The DPR Olympics - or "I'm not the mechanic here, Ironsides! I mostly just hurt people!"


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Dark Archive

ashern wrote:
Hey guys, has anyone rebuilt an Inquisitor character since APG came out? I'm wondering if there were big changes to what I saw a few months back on here, and my friend is considering playing one and wants to do lots damage.

You can pretty much just skip to the DPR of the round three version since that's is, IIRC, the bonus a level 10 Inquisitor would get. On an anecdotal level, the Inquisitor is awesome and has been tons of fun to play. A really great gish (sorta) class.

As this post is 13 pages long, i must admit i cant remember everything that has been said and build in here so far. But im courious as to what the best ranged build has proven to be. Primarily in raw DPR as this is what this thread is about.

off the top of my head i would say a ranged char. could be fighter, ranger, monk, paladin and arcane archer. So can any 1 say whats best? and if the build has already been made, write the page number of the thread.


nicklas Læssøe wrote:

As this post is 13 pages long, i must admit i cant remember everything that has been said and build in here so far. But im courious as to what the best ranged build has proven to be. Primarily in raw DPR as this is what this thread is about.

off the top of my head i would say a ranged char. could be fighter, ranger, monk, paladin and arcane archer. So can any 1 say whats best? and if the build has already been made, write the page number of the thread.


Generally Archers beat out the melee because of their ability to full attack every round without having to worry about movement.

Fighters are typically the best all around. They don't need buffs or specific targets to get their maximum damage. Paladins will edge out a fighter against evil targets. Rangers will win against favored enemies.

on a completely different note, if the people talking about the crit chances on a perfect strike weapon adept or zen archer is still listening. Just saw your posts today.

What you are looking for is as "simple" as conditional probability. You want (the probability min one dice threatens a crit) times (the probability min one dice hits given another dice threatens a crit)

maybe i can come up with a good formula tomorrow, to tired now it seems. The problem with merkatz formula and the reason its off, is that it counts a coupple dubble rolls too much. imagine rolling with 2 six sided dices and looking for dubble 6, merkatz is counting this as 2 fallouts, although it should only be one. thats the reason for difference.

Im wondering why calvin the cavalier from page 11 i think, only has his own damage calculated, and not included mount. If he was clever enough to pick a tiger with pounce, it seems like he can wreck massive carnage atop his 125 dpr when he is charging. Would also give him way more versatility, as the tiger mount at lvl 10 does around 40 dam i think as a full attack, and a bit more when charging.

so after fooling around with the barbarian i think i have come up with an extremely high full attack rutine.

Rexxar the Invulnrable Rager

Movie plot spoiler:

Rexxar the Invulnrable Rager (Half Ork)
str 18(+8) +8
dex 12 +1
con 14 +2
int 10 +0
wis 11 +0
cha 7 -2

HP: 12 + 9d12 + 20(con) + 10(fav class) = 99
AC: 10 + 1(dex) + 9 (armor) + 2 (nat) +1 (def) = 23

Fort: +11 Reflex: +6 Will: +5 (+7 raging)

Racial: Darkvision, Intimidating, orc blood, Toothy (apg)

Feats: power attack, two wp fighting, improved 2wp fighting, dubble slice, Imp crit (falchion)

Rage powers: Elemental rage lesser, elemental rage, elemental rage greater, lesser fiend totem, reckless abandon

Items: +4 str belt (16000), Brestplate +3 (9000), amulet of natural armor +2 (4000), ring of prot +1 (2000), +3 falchion (18000), +1 armor spikes (2000), handy haversack, rope of resistance +2 (4000),

Falchion +16/+11 2d4 + 12(str) +9(pa) +3(wp) = 29
Armor spikes +14/+9 1d6 + 8 + 3 + 1 = 15.5
Bite +10 1d4 + 4 + 3 = 9.5
DPR: 46.95 + 9.9 = 56.86

When raging (24 rounds per day)
Falchion +21/+16 2d4 + 1d6 + 15(str) +9(pa) +3(wp) = 35.5
Armor spikes +19/+14 1d6 + 1d6 + 10 + 3 + 1 = 21
Bite +15 1d4 + 1d6 + 5 + 3 = 14
Gore +15 1d8 + 1d6 + 5 +3 = 16
DPR: 101.375 + 20.01 = 121.385

Atuthor notes:
when raging he has 119 hp with AC 18 (very low ac i know) but with dam red 5 he should handle some beating, atleast enough to qualify in this thread. On a side note, it can be argued that dubble slice also grants your attacks normal PA bonus, and i would indeed consider this the case, but to satisfy all the strict RAW and not RAI players, i have decided to leave it out, he will get more DPR with it ofc.
Just for kicks i also constructed how he would look at lvl 11 vs that same mob (he gains better rage and 2 more attacks), and the results combine to a whooping 169.66 DPR (vs the ac 24 mob)

Jumping in at 121 DPR, the barbarian is once again ruling the melee DPR race. If we are willing to accept his 119 hp 5 dam red and 18 ac as survivability enough.

meabolex wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
It is .6 by my math also. The table is saying you have 11/20 numbers to use to hit so its showing as .55, but if you can hit on any number between 9 and 20 and each one is 5% then it should be .60.

Yeah, if I add +1 to hit, everything works out the way I had above.

The flag values seem to work -- Power Attack works properly -- Weapon Focus works -- the +hit/+dmg values work properly. . . must be some global "off by one" error.

I don't know if I ever said thanks, but I am saying it now. I use this to check my math for "to-hit" and "damage" for high level builds. I have caught quiet a few errors on my part.

edit:I guess that should have went to Tejon. Thanks.

nicklas Læssøe wrote:

so after fooling around with the barbarian i think i have come up with an extremely high full attack rutine.

Rexxar the Invulnrable Rager
** spoiler omitted **

Jumping in at 121 DPR, the barbarian is once again ruling...

Could you break that down please, cause I'm not quite seeing how you are doing this against AC 24.

I see where you are giving your average damage on a hit with each of your weapons, but not where you are factoring in misses and crits.



Dark Archive

nicklas Læssøe wrote:

so after fooling around with the barbarian i think i have come up with an extremely high full attack rutine.

