The DPR Olympics - or "I'm not the mechanic here, Ironsides! I mostly just hurt people!"


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Sovereign Court

Ok so for 62k, I can get:
+2 Amulet of Mighty Fists - 20k
+4 Belt of Strength - 16k
+2 Mithral Breastplate - 8150
+2 Cloak of Resistance - 4k
+2 Ring of Protection - 8k
+1 Amulet of Natural Armor - 2k
Handy Haversack - 2k
2k in miscellaneous

So defenses are:

AC 23 Tch 14 FF 21

I just don't see where I squeeze out any more AC since this is a damage competition. I could probably up the amulet of NA to +2 if I don't go mithral on the breastplate and take a speed hit, but that makes pouncing and full attacking perhaps a little harder.

AC 23 meets the minimums as described by MiB back on page 3 (I think).

Carpy DM wrote:
AC 23 meets the minimums as described by MiB back on page 3 (I think).

It was 22 or 23 IIRC, and barbarians have the extra HP, so I think others have been counting that as the before rage AC.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

james maissen wrote:
RtrnofdMax wrote:

Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, Half-Orc Barbarian 10

This build is pure barbarian natural attacking frenzy using the new options from the APG. HOrcs get a primary bite attack by giving up the Ferocity trait, gain two primary claw attacks from Lesser Beast Totem, and a primary gore attack from Lesser Fiend Totem.

Gore and bite overlap, you get one or the other but not both. Much the same way that a troll using a two-handed sword would not get claw attacks as well as the sword swings.

Also you'll want to spend some resources on AC as yours, as you admit, is way below accepted levels for this comparison.


Also, check p. 74 again. You can only have one type of totem. Beast OR fiend, not both.

Given the gore/bite overlap, you'd want to be a tusky half-orc (bite) with beast totem (claw) and forget the gore attack.

Sovereign Court

You are right about the totem thing. I missed that. However, we have already hashed out whether you can use a gore and bite and I referenced humanoid creatures from the bestiary that can do both as a full attack.

I may have to figure out how to get the claws elsewhere (Aspect of the beast) or just take the hit.

RtrnofdMax wrote:

Ok so for 62k, I can get:

+2 Amulet of Mighty Fists - 20k
+1 Amulet of Natural Armor - 2k

A minor problem here.


RtrnofdMax wrote:
Total (w/ charge and pounce):90.13

Just want to note that it's the level 10 selection in this challenge which makes natural weapons a good option in this scenario. At level 11 you will be nearly doing the same damage with a greatsword ... the moment you have haste you will actually be doing more damage than with natural weapons (ie. the character with ALL his investments in natural weapon usage intact can pick up a +4 greatsword and do more damage while ignoring his natural weapons).

Sovereign Court

Hmm, biting and full greatsword attacking...

I am still mulling a v2.0 of this guy since the current concept had some flaws pointed out.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
RtrnofdMax wrote:

Hmm, biting and full greatsword attacking...

I am still mulling a v2.0 of this guy since the current concept had some flaws pointed out.

Just remember the severe limitations on mixing natural attacks with melee weapons/unarmed strikes on pg. 182 of the Core Rulebook:

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook wrote:
You can make attacks with natural weapons in combination with a melee weapon and unarmed strikes, so long as a different limb is used for each attack... When you make additional attacks in this way, all of your natural attacks are treated as secondary natural attacks, using your base attack bonus minus 5 and adding only 1/2 of your Strength modifier on damage rolls. In addition, all of your attacks made with melee weapons and unarmed strikes are made as if you were two-weapon fighting.

You're looking at a -2 penalty on attack rolls with the melee weapon and -7 on the natural attacks, with the Two-Weapon Fighting feat (-4/-13 without the feat). The bite from the Animal Fury rage power can be combined with the claws of the Beast Totem or the gore of the Fiend Totem; however, you cannot combine both a bite and a gore with a melee weapon, since they use the same "limb."

Dragonchess Player wrote:
You're looking at a -2 penalty on attack rolls with the melee weapon and -7 on the natural attacks, with the Two-Weapon Fighting feat (-4/-15 without the feat).

Of course the bestiary disagrees ... and there are many monsters using manufactured weapons and natural weapon together which don't use the TWF penalties. So really, it's an untenable rule which destroys the internal consistency of the game which has to get erratad sooner or later.

