Gauging interest for a Rise of the Runelords PRPG PbP Campaign

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Since there's already a few gm running this on these boards, I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in (yet another) Rise of the Runelord game. I've always wanted to run Rise of the Runelords but never got the opportunity to do it with my face to face group so far. Anyway, if I can get 4-6 players who can post regularly, I'll get it rolling here.

I got another campaign in the 'pipeline', so to speak, my adaptation of the Freeport trilogy (by Green Ronin) set in the Shackles. I might run this instead if people express more interest in this one.

Shadow Lodge

I'd love to play this AP again. If you don't mind having someone who has played it before, I'll throw my card in the party hat.

Paizo Employee Developer

I've never played this adventure and I'd love to join in.

Liberty's Edge

I would love to get in on on a new AP again.

Sure, count me in.

me please...
Like to play bard this time.


Dark Archive

definately intereseted, not sure what I would play. what class would be allowed, what races?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder or 3.5?

Wow, this was quick :). And it seems like this is pretty much conclusive. I'll try to post some character creation guidelines tonight after work so you guys can start creating your characters. If I get more then 6 characters, I'll pick the ones that interest me to most and/or fit the story/starting location the best.

Paizo Employee Developer

Cool, thanks!

I would love to play the RotRL. I have never played/GM-ed it and I doubt my groups will ever do it within the next few years. I would like to play one of the new classes, probably an Inquisitor, Cavalier, or Oracle. Definitely not a Summoner, don't worry!


Reptilian wrote:
Wow, this was quick :). And it seems like this is pretty much conclusive. I'll try to post some character creation guidelines tonight after work so you guys can start creating your characters. If I get more then 6 characters, I'll pick the ones that interest me to most and/or fit the story/starting location the best.

Hehe.. yes I found that most PbP games fill up VERY fast :)

I typed my entry on my mobile phone ... outside ... in the cold.

Just to be on time ;)

I would also like to know if it's PF or 3.5.
Since I have no real knowledge of 3.5, although it's not that much different. The things I have seen, is that PF looks nicer :P

I work behind a computer as a system administrator, so I can post all day long. And at home, in the evening.


I just took a look at the players guide for Rise of the Runelords, a Halfling or Human(Varisian) Bard swindler type would be my first pick.

A bit of a rogue with perhaps a too big a love for the gambling table.
Always ready to take a bet, and when losing using his talents to get out of paying what he owes.
For the most part his heart is in the right place, but opportunities for a quick few coins have put him into quite a few tight spots.
So far he's survived on his wits ... but he's put off a few too many people in Riddleport. Time to move on ...

Or .. perhaps just a fighter .. selling his sword. But with the same template as above.

Too .. many .. choices .. :P



I would absolutely love to get in on Rise of the Runelords, even though it looks like you have quite a bit of interest. I only ever got to play through the first half of the first chapter or so(don't worry, I can seperate my own knowledge from my character's :P), and have always wanted to play through more of it.
I'll think on something and post a character concept later just in case :)

Shadow Lodge

I want to play a monk. I've been meaning to play one for a while now, so I might as well get it over with! :)

Here's one of the many character concepts I have. I can work him out to be either a rogue or a cleric or druid, dpending on what the group needs more. I can also come up with something else, if he doesn't quite fit in.

Zelazny is, for the most part, nothing more than a handsome ne're-do-well who lives to enjoy the pleasures of life. Looking at him, one would be more inclined to call him a wealthy traveler, or perhaps a minor noble rather than a drifter, for he has a fondness for emulating the traits of the upper class. However, lurking beneath his happy go lucky out look is a constant fear.

Zelazny should have died several years ago after a traveling companion and partner in crime stabbed him and left him for dead in the wilderness. Hopelessly lost and badly injured, Zelazny jumped at the deal offered to him by the fae creature that chanced upon him: in exchange for saving his life and giving him good luck, he would perform three tasks for his savior and, at the end of the third task, he would have a year and a day before his luck (and, more than likely, his life) ran out.

He's happily wandered the world for the last several years, enjoying his renewed life and good luck, always trying to ignore the fear that the end is nearing. However, as portents of change whisper across Varisia, his final tasks may be at hand.

