The Mr. Fishy Fan Club

Off-Topic Discussions

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Tom Qadim wrote:
Urizen wrote:

Unless, she's a MILF Barracuda that keeps her opinions to herself.

Tom Qadim thought those were called 'Cougars'.

Urizen notes that Cougars drown and wouldn't stand a chance with His Baron-Esquire Supreme Fishyness.

Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
Urizen wrote:

Urizen declares that second person and seventh person are legitimate forms of addressing an individual. Third person is the orthodox standard while first person is heretical and is grounds for dryboarding or jackslapping. Urizen has spoken for His Baron-Esquire Supreme Fishyness.

You may resume your adulation.

JRHM thanks Urizen for clearing that up. JRHM told you so Jackhammer! *smack!*

JH stumbles backward and falls into the pool. He climbs out, leaving an oily sheen.


Oh, no! A supertanker has created an oil spill! It's an ecological disaster! I must fix this before all the creatures in the aquarium perish!

Jacques Cousteau hates people who cause oil spills, so he calls John Denver to write a song about it.

oil makes Fishik's fins look shiney

I put in a call to Captain Planet and the Planeteers.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Tom Qadim wrote:

Tom Qadim knows Mr Fishy personally, as His Fishness shares a gaming table with him every other weekend. Make no mistake, mortal children. Mr Fishy is not a kind and benevolent fish. Do not swim idly in his fish-bowl, nor turn your back on his terrible, scaled countenance. You should see what he did to poor Dagon and the Leviathan.

***Tom Qadim shudders***

Ah, a worthy challenge at last. Now, where did I leave my fishing pole!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Tom Qadim wrote:
As a noted expert on Mr Fishy, Tom Qadim must respond to this nonsense.
CourtFool wrote:
Fishy, fishy in the brook.

Mr Fishy is an ocean-going fish. Though sometimes he visits his extra-dimensional fish-bowl.

CourtFool wrote:
Daddy catch him with a hook.

Not unless this hook was a +5 holy adamantine hook.

CourtFool wrote:
Momma fry him in a pan.

Ummm, no. Mr Fishy's fiendish heritage protects him from all fire damage.

CourtFool wrote:

Chuck Norris eats him with some nice fava beans.

Sorry Chucky. Mr Fishy has fast healing 30 as well. He reforms in your stomach and chews his way out. No more Chuck Norris. R.I.P. We'll always remember you from "Delta Force".

Starts to take notes for a future fishing trip: extra-diminsomthing, fiendish, +5 holy adamtine hook, immune to Chuck Norris.

A Very worthy challenge indeed!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Mr. Fishy said "Sure, play a Cleric, but know that no one knows your name unless their bleeding, or something has been chopped off. Then they get all, please and start using you name like they like you. They don't."

Mr. Fishy didn't say don't trust the Sorceress. Mr. Fishy said, "Watch her, she steals."

Mr. Fishy also said, "If you idiots open one more door, Mr. Fishy is going to stop healing your asses."

You forgot "Mr. Fishy is a fish hole," that's an important one.

You also forgot, "Mr. Fishy likes to rub oil on Mr. Fishy's chest, it give Mr. Fishy +4 to his AC."
What nothin' for the wizard? I'm hurt and shocked to miss out on my own quote from Mr Fishy!

Tom Qadim has a lot of free time, huh?

The great and powerful Mr Fishy has no wise words for his wizardly buddy? I shall have to try harder!

Urizen has decreed that His Baron-Esquire Supreme Fishyness' scales are impenterable to adamantine based weapons.

You may resume your rightful adulation.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Mr.Fishy wrote:

If you've been in Mr. Fishy's bowl so long why did it take you so long to speak up. I wonder if the others have seen the glory of Fishyness.

It must fill them with dread.

Great pride and vanity, I see possible bait here. Thankfully, I have immunity to fear and dread.

***Returns to crafting an +5 Adamantine Holy fishhook***

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Urizen wrote:

Urizen has decreed that His Baron-Esquire Supreme Fishyness' scales are impenterable to adamantine based weapons.

You may resume your rightful adulation.

Most exellent, you have stated most clearly his greatest weakness! Mhawwhaaahaaaahaaa!!

Scott Williams 16 wrote:
Urizen wrote:

Urizen has decreed that His Baron-Esquire Supreme Fishyness' scales are impenterable to adamantine based weapons.

You may resume your rightful adulation.

Most exellent, you have stated most clearly his greatest weakness! Mhawwhaaahaaaahaaa!!

Urizen must point out the error of Scott Williams 16's logic. Using adamantine based weapons against His Baron-Esquire Supreme Fishyness is redundant and full of fail. Urizen says Scott Williams 16 needs a better weapon.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Urizen wrote:
Scott Williams 16 wrote:
Urizen wrote:

Urizen has decreed that His Baron-Esquire Supreme Fishyness' scales are impenterable to adamantine based weapons.

You may resume your rightful adulation.

Most exellent, you have stated most clearly his greatest weakness! Mhawwhaaahaaaahaaa!!
Urizen must point out the error of Scott Williams 16's logic. Using adamantine based weapons against His Baron-Esquire Supreme Fishyness is redundant and full of fail. Urizen says Scott Williams 16 needs a better weapon.

True, Mr Fishy's hide may be a terrible challenge and easly bend mortal weapons, but, he needs to eat and the soft fleah of his mouth will easily hold a hook. Now I only need find line strong enough to resist his terrible maw!

Aquarium Diver Dan wrote:

Oh, no! A supertanker has created an oil spill! It's an ecological disaster! I must fix this before all the creatures in the aquarium perish!

*starts drinking the oil*

<Sees Fishstick drinking the oil>

That fish is in danger! I must save it! But how?!