Rexxar the Invulnrable Rager
** spoiler omitted **

Jumping in at 121 DPR, the barbarian is once again ruling...

except you only have a 12 dex. twf and double slice require a dex 15 and imp twf needs dex 17.

raging fail

and your better off with beast totem for pounce imho

The Exchange

Decided to do this for fun, after reading the APG. It occured to me that a slinger-focused halfling could pack a pretty decent punch full, and since Small characters are woefully under-represented, I thought I'd give it a go. This doesn't come very close to competing with archery-based builds, but as a ranged attacker he's got a sleight advantage over some of the melee, who must get in place before they can full attack. Anyway:

Slinger Sam:
Slinger Sam, Halfling Weapon Master (Fighter archetype)

STR: 12 (+1) (14 base, -2 racial)
DEX: 22 (+6) (15 base, +2 racial, +1 level, +4 item)
CON: 14 (+1) (13 base, +1 level)
INT: 10 (0)
WIS: 14 (+2) (12 base, +2 item)
CHA: 10 (0) (8 base, +2 racial)

HP: 89 HP (10d10+30)

Saving Throws
Fort: +12 Ref: +12 Will: +10

AC: 26 - Touch 18, Flatfooted 20, (+7 +3 chain shirt, +6 dex, +1 Amulet of Natural Armor, +1 Ring of Protection, +1 size)

+19/19/+14 to hit for 16 (1d3+14) damage

Class Abilities:
Weapon Guard (+3 vs disarm and sunder attempts made against his sling)
Weapon Training (+2 to hit and damage with slings)
Reliable Strike (reroll attack, critical confirmation, miss chance, or damage roll as immediate action twice per day)
Mirror Move (+2 to AC against attacks made by slings)

Race Abilities:
Small (+1 hit, +1 AC, +4 Stealth, -1 CMB, -1 CMD)
20' move speed
Fearless (+2 to saving throws against fear)
Halfling Luck (+1 to all saving throws)
Keen Senses (+2 to Perception)
Warslinger (reload sling as free action, replaces Sure-Footed)

BAB:+10 CMB: +10 CMD: 27

1HD Weapon Focus (Sling)
1F Deadly Aim
2F Point Blank Shot
3HD Precise Shot
4F Weapon Specialization (Sling)
5HD Rapid Shot
6F Iron Will
7HD Improved Iron Will
8F Greater Weapon Focus
9HD Critical Focus
10F Improved Critical

bunch of stuff

+3 Sling
+3 Chain Shirt
Belt of +4 Dexterity
Headband of +2 Wisdom
Cloak of Resistance +2
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Ring of Protection +1
Handy Haversack
Plus some other miscelaneous disposable stuff

Slinger Sam may be small, but that doesn't mean he can't pack a punch. With Deadly Aim, his attack routine is:

+19/19/+14 to hit for 16 (1d3+14, 19-20/x2) damage

This comes out to 2x(.8x16+.1x.95x1x16)+.55x16+.1x.75x1x16 = 38.64 damage per round average.

A +1 to hit is worth 2.49 DPR, a +1 to damage is worth 2.435 DPR, and an additional attack is worth 14.32 damage

If using a point-buy system, Slinger Sam gets some pretty major upgrades, because the -2 strength really hurts with the elite array. It's worth noting that Slinger Sam, unlike composite bow archers, does benefit from on-the-spot increases to strength, making him more suitable to groups with that kind of buff.

I liked the Paladin archer idea and have tried to improve; Comments and critique please, anyway to get this to an even higher level? (DPR ~ 150 vs "Team Evil", i.e. vs Smiteable foes:

Movie plot spoiler:

Halfling, paladin lvl 10:

STR: 12 (+1) (14 base, -2 racial)
DEX: 22 (+6) (15 base, +2 racial, +1 level, +4 item)
CON: 14 (+2) (13 base, +1 level)
INT: 10 (0)
WIS: 10 (0)
CHA: 18 (+4) (12 base, +2 racial, +4 item)

HP: 89 HP (10d10+30)

AC: 21
Base: 10
Dex: +6
Size: +1
Leather arm: +2
Buckler: +1
Haste: +1

Fort: 7+2+4+1 = +14
Ref: 3+6+4+1 = +14
Will: 7+0+4+1 = +12

Shortbow +3 (18k)
Belt of dex +4 (16k)
Cloak of cha +4 (16k)
Boots of speed (12k)

Point blank shot
Precise shot
Improved Critical
Rapid shot

Circumstantial though it may be, we're assuming the adversary is on "team evil", thus the small hero is using smite (swift action) and clicking the boot heels together as well for haste (free action), leaving enough time for a full attack in the first round. (Using a standard action would allow for imbuing the bonded weapon with the "Holy" quality for another 2d6 damage, but that's not according to the olympics rules;))

No of attacks:
Haste attack (full BAB)
First attack (full BAB)
Multishot attack (full BAB)
Rapidshot attack (full BAB)
Second Attack (BAB -5)
Totals 5 attacks

To hit bonus:
BAB: +10
Dex: +6
Cha: +4 (smite)
Haste: +1
Size: +1
Bow: +3
Rapid shot: -2
Total: +23

Base Damage:
Composite Shortbow: d6 ~ 3.5
Str: +1
Bow: +3
Smite: +20
Total: 27.5 (19-20 x3)

I.e.: +23/+23/+23/+23/+18, d6+24, (19-20) x3

Vs "Team Evil" AC 24 this turns out to 150.15 DPR if my calculations are correct.

Vs "Evil Dork" AC 24, we have 95.55 DPR and vs non-evil we have 33.75 DPR.

Take Deadly Aim instead of improved crit, but remember wind wall is a low level spell.

You are also doing 119 against Team evil not 150. The program does all the math for you. There is a link to it within the first 3 pages of this thread I believe.

Wraithstrike, yes I agree, a pure archery build can be easily thwarted by simple spells. I have not factored this into the build as it is not part of the DPR olympics. (Mind you the same reasoning applies to Tempest Ted, Rexxar, Falchion Fred etc. who can be thwarted by the target using using a simple fly spell)

About the math, I'm not sure I understand. Using the DPR calculator I get an average of 31.35 per attack with +23 to hit bonus and 24.48 per attack with +18 to hit bonus. (This is in fact a small error in the DPR calculator I suspect, the real number should be 24.75 if I'm correct).
Adding 4 attacks at +23 and 1 attack at +18 gives a total of 149.88 DPR. (or 150.15 using the formulas on page 1 and my own calculations.) Can you please point to where my mistake is? The DPR you get (119)is indicative of you using one less attack at full BAB than me, is that the case?

Assuming that my math is ok, using Deadly Aim instead of Improved Crit actually reduces the DPR by a slightly more than 2, but with both feats the DPR increases by 10. I.e., perhaps the reasoning behind using the halfling is flawed and a human with an extra feat is the better choice...

Liberty's Edge

Kais86 wrote:
jasin wrote:
Fair enough. These rules should be a bit more well-defined so that people don't need internet access to find out whether or not it works.

Seriously? Did you put any thought at all to your comment? Why don't you write a few thousand words of game rules and see how well you cover EVERY conceivable scenario. Sorry to offend, but thoughtless commentary wastes everyone's time.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Assumes unrestricted access to Magic Items/Crafting Time.