Zel is basically a decent and easy going fellow, although not beyond more extreme acts if he felt that they could preserve his life. He potentially has a very good reason to help Sandpoint and his fellow hereos to be. Being more of a diplomat and a master of fighting dirty, I'm thinking of going rogue with him, possibly mixing in a few levels of bard at some point.
EDIT: If the group really needed a healer, I could work out for him to be a cleric or perhaps a druid, drawing his power from one of the fae courts.

Well, I don't know what the others want to play.

But I've said I wanted to play a bard .. although I'm also willing to play anything that's lacking.

Be it fighting, healing, casting or sneaking class :)


TDLofCC wrote:

Well, I don't know what the others want to play.

But I've said I wanted to play a bard .. although I'm also willing to play anything that's lacking.

Be it fighting, healing, casting or sneaking class :)


I like the new wizard, so that is high on my list, he he.

Eric Swanson wrote:
TDLofCC wrote:

Well, I don't know what the others want to play.

But I've said I wanted to play a bard .. although I'm also willing to play anything that's lacking.

Be it fighting, healing, casting or sneaking class :)


I like the new wizard, so that is high on my list, he he.

Well ... that's one down then.

Now for the sneaking, fighting and healing part :)

I've not looked into the rogue yet either. I might switch to that.
I saw a pretty nice Varisian Weapon in the Players Guide, which just asks to be used :)


Presuming I get in (which is hopefully not presuming too much), I'd be happy to fill either the healing or the sneaking slot :)

Just a quick answer to the questions piling up. This is a Pathfinder RPG (hence the PRPG in the title of the thread :P) game. I might fiddle a bit with the death and dying rules but otherwise everything in the core book is good to go. The classes from the advanced player's guide playtest are also permitted. Finally, everyone should feel free to submit a character. But, like I said, I'll only select 6 players for the game (I dread having to make that choice but you gotta do what you gotta do).

Ooh me! Pick me!
Good luck to everyone xD

Paizo Employee Developer

I'll be happy to play just about anything. I'll look over the campaign material and toss out an idea or two.

Shadow Lodge

Well, as a monk, I think I could fill the sneaking slot. Always nice to have back-up though...

Reptilian wrote:
Just a quick answer to the questions piling up. This is a Pathfinder RPG (hence the PRPG in the title of the thread :P) game. I might fiddle a bit with the death and dying rules but otherwise everything in the core book is good to go. The classes from the advanced player's guide playtest are also permitted. Finally, everyone should feel free to submit a character. But, like I said, I'll only select 6 players for the game (I dread having to make that choice but you gotta do what you gotta do).

How should we generate ability scores?

Here we go, a small introduction.

Varisian human female bard.



Str 10
Dex 15
Con 8
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 18 (16 + 2 Human bonus)


Raven black hair with uncommon bright blue eyes.
The only weapon that shows is the whips hanging on her side.
She's wearing black leather armor, with a bright red cloak and a few colorful scarfs. On tied in her hair, another around her neck, a large one around her waist and a last one around here left wrist.


Syeira is originally born from a wealthy family. Although far from noble, the family acted as much as they could. Her father would liked to have married her off to a real noble family. Hoping to raise their status.

Syeira had no intentions of ever getting married, or even being a wife. She loved music and performing too much. On the day before her "wedding" she slipped off with the some of the wedding presents hid for two days.

Later when she sold her "wedding" ring and some of the trinkets she took that night she was surprised how much money she suddenly had to spend. She bought all she needed and with one last look back, left Riddleport.

Ever since, she's been living her own life, traveling from city to city, going from festival to celebrations or when there are no notable events, just common markets.

She is an excellent performer of song and dance as well as playing a very entrancing tune on her flute.

She plays on the festivities and markets to make a honest living, and frequently makes deals with local tavern -and innkeepers to entertain the guests for a decent meal, lots of wine and a safe place to sleep.

Besides entertaining people, she likes to read. From cloak and dagger novels or serious interests like the world of magic and nature.

