Count Strahd Von Zarvoich

Grimmeh's page

Organized Play Member. 31 posts (45 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


I would happily throw in for another game with a smaller group. I've played/dm'd most of RotRL, some of the first chapter of CotCT, but other than that haven't had any experience with the Paizo APs.

The character in question is one Atherton Dram, a rogue who made a living as sort of a free-lance middle-man in Korvosa. He started to scale back on his criminal pursuits when he met a young woman with whom he fell in love. Angry that Dram had betrayed him by no longer taking work, Lamm had Atherton's lover killed and then approached Atherton, offering sympathy and convincing Atherton that one of Lamm's rivals had been responsible. Atherton killed the man who Lamm told him was responsible and has for the last several years felt something of a debt owed to Lamm, unaware that Lamm was actually the man who killed his lover.

That's basically the gist of it; the character is on my old account, so his profile should still be accessible.

Alright, best of luck in your adventures, folks.

Are there still any slots available? I have a rogue who was created specifically for a CotCT game that didn't end up going very far.

Are there still any slots available in this game? I have yet to be able to play a Second Darkness campaign.

I'm thinking either a somewhat Harry Dresden-esque sorcerer, or possible a possibly an illusion/enchantment specialist.
I'll try to get a concept for both up by the end of the day.

I've been toying around with the idea of a witch prestige class as well, and I like the looks of what you have here.
Regarding the ideas of paths, perhaps the witch could gain certain abilities, maybe every 3 levels, depending on which path (i.e. traditional archetype) they've chosen.

Oh, this sounds quite intriguing. Are there any slots remaining?

Hey all, it is Arctaris, posting from a new account as I lost access to the email address associated with the old one.
I vanished (again *sigh*) a little suddenly and completely, and I apologize for not giving warning; between a busy life with work and school, some...personal issues, and a lengthy slump in motivation and creativity, I took a long hiatus from the game in general.
Lately I've been missing the game in general and you guys specifically, so I stopped by to say hello after lurking on the game thread for a few days. I'm glad to see that you folks have continued the awesome PbP, and that Alton continues to live on.

And ironically the post monster decided to eat the first post I've made in a close to a year. Go figure.

EDIT: Though I don't think you know me, my thoughts are with you DMs.


Sorry for not making it clear. I'm looking to join a pbp of any of the pathfinder APs, except for RotRL

Like the title says, I'm wondering if anyone is considering running any of paizo's adventure paths, not including. Is anyone planning to run any of them?

I would be interested in playing a human ranger.

Curious and eager, in my case xD

Woot, glad I got chosen :D I look forward to playing with all of you.

I was still using the beta, apparently. I'll update my stats.

Thank you, although your anticipation for his potential doom unnerves me >.<

*sigh* I've already begun statting him as a rogue, later multi-classing into sorcerer. I'll just stick with that instead of changing my mind every five minutes.

I'm really hoping to get in as well. It'd be nice to be able to finally finish the adventure path, and get a chance to rp again.
Coming up with a new character is always fun :)

I decided to go with rogue, later multiclassing into sorcerer and aiming for the arcane trickster prestige class, if allowed. I'll get started on the character and have it and a full backround up shortly.

I've limited enthusiasm for barbarians and rangers, neither of which fit my concept all that well.

What should I stat Zelazny as? A cleric or a rogue? Do we need a sneak-thief or a healer?

I'll stat up a character when I get home from work tonight.

Ooh me! Pick me!
Good luck to everyone xD

Presuming I get in (which is hopefully not presuming too much), I'd be happy to fill either the healing or the sneaking slot :)

Here's one of the many character concepts I have. I can work him out to be either a rogue or a cleric or druid, dpending on what the group needs more. I can also come up with something else, if he doesn't quite fit in.

Zelazny is, for the most part, nothing more than a handsome ne're-do-well who lives to enjoy the pleasures of life. Looking at him, one would be more inclined to call him a wealthy traveler, or perhaps a minor noble rather than a drifter, for he has a fondness for emulating the traits of the upper class. However, lurking beneath his happy go lucky out look is a constant fear.

Zelazny should have died several years ago after a traveling companion and partner in crime stabbed him and left him for dead in the wilderness. Hopelessly lost and badly injured, Zelazny jumped at the deal offered to him by the fae creature that chanced upon him: in exchange for saving his life and giving him good luck, he would perform three tasks for his savior and, at the end of the third task, he would have a year and a day before his luck (and, more than likely, his life) ran out.

He's happily wandered the world for the last several years, enjoying his renewed life and good luck, always trying to ignore the fear that the end is nearing. However, as portents of change whisper across Varisia, his final tasks may be at hand.

Zel is basically a decent and easy going fellow, although not beyond more extreme acts if he felt that they could preserve his life. He potentially has a very good reason to help Sandpoint and his fellow hereos to be. Being more of a diplomat and a master of fighting dirty, I'm thinking of going rogue with him, possibly mixing in a few levels of bard at some point.
EDIT: If the group really needed a healer, I could work out for him to be a cleric or perhaps a druid, drawing his power from one of the fae courts.

I would absolutely love to get in on Rise of the Runelords, even though it looks like you have quite a bit of interest. I only ever got to play through the first half of the first chapter or so(don't worry, I can seperate my own knowledge from my character's :P), and have always wanted to play through more of it.
I'll think on something and post a character concept later just in case :)

Here's a preliminary character concept for you to look over.


Zelazny is, for the most part, nothing more than a handsome ne're-do-well who lives to enjoy the pleasures of life. Looking at him, one would be more inclined to call him a wealthy traveler, or perhaps a minor noble rather than a drifter, for he has a fondness for emulating the traits of the upper class. However, lurking beneath his happy go lucky out look is a constant fear.

Zelazny should have died several years ago after a traveling companion and partner in crime stabbed him and left him for dead in the wilderness. Hopelessly lost and badly injured, Zelazny jumped at the deal offered to him by the fae creature that chanced upon him: in exchange for saving his life and giving him good luck, he would perform three tasks for his savior and, at the end of the third task, he would have a year and a day before his luck (and, more than likely, his life) ran out.

He's happily wandered the world for the last several years, enjoying his renewed life and good luck, always trying to ignore the fear that the end is nearing. However, as portents of change whisper across Varisia, his final tasks may be at hand.

Zelazny is basically a decent and easy going fellow, although not beyond more extreme acts if he felt that they could preserve his life. He potentially has a very good reason to help Sandpoint and his fellow hereos to be. Being more of a diplomat and a master of fighting dirty, I'm thinking of going rogue with him, possibly mixing in a few levels of bard at some point.
EDIT: If the group really needed a healer, I could work out for him to be a cleric or perhaps a druid, drawing his power from one of the fae courts.

I'd love to join in :) Anything in particular that's a no-no, or that the group is in need of? I can have a character set-up by tommorrow.
*crosses fingers*

I would be interested in playing in such a game. If you end up starting it, I would like to be on the list of potential players :)

*hopeful bump*

Hey all, after being away from the game for a while I've been wanting to get back into playing, but can't get a regular group together. So, I was wondering if there are any PbP games that are starting soon or any current games in need of another player. :)