Human Alchemist 7 / Master Chymist 3:

STR: 15 (Base) +2 (Racial) +1 (Level) +6 (Enhancement) +4 (Mutagen) = 28
DEX: 14
CON: 12
INT: 13 (Base) +1 (Level) = 14
WIS: 10
CHA: 8

Relevant Discoveries: Feral Mutagen, Combine Extract
Relevant Feats: Toughness, Power Attack, Master Craftsmen, Craft Wondrous Items, Improved Natural Attack (Claws)
Relevant Traits: Armor Expert
Relevant Extracts: Alchemical Allocation*5, Heroism

Amulet of Mighty Fists (Flaming, Frost) (20,000/2=10,000)
Belt of Giant Strength +6 (36,000/2=18,000)
Minor Cloak of Displacement (24,000/2=12,000)
Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2 (4,000/2=2,000)
+3 Mithral Breastplate (13,000)
Greater Magic Fang +5 (3,000) (20hr)
Barkskin +5 (1,200) (120 Min)
Ward the Faithful +4 (2700) (180 Min)

Active Buffs: Mutagen (+4 STR), Greater Magic Fang (+5), Barkskin (+5), Ward the Faithful (+4), Blur (Continuous)

Average HP: 71.5
Saves: +13/+11/+8
AC: 10 (Base) + 9 (Armor) +2 (Dexterity) +2 (Natural Armor) + 5 (Barkskin) + 4 (Ward the Faithful) = 32 (16 Touch, 30 Flatfooted)
To-Hit: +8 (BAB) +9 (Strength) +5 (Greater Magic Fang) +2 (Heroism) -3 (Power Attack) = +22
Claw Damage: 1d8 (Base) +1d6 (Flaming) +1d6 (Frost) +9 (Strength) +5 (Enhancement) +2 (Brutality) +6 (Power Attack) = 32.5
Bite Damage: 1d8 (Base) +1d6 (Flaming) +1d6 (Frost) +9 (Strength) +5 (Enhancement) +2 (Brutality) +6 (Power Attack) = 33.5
Routine: +22(Bite)/+22(Claw)/+22(Claw)
DPR Formula vs AC 24: 0.95*33.5*3+0.05*0.95*33.5*3

DPR: 100.25
+1 Hit: 100.25
+1 Damage: 103.24
+1 Attack: 133.67

If you are willing to sacrifice a lot (namely, your armor) to get a Monk's Robe, then Multi-Attack becomes the better feat than INA, and DPR becomes the following

DPR: 126.17
+1 Hit: 134.10
+1 Damage: 130.25
+1 Attack: 156.06

These numbers can probably be higher if your party Wizard is doing the crafting.

Lantern Lodge

This is to help with Playtesting the ninja. If you guys have the time, I would ask if you could help either optimize my ninja build or work on optimizing the gunslinger or samurai. When the next round of playtesting comes if there are any significant changes then make a new post. This way we can see how the new classes will hold up against their optimized partners. Thanks!

Ned the Not So Ninja
Half-Orc Inquisitor 3/ Ninja 7


Ability Scores:
22 (17 base, +1 level, +4 Belt)
Dex: 16 (15 base, +1 level)
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 12
Cha: 12

HP: 70 (10d8+17) ninja is favored class

Saving Throws:
Fort: +8 Ref:+11 Will:+8

23 - Touch 13, Flat Footed 20 (+10 +1 Mithril Full Plate, +3 Dex)

Attacks: +2 Keen Falcatta +15/+10 (1d8+17) 17-20/x3
When Flanking: +19/+14 (1d8+18)

Special Attacks:
Sneak Attack +4d6, Precise Strike +1d6, Pressure Points 1Str or Dex

Class Abilities:
Judgement 1/day (+2 Dmg)
Spell Buffs(Divine Favor +2 Atk and Dmg)
Solo Tactics
Teamwork Feat (Outflank)
Vanishing Act
Pressure Points
Weapon Training(Falcata)
Ki pool (8 points per day)

BAB:+7/+2 CMB: +13 CMD: 26

Heavy Armor Prof.
Power Attack
Precise Strike
Extra Ki
Extra Ki

Acrobatics: +15
Intimidate, Bluff, Diplomacy, Use Magic Device, some Knowledge

Orc Racial w/ Sacred Tatoo(+1 all saves)
Heirloom Weapon (Falcata)
Dirty Fighting

+2 Keen Cold Iron Falcata (Heirloom Weapon) (18,000)
Mithril Full Plate +1 (13,500)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (1,000)
Boots of Haste (12,500)
Belt of Strength +4 (16,000)
Handy Haversack (2,000)
1,000 gp of miscellaneous

When not flanking DPR 28.6.
+1 to hit DPR 4.90
+1 to damage DPR 1.32

When flanking DPR 66.15 with 1.63 STR or DEX damage
+1 to hit DPR 4.9
+1 to damage DPR 1.89
Extra Attack DPR 39.2

Just for fun, if he has one round to buff and can use all his resources: Judgment +2 damage, Divine Favor +2 Atk and Dam, 1 ki for extra attack, and boots of haste. His damage increases to DPR 191.33

Lantern Lodge

This build was by request of some who wanted a dex based full level 10 ninja. I will say this is not optimized becuase the ninja, like the rogue, is a great class but to maximize damage output you will need to dip into a martial class.

Tiny Tim
10th Level Ninja


Ability Scores:
Dex: 26 (20 base, +4 belt, +2 level)
Con: 12
Int: 8
Wis: 12
Cha: 14

HP: 73 (10d8+20) ninja is favored class

Saving Throws:
Fort: +5 Ref:+16 Will:+5

26 - Touch 18, Flat Footed 26 (+7 +3 Mithril Shirt, +7 Dex, +1 natural Armor, +1 size)

Attacks: +3 Scimitar +19/+14 (1d4+15) 18-20/x2
When Flanking: +23/+17 (1d4+16)

Special Attacks:
Sneak Attack +5d6, Bleed 5

Class Abilities:
Poison Use
Sneak Attack +5d6
2nd ninja trick: Vanishing Act
4th ninja trick: Combat trick (Power Attack)
6th ninja trick: Weapon Training(Scimitar)
8th ninja trick: Bleeding Strike
10th ninja trick: Invisible Blade
Uncanny Dodge
Improved Uncanny Dodge
Light Steps
No Trace +3

BAB:+7/+2 CMB: +5 CMD: 23

Martial Weapon Prof.
Weapon Finesse
Dervish Dance
Extra Ki
Extra Ki

Acrobatics: +23
Bunch of others

Halfling w/ Craven, Swift as Shadows,
Heirloom Weapon(Scimitar)
Dirty Fighting

+3 Cold Iron Scimitar (Heirloom Weapon) (18,000)
Mithril Shirt +3 (10,100)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (1,000)
Boots of Haste (12,500)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2,000)
Handy Haversack (2,000)
400 gp for miscellaneous stuff

When not flanking DPR 27.11.
+1 to hit DPR 2.02
+1 to damage DPR 1.79

When flanking DPR 63.98 with Bleed 5
+1 to hit DPR 1.94
+1 to damage DPR 1.9
Extra Attack DPR 36.84

If allowed able to use boots of haste a ki point then his damage becomes DPR 137.66

Compared to Ned, Tim is worse in every department except stealth, touch AC, and flat-footed AC. With such horrible saves I would not want to play this character. It should be taken into account though that Tim can go greater invisible for 10 rounds with 1 ki point. His DPR is respectable and nearly matches Ned's when not buffed.

