Top 3 Paizo monsters...

Product Discussion

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1. Proteans
2. Daemons
3. Scaeduinar
4. Asura
5. Azata
6. Axiomites
7. Jyoti
8. Umbral Dragons
9. Demodands
10. Formians (both types)

So yeah, lots of extraplanar critters. >:D


NSpicer wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
7. Morlock
That one's already in the Bestiary, dude. Pick again.

11. Double Morlocks! Morlocks like the morlocks that are already out there, but they live deeper, are way creepier, and have sharper teeth. And have two heads. And red-er eyes. And even worse hygiene. WoooooOOOOOooooo. Scary scary.


Todd Stewart wrote:
1. Proteans, etc

*WHISTLE* 10 Yard Penalty for Listing Monsters You Wrote! :P

Todd Stewart wrote:

1. Proteans

2. Daemons
3. Scaeduinar
4. Asura
5. Azata
6. Axiomites
7. Jyoti
8. Umbral Dragons
9. Demodands
10. Formians (both types)

So yeah, lots of extraplanar critters. >:D


Especially the Scaeduinar and Jyoti!

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Double Morlocks! Morlocks like the morlocks that are already out there, but they live deeper, are way creepier, and have sharper teeth. And have two heads. And red-er eyes. And even worse hygiene. WoooooOOOOOooooo. Scary scary.

Those sound more like Xtreme Morlocks. They should also have some bony spikes sticking out of their body.

Dark Archive

David Fryer wrote:
Grave Knight

+1! This is, in my opinion, the best version of the Death Knight ever published! Although I already have the stats, I wouldn't mind seeing them in Bestiary II or III! :)

Dark Archive

1. Soulbound Dolls
2. Axiomites
3. All unconverted Devils (Bdellavritra, Phistophilus)
4. All unconverted Gremlins (Jinkin, Pugwumpi, Vexgit)
5. All Proteans (Imantesh, Nanuet, Keketar)
6. All unconverted Daemons (Leukodaemon, Melladaemon, Astradaemon)
7. Brass Golem
8. Shining Child (of Thassilon)
9. All Divs (Dou, Ghawwas, Pairaka, Sepid, Shir, Ahriman*)
10. The unconverted Asura (Beatific One)

As the list probably suggests, my favorite monsters to see are outsiders, followed by constructs, then fey. I’d love to see pretty much all of most of those categories converted, but those are my favorites that haven’t been brought over yet out of the bunch.

I support the mention of the Graveknight on so many lists. It managed to avoid mine simply because it’s already statted for the PFRPG, whereas the ones I’m mentioning aren’t.

Council of Thieves Spoiler:

I know that Soulbound Dolls were featured in What Lies in Dust (and I was glad to see both them and haunts there), but I’d still like to see a full converted entry on them.

* I’ll also note that I’d like to see all of the epic monsters converted, but only after Pathfinder gets epic rules (which hopefully comes soon).


Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Those sound more like Xtreme Morlocks. They should also have some bony spikes sticking out of their body.

See, Mairkurion knows all about 'em.

The Pugwumpi is a classic. I also really liked the Akatas. I don't own the Bestiary (yet) but if there are no Githyanki or Githyari, I'd love to see them.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
GreatKhanArtist wrote:
The Pugwumpi is a classic. I also really liked the Akatas. I don't own the Bestiary (yet) but if there are no Githyanki or Githyari, I'd love to see them.

Not gonna happen, WotC intellectual property.

In fact, I'd actually like to see the Bestiary II be a Golarion Bestiary.

(Just bring the missing monsters into Golarion with some Ecology text)

1) Rune Giants
2) Lamia Matriarch
3) Pugwumpi


F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Todd Stewart wrote:
1. Proteans, etc
*WHISTLE* 10 Yard Penalty for Listing Monsters You Wrote! :P

Hey Captain Morlock, I didn't create all of those. :P

I want to see a dire Shamwow that cloaks its victims and squeezes out its blood.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Ooo, we get ten picks now?

Well, not counting licensed stuff, I'll pick (in no particular order)...

