaker in (3.5 edition, 4e Eberron and I disagree on some things.)
Rather than be associated with Restov or Brevoy, all of my PCs have a connection to one of the mercantile Dragonmarked Houses, that for millenia have been bound by the Edicts of Korth restricting them from owning any personal land or noble titles within the Kingdom of Galifar. Well thanks to the Last War, the Kingdom of Galifar doesn't exist anymore.
So the think tank of The Twelve that all the Houses have representatives in are sending a group of explorers to Xen'drik the unexplored continent across the sea to initially explore and tame the land - and hopefully in the future found a kingdom by and for the Dragonmarked Houses.
My PCs are...
Alanea Shercroft (d’Medani) (Half-elf Bard (Archaeologist) 1)
A 25 year old female somewhat introverted half-elf from House Medani, Alanea spent most of her youth with her face in a book. Multiple books. Perhaps even all of the books. Rather than possessing the knack for detective work that House Medani is known for, Alanea is a lover of history. Ancient knowledge, lost stories, histories of pre-human cultures…there’s so much knowledge just waiting to be rediscovered! Alanea finished her schooling in multiple subjects at Morgrave University in Sharn and received a degree in Archaeology.
Sidney Xavier d’Cannith – Dragonmarked Scion (Human Artificer 1)
The love child of Tony Stark and Maes Hughes, Sidney d’Cannith is a prodigy of House Cannith’s Southern Division with the ego to back it up. His impressive skills would have led to a promising career climbing the ladder of the House, having obtained a Dragonmark has all but assured it. His precise reasons for traveling to Xen’drik have yet to be revealed though if Sidney is looking to break into uncharted territory for the House – then Xen’drik is the perfect proving ground.
Korin d’Kundarak (Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 1)
Relatively young by dwarven standards 50 year old Korin is from a great bloodline within the Kundarak House with four older brothers and two younger – each with a Dragonmark. Korin never manifested his own and has struggled to find his place within the house ever since. Still considered a Scion of the upper families of the House Korin could not find his place with the lower families…though due to his failure at the Test of Siberys his place among the higher families was shunned. Living most of his life in Stormreach Korin learned to make friends with other delinquents and oddballs, mostly from other Dragonmarked Houses. Unfortunately many of his friends died in the Last War. Those that did not are slowly moving into their twilight years. Largely written off by his parents Korin views the Charter to explore and tame Xen’drik as his best chance of proving himself to his family and House. Korin’s expertise is largely based in accounting and business management with an unfortunate streak of anger management issues. (One his direct influences is Terry Tate: Office Linebacker)
Tarvis Eathro d’Lyrandar (Half-elf Magus (Staff Magus) 1)
A gifted youth who lived on the streets of Aundair until being found by another member of House Lyrandar. Recognizing that the boy developed a Dragonmark, Tarvis was declared an ‘orphan’ and welcomed into House Lyrandar under the wing of his mentor. Since then Tarvis has grown into his station though to the rest of proper dragonmarked society he’s still ‘new money’. Xen’drik is a proving ground for Tarvis and his first venture out from under the wing of his mentor.
Valerie Anona Ardovini d’Lyrandar (Half-elf Rogue 1)
Valerie is another scion of House Lyrandar though her history differs greatly from Tarvis’. Other Dragonmarked Scions whisper behind Valerie’s back, saying that she is cursed. Valerie’s mother (Anna Colleen d’Lyrandar) was involved in a scandal after she became pregnant after having a little too much to drink at a masquerade ball. Normally such an implication, especially resulting in a pregnancy (since Dragonmarked Houses frequently hold arranged marriages and controlling bloodlines as a high priority for the continuation of Dragonmarked Lines…), was enough to hold the threat of Excoriation over Valerie’s mother…but after seeing her child was a half-elf, House Lyrandar decided not to punish the child for the mistakes of its parent. Eventually Valerie’s mother married another scion of the House (David Mathieu Evered d’Lyrandar), bringing a stern step-father into Valerie’s life along with a jealous step-sister (Roberta Catherine Evered d’Lyrandar) who never forgave her new ‘sister’ for having her father ‘marry down’ in the hierarchy of the House.
David’s stern hand with raising Valerie assured she got into good classes and received the best training though sometimes he pushed the young girl too hard. As with most scions of a Dragonmarked House, Valerie’s future built towards her eventual Test of Siberys to see if she would manifest a Dragonmark. The test went horribly wrong, and her left arm was mangled in the process.
Years have passed since then and the family has since been blessed with three new children. Jackalyn Nadia (13), Sara Garnette (11), and Carl Ignatius (6). Valerie loves her family though stayed out of the public eye as often as she could – eventually emerging back into the political light with a completely prosthetic left arm.
The group is only two sessions in but have decided to take the fight to Kressle's bandit camp as soon as they can, which is where we will pick up in session 3.
It's been really fun so far and the group is excited about the sandbox nature of the area, the quests that give incentives for exploration, and even the cartography aspects of filling out their own map.