I have read a number of pages at random from this thread and my interest was sparked. This is a tentative first build of a pouncing mounted combat summoner build. Pokey and his otherwordly friend punchy.

summoner specs:

Lvl 10 pokey the half-elf mounted combat summoner
Str 15+1lvls +2 half elf stat boost=18+2 enhancement=20
Dex 12
Con 13+1=14+2 enhancement=16
Int 10
Wis 8
Cha 14
HP=8 +4.5*9+30=78.5
AC=10+4 mage armor+2 shield ally+1 dex +4 NA from barkskin+1 deflection=22
Fortitude save=3 base+2 con+2circumstance=+7
Reflex=3 base+1 dex+2 circumstance=+6
Will save= 7 base+2 circumstance=+9
Skills: ride(+22), spellcraft(+13)
Bab=7 to hit=7 bab, 1 against medium and smaller creatures from being mounted, 5 str, 1 enhancement, 1 weapon focus, 1 when hasted.
Attacks while charging hasted: 18/18/13
Damage: d8+8 (x3 on charge)
Feats: martial weapon proficiency:lance, mounted combat, craft wondrous item , spirited charge, ride-by-attack, and weapon focus lance.
Aspect: pounce evolution, skilled(ride)
Spells known
1st(6 uses) lvl: mage armor, shield, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, rejuvenate eidolon.
2nd(5) lvl: barkskin, haste, invisibility, protection from arrows, resist energy
3rd(3) lvl: enlarge person(mass), heroism, stoneskin, greater magic fang.
4th(1) lvl:, overland flight, greater evolution surge
Equipment(57.3k out of 62k spent): ring of protection(2k), +1 lance(2.3k), ioun stone of +2con(4k), ioun stone of str+2(4k), boots of speed(6k)

eidolon specs:

Punchy the Quadraped Eidolon:
Str 24+4enhancement=28
Dex 16
Con 18
Int 7
Wis 10
Cha 11
Hp=10+7*5.5+64=112.5 avg
AC= 10+3 dex+14 NA+ 4 mage armor-1 size+1monk=31
Natural Armor(2 base+8 from lvls+ 2 large evolution+2 ina evolution)
Fortitude=6 base+4 con+2 resistence=+12
Reflex= 6 bsae+3 dex+2 res=+11
Will= 2 base+2 res+2 iron will=+6(+10 with devotion)
Evolutions: large, claw(on legs),Imp natural armor(1x), mount, pounce, limbs: armsx3
Feats: multiweapon fighting, simple weapon proficiency, lunge, iron will.
Equipment: shocking, frost Amulet of mighty fists +1(22.5k), monk’s robe(6.5k),cloak of resistence+2(2k), belt of giant strength+4(8k)

attack bonuses:

Summoner’s attack
Bab=7 to hit=7 bab, 1 against medium and smaller creatures from being mounted, 5 str, 1 enhancement, 1 weapon focus, 1 when hasted.
Regular Full attack: 15/10
Charge: 17/12
Attacks while charging hasted: 18/18/13
Damage: d8+8 (x3 on charge) =37.5 on average
Eidolon’s attack
To hit= 8 bab+14str+2 enhancement=+24
Gauntlets 21/21/21/21/21/21/18
Gauntlet damage= 2d6+2d6 elemental+8
2 claws 21/21
Claw damage= d6+2d6elemental+8
1 bite 21

My summoner made all his own wondrous items but bought everything else at market value. He will cast 2 mage armors, 1 barkskin on himself, and 1 stoneskin on himself as well before combats. Those buffs are all at or above 10min/lvl durations and are meant to increase their survivability. I will work out the dpr in another post.

I believe he can use pounce through his aspect because pounce is an evolution he has access to. Also since AoMF enhances all natural attacks and unarmed attacks I made his eidolon a gauntlet user as a way to save money.

The damage formula is h(d+s)+tchd.

h = Chance to hit, expressed as a percentage
d = Damage per hit. Average damage is assumed.
s = Precision damage per hit (or other damage that isn't multiplied on a crit). Average damage is again assumed.
t = Chance to roll a critical threat, expressed as a percentage.
c = Critical hit bonus damage. x2 = 1, x3 = 2, x4 = 3.

summoner dpr:

summoner normal mounted pounce dpr
Summoner dpr=47.43
Summoner is selfish and uses heroism on himself before battle.
now summoner dpr=55.68
Summoner activates boots of speed.
hasted/heroism summoner dpr= 94.87

eidolon dpr:

Normal eidolon pounce dpr
+21 to hit gauntlets= .9*23+.05*.9*23=21.7
+16 to hit gauntlet=.65*23+.05*.9*23=15.69
+21 to hit claws= .9*19.5+.05*.9*19.5=18.42
+21 to hit bite= .9*20.5+.05*.9*20.5=19.37

Total combined dpr ranges roughly between 249.5 and 296.9.

Anyway this was a large ammount of referencing to make my pokemon. I may have goofed in areas. I also avoided making custom items like a several slotless +1 equivalent amulets of mighty fists because I think it mentioned no custom items. I originally wanted to have my summoner spirited pounce summoner to also be using gauntlets and multiweapon fighting but I just couldn't fit the feats in.

Has anyone posted a mounted barbarian yet?

Abraham spalding wrote:
Has anyone posted a mounted barbarian yet?

I think I saw one in the early pages (3 or 4 maybe?) but I'm not sure now.

The biggest concern I have with the mounted barbarian is that with a medium barbarian at least you have to have a horse or camel. Even though it is based on the druid's animal companion you do it at -4 levels compared to a druid of the same level.

Mounted combat takes a few feats to use it effectively. The barbarian will spend a lot of his available feats and some of the rage powers to use it as effectively as he can. Plus he has to give up things normal barbarians get to do this as well.

Basically he's a one trick pony, and the cavalier does it better with less of an investment in resources.

The mount is going to suck gold away from the barbarian (horseshoes, barding, etc.) so he won't have as good equipment as another barbarian that didn't take this option.

Then there is the whole thing of not being able to use the mount in a lot of situations. If you go small size barbarian, this isn't as much of a problem, if at all. But the medium one is kind of hosed.

A horse or camel isn't even going to cut it at high level in terrain conducive to mounted combat. That is the biggest problem. If language had been inserted so the mount could be a rhinocerous or mammoth maybe you would have something. But as it is now...

Maybe I've missed something, but I honestly can't see what the mounted fury can do that a cavalier can't do better. And with the tradeoffs you have to take to take this option, I'd think a cavalier would be a better combatant and more useful without the mount as well.

sunbeam wrote:

Then there is the whole thing of not being able to use the mount in a lot of situations. If you go small size barbarian, this isn't as much of a problem, if at all. But the medium one is kind of hosed.

That's easy to fix. Reduce animal (if you have a specific mount that you want to use) lasts hours per level.

Reduce person is only minutes/level (there was an A&EG item that would reduce you for over an hour at a time for like 2k gold) but will get the job done.