As an entertainer she's close to alot of people who do not notice her eavesdropping in on hushed conversations. One can never know when that small piece of information comes in handy.

Syeira has just one small problem, which has landed her in a few tight spots. Gambling is her vice of choice. She can never turn down a bet or a good card game.

She's owes a fair amount of gold to a loanshark who has a nasty reputation of making people, who don't pay up on time, disappear.

Fortunately she's heard of the Swallowtail Festival in Sandpoint, and found a small caravan going there on business. They've agreed to take her along, as long as she makes herself useful.

Sandpoint sounds like a nice small place to start fresh, and at the festival there is a good chance she can earn some gold, find a nice tavern and see what the next morning holds for her.



Combat Expertise
Improved Trip

6 + 2(int) + 1(favored) + 1(human) = 10/level

01) Perform(Sing)
02) Perform(Dance)
03) Perform(Wind)

04) Perception
05) Stealth
06) Spellcraft
07) Appraise

08) Knowledge(Arcana)
09) Knowledge(Nature)
10) Knowledge(History)

Rich Parents (900gp starters gold)

No fighting, healing or real sneaking, but in a few levels ... I got the people and knowledge skills down ;)

A few more questions though, do you allow the feats from the players guide ?
Do you allow the traits ?
And how do you want to do the stats, point buy or rolled ?

/edit 1
Added Feats/Skills.

/edit 2
Edited the background to take the Rich Parents trait.

/edit 3
Added Stats


Shadow Lodge

Hm, now it's a toss up between negative energy cleric and monk...

This should get you started.

  • Use 20 points (high fantasy) to purchase your ability scores.
  • Some player race choices from the Bestiary might be correct, check with me.
  • The current playtest version of the cavalier, oracle, summoner, witch, inquisitor and alchemist are available.
  • You get max hp and average starting gold at lvl 1 (Average hp values for the subsequent lvls).
  • Starting wealth for Cavaliers 5d6X10 gp (175 gp), Alchemists and Inquisitors 4d6X10 gp (140 gp), Oracles and Summoners 3d6X10 gp (105 gp), Witches 2d6X10 gp (70 gp).
  • Choose one trait from and I'll give you another one (it might be a 'custom' one) based on what you write as a background.
  • Consult the campaign’s players’ guide for information on Sandpoint and Varisia and try to explain why your character is in Sandpoint at the moment of the Swallowtail Festival (this can be really simple ... you could just live there for example).
  • The feats in the players’ guide are available but they have to be taken as normal feats (no bonus feat).

Also, here's 2 little 'house' rules :

  • Spontaneously modifying a spell by way of a metamagic feat or a class feature doesn’t augment the casting time (for example, a druid's spontaneous summons don’t take 2 rounds to cast).
  • You can only have the +2 at level one 'good' save bonus once for each save. If multiclassing would give you this bonus twice, use the good save bonus progression the prestige classes get instead (+1 for lvl 1 and 2, +2 for lvl 3 and 4, etc).

TDL : looks good so far

I'll stat up a character when I get home from work tonight.

Mike here. I'll be playing a Shoanti barbarian/ranger. More to come soon.

And here it is:

The people of the Shadde-Quah (the Shoanti "axe clan") are renowned throughout Varisia for their skill and ferocity in battle. In this way, Calla is no different than any other member of her tribe. However, the Shadde-Quah, like most other Shoanti clans, hate and despise orcs and half-orcs as the enemies of their people even more than they hate the Chelaxians: in this way, Calla is different. Her younger brother is a half-orc, conceived during an attack against her tribe many years ago. During the attack, Calla's father, once a fine hunter, was crippled. Calla is torn between her hatred of the orcs who shattered her family, and her love of her brother, Galbor. The other members of the tribe banished her brother, proclaiming him an abomination. Calla and her parents, unwilling to abandon Galbor, left the tribe, becoming outcasts. Since that time, life has been very difficult for Calla and her family. The land is dangerous for a small family, and they are unable to seek refuge amongst their own people, who turn them away when they see Galbor, though he is only a child. Recently, Calla and her family decided to travel south in search of people who would be more accepting and open-minded, so they could get a fresh start away from the dangers of the wilderness. Practically penniless, they have found themselves in Sandpoint. Now it is up to Calla, barely an adult, to find a way to earn respect and a living for her family.