Aquarium Diver Dan wrote:

<Sees Fishstick drinking the oil>

That fish is in danger! I must save it! But how?!

Big Fishy wonders what the knobs on the diver's equipment do. *twist twist*

Burbles wonders whether or not Mr. Fishy deigned to put flipper to keyboard and submit a wondrous item for The Contest.

I'd like to join you in the fishbowl, but water, like milk makes me soggy.

Fishick wrote:
Roy-Jack the Angry Tiger wrote:
Fishick wrote:
Wat be happinen!
Hey, nice teeth.
Herree Kitty kitty

:::Bats the ugly shack away with his very large paw:

Back off or I'll use your fin for my Cadillac. I'm not just a Tiger, I'm a Tiger Shark.

Silver Crusade

hmmmmm..... fish fish fish fish.
going to be good eating!

:dragon throws dynamite stick into bowl:


Pfft! Dynamite, please. Come back with a metric ton of C-6 so Mr. Fishy dream of Tsunami can be realized.

Anybody messing with the little retard fish, is messing with the Fishy.

Little retard fish stop drinking oil. Will some one please put a helmet on the little retard fish.

>Mr. Fishy pushes Diver Dan to the surface< and stay out. air breathing son of....

Burbles wrote:

Burbles wonders whether or not Mr. Fishy deigned to put flipper to keyboard and submit a wondrous item for The Contest.



*wedges himself into the tiny model castle at the bottom of the aquarium*

I am the king of this castle!

Mr.Fishy wrote:
Pfft! Dynamite, please. Come back with a metric ton of C-6 so Mr. Fishy dream of Tsunami can be realized.

*orders metric ton of C-6, waits five minutes*

Here you go Mr. Fishy, one metric ton of C-6!

*readies rebreather for impending tsunami*

C-6? Is that fish food?

*wiggles around in tiny castle*

Mr. Fishy knows the secret of the Caramilk bar.

Mr. Fishy knows where Jimmy HOffa is.

Mr. Fishy will lead us to a greater understanding of what it means to be the Mr. Fishy.

JRHM wants to know where the beer is.

*Makes bubbles

Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
JRHM wants to know where the beer is.

I'm brewing it right now!

I like fish....

In a spicy beer batter, with chips sour-cream and sweet-chilli sauce. Accompanied by a good beer, maybe a Grolsch or Carlton Black, Crown, or even some Srongbow extra dry Cider.

PsychoticWarrior wrote:

Mr. Fishy knows the secret of the Caramilk bar.

Mr. Fishy knows where Jimmy HOffa is.

Mr. Fishy will lead us to a greater understanding of what it means to be the Mr. Fishy.

When Chuck Norris goes fishing, Mr Fishy catches him!

All hail the Mighty Mr. Fishy! If you're not his friend, you're his chum!

Fishstick wrote:

C-6? Is that fish food?

*wiggles around in tiny castle*

Big Fishy interposes himself between little retard fish and the C-6.

Lord Fishy has decreed you are to be protected. Big Fishy will protect you from yourself. Enjoy your castle, little one.

(Would someone please move that stuff somewhere safe?)

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
If you're not his friend, you're his chum!

Nice turn of phrase.

CourtFool wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
If you're not his friend, you're his chum!
Nice turn of phrase.

E7 says, 'My sediment exactly'. ;)

CourtFool wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
If you're not his friend, you're his chum!
Nice turn of phrase.

Broken clock, twice a day, yada-yada-yada... sometimes I get lucky. ;)

*starts struggling to squeeze back out the castle door*

Um. I peed in this castle and now I don't want to be in it anymore.

*gets stuck in the castle doorway*


The name's Fynn. Dorsal Fynn. Mr. Fynn would like to know the location of a Miss Good 'n Plenty. Mr. Fynn believes that she was last seen swimming with the fishies.

Fishstick wrote:

*starts struggling to squeeze back out the castle door*

Um. I peed in this castle and now I don't want to be in it anymore.

*gets stuck in the castle doorway*


{gently wiggles him out of the little door} There you go; be careful little fishy.

{prays to Gozreh he stays away from the water filter}

Thanks, lady!

*swims into the wall of the aquarium*


Mr. Fynn also believes this to be the home of a Mr. Whyte, The Great Mr. Whyte. Mr. Fynn would like to schedule a meeting to discuss his business.

*[i]puts a helmet on Fishstick.{/i}*

There ya go little fella.

Thank you for the helmet Puking Worm and you too red haired homid.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
When Chuck Norris goes fishing, Mr Fishy catches him!

Mr. Fishy believes in catch and release.

Mr.Fishy wrote:

Thank you for the helmet Puking Worm and you too red haired homid.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
When Chuck Norris goes fishing, Mr Fishy catches him!
Mr. Fishy believes in catch and release.

Mr Fishy is an apex predator. If Mr Fishy eats Chuck Norris' still-beating heart, Mr Fishy will gain in Divine Rank. Mr Fishy will also gain all of the former Chuck Norris' followers and fans.

As an added bonus, the "Chuck Norris is so tough..." meme will become the "Mr Fishy" meme. You will have the power to smite the LOLCATS from orbit while they go about eating cheezbergers and riding invisible bikes.

Just something for Mr Fishy to think about.

Liberty's Edge

Chuck Norris has no heart. Only another fist...

Mr.Fishy wrote:

Thank you for the helmet Puking Worm and you too red haired homid.

You're welcome, as is Fishstick. We of the aquatic realms must look after the unfortunate.

{i]A sexy mermaid floats on by...[/i]

Hiya boys.

Liberty's Edge

I had a visit from the Fisheries Police. It appears Mr. Fishy is under size and we have to throw him back...

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