You might take the -2STR/+2DEX for reduce person but you'll be better net if you started with a medium race that boosted STR than a small race (as both reduce STR.. thus essentially are +0STR before size adjustments).


thepuregamer wrote:

The damage formula is h(d+s)+tchd.

h = Chance to hit, expressed as a percentage
d = Damage per hit. Average damage is assumed.
s = Precision damage per hit (or other damage that isn't multiplied on a crit). Average damage is again assumed.
t = Chance to roll a critical threat, expressed as a percentage.
c = Critical hit bonus damage. x2 = 1, x3 = 2, x4 = 3.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Total combined dpr ranges roughly between 249.5 and 296.9.

Anyway this was a large ammount of referencing to make my pokemon. I may have goofed in areas. I also avoided making custom items like a several slotless +1 equivalent amulets of mighty fists because I think it mentioned no custom items. I originally wanted to have my summoner spirited pounce summoner to also be using gauntlets and multiweapon fighting but I just couldn't fit the feats in.

No limited use per day items like Boots of Speed.

Your summoner's saves are a bit on the weak side. I think +8 is supposed to be the minimum.

Either gauntlets are weapons or they are unarmed attacks. You are treating them as both at the same time. I am not sure that is correct rules wise. IE, I do not think that gauntlets attack will get the benefit of the Amulet of Might Fists, but if you make natural attacks, then you are bound by the eidolon's natural attack limitation.

Charender wrote:

Just FYI, no limited use per day items like Boots of Speed.

Also, your saves are a bit on the weak side. I think +8 is supposed to be the minimum.

My options:

1. I could use heroism on my eidolon as it is a 10min/lvl buff and it would push his will save up to +8(+12 when devotion applies).
2. I could switch around spells known and grab some magic circle against evil or whatever enemy alignment I pick. Problem with that is it is situational. Not everybody is gonna be that alignment. I wish summoner spells known was just the whole list like clerics or druids just get their whole list. The summoners list is pretty small anyway.

I did not have monk robes as changing claw or bite damage.

Also in regards to the gauntlets, it goes like this. Gauntlets are unarmed attacks, AoMF applies to natural attacks and unarmed attacks. unarmed attacks are not natural attacks but weapon attacks, thus I use multiweapon fighting for each gauntlet attack I make.

I know that limited use per day items are frowned upon which is why I calculated dpr with and without it.

thepuregamer wrote:

Also in regards to the gauntlets, it goes like this. Gauntlets are unarmed attacks, AoMF applies to natural attacks and unarmed attacks. unarmed attacks are not natural attacks but weapon attacks, thus I use multiweapon fighting for each gauntlet attack I make.

My point is that you are exploiting 2 separate loopholes to create this character(Unarmed attacks are not natural attacks + Eidolon has no cap on "armed" attacks). I am pretty sure there is a comment from the developers around here about the E have not limit on armed attacks being a loophole that was going to be fixed in errata. Just don't be surprised if your GM tells you to go jump in a lake.

Also, since the eidolon didn't take improved unarmed combat, they are going to provoke everytime they make an unarmed attack. You need to drop lunge for Improved Unarmed Strike.


I know that limited use per day items are frowned upon which is why I calculated dpr with and without it.

You should give the total combined DPR without it as well. You give a range for DPR with no qualifications on it.

You should also give the summoner's DPR when they cannot charge. It is kinda of important to note how much damage you lose when you get stuck in a situation where you cannot charge.

From the eidolon damage calculations.


2 claws 21/21
1 bite 21
SRD wrote:

Creatures with natural attacks and attacks made with weapons can use both as part of a full attack action (although often a creature must forgo one natural attack for each weapon clutched in that limb, be it a claw, tentacle, or slam). Such creatures attack with their weapons normally but treat all of their available natural attacks as secondary attacks during that attack, regardless of the attack’s original type.

If you are making attacks with normal weapons, then all your natural attacks are secondary attacks and thus are at -5 to hit, this should be two claws at +16/+16 to hit and a bite at +16 to hit. Also, secondary attacks only get 1/2 strength to damage.



To hit= 8 bab+14str+2 enhancement=+24

28 strength only gives you a +7 to hit, and the amulet of MF is only a +1 bonus.

That means your base to hit is +8(BAB) +7(str) +1(enhancement) = +16 base.

If you are using multiweapon fighting, you still take the -2 to hit with all attacks just like a two-weapon fighter does.

Also, in your calculations you are using 23 for the eidolon's average unarmed damage. 2d6 + 2d6 + 8 is 7 + 7 + 8 = 22 average damage.

That means your attacks should look like this.

Gauntlets 14/14/14/14/14/14/9
Gauntlet damage= 2d6 +2d6 elemental+8 = 22 average
2 claws 9/9
Claw damage= 1d6 +2d6elemental +3 = 13.5
1 bite 9
1d8 +2d6elemental +3 = 14.5

With that I get the Eidolon doing 81.875 DPR on a pounce and 75.125 on a normal full attack.

Charender wrote:

My point is that you are exploiting 2 separate loopholes to create this character(Unarmed attacks are not natural attacks + Eidolon has no cap on "armed" attacks). I am pretty sure there is a comment from the developers around here about the E have not limit on armed attacks being a loophole that was going to be fixed in errata. Just don't be surprised if your GM tells you to go jump in a lake.

Well, this is not a character for a game. I would not make a mounted summoner for a game as this is terribly ineffective at early lvls before 10 and also late game lvls.

I had not heard anything about gaining more armed attacks being a loophole. They may decide to change it upon inspection but that is their decision. If that happens the build can be erased. And the amulet of mighty fists thing is definitely not a loophole. They decided that unarmed strikes, brass knuckles, and gauntlets were unarmed attacks. They decided to use the term unarmed attacks instead of unarmed strikes for quite a few abilities. It is a well defined term.


Also, since the eidolon didn't take improved unarmed combat, they are going to provoke everytime they make an unarmed attack. You need to drop lunge for Improved Unarmed Strike.

I did miss that. I assumed the gauntlet made you armed. I can fix that when I repost the build.


You should give the total combined DPR without it as well. You give a range for DPR with no qualifications on it.

You should also give the summoner's DPR when they cannot charge. It is kinda of important to note how much damage you lose when you get stuck in a situation where you cannot charge.

Well this is just laziness on your part(except for the request for damage examples when not charging. that is a good point.) If you looked at it, you would see that the low end of the dpr range is the regular summoner dpr + the regular eidolon dpr added together. the 297ish dpr is obviously the one with the buffed summoner dpr switched in.


If you are making attacks with normal weapons, then all your natural attacks are secondary attacks and thus are at -5 to hit, this should be two claws at +16/+16 to hit and a bite at +16 to hit. Also, secondary attacks only get 1/2 strength to damage.

well a eidolon gets multiattack at lvl 10 so his natural attacks are at -2. Also all his gauntlet attacks are also at -2 since they are light.


28 strength only gives you a +7 to hit, and the amulet of MF is only a +1 bonus.

That means your base to hit is +8(BAB) +7(str) +1(enhancement) = +16 base.

If you are using multiweapon fighting, you still take the -2 to hit with all attacks just like a two-weapon fighter does.

