grrtigger |
I'm in as long as it's not just a plain 'modern' book. I love the Urban Arcana setting for d20 modern. If your product would end up having hefty magic and sci-fi chapters like a more to-the-point version of all the softcover expansions that came out for d20 modern, I'd love it long time.
Mosaic |
I would not sign up for a PFRPG modern, but I could for PFRPG sci-fi.
Hopefully it would be a core-rules product that could accomplish both. I own and read but never played both d20 Modern and Future. Both genres seemed to work well with the same rules set. Same with d20 Past. Do folks who actually played d20 Modern in several genres have the same experience? Or do some of you feel it will need to be one or the other?
Again, I kinda liked the way WotC did it with a core rules book and then smaller genre books with how to adapt the core rules to cyberpunk, post-apocalypse, past, future, etc. I'm not saying all the books were great, but the idea of genre splat books seems solid. Same with campaign worlds. I have both Dark Matter and Urban Arcana. Two different worlds that run off the same core rules. I'd say we get the core rules developed first, then develop worlds and specific genres in later publications. You could even parallel Paizo with Companion books, Camapiagn Settings, etc. Eventually, some GameMastery-style products would be great too. (Why do market research when somebody else has already done it? :) )
Starglim |
Stereofm wrote:I would not sign up for a PFRPG modern, but I could for PFRPG sci-fi.Hopefully it would be a core-rules product that could accomplish both. I own and read but never played both d20 Modern and Future. Both genres seemed to work well with the same rules set. Same with d20 Past. Do folks who actually played d20 Modern in several genres have the same experience? Or do some of you feel it will need to be one or the other?
I had some difficulties with d20 Future that might be avoided by considering SF rules more carefully as part of the core of a Pathfinder Modern project. The number of non-bonus feats consumed to take armour or mecha proficiencies at low levels (for a common soldier type NPC, for example) came up in a game that I ran. Future weapons and the gadget system should get a strong going over also.
I don't think it's anything that would be impossible to fix, provided the core rules take into account that games and/or characters could start at different technological levels, rather than trying to tack on fixes after setting the ruleset in concrete.
Can't speak for d20 Past.
Matthew Jacoby |
It would depend, to me, on where exactly the project intends to go with this.
What I see as d20 Modern's primary advantage over D&D 3.5, and especially D&D 4e, its its design towards genre flexibility. With minor expansion books, it was able to go from urban fantasy to historical fiction to horror to sci-fi smoothly, or at least as smoothly as the 3.0 edition based rules were able to manage for anything.
I really enjoy what Paizo has done with 3.5e D&D. Paizo's work is of such quality that I'm certain I would pay $10 or $20 for a pdf of such a game, no matter what you decided to do with it, because I feel that it would probably be a pretty good game.
But I think I'd only want to put $50 down to get a hardcover copy if it was a strong objective to retain that flexibility. There are a whole lot of RPG systems out there, covering individual genres decently, and much fewer that are built as flexibly. The only one I'm personally aware of is GURPS, which in my experience is nightmarishly more complex and time-consumptive to prepare for.
That said, I've been waiting a long time for a decent successor to d20 Modern, and would happily pay more than $50 for such a game if it included sci-fi and fantasy expansions, or a simple enough scheme of compatibility to use old d20 modern or other systems to smoothly add high-tech and magic.
R. Hyrum Savage Super Genius Games |
Count me in for $50, more if it has more of a Future rather than a Modern emphasis.
Regarding having iconic characters based on patrons, would mine have to be the podgy, sarcastic accountant that I am, or the witty, problem-solving Smart Hero that I'd like to be? :)
Up to you Amethal! :D
tallforadwarf |
What I see as d20 Modern's primary advantage over D&D 3.5, and especially D&D 4e, its its design towards genre flexibility. With minor expansion books, it was able to go from urban fantasy to historical fiction to horror to sci-fi smoothly
Something like the Alternity (which I still run - last game was on Christmas eve!) 'Progress Levels' would be a welcome addition to any revision of d20 Modern. It'd also keep the idea of Sci-Fi closer to the core, as suggested above, hopefully removing some of the integration problems mentioned above with d20 Future.
R. Hyrum Savage Super Genius Games |
Heliocentrist |
I would not sign up for a PFRPG modern, but I could for PFRPG sci-fi.
I have to agree. I would love to see something like Star Frontiers written in a PF-style, and hopefully more elegant and interesting than TSR originally designed it.
When you have that project in the works, let me know. I will be in for that one.
Face_P0lluti0n |
I'd throw $50 bucks at this. I loved the idea of d20 modern - a genre-neutral modern/sci-fi rpg in the same vein as D&D/PFRPG is capable of being a genre-neutral fantasy game (assuming genres of fantasy - high, low, tolkien, horror, wierd planescape/spelljammer stuff, whimsical/faerie...).
