About Jorgen Ulrichsson Truesight Max HP: 22 Current HP: 19 Non lethal :17
Defense AC: 13 (15 Shield of faith)
Speed: 30 Offense BAB:+ 1 CMB: +2 CMD: 17 Combat:
Initiative +6 Fort: +6 Reflex: +3 Will: +6 Special Abilities
Judgement 1/day Monster lore Orisons Stern Gaze Domain (Rune) Rune Lore Cunning intiative Detect Alignment Track Languages: Krieg, Jotun Skills: 6+1Int+1human+1favored=9 per level
Acrobatics +8 Bluff+ -2 Climb +1 Craft Diplomacy -2 Disguise -2 Escape artist +3 Jump +1 Handle Animal +1 Heal+3 Intimidate -1 Knowledge Dungeoneering + Knowledge Planes+ Knowledge Nature+6 (+9) Knowledge Arcana+6 (+9) Knowledge Religion+5 (+8) Linguistics Perception + 4 Profession(Witch Hunter)+8 Sense motive +10 Ride + Spellcraft+6 Stealth +8 Swim + 5 Survival +8 Feats:
Point blank shot, Iron Will, Scribe scroll (domain bonus) Rune domain powers
Granted Powers: In strange and eldritch runes you find potent magic. You gain Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat. Blast Rune (Sp): As a standard action, you can create a blast rune in any adjacent square. Any creature entering this square takes 1d6 points of damage + 1 point for every two cleric levels you possess. This rune deals either acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, decided when you create the rune. The rune is invisible and lasts a number of rounds equal to your cleric level or until discharged. You cannot create a blast rune in a square occupied by another creature. This rune counts as a 1st-level spell for the purposes of dispelling. It can be discovered with a DC 26 Perception skill check and disarmed with a DC 26 Disable Device skill check. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. (6/day)
Deft Dodger
Hunter of the Dark:
The leader of the sect, the one who escaped your clutches wore an animal mask with horns and used a bloody sickle on the victim. The grisly orgy that followed the death revolved around the worst aspects of the natural worship of Samthrain. Holmvik came after and although this is something not really discussed there are rumours of a sect within the religion, a sect that worships by night, the followers of the Dark Moon. Equipment (lbs)
Bedroll Fishhook Flask 2 pitons Whetstone sack Spells Known: 0-5, Detect magic, read magic, resistance, detect poison, disrupt undead 1st -3
Per day: 1-3 Capacity:
Light: 43 lbs Medium: 86 lbs Heavy: 130 lbs Background
Jorgen was born to deal with magic. At the age of 10 Jorgen was struck with the oddity of the woman whose hut stood next to his father’s. Why did no one else see the dark things that crept over her house? Why did she look old occasionally, but only for a second? Still no one believed him, so determined and courageous, the boy crept into the sweat lodge one feasting night and stood up, asking why a witch was allowed to live in the village. Was she good then? That night young Jorgen was on the receiving end of a merciless beating from his father, for causing such embarrassment. It was only a few days later, when one of the tribe’s Bards followed up on the boy’s claim, more out of thoroughness than an actual belief of the child, did it become clear that the boy had a gift for seeing through veils. A witch had manipulated the minds of those living near, hiding in plain sight. From that day began Jorgen’s training in the arts of hunting and tracking, of combating the most dangerous prey alive, the Witch. His training took him all across his people’s land , often spending months at a time without speaking a single word, and as an honor for once rescuing the animal companion of a druid of the circle, he was allowed to enter the grove where he was gifted with a whisper of ancient earth magic, the Rune of Change. Jorgen has served well and garnered a great deal of respect for one his age. His most recent task was to be assigned to the young sorceress Saorise, to act as her protector, provide legitimacy in the face of the people and if need be, to neutralize her.
Jorgen is calm and pragmatic, some would say cold, looking at situations from all possible views. As a result of this, and due to exposure to an arcane caster on a human level, his view on the automatic assumption that arcane magic is inherently evil may be changing, a fact that he has not spoken of with anyone, and intends to keep to himself. As a result of much time spent in isolation while tracking and stalking his quarry, his social skills are somewhat lacking, leaving him a less than desirable conversationalist and unaccustomed to social niceties which he considers pointless. His focus can occasionally take on an almost mono-maniacal intensity, though he sees it simply as devotion to the cause of defending his people against the vile arts. He accepts the fact that in order to protect society one must become almost as much of an outsider as those they protect it from. Description
Jorgen's features would be considered attractive were it not for the perpetual scowl displayed across them. Rugged in nature, the man carries the aura of a pice of granite, steady, implacable and unrelenting. While not as heavily imbued with muscle as other Krieg warriors, his lithe form holds a snow lepoard's grace, a subtle indication of the danger he presents. Wearing mostly lined sun-bleached leathers marked with the symbol of the witch hunters, rather than the heavy furs possessed by many of his kinsmen only serves to make him stand out more.
pp gp sp cp gems Rune Knowledge
Here is a bit about runes for you. Even though a character knows how to use a given rune, it must be recreated with each use. The PC knows how to shape the rune, and each time he makes one, it can take a different form affected by the factors surrounding the moment. It could be the time, the place, motives, or creature involved that alter the rune. It takes wisdom and common sense to understand how to make a rune correctly. Shaping involves three steps. Step One - planning which means a full ten minutes of contemplation during which the character must remain undisturbed. Step Two - carving which involves having something special to carve it with (often linked to the rune itself) and carve it on. Paper is no good. You do not plan and then look around for the materials or carver, there must be no delay. typical surfaces include boards, blades, drinking horns, and stones, typical implements may be a knife or any other hard pointed tool. Step Three - activating the rune must happen within two rounds of its carving for the rune to be effective. This is either by a poem spoken over the rune or anointing the rune with beer or spit.
Change-Rune - This rune allows the caster to assume the form of a natural animal. Once per day,the rune can be made and the change lasts for a number of hours equal to the casters level or until he sleeps. Upon completion, the character assumes the animal's form, his equipment and clothing do not transform with him. He does not gain any of the animal's special abilities nor can he use the change-rune on anyone else.
Judgements etc. Spoiler:
Judgment (Su): Starting at 1st level, an inquisitor can pronounce judgment upon her foes as a swift action. Starting when the judgment is made, the inquisitor receives a bonus or special ability based on the type of judgment made. The bonuses granted by the judgment continue to improve on following rounds, reaching a maximum bonus that lasts until the judgment ends. At 1st level, an inquisitor can use this ability once per
When the inquisitor uses this ability, she must select
Healing: The inquisitor is surrounded by a healing
Justice: The judgment spurs the inquisitor to seek
Piercing: The judgment gives the inquisitor great focus
Protection: The inquisitor is surrounded by a protective
Purity: The inquisitor is protected from the vile taint of
Resiliency: The judgment makes the inquisitor resistant
Resistance: The inquisitor is shielded by a flickering
Smiting: The judgment bathes the inquisitor’s weapons
Stern Gaze- Inquisitors are skilled at sensing