Calla is a somewhat dark-skinned young woman with short almost-black hair and brown eyes. She carries an assortment of axes and other weapons on her person, and from her clothing and appearance she is clearly a Shoanti. Calla is generally friendly- she has spent a long time trying to make friends in new places- but she is also quick to anger. She judges people by their deeds, not their words or their background. She has little understanding of "rules" but tries to set things straight if she ever feels that she has wronged someone. Despite her friendliness and kind heart, it is difficult to become truly close with Calla because of the hatred she has witnessed in the past, and the fact that her mother, father, and brother have been her only true friends for many years.

Grimmeh wrote:
I'll stat up a character when I get home from work tonight.

Same here.

Hi Steve (Groetus) here. I will be playing a Shoanti Inquisitor. Below is my description and background. I will post my character sheet if I'm accepted. Thanks!

Venmirl stands tall, several inches above six feet in height. He has strong green eyes and his face bares a stern look of serious contemplation. He has a shaved head and has several tattoos over his olive complexion. The most noticeable are the decorative symbols of the seven klars on the outside of each of his muscular shoulders. Venmirl wears a pouch and a belt around his waist, the latter to sheath his klar.

Venmirl is a Shoanti of the Skoan-Quah (The Skull Clan). He has only recently moved to Sandpoint, after a spiritual awakening following the murder of his wife at the hands of an undead monstrosity. He and his wife both were protectors of the elderly and the dead, thus Venmirl found work helping Abstalar Zantus with various church activities and odd jobs that Naffer Vosk is too frail to carry out. Zantus was kind enough to help Venmirl find a place to stay, renting a room from an elderly couple living on Church Street, not far from the boneyard.

He can often be seen laying next to graves reading his grandfather's journal. Venmirl's grandfather was the shaman of the tribe, and is still respected by the elders to this day. After his wife's death, Venmirl started to read his grandfather's journal in earnest, something that he regrets not doing earlier as it was given to him seven years ago after his grandfather's death. Not long after he started reading it he become determined to continue his grandfather's passion of researching the history of Varisia and the Thassilonian Empire before that.

Seeking a new life, Venmirl did what many Shoanti's of his generation have done and moved to Sandpoint in search of answers to new questions posed by the journal. The once lighthearted boy has only recently overcome his grieving and has emerged as an implacable seeker of his heritage and his meaning in life.


I (Eric Swanson) have finally finished my wizard, please review him and give approval please.

What should I stat Zelazny as? A cleric or a rogue? Do we need a sneak-thief or a healer?

Grimmeh wrote:

What should I stat Zelazny as? A cleric or a rogue? Do we need a sneak-thief or a healer?

It says Barbarian / Ranger ;)

So .. he can do both .. but not very good. (Healing/Sneaking I mean ;))

I figure both options are still open.


Can I still throw in my bid for this party?

My character concept: Harsk the Shorn, Male Dwarf Fighter.

Harsk is a rarity, possibly even a freak among Dwarves, in that every morning (circumstances allowing, of course) he rigorously shaves off all of his facial hair. At an age when most Dwarves have a fine mustache and beard, Harsk is as smooth as the day he was born (apart from the little scars he's picked up with his 'unnatural habit').

While most Dwarves favour the comforts of home and clan, Harsk is a solitary wanderer who goes wherever chance takes him and pays no allegiance to any Dwarven nation. If he has a surviving clan, he has not mentioned their name in quite some time. He labels himself a sword for hire, although he has his own criteria for accepting a job, and he may be found willing to lend his blade to a cause that interests him for some reason.

An agnostic in name, Harsk does not pay fealty to any of Golarion's religion as such, though he does have a most unDwarven interest in theoretic philosophies and respects others' decisions so long as these don't cause trouble and woe for others.