Sovereign Court

Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, Half-Orc Barbarian 10 V 2.0

This build is pure barbarian natural attacking frenzy using the new options from the APG. HOrcs get a primary bite attack by giving up the Ferocity trait, gain two primary claw attacks from Lesser Beast Totem, and the ability to throw rocks with Lesser Hurling. This build reaches ultimate scariness at 10 when Greater Beast Totem ups claw damage, crit multiplier and ADDS POUNCE! Throw in a smattering of elemental damage and we have a DPR leader.


Ability Scores:
STR: 22 (+6) (15 base, +2 racial, +1 level, +4 belt) (26 w/ Rage)
DEX: 14 (+2) (13 base, +1 level)
CON: 14 (+2) (18 w/ Rage)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 8 (-1)

HP: 95 HP (10d12+20)

Saving Throws
Fort: +12 (+14 Raging) Ref: +8 Will: +7 (+9 raging)

AC: 25 (23 w/ Raging) (+8 Armor, +3 NA, +2 Def, +2 Dex)

Attacks: 2 Claws +18 1d8+16+1d6 elemental (20/x3)
Bite +17 1d4+16+1d6 elemental (20/x2)
Hurl +17 vs. Touch 2d6+14+1d6 elemental (20/x2)

Initiative: +2

Racial Abilities:

Class Abilities:
Rages (Beast Totem [Lesser to Greater], Elemental Rage [Lesser, Regular], Lesser Hurling, Hurling Charge)
Everything else is secondary

BAB: +10 CMB: +16 (+18 raging) CMD: 28 (30 raging)

Power Attack
Extra Rage Powerx2
Weapon Focus (Claw)
Improved Critical (Claw)

Some stuff

+2 Amulet of Mighty Fists - 20k
+4 Belt of Strength - 16k
+2 Mithral Breastplate - 8150
+2 Cloak of Resistance - 4k
+2 Ring of Protection - 8k
Handy Haversack - 2k
4k in miscellaneous



2*[(.85*24)+(.85*.1*2*24)]=48.96 (Charging)


(.8*22)+(.8*.05*22)=18.48 (Charging)

Rock Throw:
This assumes missing on 1 vs. touch and saving on 12+. For CR 10, the good save is 13 and the bad 9, so on average you need a 12 to save on DC23 with +11 avg. It also assumes that your character carries a number of small rocks around because you will often be in situations where they can't just be picked up off the ground. This also assumes that the hurled weapon from Hurling Charge is the improvised weapon from Lesser Hurling and can be drawn if carried.

7[small 2d6 rock]+8+6+3.5=24.5

.55*[(24.5*.95)+(24.5*.95*.05)]+.5*.45*[(24.5*.95)+(24.5*.95*.05)]=18.94 (Charging)

Total (Claw, Claw, Bite):59.37

Total (Claw, Claw, Bite w/o elemental):50.5

Total (w/ Hurling Charge and Pounce):86.38

+1 Damage = +2.5DPR (+3.65 charging)
+1 Attack = +3.5DPR (+4 charging)
Additional Attack (claw) = +18.45DPR (+24.48 charging)

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

I'm pleasantly surprised that this has taken on a life of its own.

Dragonchess Player wrote:
RtrnofdMax wrote:

Hmm, biting and full greatsword attacking...

I am still mulling a v2.0 of this guy since the current concept had some flaws pointed out.

Just remember the severe limitations on mixing natural attacks with melee weapons/unarmed strikes on pg. 182 of the Core Rulebook:

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook wrote:
You can make attacks with natural weapons in combination with a melee weapon and unarmed strikes, so long as a different limb is used for each attack... When you make additional attacks in this way, all of your natural attacks are treated as secondary natural attacks, using your base attack bonus minus 5 and adding only 1/2 of your Strength modifier on damage rolls. In addition, all of your attacks made with melee weapons and unarmed strikes are made as if you were two-weapon fighting.
You're looking at a -2 penalty on attack rolls with the melee weapon and -7 on the natural attacks, with the Two-Weapon Fighting feat (-4/-13 without the feat). The bite from the Animal Fury rage power can be combined with the claws of the Beast Totem or the gore of the Fiend Totem; however, you cannot combine both a bite and a gore with a melee weapon, since they use the same "limb."

That's innacurate.

I mentioned this on another thread, but it has since occured to me that it's probably more appropriate (and of interest) to the specialists on this one.
How significantly do the Sniper Goggles from the APG impact who leads the missile attacks field against a sneak attack vulnerable enemy?

