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Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

Jorgen glances at Kurn, his inquisitor's gaze searching the man for sincerety. Satisfied with what he sees he nods quietly, focus for the task at hand settling over him.

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

The plan as I understand it so far: 1- Someone distracts the guard 2- Ari slips into the hall and frees the dwarf 3- Saorise or Stefnir uses Endure Elements to protect him against the cold 4- We hide him somewhere to prevent discovery, leading to the idea that he's escaped. 5- We recover the dwarf and head out to get the cavemead, returning him to his people in the process and fulfilling the bargain with the Qin. Does that make sense?

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Amendment: we leave to get the cavemead before the dwarf 'escapes'. That way we are above suspicion. I think the guard issue might need to be resolved with stealth or a tap on the head.

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

But if the dwarf is gone and we just left a note saying 'left to get the cavemead' I would think we would naturally be the prime suspects. If we're here in town when it's discovered he is gone, we have an alibi and can pick him up again while we're helping with the search parties/getting the cavemead. Maybe we should even just hide him in a barrel or something and just keep him in our house. Then we can bring him with other supplies on the trip to get the mead. Or are you saying we leave for the cavemead then send two or three people back to spring the dwarf?

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Ah, but if we have already GONE to fetch the cavemead before the dwarf disappears it couldn't have been us because we weren't here!

The Exchange

Can we decide? If its a case of people being confused by all that is going on then let me know. You have the next week to sort this, preferably less because....maybe this is a consequence of a large group but I am struggling to know why some of you aren't posting now. If I can help in any way let me know either here or in the discussion thread.

Copied from the discussion thread - I have a three day DnD weekend at my house from the 18th March, which involves lots of background prep. As such I am taking next week off from the boards, i.e. 13th to 21st March.

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

Plan- 1. Leave in the morning to get the cavemead. 2. Just before nightfall, when we're a few miles away, Ari and another stealthy character heads out into Stuvoy and springs the dwarf. 3. They bring the dwarf to our campsite and we return him to his people while getting the cavemead to bring back. How is that?

Male Human Druid 2
Ragnar Stolen-Voice wrote:
Plan- 1. Leave in the morning to get the cavemead. 2. Just before nightfall, when we're a few miles away, Ari and another stealthy character heads out into Stuvoy and springs the dwarf. 3. They bring the dwarf to our campsite and we return him to his people while getting the cavemead to bring back. How is that?

Yeah! What he said. And there is a lot going on :-)

Female Human (Krieglander) Frost Sorceress 2

Saorise stands stiffly as an icy cold breeze swirls around her. She pulls her tattered white ermin tighter around herself, though it seems to be more a movement of habit than to ward against the cold.

"Let us get this thing done, then. I will go where I am needed."

Her eyes are haunted by more than just the dangerous mission they are about to undertake.

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

"Agreed. Stefnir would need to accompany the stealthy pair, though, only his spells can foil a skilled tracker and the village has several. I'll go, if you wish, I can be quiet enough."

Female Human Barbarian/2
Ragnar Stolen-Voice wrote:
Plan- 1. Leave in the morning to get the cavemead. 2. Just before nightfall, when we're a few miles away, Ari and another stealthy character heads out into Stuvoy and springs the dwarf. 3. They bring the dwarf to our campsite and we return him to his people while getting the cavemead to bring back. How is that?

Sorry, was stuck in the jungle for a few days. On top of that, i have to make a habit of checking the OOC's more often. This plan works for me, and Anya will be agreeable to distracting the guard once someone explains that part of the plan to her (after waking her up ; )

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

Kurn will help Ari with the escapology!

The Exchange

Int or Wis check DC15 (Ari gets +4 bonus on this roll)

The dwarf is chained to the wall. No locks so that will need a good blow from the right tools to free him.

Right, then lets go with the Ragnar's plan. I shall assume that Jorgen comes with Saorise into the woods.

The following morning after everyone has had a chance to rest and recuperate they can prepare to leave. Not knowing where they the cavemead comes from, the druid or one-eyed bard can be asked for directions into the Sangaa woods.

"Head north and west for about a day, then look for a western river running towards the sea, that is the Honeydrop and it comes from the east, the high outcrop of rocks where the cavemead is made. We call it the Farn. Be prepared for fun and games, those brewers are pranksters. But they never hurt anyone. Just bored I guess."

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

Wisdom: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Intelligence: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

"How will we release him from his chains?" Helga asks Ari seriously.

Female Human Barbarian/2

FW, apologies but I don't quite understand that. How did they put the Dwarf in the chains? They couldn't have made them around his wrists, right? So wouldn't there have had to have been manacles or something that at least once opened so that they could put his wrists in them? Or perhaps I'm just not picturing it properly?

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

As the goup makes its way Jorgen alternates between monitoring Saorise's progress theorugh recovery and looking out forsignd of danger or the "mischief" of which they have been warned.

Knoow Nature1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Survival1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

The Exchange

The dwarf is manacled and then chained up to the wall which then is spiked into the stonework. Think the start of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves in the Arab prison where Kevin nearly loses a hand. No locks, that is technology that the Vikings just don't have. Dwarves and Qin would and maybe the Lord of a land may have one or two through trade.

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

The manacles would be riveted onto the dwarf rather than locked. This is a technology the Vikings certainly had, as they made riveted chain mail. To break the iron rivets you would need a big hammer and an iron chisel, or else you could file the heads down. The other possibility is that if the dwarf has not been fed well, he could slip the manacles with a little grease.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Int 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Ari looks at Helga for a moment then says;"Perhaps we could cover the spike with cloth to dampen the noise, then I could use my strength and my mace to knock it out of the wall"

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

"If we procured a good chisel before we departed, that would serve best. Muffle it well and use your mace, and it should be relatively quiet."

The Exchange

Helga Evadottir Alfchild wrote:
The manacles would be riveted onto the dwarf rather than locked. This is a technology the Vikings certainly had, as they made riveted chain mail. To break the iron rivets you would need a big hammer and an iron chisel, or else you could file the heads down. The other possibility is that if the dwarf has not been fed well, he could slip the manacles with a little grease.

Well put Dabbler.

The Exchange

Soon the party is headed into the northern Sangaa woods, they have been given several large empty clay jugs as well. It is a late autumn and the morning starts out cold. These woods are now familiar to Stefnir and Helga, Anya and Ari after the weeks hunting.

The party soon finds a comfortable glade to wait out the day before Ari leads a small group of Kurn and Stefnir back to the stockade for the dwarf. Anya's charms may also be used against the single guard.

There is only one place to get a chisel and that is Freki's smithy in the stockade. If there are any changes to the plan let me know now or I'll need stealth rolls from the people going and any further info on the plan of attack (using the map on my profile). I'll fill in the blanks.

Meanwhile Saorise, Jorgen, Ragnar and Helga wait their return.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

Kurn will just tag along with Ari until he needs to do something. The further away from sea he gets the sadder he becomes...

Female Human Barbarian/2

Excited at the idea of doing something that might get them in trouble, Anya has an eager smile on her face as they make their way back.

The Exchange

RL has slammed me this week, I'll try to pick it up this weekend. Sorry for any hold up.

The Exchange

Sorry but I feel I should give you guys a bit more than just leave you in the lurch. My family are all sick, especially my wife so I am busy picking up the slack and prepping for next weekend. Should be back in action by Tuesday of next week.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

We can wait, it won't hurt us! Hope everyone gets well soon!

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Fell better bro! All o ya

The Exchange

Thanks for the sentiments, but unfortunately see the discussion thread.


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