Rhazagal's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


A question for you fine folks, if I may. How much does this book offer to an aspiring Wordcaster using the Words of Power (originally from Ultimate Magic)?

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...More specifically the 11th level ability Powerful Justice. It is quite ambiguous whether or not Powerful Justice grants the allies the Smite's deflection bonus to AC and/or the double damage vs. certain beings.

On one hand the ability says they "only gain the paladin’s bonus to damage" right after which is listed the things specifically NOT gained from it... and the AC bonus is curiously absent on this.

Help, anyone? I searched and saw there was a thread sometime way back last year on this very subject but the thread was about as inconclusive as it can get. Obviously I'm not the only one wondering this so a ruling on this would be much appreciated.

My group has been playing Kingmaker for a while now and we're in the middle of Rivers Run Red. They just reached 6th level at the end of last session... And thus far only two PCs have died, which is quite the surprise considering the death toll they've suffered in many, many other games and gaming systems...

Anyway. Without further ado, here are the Kingmakers!

Conley Woods, a Human Paladin of Erastil 6; current Baron of Rhoyvland. For some reason the Baron finds it distasteful to use Detect Evil on others.

Alexandrina, a Human ex-Paladin of Iomedae 5/Fighter 1; General of Rhoyvland. She Fell after losing her faith over a perceived failure to protect her Baron during their fight against the Dancing Lady. She now harbors a deep resentment towards all Fey.

Daregna (Dargna? Never been too sure about that one...) a demi-centaur (toned-down, medium-sized version of an actual centaur) Barbarian 6; bodyguard to Baron Woods. Will be interesting to see how she reacts to the "true" centaurs and how they will react to a "lesser cousin".

Talathel, an Elf Rogue 6; Royal Assassin (or "Royal Problemsolver" as he calls it). Talathel specilizes in being a Sniper.

Eleanor, an Aasimar Sorceress (Silver Dragon bloodline) 6; Rhoyvland's Magister. She caught some emotional scars from Davik Nettle, who haunted her sleep for weeks on end, nearly driving her permanently mad before one of the PCs -against the wishes of the two Paladins- swore to give the Bridgekeeper what he wanted.

Azankhel, a Gnome Bard 6; the current Grand Diplomat of Rhoyvland. Has gained some notoriety by discrediting Grigori through pretending to be Grigori's companion during the rabble rouser's speech and taking literally EVERYTHING Grigori said to ludicrous levels. From this spawned an unfortunate running gag about werewolves that poop gold... Bloody Gnomes!*deep sigh*. Azankhel's player is sort of a wild card as well as a VERY new addition to our gaming group. He's not the most regular member in the group, so his participation in the adventure is sort of an on-and-off affair.

Last but not least...

Drosnajer, a Fetchling Warlock 6; replacing a recently-retired (as in, at the end of the latest session) Halfling Cavalier of the Order of Paw DMC so that I can field-test the converted Warlock class (done by... Master Arminas and tweaked by yours truly). The Issian-born Drosnajer -or Dros for short- is an immaculate gentleman who earnestly seeks to prove his worth to the Ruling Elite of Rhoyvland in hopes of finding his place in the world. Thus far it seems the other council members -many PCs included- seem a little wary of the Warlock... Time will show whether or not they will learn to accept him.