1. Animals (badgers, camels, etc.)
2. Denizens of Leng
3. Half-Jann and Suli-Jann
4. Oni (new types)
5. Rakshasa (new types)
6. Serpentfolk
7. Soulbound Dolls
8. Wendigos
9. Non-native outsiders of all types
10. Every monster from the Bonus Bestiary

What? That counts as ten.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

flash_cxxi wrote:

1) Derhii

2) Proteans
3) any of the Mythos creatures you've done so far (Denizens of Leng, Hounds of Tindalos, etc...)

Like a few others here I too would absolutely love to see updated STATS for a Couerl although I too understand the dramas involved in that happening.

SO I hear we can go all the way to Ten now! Cool. :D

1) Derhii
2) Proteans
3) any of the Mythos creatures you've done so far (Denizens of Leng, Hounds of Tindalos, etc...)
4) Grave Knight
5) Umbral Dragon (and what I would really like to see is an addendum to the Sorcerer's Draconic Bloodline for Umbral Dragons - I've been contemplating doing my own, but I like having "Official" versions or things)
6) Asuras
7) Daemons
8) Div
9) Strix
10) Any of the new Genie variants (Ghuls, Black Jinn, Half-Jann, Suli-Jann, Zhyen/Jocta)

What I'd REALLY like is a bestiary for all the AP monsters, and a separate one for new monsters. That way AP subscribers aren't shelling out $40 for a bestiary with like 10 new monsters and 40 recycled ones in it, which would really suck a lot (read: no sale).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kirth Gersen wrote:
What I'd REALLY like is a bestiary for all the AP monsters, and a separate one for new monsters. That way AP subscribers aren't shelling out $40 for a bestiary with like 10 new monsters and 40 recycled ones in it, which would really suck a lot (read: no sale).

Not all AP monsters are destined to make the transition to Bestiary. Also, the Bestiary line will mostly limit itself to one-page entries, while the Pathfinder APs will ALWAYS have 2 page entries. And as a general rule, we'll be resisting the urge to put monsters from a Pathfinder AP bestiary into hardcover form in the same year (or maybe even the same year –1) that they originally saw print.

So while many of the monsters in the Pathfinder AP bestiaries WILL be reprinted in hardcover Bestiaries, the Pathfinder AP remains the place to get them first and to get that extra page of material.

For an example, compare the boggard or morlock in the Bestiary to their incarnations in Pathfinder AP volumes #2 and #16.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
11. Double Morlocks! Morlocks like the morlocks that are already out there, but they live deeper, are way creepier, and have sharper teeth. And have two heads. And red-er eyes. And even worse hygiene. WoooooOOOOOooooo. Scary scary.

Are you sure you don't mean...spooooky morlocks?

::makes hand gestures::


Dark Archive

NSpicer wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
11. Double Morlocks! Morlocks like the morlocks that are already out there, but they live deeper, are way creepier, and have sharper teeth. And have two heads. And red-er eyes. And even worse hygiene. WoooooOOOOOooooo. Scary scary.

Are you sure you don't mean...spooooky morlocks?

::makes hand gestures::


Yeah, Morlocks are both creepy and cool... definitely going to use them sooner or later in my campaign! Having said that, I would love to see more "degenerated" Darklands humanoids in Bestiary II... :)

Dark Archive

James, what you really need to do is chain Darrin Drader & messieurs Pett and Logue into a desk (preferably in a forlorn attic, if you only can) and make those twisted geniuses write monsters for Bestiary II! :)

James Jacobs wrote:
So while many of the monsters in the Pathfinder AP bestiaries WILL be reprinted in hardcover Bestiaries, the Pathfinder AP remains the place to get them first and to get that extra page of material.

Ugh... that's what I was afraid of. I don't want a mix of new monsters and AP monsters in the same book; as an AP subscriber, I've already GOT all of the AP monsters (as you point out, in their expanded formats). So I'd be looking at having to pay for a book that I've already bought 3/4 (or whatever large fraction) of the content of, if you see what I mean.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Kirth Gersen wrote:
I don't want a mix of new monsters and AP monsters in the same book; as an AP subscriber, I've already GOT all of the AP monsters (as you point out, in their expanded formats). So I'd be looking at having to pay for a book that I've already bought 3/4 (or whatever large fraction) of the content of, if you see what I mean.

