Xyll |

quote=HOGARTH]The problem with creative solutions like chopping at an Entangle spell with your sword or climbing on the back of a huge enemy is that you're effectively making house rules on the fly (assuming that the creative solution in repeatable in the future), and you're effectively making Entangle spells and huge enemies permanently weaker (by giving them additional weaknesses). That's not something I really like to do.quote
Actually chopping at the vines would be the equivalent of makeing a strength check to break free like the spell states you can.
The real problem I believe Ion Raven is having is the dismisal of creative ideas out of hand. This is more of a GM style issue then a rules issue. I perfer ad hoc actions and creative solutions. They show me the players are not just going through the motions.
Just because you arbitrate an action one one does not make it a house rule. Circumstances vary from encounter to encounter and there are a number of variables to weigh.
I once had a 2nd level rogue jump on the back of a troll and backstab the hell out of it. He got slammed repeatedly into walls taking automatic damage but he made his roles and held on. Using CMB versus CMD there would be little chance of him succeding without adding condional variables ( Making things up ). But it was a great moment and is still talked about by the players. In other words they lived the moment rather then rolled dice and compared it to a chart.