P. 309 (APG)

Sniper Goggles wrote:

Aura faint divination; CL 5th

Slot eyes; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
The leather strap attached to these bulbous lenses allows their wearer to fit them to his head. The wearer of these goggles can make ranged sneak attacks from any distance instead of the normal 30 feet. When making ranged sneak attacks within 30 feet, the wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus on each sneak attack damage die.
Requirements Craft Wondrous item, true strike; Cost 10,000 gp

Really the range thing is a nice bonus ... but the +2 damage per die is the real pay off. That increases your DPR by nearly a third.

PS. although it's not really relevant to this thread, the APG enables a really cheesy sneak attack build. Dip horizon walker for one level to be able to reduce concealment from fog by one step, get the feat or rogue talent which lets you attack targets with concealment and hey presto ... you can stand in a fog cloud and sneak attack most critters with range/reach weapons (they can't see you, you can see them). Combine it with this item and you can sneak attack the entire battlefield.

Kentaro Miura, Half-Elf Summoner 10 (hope someone knows manga memes to appreciate the pun).

The Summoner is pretty much irrelevant ... he's just there to cast buffs (greater evolution surge is cast on his turn in combat, just before the Eidolon attacks). Since it's a DPR olympics I'm not going to pretend to care about much else (I'm not ignoring defense, where appropriate I allocate resources ... I'm just not doing the numbers on it). In theory the biped could do more damage with the rules of the contest, but a non quadraped Eidolon is simply not realistic ... so I'm not going there.

So lets see the Eidolon :

Ability Scores:
STR: 34 (+12) (14 base, +4 class-level, +2 level, +8 large, +2 enlarge, +4 belt)

+2 Greatsword +20/+15 4d6+20 (19-20/x2) (+8 (bab) +12 (str) +2 (enh) -2 (size) -2 (mwf) +2 (morale))
+1 light Maces +19/+19/+19/+19 2d6+7 (x2)
+1 Bite +19 2d6+7 (x2)
+1 Claws +20/+20/+20/+20 2d8+7 (x2)

Evolutions (22 points, 14 from class, 2 from favoured class, 6 from greater evolution surge):
Pounce 1
Limbs x4 8
Claws x2 2
Weapon Training 2
Improved damage claws 1
Improved Natural Armor x2 2
Large 4
Rend 2

Multiweapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (Claws)
Improved Natural Attack (Claws)
Martial Weapon Proficiency (Greatsword)
Multiattack (bonus)

Items :
Permanency Enlarge Person
Belt of Giant Strength +4
Greatsword +2
4 light Maces +1

Buffs :
Greater Magic Fang
Greater Evolution Surge

Eidolon full attack Damage :
(0.85+0.6)*34*1.1 + 4*0.8*14*1.05 + 0.8*14*1.05 + 4*0.85*16*1.05 + (0.99+0.52)*28 = 54.2 + 47 + 11.8 + 57.1 + 42.3 = 212.4 damage

While it isn't in the rulebook, Jason has explicitly said he plans to fix the uncapped-manufactured-weapons loophole in the Eidolon, so I wouldn't get too crazy with billion-weapon-attack Eidolons in a serious DPR comparison.

Even if you subtract the 47 damage from all the off hand weapons it's still quite a bit of damage.

Sovereign Court

Some thoughts:

Permanent Enlarge person shouldn't be factored into this calculation because anyone could get it cast on them. Furthermore, your character should be looked at in a bubble and you needed to find a wizard to cast this.

Evolution Surge doesn't work because it's 1 min/level and you need to be at least 10 min/level to work in this forum.

As previously said, putting a weapon in a natural attacking limb should not allow you to go beyond the number of natural attacks limit.

Your calculations for natural attacks do not take into account the secondary natural attack penalties and the two weapon fighting penalties. Being multi-limbed, multiattack should take the place of TWF in this case, but you still need to take the penalty for mixing natural attacks and manufactured attacks. I believe this means you should have -5 (secondary natural attack) and -2 (multiattack penalty).

RtrnofdMax wrote:
Permanent Enlarge person shouldn't be factored into this calculation because anyone could get it cast on them.

Anyone can wear a belt of giant strength ... point?

Furthermore, your character should be looked at in a bubble and you needed to find a wizard to cast this.

Personally I'd boost UMD so I could do it myself with a scroll (for the dispelling advantage).

Evolution Surge doesn't work because it's 1 min/level and you need to be at least 10 min/level to work in this forum.