I imagine it would be a much smaller percentage than that, especially since there are still so many OGL monsters from the SRD, 3 Tomes of Horrors, and real world myth and legend that haven't seen print in Pathfinder before. The Bestiary only had a handful of "reprint" monsters out of hundreds.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Kirth Gersen wrote:
I don't want a mix of new monsters and AP monsters in the same book; as an AP subscriber, I've already GOT all of the AP monsters (as you point out, in their expanded formats). So I'd be looking at having to pay for a book that I've already bought 3/4 (or whatever large fraction) of the content of, if you see what I mean.

OK so Paizo are going to release 1 Bestiary a year under their Pathfinder RPG Line. This line is targeted to other parties as well, not just those of us who get the APs and what not. If they split it into 2, that means that less people will buy the AP only Monster one, which means that it will cost significantly more to print as the numbers will be lower. This in itself means that less people will want to buy it (why pay more for that Bestiary when I can have this one for so much less?).

Going back to my statement earlier, there are people who will be buying the RPG line that don't buy the APs and as such they will never have heard of those monsters. It makes sense from a $ perspective for Paizo to re-print them in the Bestiaries (and as James said, they would only be re-printed a year or more after their release in an AP).

You're a smart guy Kirth, I thought you would have figured this out...

I wouldn't mind as much if it were 3.5 monsters getting an official Pf update.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I wouldn't mind as much if it were 3.5 monsters getting an official Pf update.

Which at this stage is most likely what it would be... I highly doubt they'll be putting stuff from Council of Thieves in (unless they are a niche/staple, such as the Graveknight). Rather thay would be re-visiting older APs and Modules for ideas.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Ugh... that's what I was afraid of. I don't want a mix of new monsters and AP monsters in the same book; as an AP subscriber, I've already GOT all of the AP monsters (as you point out, in their expanded formats). So I'd be looking at having to pay for a book that I've already bought 3/4 (or whatever large fraction) of the content of, if you see what I mean.

I do see what you mean. But to a large degree, a Bestiary's job isn't to introduce new monsters but to gather monsters in one convenient location. There'll be quite a few new monsters in all of our Bestiaries going forward, there will also ALWAYS be monsters picked up from adventures and APs and other books we've printed. This is the same model for presenting monster books that every edition of the game has used back to 1st edition D&D.

The 2nd Bestiary will also contain a significant number of monsters from the 3.5 SRD as well that got left out of the first Bestiary.

And that brings up a good question... what was your opinion on the first Bestiary? it's almost ENTIRELY made up of what are technically reprinted monsters... there are very few actual new monsters in that book.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

For Bestiary 2, the monsters we'll be picking up from Pathfinder APs will primarily be from Rise of the Runelords, Curse of the Crimson Throne, and Second Darkness. All of which need updating to some degree as it stands anyway, as pointed out in a previous thread.

As a general rule, I'm resistant to the idea of reprinting stuff like this if it's been less than a year or 18 months since the first version was printed. There are exceptions, such as putting the shaitan genie into the hardcover Bestiary, but when those exceptions occur they're for obvious and compelling reasons (it made no sense to do all but one genie).

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

So many choices, I'm not sure what I'd pick. In general, I'd want the outsider subtypes that aren't in the Bestiary, and monsters from older editions that were in the Tome of Horrors (especially ones that have been used in adventure paths pre-PRPG.)

Div would absolutely be my favorite, along with the god's heralds. I also liked the daemons and devils and demons. Treerazor!!!

Sovereign Court

Okay, top ten in no order:
1) Akata
2) Mobogo
3) Cold Rider
4) Reefclaw
5) Devilfish
6) Rune Giant
7) Mandragora (Evil plant babies!)
8) Azlanti Chariot Beetle (Revenge of the Kobold King)
9) Akarazug
10) Chained Spirit

EDIT: I forgot one of my favorites! The giant sabre-toothed toad, the Slurk!

Sovereign Court

James Jacobs wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:
Flotsam Ooze. (Like the one in Savage Tide AP from Dungeon mag.)