My only nitpick with d20 Modern, but a total dealbreaker for me, was the whole lack of any sort of sneak attack mechanic to mitigate the HP system. A highly-trained Assassin could sneak attack a totally unaware target and only do 1d4 damage with that knife, despite being 20th level. Huh? Please bring back some sort of extra damage/effect surprise attack mechanic!
My only complaint with Alternity was that there were no mecha!
Icing on the cake would be even slight compatibility with existing future SRD. I would be willing to pay $50+ for a d20 system that would allow me to finally run my d20 Future Space-Pisonic-Mecha (all at the same time) campaign. PFRPG covers all of my fantasy needs, an evolved, Pathfinderized version of the d20 modern game would cover every other Modern and Sci-Fi game I ever want to run...spies, space opera, mecha, lovecraftian horror...
Pathfinder also excites me as a d20 modern conversion because of some of the skill list changes - the PFRPG changes from some exclusive skills (spot, listen) to inclusive skills (Perception, Stealth, etc.) makes DMing on the fly so much I can just call for Perception checks when PCs *might* taste poison in their dinner or smell that gas leak...
Chubbs McGee |
The League of Ordinary Gamers recently attempted to convert the d20 Modern rules into the Pathfinder system. Our GM ran the Hunter: Indianapolis campaign. I have posted some of our material on the Campaign Journal forum.
The system worked well enough, though we were tinkering with the system as we went along. We were using the Beta rules, so things like CMB were left out. The magic and psychic system took some work to put into place.
All in all it worked very well. We are planning on resurrecting the campaign in the future and revamping it. So a Pathfinder Modern game would get my gold readily enough.
Theocrat |
Hi all -
I posted that I'm already in on this - and I might actually get at least one or two others at my table as well. Right now we're playing d20 Star Wars revised edition on Tuesday (OK, so I've missed about 3 games in a row), but we've changed the feats to fit Pathfinder's feats as well. It takes a bit of adjustment, but it works enough. But that's what we'd like to do - be able to use the Star Wars environment but the Pathfinder rules. Sure you can't have "Jedi" or "Force Users" but a term that relates all the same. Armored Soldiers from the Imperial, dastardly rebels, and of course some version of the Go'uld and the Jaffa. As Owen stated in one of the previous posts regarding Empire vs Cthulu - what I and my crew wants is to be able to play a game were I can have a freed Jaffa and a Jedi on the side of the rebels using Mecha fighting off the Cylons and their Borg allies. Man, I guess I'll have to play Space Fight! tomorrow.
Be Well. Be Well Mish-Mashed.
Theocrat Issak
Karne |
I'm in. There were certainly some issues with the old d20 rules which could have used streamlining, but still, there were some truly interesting design advances made with that game. As a game standing out on its own, I played a few sessions, it was fun, after seeing what you guys did to maintain the feel of 3.5 but still streamline and balance the system, I'm very interested in how you'd work out d20 Modern.
Dredan |
Mosaic wrote:Stereofm wrote:I would not sign up for a PFRPG modern, but I could for PFRPG sci-fi.Hopefully it would be a core-rules product that could accomplish both. I own and read but never played both d20 Modern and Future. Both genres seemed to work well with the same rules set. Same with d20 Past. Do folks who actually played d20 Modern in several genres have the same experience? Or do some of you feel it will need to be one or the other?I had some difficulties with d20 Future that might be avoided by considering SF rules more carefully as part of the core of a Pathfinder Modern project. The number of non-bonus feats consumed to take armour or mecha proficiencies at low levels (for a common soldier type NPC, for example) came up in a game that I ran. Future weapons and the gadget system should get a strong going over also.
I don't think it's anything that would be impossible to fix, provided the core rules take into account that games and/or characters could start at different technological levels, rather than trying to tack on fixes after setting the ruleset in concrete.
Can't speak for d20 Past.
As I mentioned earlier, if they are going to do a Modern/Sci-Fi setting, you REALLY need to look in to how Traveller addressed their base classes as far as adding the feats needed for the Mech's, vehicles, many different weapon types. Most of the time, a "Standard" core class in the Sci-Fi setting (Traveller) would be like a Marine. The Marine was a military based "shock troop" and they received "bonus feats" at Lvl 1 which included several of the weapon groups, Laser, rifleman, melee and the ability to take vehicle feats if needed.
Dredan wrote:
I guess my question is....why would you use WOTC d20 modern. It was an ok system but if your going to do a modern/Sci-Fi why not work it from one of the best Sci-Fi systems for d20 to date (personal opinion of course) Traveller. The Traveller's handbook has covered the d20 modern/future rules and they thought of everything.Bryan,
I do have your Pathfinder upgrade and I'm going to point out that you were indeed the first to get the sci-fi - fantasy out there. I still haven't had a chance to read it in depth due to RL, but I have printed the sucker out and intend to do so when I go on vacay for the holiday break. FWIW, you definitely should be around to throw in your weight in coin.