Harsk is a fairly pleasant sort for a Dwarf, curious about things new and old, accepting of races not commonly appreciated by Dwarves. He does not have the famous Dwarven love for ale and pipe smoke, but he can be merry enough when there's a party.

for DM's eyes:
It is actually Harsk's capacity for liberal thinking that has made him what he is and makes him do what he does. Being a freethinker in a tradition-led society was not a good life, not for Harsk. While he can see the good in his people's society, he was always frustrated by their unwillingness to adapt more swiftly to a changing world, and by his own family's attempts to have him 'be a proper Dwarf'.

In the end, Harsk's frustrations overcame him and he exiled himself, symbolically cutting ties with his clan and homeland by his morning ritual with the razor every day again. There is no serious bad blood between Harsk and his people, but he is considered an aberration best left alone and kept away from impressionable youngsters.

I've limited enthusiasm for barbarians and rangers, neither of which fit my concept all that well.

Dark Archive

Reptilian wrote:
I got another campaign in the 'pipeline', so to speak, my adaptation of the Freeport trilogy (by Green Ronin) set in the Shackles. I might run this instead if people express more interest in this one.

I seem to have missed the boat for the RotRL call (and am in one already), but I'd be *SO* there for a Freeport trilogy adventure! (Which I've run myself, set in Greyhawk, but I promise not to abuse out of game knowledge.)

Grimmeh wrote:
I've limited enthusiasm for barbarians and rangers, neither of which fit my concept all that well.

No no .. I meant in his post he says he'd like to play a Shoanti Barbarian/Ranger ;)

Meaning the slots of sneaking and healing are still open :P


Here's what we have so far (to try to avoid confusion)

  • TDL, Syeira, female varisian human bard
  • Mike, Calla, female shoanti human barbarian (and eventually ranger)
  • Groetus/Steve, Venmirl, male shoanti human inquisitor
  • Eric, Izbahn, male human wizard
  • Grimmeh, Zelazny, male human rogue, cleric or druid ?
  • Aebliss, Harsk, male dwarf fighter
  • Dragonborn3, monk or negative-energy cleric ?
  • Winterwalker, expressed interest
  • Lord Thasmudyan, expressed interest

    I think that's all of you.

    Venmirl : Is your character dedicated to a deity in particular ? Since you mention working for father Zantus, it should probably be one of those worshipped at the Sandpoint's cathedral : Desna, Erastil, Abadar, Sarenrae, Shelyn and Gozreh.

    Izbahn : Looking at it quickly, your character looks good. You just seem to have too much gold. The average starting gold for a wizard is 70 gp. As for your background, I presume you mean Galduria and not Galduris. It's town, not a city but (by chance ?) it fits your background extremely well.

    pathfinder #3 wrote:
    Galduria: While the town of Galduria survives primarily by ferrying grain and lumber along the Lampblack River and Ember Lake, its true claim to fame is its college. By far the oldest structure in town, the Twilight Academy is one of the premier schools of magic in Varisia, rivaled only by the Stone of the Seers in Magnimar and the notorious Acadamae of Korvosa, both of which consider it an upstart devoid of their own rich heritages. Founded in Galduria specifically to avoid the political pressure and intrigues of those two cities, the Twilight Academy has a reputation as being experimental and unconventional in many of its practices, but frequent donations to public works keep locals from probing too deeply into the occasional haywire spell or necromantic accident.

  • Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Any interest in a Shoanti Flame Oracle?

    Sooo ... do I have a good chance of getting in? ;) Should I start writing up the character sheet?

    Here we go ... I present Syeira Deverin ...

    I've updated the description and background a bit.


    Reptilian wrote:

    Izbahn : Looking at it quickly, your character looks good. You just seem to have too much gold. The average starting gold for a wizard is 70 gp. As for your background, I presume you mean Galduria and not Galduris. It's town, not a city but (by chance ?) it fits your background extremely well.
    pathfinder #3 wrote:
    Galduria: While the town of Galduria survives primarily by ferrying grain and lumber along the Lampblack River and Ember Lake, its true claim to fame is its college. By far the oldest structure in town, the Twilight Academy is one of the premier schools of magic in Varisia, rivaled only by the Stone of the Seers in Magnimar and the notorious Acadamae of Korvosa, both of which consider it an upstart devoid of their own rich heritages. Founded in Galduria specifically to avoid the political pressure and intrigues of those two cities, the Twilight Academy has a reputation as being experimental and unconventional in many of its practices, but frequent donations to public works keep locals from probing too deeply into the occasional haywire spell or necromantic accident.