Although I did indeed invent/design the flotsam ooze, I did so for WotC's Fiend Folio. As a result, it's not an open content monster, and not one we can use.

I don't have either book in front of me but would the Fell Flotsam from the River into Darkness module be a decent replacement?

Frog God Games

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Double Morlocks! Morlocks like the morlocks that are already out there, but they live deeper, are way creepier, and have sharper teeth. And have two heads. And red-er eyes. And even worse hygiene. WoooooOOOOOooooo. Scary scary.
Those sound more like Xtreme Morlocks. They should also have some bony spikes sticking out of their body.

You a dire bear... ;-)

In no particular order:

1. Proteans
2. Jyoti
3. Fetchlings
4. Daemons
5. Axiomites
6. Agathions
7. Lurker in Light
8. Denizen of Leng
9. Wendigo
10. Danse Macabre
11. Naagloshii/Skinwalker (the really scary version, not the cheap werewolf rip-off. Skinwalker (Yes, this is not a paizo monster)

Or any of the various dire (aka Xtreme!) creatures. :(

Flash - from your mouth to JJ's ears.

EDIT: What's my opinion of the Bestiary? I love it. There's one or two illustrators I'd rethink, but otherwise, I love it, and think it was a great selection. I hope Bestiary 2 will be about the same size.

Umbral dragons, witchwyrds, agathions, and maftets, maybe with Achaekek Treerazer and various herald creatures like the Menotherian and Hand of the Inheritor getting the flavour content stripped away to be more able to be put into any setting.

James Jacobs wrote:
And that brings up a good question... what was your opinion on the first Bestiary? it's almost ENTIRELY made up of what are technically reprinted monsters... there are very few actual new monsters in that book.

True enough, although I must admit that the new ones are already getting a lot of use! I love the first Bestiary, but then again, I'd been using a 3.0 Monster Manual at the table and the 3.5 SRD when writing adventures, so it's REALLY nice to have everything updated and in hard copy that I can use at the gaming table. Most adventures don't reprint core monster stat blocks, so having them on hand is always a plus.

But for monsters I personally would use when writing an adventure, but don't have collected in a hardcover book? Well, that's what my various other sources and cross-referenced index are for; a separate hardcover book for that isn't needed, and wouldn't get much use.

flash_cxxi wrote:
You're a smart guy Kirth, I thought you would have figured this out...

(Grin) I know perfectly well why Paizo would do it -- any merchant jumps at the chance to sell the same product twice. But as a customer, I reserve the right to grumble...

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Kirth Gersen wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
You're a smart guy Kirth, I thought you would have figured this out...
(Grin) I know perfectly well why Paizo would do it -- any merchant jumps at the chance to sell the same product twice. But as a customer, I reserve the right to grumble...

Sorry I should have put a smiley on mine too. I wasn't trying to be snarky...

  • 1 Lamias
  • 2 More Lamias
  • 3 More Lamias still
  • 4 Hound of Tindalos
  • 5 Havero
  • 6 Boggards *
  • 7 Darkblight (Russ' monster entry to the first RPG Superstar contest, pleeease. Maybe you could put this in a River Kingdoms path bestiary somewhere, if not in a hardcover bestiary?)
  • 8 Ooze Imperium (Rob Mcreary's monster entry to the first RPG Superstar contest.)
  • 9 Pugwampis.
  • 10 Any Lamias/Lamiakin missed by points 1-3.

    These are the top ten I think of instinctively off the top of my head right now. (I'm pretty sure that there were at least four types of Lamia in the Runelords path bestiaries, and it would be a shame not to have the full set converted.) Others I can think of are Clinton Boomer & Christine Schneider's monster entries from RPG Superstar first year, the Danse Macabre from Pathfinder #11, and those Div's with esoteric weaknesses that Daigle did for the Legacy of Fire path.
    Oh, and the Faceless things (sort of doppleganger variants) from Pathfinder #2, which were much overshadowed by other monsters that inflicted TPK's...

    * Boggards are already in the bestiary? Oh well, please consider #6 a further vote for the mobogo then, please.

  • Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    If monsters are going to be reprinted from the AP would it be possible to reference the orginal source in the Bestiary II (in the entry for the monster would be ideal)? That way those of us with the AP would know right where to turn for that extra page of material.

