question on class feature feat prerequisites

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

Specifically I'm referring to Natural Spell, but the question probably applies to other feats.

Can a 3rd level druid take Natural Spell?

[]Yes, because: wild shape is a class feature of the druid. (Yes, I acknowledge the druid gains no benefit for doing so for a whole level.)

[]No, because: a 3rd level druid does not yet have wild shape.

Tom Baumbach wrote:

Specifically I'm referring to Natural Spell, but the question probably applies to other feats.

Can a 3rd level druid take Natural Spell?

[]Yes, because: wild shape is a class feature of the druid. (Yes, I acknowledge the druid gains no benefit for doing so for a whole level.)

[X]No, because: a 3rd level druid does not yet have wild shape.


No. You take an archetype which changes a class feature at the lowest level a change is made - if you took the season sage druid archetype at 4th, you could get natural spell at 3rd while never getting wild shape. Not that that's a good idea, but I think it shows that you can't do this.

It's alive!!!

No need to necro a 10-year old thread to answer an OP that likely won't even know they've been replied to.

willuwontu wrote:

It's alive!!!

No need to necro a 10-year old thread to answer an OP that likely won't even know they've been replied to.

but maybe the OP has been patiently waiting 10 years to find out if their 3rd level druid can take the feat and now they finally have an answer.....

The Natural Spell Feat requires you have the Wild Shape Class Feature, not that you have levels in a Class that has the Wild Shape Class Feature. So, as

Java Man wrote:

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