Also, in your calculations you are using 23 for the eidolon's average unarmed damage. 2d6 + 2d6 + 8 is 7 + 7 + 8 = 22 average damage.

That means your attacks should look like this.

Gauntlets 14/14/14/14/14/14/9
Gauntlet damage= 2d6 +2d6 elemental+8 = 22 average
2 claws 9/9
Claw damage= 1d6 +2d6elemental +3 = 13.5
1 bite 9
1d8 +2d6elemental +3 = 14.5

With that I get the Eidolon doing 81.875 DPR on a pounce and 75.125 on a normal full attack.

I may have incorrectly added his total attack bonus yesterday. I will try and fix the numbers.


2Punchy the Quadruped Eidolon:
Str 24+4enhancement=28
Dex 16
Con 18
Int 7
Wis 10
Cha 11
Hp=10+7*5.5+64=112.5 avg
AC= 10+3 dex+12 NA+ 4 mage armor-1 size+1monk=29
Natural Armor(2 base+8 from lvls+ 2 large evolution)
Fortitude=6 base+4 con+2 resistance=+12
Reflex= 6 base+3 dex+2 res=+11
Will= 2 base+2 res+2 iron will=+6(+8w/ heroism(+12w/ devotion))
Evolutions(15pts): large, claw(on legs),Simple weapon proficiency, mount, pounce, limbs: armsx3
Feats: multiweapon fighting, Improved unarmed strike, lunge, iron will.
Equipment: shocking Amulet of mighty fists +2(22.5k), monk’s robe(6.5k),cloak of resistance+2(2k), belt of giant strength+4(8k)

Attack bonus=8bab+9str+2enhancement+2charge+2heroism=+22(20 w/o heroism)
Attacks with multiple weapons are at -2
Attacks with secondary natural weapons are at -2.
gauntlets are at 20/20/20/20/20/20/15
gauntlet damage=2d6+d6 shock+5=15.5
claws at 20/20
claw damage= d6 +d6 shock+5=12
bite at 20
bite damage= d8+d6shock+5=13

w/o heroism high attacks at 18, low attack at 13.
+18 gauntlet attack= 1.05(.75*15.5)=12.2 damage per hit
+13 gauntlet attack= 1.05(.5*15.5)=8.13
+18 claw attack=1.05(.75*12)=9.45
+18 bite attack=1.05(.75*13)=10.23
total dpr= 6(12.2)+8.13+2(9.45)+10.23=110.46

w/heroism, high attacks at 20, low attacks at 15.
+20 gauntlet attack=1.05(.85*15.5)=13.833
+15 gauntlet attack=1.05(.6*15.5)=9.765
+20 claw attack=1.05(.85*12)=10.71
+20 bite attack=1.05(.85*13)=11.6
total dpr= 125.083

Note I could probably boost full attack dpr if I switched this build into a biped build or de-emphasized his being a mount.

Alright, I went through and found the updated rules -- with those the barbarian build I was looking at suffers the lost of 3 levels on his AC which simply kills the DPR of the mount which in turn lowers the overall DPR of the build too much to make up for weak defenses.


With the understanding that the build falls out of bounds due to the use of a non-core feat (boon companion) and suffers in defenses (a point I would contend might be survivable with this build) I present Camel Charlie the barbarian and his mount Hammy:

Camel Charlie:


Starting stats:
Str 15 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 13 Cha 8
Level and Raical adjustments:
Str 16 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 8
Magical items:
Str 20 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 8
Str 24 Dex 12 Con 20 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 8

Racial Option and Favored class choice: Toothy, Extra Rage

Feats: Power Attack, Mounted Combat, Boon Companion, Ride by attack, Spirited charge

Rage Powers: Lesser beast totem, Ferocious mount, Beast totem, Greater ferocious mount, Greater beast totem

Equipment: Amulet of the Mighty Fist(furious), Belt of str +4, Cloak of resistance +3, Breastplate +3, Ring of protection +1

Full Attack:
Raging, Charging while not mounted:
+10(BAB)+7(str)+2(amulet)+2(charging)-3(power attack)
+18 to hit
Bite: 1d4+7(str)+2(amulet)+6(power attack)= 1d4+15
Claw: 1d8+7(str)+2(amulet)+6(power attack)= 1d8+15
Claw: 1d8+15
DPR: 47.72 (I used Tejon's second update for this)

Raging Charging while mounted:
Raging, Charging while not mounted:
+10(BAB)+7(str)+2(amulet)+2(charging)-3(power attack)
+18 to hit
Bite: 1d4+7(str)+2(amulet)+6(power attack)= (1d4+15)x2(spirited charge)=2d4+30
Claw: 1d8+7(str)+2(amulet)+6(power attack)= (1d8+15)x2(spirited charge) = 2d8+30
Claw: 2d8+30
DPR: 93.79 (I did not use Tejon's update for this as it doesn't allow for spirited charge, however I did use the correct formula to include the critical chance)

Non-DPR numbers: AC 21(20 while raging and charging), Fort +13(+15 raging) Ref +7 Will +8(+10 while raging) Rage Rounds: 37, HP 105(125 while raging)



Str 23 Dex 19 Con 16 Int 3 Wis 12 Cha 4
Magic Items
Str 25 Dex 19 Con 16 Int 3 Wis 12 Cha 4
Str 29 Dex 19 Con 16 Int 3 Wis 12 Cha 4

Feats: : Iron Will, Power Attack, Nimble Moves, Acrobatic Step, Light Armor Proficiency

Equipment: Belt of Str +2, Amulet of the Mighty Fist(furious), Cloak of resistance +1

Full attack:
Raging and Charging:
+6(BAB)+9(str)+2(amulet)+2(charge)-1(size)-2(power attack)=+16
Bite: 1d4+9(str)+2(amulet)+4(power attack)=1d4+15
Claw: 1d8+9(str)+2(amulet)+4(power attack)=1d8+15
Claw: 1d8+15

Non-DPR Numbers: AC 28(27while raging and charging) Fort +9(+11 while raging) Ref +11 Will +7(+9 while raging) HP 63 (81 while raging)

Total DPR while raging and charging: 154.92
Total DPR while raging and not charging: 97.97

Some notes to Tejon: I think that your spreadsheet is allowing iterative attacks on natural attacks but I'm not sure: Also including a line or something for primary natural attacks of a different dice/critical multiplier size would be awesome as well as a line denoting charging, and spirited charge as these are becoming more common.

Notes to anyone double checking: Again I know that the boon companion feat isn't legal by the current rules, I'm just putting this guy up for general fyi numbers. I think I have most of the math right and the money spent correctly -- I should be 2k gp under currently.

My primary reason for thinking the barbarian's AC would be ok is the fact he can ride by attack while getting his full attack, limiting his foes to one attack a round on him (or the camel). The camel having acrobatic steps allows him to charge so long as he has a line to do so on and is within 25 feet.