    And Bestiary I was the best D&D monster book since 2nd edition AD&D! The fact that Succubi got their fire immunity back has nothing to do with this opinion. Well, umm, actually maybe slightly more than that, but it wasn't the first thing I deliberately looked to check once I had tracked down and purchased a copy. Okay, perhaps maybe it was...

    Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

    steelhead wrote:
    If monsters are going to be reprinted from the AP would it be possible to reference the orginal source in the Bestiary II (in the entry for the monster would be ideal)? That way those of us with the AP would know right where to turn for that extra page of material.

    I'd have to say, as someone who has all the books, I still use the Pathfinder Wiki as a frequent resource. It acts a a great index to cross reference which topics are in which books, as well as an excellent resource to get facts straight about Golarion. In the monsters section for example, the PF wiki crew have every creature from APs, modules, etc listed in a wonderful table.

    Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

    And I might as well list some of my no particular order:

    1. Akata
    2. Gug
    3. Faceless Stalker (Ugothol)
    4. Lamia Matriarch
    5. Shining Child of Thassilon
    6. Wendigo

    Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

    F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
    Todd Stewart wrote:
    1. Proteans, etc
    *WHISTLE* 10 Yard Penalty for Listing Monsters You Wrote! :P

    Ha! He only concepted & flavor-texted them! I statted em up...

    Then again, *I* would vote for proteans too!

    So I guess you got us either way. :)

    Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

    Adam Daigle wrote:
    In the monsters section for example, the PF wiki crew have every creature from APs, modules, etc listed in a wonderful table.

    Thanks for pimping the wiki, Daigle. The monster table you're referring to can be found here for those who prefer direct linking.

    Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

    Adam Daigle wrote:
    steelhead wrote:
    If monsters are going to be reprinted from the AP would it be possible to reference the orginal source in the Bestiary II (in the entry for the monster would be ideal)? That way those of us with the AP would know right where to turn for that extra page of material.
    I'd have to say, as someone who has all the books, I still use the Pathfinder Wiki as a frequent resource. It acts a a great index to cross reference which topics are in which books, as well as an excellent resource to get facts straight about Golarion. In the monsters section for example, the PF wiki crew have every creature from APs, modules, etc listed in a wonderful table.

    Likewise, I found the wiki very handy when compiling encounter tables for an upcoming PF supplement and wanting to include PF-flavored creatures as well as those in the Bestiary.

    EDIT: Pimp ninja'd by yoda!

    Silver Crusade

    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
    Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

    Or any of the various dire (aka Xtreme!) creatures. :(

    Shouldn't that be EXXXTREME CREATURES complete with illustration by Rob Liefeld ? ;)

    RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

    Asgetrion wrote:
    James, what you really need to do is chain Darrin Drader & messieurs Pett and Logue into a desk (preferably in a forlorn attic, if you only can) and make those twisted geniuses write monsters for Bestiary II! :)

    What is this, a Saw sequel?

    "Mister Drader. Mister Pett. Mister Logue. Let's play a game..."

    Dark Archive

    James Jacobs wrote:
    And that brings up a good question... what was your opinion on the first Bestiary? it's almost ENTIRELY made up of what are technically reprinted monsters... there are very few actual new monsters in that book.

    If you meant that as a generic question... I *LOVE* it -- so much that I don't want to use my 3E MMs anymore. I really like the "Paizo spin" on "old" monsters and the new approach to templates, and I just pick the most appropriate creatures from the Bestiary for each session, even "re-skinning" and modifying the stats a bit if needed. And I can't wait for Bestiary II and III... I want them NOW!

    Silver Crusade

    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    Bestiary II should:

    a) round up the missing MM monsters. Gray Render and Hippogriff, I am looking at you two.
    b) expand areas where wotc choice for "core" monsters was lacking. Fey and Plant are the biggest offenders.
    c) feature critters which are very likely to appear in a regular PF game. That means all the weird Outsiders, for example. I want my Daemons and Axiomites !
    d) include several classic monsters from the AP, kicking off with the most popular ones and the ones that need updating (Undead ?)

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