    Thanks, I updated the background and gp total, just need to finish buying equipment and I'm ready to go.

    Reptilian wrote:

    Here's what we have so far (to try to avoid confusion)

    Venmirl : Is your character dedicated to a deity in particular ? Since you mention working for father Zantus, it should probably be one of those worshipped at the Sandpoint's cathedral : Desna, Erastil, Abadar, Sarenrae, Shelyn and Gozreh.

    Venmirl worships his tribe's totem spirit. His alignment is N and he is tolerant of the religion of others, much like Zantus. His work for the church is more odd jobs and heavy lifting, but the majority of it involves preparing the deceased for burial, as this was one of his main duties with his tribe. He never helps with any ceremonial work for father Zantus.

    I made my character sheet this morning:

    character sheet:

    Venmirl of Skoan-Quah
    Medium human male, 29, 6'-3", 210 lbs, 30' move
    HP:15 (Toughness feat)
    AC:17 (16 when he is not wielding his klar) Touch:12 FF:15

    STR: 16 (+2 for human)
    DEX: 14
    CON: 16
    INT: 12
    WIS: 14
    CHA: 10

    Ref:4 (Lightning Reflexes)

    Init:2 BAB:0 CMB:+3 CMD:15

    Klar Attack:+3 Damage:1d6+3 Crit:20x2 Type:Slashing
    (The klar has a grip on it that acts like a buckler giving sheild bonus +1 & ACP of -1)

    Domain Ability (Earth)
    Acid Dart Attack:+2 Damage:1d6 Range:30' Amount:5/day

    Skills 6+1+1=8
    Heal=8 (+2 from totem)
    Knowledge=5 (+2 if about monsters)
    Sense Motive=6
    Stealth=3 (-3 ACP)

    Feats:Toughness, Lightning Reflexes Trait: Armor Expert

    Hide Shirt +4,+4,-3 (-2 with Armor Expert), 30', 25lbs

    Klar +1,-1

    Current money=30 gp after misc. gear purchases

    Venmirl's ability scores look a little high to me.

    I've completed Calla's stats and I'm ready to go, with GM approval.

    Dragonborn3 here, my character is almost done. I'll have a background up soon and the rest of her equipmetn bought. Her holy symbol is a draconic rune that mixes the runes for "family" and "gang," specially made for her. Can I scribe scrolls before the adventure starts?

    Calla Shadde-Quah wrote:
    Venmirl's ability scores look a little high to me.

    Hmm .. yes .. not to be nitpicky ..

    But it looks like a 27 point buy to me .. and we only have 20 to spend :)


    TDLofCC wrote:
    Calla Shadde-Quah wrote:
    Venmirl's ability scores look a little high to me.

    Hmm .. yes .. not to be nitpicky ..

    But it looks like a 27 point buy to me .. and we only have 20 to spend :)

    I meant to have 10 for the INT score, thanks for catching that. I believe we're still allowed the +2 for being human I believe, so the 16 for STR is correct.

    So Int is 10 and I removed the rank in the Diplomacy skill.

    Venmirl of Skoan-Quah wrote:
    TDLofCC wrote:
    Calla Shadde-Quah wrote:
    Venmirl's ability scores look a little high to me.

    Hmm .. yes .. not to be nitpicky ..

    But it looks like a 27 point buy to me .. and we only have 20 to spend :)

    I meant to have 10 for the INT score, thanks for catching that. I believe we're still allowed the +2 for being human I believe, so the 16 for STR is correct.

    So Int is 10 and I removed the rank in the Diplomacy skill.

    I think you're still over 20 though.

    STR: 14 (5)
    DEX: 14 (5)
    CON: 16 (10)
    INT: 10
    WIS: 14 (5)
    CHA: 10

    25 points :)

    Shadow Lodge

    Unless that +2 went into Con.

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