I would not be able to donate money to the project as Metal & Myth LLC is using funds for print costs for the softcover books and development of the Dredan Campaign setting, however, that being said, I would love to help Super Genius on the creative side in this project. I have had over 15 years of Traveller/Sci-Fi gaming and 10 years of DnD and we have been developing Dredan for the last 6 years. I would be more then happy to assist you guys in creating or providing some help for this sourcebook if you were to base it off of Traveller rules because I believe they are a solid base and groundwork for an excellent new Pathfinder set of core-rule books. I might be even able to convince my partner with Metal & Myth LLC (Rod Wilkins) the artist of all the Dredan artwork to help with some of the rulebook's artwork. If you look at any of the artwork in our book it was "all" done by him. He has a real flavor for Sci-Fi/Modern artwork. If we can assist let me know, we can be reached via email
Bryan Wilkins (Author of Dredan/Designer/Publisher
Rod Wilkins (Artist of Dredan/Web Design/Technical Lead Metal & Myth llc)
Urizen |
I've been meaning to ask ... I have the Traveller d20 Lite rules (thanks to you pointing it out), but I was wondering if there was something more complete that's out there or is it OOP? I wasn't sure whether you were using the full rules setting or are you just going by the Lite version as well?
Dredan |
I've been meaning to ask ... I have the Traveller d20 Lite rules (thanks to you pointing it out), but I was wondering if there was something more complete that's out there or is it OOP? I wasn't sure whether you were using the full rules setting or are you just going by the Lite version as well?
The Traveller Lite is very "lite" indeed, I have the hardcover Traveller's Handbook, have it for years, which is what we used to develop Dredan, however, I will find the links for you for the Traveller's Handbook on PDF. The Travellers Handbook is as big as the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, you can download the whole book for $25 via PDF, or you can download 3 different sections of the book at $10 each. I will find the links for you.
Dredan |
Urizen wrote:The Traveller Lite is very "lite" indeed, I have the hardcover Traveller's Handbook, have it for years, which is what we used to develop Dredan, however, I will find the links for you for the Traveller's Handbook on PDF. The Travellers Handbook is as big as the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, you can download the whole book for $25 via PDF, or you can download 3 different sections of the book at $10 each. I will find the links for you.I've been meaning to ask ... I have the Traveller d20 Lite rules (thanks to you pointing it out), but I was wondering if there was something more complete that's out there or is it OOP? I wasn't sure whether you were using the full rules setting or are you just going by the Lite version as well?
Here it is Traveller20 PDF
johnnype |
I'm on the fence. For modern I have SpyCraft 2.0 and nWoD which work really well. If instead you offer me a stand alone D20Future/Pathfinder (i.e. Pathfinder rulebook NOT required) and I'm all over it.
I don't know that even a 400 page rulebook can adequately address all that a modern AND sci-fi set of rules require. As much as I love D20 Future it felt tacked on and incomplete.
Now $50 is not a lot of money so I could easily be convinced to buy in in the hopes that I might see something like D20Future/Pathfinder at a later date. Again, stand alone. None of this "D20 Modern required" BS that we saw with D20 Future.
Dredan |
I'm on the fence. For modern I have SpyCraft 2.0 and nWoD which work really well. If instead you offer me a stand alone D20Future/Pathfinder (i.e. Pathfinder rulebook NOT required) and I'm all over it.
I don't know that even a 400 page rulebook can adequately address all that a modern AND sci-fi set of rules require. As much as I love D20 Future it felt tacked on and incomplete.
Now $50 is not a lot of money so I could easily be convinced to buy in in the hopes that I might see something like D20Future/Pathfinder at a later date. Again, stand alone. None of this "D20 Modern required" BS that we saw with D20 Future.
According to Pathfinder Compatibility, you have to reference the Pathfinder Core Rulebook or you are in violation of the OGL. Paizo would have to release the Sci-Fi/Modern as a stand alone to be legit.
But once again, for 3.5, Traveller covered it all, from Radiation damage, to weapon damage reduction to even designing the computers and how much it costs to make a computer to run Sci-Fi machines.
JoelF847 RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 |
I'm probably in for $50. I'd want to know a few basic design decisions before comitting. The three that are really important to me are:
1) a brand new wealth system
2) how are you handling base classes. I'm fine with the ability based ones, or more role/archtype classes like Pathfinder or Star Wars has, but wouldn't want a single generic class or something along those lines.
3) I'd want the monster section to only have new creatures - don't waste space on critters from the Pathfinder Bestiary with a few minor tweaks. Just have some conversion rules (like add the massive damage threshold and a bonus feat for weapon proficiencies for intelligent creatures, or whatever.) I'd love NEW monsters (or updates to d20 Modern monsters that weren't straight ports of D&D monsters) to be included though.