Abraham spalding wrote:

Alright, I went through and found the updated rules -- with those the barbarian build I was looking at suffers the lost of 3 levels on his AC which simply kills the DPR of the mount which in turn lowers the overall DPR of the build too much to make up for weak defenses.


With the understanding that the build falls out of bounds due to the use of a non-core feat (boon companion) and suffers in defenses (a point I would contend might be survivable with this build) I present Camel Charlie the barbarian and his mount Hammy:

Camel Charlie:
** spoiler omitted **...

Are you adding this in to AC?

Beast Totem (Su): While raging, the barbarian gains a +1 natural armor bonus. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the barbarian has attained. A barbarian must have the lesser beast totem rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 6th level to select this rage power.

Also the camel gets it too while raging.

It is unclear to me as to how you get your ac values for the barbarian and the camel. Are they wearing any armor? Does the camel have to take armor proficiency to wear barding?

You can negate one attack on the camel with Mounted Combat if the ride check succeeds.

You have real problems with a flying opponent though.

sunbeam wrote:

You have real problems with a flying opponent though.


The mount could get a fly/air walk spell cast upon it easily enough couldn't it?


james maissen wrote:
sunbeam wrote:

You have real problems with a flying opponent though.


The mount could get a fly/air walk spell cast upon it easily enough couldn't it?


Yes, I guess he could.

I took another look at the barbarian APG features. I don't think the build is legal, because I think Beast Totem and Ferocious Mount are two different "themes."

I could be wrong though.

I accounted for all the beast totem abilities on both the barbarian and the camel. Ferocious mount doesn't say that it is a totem and as such can be used with beast totem (which is a totem of course). I can't find anything else that would cause them to not work together.

The way greater ferocious mount is worded the mount gets all the bonuses the barbarian does while raging that do not require an action to use. The beast totem requires no actions to gain its abilities so the camel would get the claw attacks, the natural armor bonus and the pounce ability.

The pounce combined with the spirited charge is what really makes this build. Without it the barbarian would be limited to a single attack as would the camel resulting in much lower damage.

The total penalty to AC while raging and charging is -4, while the total natural armor bonus from the beast totem at level 10 is +3. This gives a net change to AC of -1 (which is shown in the AC line of both Charlie and Hammy).

Shasta, the sure shot shuriken shucker

Paladin 8/Ninja 2

Str 13
Dex 20
Con 14
Int 8
Wis 10
Cha 20

AC 24 (armor 10, dex 3, ring 1)
Saves: +13/+15/+11

+3 shurikens out the hoo-ha

Improved TWF
Weapon Focus
Deadly Aim
Point Blank Shot
Rapid Shot

Special abilities
Ki Pool (4 points)
Flurry of Stars
Smite Evil 3/day

Equipment: +4 dex item, +4 cha item, +3 shuriken (a bunch), +1 ring of prot, +1 mithral full plate

Full attack
+18/+13 shuriken
(14.52 DPR)

w/deadly aim, point blank shot, rapid shot, twf and imp. twf, smite evil, ki point for extra attack and flurry of stars
(107.80 DPR)

This is my first post here, and kind of a joke, but please correct anything misleading or wrong.


sunbeam wrote:

Yes, I guess he could.

I took another look at the barbarian APG features. I don't think the build is legal, because I think Beast Totem and Ferocious Mount are two different "themes."

I could be wrong though.

The only thing that matters with the APG rage powers is not mixing two totems. Since I only have one totem (Beast) I'll all good on that part.

James Bolton wrote:

Shasta, the sure shot shuriken shucker...

w/deadly aim, point blank shot, rapid shot, twf and imp. twf, smite evil, ki point for extra attack and flurry of stars
(107.80 DPR)

This is my first post here, and kind of a joke, but please correct anything misleading or wrong.


NP. Welcome to the Olympics! extra attack from Ki and Flurry of stars are mutually exclusive as both are swift actions.

in regards to the ninja char I do t think the twf thing works, those feats don't stack with flurry on a monk I cannot see why they would on a ninja

sunbeam wrote:
james maissen wrote:
sunbeam wrote:

You have real problems with a flying opponent though.


The mount could get a fly/air walk spell cast upon it easily enough couldn't it?


Yes, I guess he could.

I took another look at the barbarian APG features. I don't think the build is legal, because I think Beast Totem and Ferocious Mount are two different "themes."

I could be wrong though.

No problem, as long as they don't replace the same class features (they don't) you can have as many archetypes as you want.

15 point ninja


9 str (10 for the purpose of carrying gear) masterwork backpack
20 dex [+2 belt]
10 con
12 int
9 wis
18 chr [+2 lvl, +2head band]


Weapon Finesse

two-weapon fighting

extra rogue talent (bleeding attack)

point blank shot/shadow strike

Precise Shot/extra rogue talent (Choking Bombs)

improved two-weapon fighting

ninja tricks

Vanishing Trick

Ki Charge/Poison Bombs

Smoke Bombs/ bleeding attack

Wall Climber/ Flurry of Stars

Shadow Clone/powerful sneak

deadly sneak/Invisible Blade/Assassinate/Blinding Bombs /lasting poison

+12/+7 short sword 6d6 +5 bleed min of 3 damage each sneak= 38 as standard action
or +12/+12 +7/+7 short sword 6d6 +5 bleed min of 3 damage each sneak =77 damage in full round
or Flurry of Stars (providing you can use it and two weapon fighting)
6d2 + 5d6 + 5 bleed min 3 damage sneak attacks =26 damage
or Assassinate at dc 19
0r Ki Charge throwing a star knife at +12 doing 2d6 10ft burst main target also takes sneak damage at 6d6 + 5 bleed = 29 to main target and 6 damage to every one else after a full round attacking two targets totaling 106 min damage in one turn
taking into account not adding any other magic items or Poison but the 2 4000 stat bumps you could take things like speed to get a extra attack with each weapon or Axiomatic or Anarchic and adding dueling for 14000 gives you +4 INITIATIVE to ensure you get first strike and Menacing as a +1 to get a +4 to flank for that extra little bit of got to hit if done right and going for just damage you can do about 150 damage done right at lvl 10 or u know Assassinate
Deathblade is a nice Poison lowering your enemy's hp1/rd. for 6 rds. 1d3 Con 2 saves and only costing around 600 gold a dose with craft
and given the way the poison dc stacks up now even Drow poison can be useful so say you use Drow poison and take lasting poison you can loot at a dc of 19 for just Drow poison (providing you hit with every attack)

damage or survivability
your choice
i dont see why you need to take a martial class to do damage you only lose 3 BaB by lvl 10 which you can make up in flank and a +1 weapon so all and all u only have to worry about your lack of hp and the fact that you have 53 hp at lvl 10 with this build (tho that is why i added the survivability options) but you really only need wand of blink :D and you get total concealment and your ac is 20 at this point (mithral chain shirt+1 and dex

The Exchange

sasuke sarutobi wrote:
i dont see why you need to take a martial class to do damage you only lose 3 BaB by lvl 10 which you can make up in flank and a +1 weapon

You don't "make up" for stuff with a flank and a +1 weapon. Other classes (even the full BAB ones) get to add those also.

I don't know how to get the Damage Per Round calculators in Google Docs to accept my changes. Like, how do you change AC 10 to AC 24 and the like?

I don't know how to get the Damage Per Round calculators in Google Docs to accept my changes. Like, how do you change AC 10 to AC 24 and the like?

Lantern Lodge

sasuke sarutobi wrote:

15 point ninja

The point of dipping into martial is to get armor proficiencies without spending feats. That way you can focus all your ability points into Strength for high dpr.

From what I've seen a two weapon fighter always does less damage than a two-handed. Throw in DR and it gets even worse. Very few exceptions to this but I can only imagine the fighter being able to pull this off.

Also, you cannot combine ki charge and flurry of stars. Ki charge is a standard action in which you charge and throw a shuriken simultaneously. Flurry of stars can only be used when making a full-round attack with shuriken.

Lantern Lodge

James Bolton wrote:

Shasta, the sure shot shuriken shucker

Awesome to see you get him up here! I'm not too keen on throwing builds for me they are just too expensive. Not to mention the fact he can only use flurry 4 times a day or twice if he pumps another in for the extra attack. Nice to see all the math layed out though thanks for putting him up :)

Mojorat, as written now two-weapon fighting works with the flurry of stars ninja trick. However, you may want to mention your concerns on the ninja boards. Could be a good catch or the developers intention that they work together.

kaisc006 wrote:

From what I've seen a two weapon fighter always does less damage than a two-handed. Throw in DR and it gets even worse. Very few exceptions to this but I can only imagine the fighter being able to pull this off.

Ya, but you see IMO rogues and ninjas are made to use Weapon Finesse as in not needing 18 str so having two light weapons you get more attacks and with a class that could sometimes misses the more attacks the better and having the chance to do 4 attacks as 6d6 with 5 bleed is nice

ok i will make the ninja again but this time min max her :)

15 point ninja revamped level 10:

14 str (15 for the purpose of carrying gear) masterwork backpack
24 dex [+6 belt]
10 con (+1 lvl)
8 int
9 wis (+1 lvl)
16 chr [+2 head band]


Weapon Finesse

two-weapon fighting

power attack

bloody assault

improved two-weapon fighting

Double Slice(to set up for two-weapon rend)

ninja tricks

Swift Poison

bleeding attack

powerful sneak

combat trick (Improved Initiative)

Deadly Sneak

+13/+8 Rapier 6d6 (+4 str)+7 bleed min of 3 damage each sneak 1d3 con (deathblade) 1d4 bleed (bloody assault)= 44 + -1 Hp a lvl as standard action
or +13/+11 +8/+6 Rapier 6d6 +8(str) +7 bleed min of 3 damage each sneak 1d3 and 1d4 con (deathblade)and (Wyvern poison) 1d4 bleed=87 damage and -1 hp a level in full round
or +13/+11 +8/+6 +13 Rapier 6d6 (+10 str) +7 bleed min of 3 damage each sneak 1d3 and 1d4 con (deathblade)and (Wyvern poison) 1d4 bleed=107 damage and -1 hp a level in full round with haste all of these are MIN damage

+13/+8 Rapier 6d6 (+4 str)+7 bleed min of 3 damage each sneak 1d3 con (deathblade) 1d4 bleed (bloody assault)= 52+ 9 bleed + -3 Hp a lvl as standard action
or +13/+11 +8/+6 Rapier 6d6 +8(str) +7 bleed min of 3 damage each sneak 1d3 and 1d4 con (deathblade)and (Wyvern poison) 1d4 bleed=104 + 9 bleed + -3 hp a level in full round
or +13/+11 +8/+6 +13 Rapier 6d6 (+10 str) +7 bleed min of 3 damage each sneak 1d3 and 1d4 con (deathblade)and (Wyvern poison) 1d4 bleed=130 damage+ 9 bleed + -3 hp a level in full round with haste these are AVERAGE damage

+1 mithril breastplate
2 +1 Rapier or short swords
about 12000 in poison's

179 DFFR to a level ten counting poison which takes roughly 4hp a level

thepuregamer wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

w/o heroism high attacks at 18, low attack at 13.
+18 gauntlet attack= 1.05(.75*15.5)=12.2 damage per hit
+13 gauntlet attack= 1.05(.5*15.5)=8.13
+18 claw attack=1.05(.75*12)=9.45
+18 bite attack=1.05(.75*13)=10.23
total dpr= 6(12.2)+8.13+2(9.45)+10.23=110.46

w/heroism, high attacks at 20, low attacks at 15.
+20 gauntlet attack=1.05(.85*15.5)=13.833
+15 gauntlet attack=1.05(.6*15.5)=9.765
+20 claw attack=1.05(.85*12)=10.71
+20 bite attack=1.05(.85*13)=11.6
total dpr= 125.083

Note I could probably boost full attack dpr if I switched this build into a biped build or de-emphasized his being a mount.

First your attack bonuses should be +23 with heroism instead of +22.

The claw and bite attacks should be at -5(-2 with multiattack) to hit in addition to all attacks taking a -2 to hit from multiweapon fighting, and when halving bonuses you always round down, so the damage from strength on your natural attacks should only be +4.

Thus w/heroism, high attacks at 21, low attacks at 16.
+21 gauntlet attack=1.05(.9*15.5)=14.6475
+16 gauntlet attack=1.05(.65*15.5)=10.5788
+19 claw attack=1.05(.9*11)=10.395
+19 bite attack=1.05(.9*12)=11.34
total dpr= 130.594

Charender wrote:

First your attack bonuses should be +23 with heroism instead of +22.

The claw and bite attacks should be at -5(-2 with multiattack) to hit in addition to all attacks taking a -2 to hit from multiweapon fighting, and when halving bonuses you always round down, so the damage from strength on your natural attacks should only be +4.

Thus w/heroism, high attacks at 21, low attacks at 16.
+21 gauntlet attack=1.05(.9*15.5)=14.6475
+16 gauntlet attack=1.05(.65*15.5)=10.5788
+19 claw attack=1.05(.9*11)=10.395
+19 bite attack=1.05(.9*12)=11.34
total dpr= 130.594

Ah you are correct I incorrectly added up my attack bonus even though I listed the bonuses correctly. Ug I also screwed up my damage. since every attack was using 1/2 str mod. It should have been weapon damage dice +d6 shock + 4 str mod +2 enhancement. Also I should have been adding full str mod on the +21 and +16 main hand attacks. note to self...never become an accountant.

on the multiweapon fighting penalties, my understanding was this. The penalies only apply to the weapon attacks. I thought it worked this way because the two weapon fighting tables in the combat section only list the penalties for your attacks with your main hand and your off hand. Now the universal monster rules just says that when combining weapon attacks and natural attacks, you just treat all natural attacks as secondary.

So basically the weapon attacks would be at -2 and the natural weapons would be at -2 as well. And then that one iterative attack would be at -7 below the total bonus.

There is a spread sheet that does the math for you. spreadsheet

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