Eidolon delays if necessary, Kentaro Miura casts the spell, Eidolon attacks. It's simply a spell cast on his turn, same as casting a fireball.

As previously said, putting a weapon in a natural attacking limb should not allow you to go beyond the number of natural attacks limit.

Shoulda coulda woulda.

Your calculations for natural attacks do not take into account the secondary natural attack penalties and the two weapon fighting penalties. Being multi-limbed, multiattack should take the place of TWF in this case, but you still need to take the penalty for mixing natural attacks and manufactured attacks. I believe this means you should have -5 (secondary natural attack) and -2 (multiattack penalty).

Secondary natural attacks get -2 penalty (the Eidolon gets multiattack as a bonus feat, I'll add it). TWF penalties are irrelevant to natural weapons (see bestiary).

Sovereign Court

From page 182 of the Core Rulebook:

You can make attacks with natural weapons in
combination with attacks made with a melee weapon and
unarmed strikes, so long as a different limb is used for
each attack. For example, you cannot make a claw attack
and also use that hand to make attacks with a longsword.
When you make additional attacks in this way, all of your
natural attacks are treated as secondary natural attacks,
using your base attack bonus minus 5 and adding only 1/2
of your Strength modifier on damage rolls. In addition,
all of your attacks made with melee weapons and unarmed
strikes are made as if you were two-weapon fighting.

Pinky, the rules of this thread are pretty clear, and RtrnofdMax is right, you broke some of them.

First post wrote:

no magic items limited on a per-day or consumable basis.

Buffs are part of your baseline if you can apply them yourself, and they either have a duration of 10 min/level or longer or can be applied as a swift/immediate/free action.

Creatures with natural attacks and attacks made with weapons can use both as part of a full attack action (although often a creature must forgo one natural attack for each weapon clutched in that limb, be it a claw, tentacle, or slam). Such creatures attack with their weapons normally but treat all of their natural attacks as secondary attacks during that attack, regardless of the attack's original type.

Just for reference ...

I have 1 set of limbs for greatsword, 2 sets for maces, 2 sets for claws (1 bought with evolution, and 1 from my legs). So I don't use any of the weapon bearing arms for natural attacks.

Zurai wrote:

Pinky, the rules of this thread are pretty clear, and RtrnofdMax is right, you broke some of them.

First post wrote:

no magic items limited on a per-day or consumable basis.

Buffs are part of your baseline if you can apply them yourself, and they either have a duration of 10 min/level or longer or can be applied as a swift/immediate/free action.

I'm not sure that he has.

It's not a pre-buff but the spell the summoner casts during his turn. It's just as fair for him to do this as for a druid to cast animal growth on his companion for his action (actually more fair as it lasts far longer).

That a swift action spell is allowable just says that the PC cannot have a round to pre-buff, which this summoner has not. Skewing results so that it favors a summoner dealing say 20damage rather than giving a buff during round 1 that would deal 40damage that turn is disingenuous for this comparison.

Other PCs have been allowed to cast attack spells, this seems no different.

PS: as to the manufactured weapons with natural weapon attacks, the bestiary is clear while the core rules are far less so. As to the permanent enlarge person if he included the price of a permanency scroll in his gear and could UMD that would more than suffice.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Xum wrote:
Dragonchess Player wrote:
RtrnofdMax wrote:

Hmm, biting and full greatsword attacking...

I am still mulling a v2.0 of this guy since the current concept had some flaws pointed out.

Just remember the severe limitations on mixing natural attacks with melee weapons/unarmed strikes on pg. 182 of the Core Rulebook:

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook wrote:
You can make attacks with natural weapons in combination with a melee weapon and unarmed strikes, so long as a different limb is used for each attack... When you make additional attacks in this way, all of your natural attacks are treated as secondary natural attacks, using your base attack bonus minus 5 and adding only 1/2 of your Strength modifier on damage rolls. In addition, all of your attacks made with melee weapons and unarmed strikes are made as if you were two-weapon fighting.
You're looking at a -2 penalty on attack rolls with the melee weapon and -7 on the natural attacks, with the Two-Weapon Fighting feat (-4/-13 without the feat). The bite from the Animal Fury rage power can be combined with the claws of the Beast Totem or the gore of the Fiend Totem; however, you cannot combine both a bite and a gore with a melee weapon, since they use the same "limb."
That's innacurate.


I specifically referenced the page number in the Core Rulebook and provided a quote.

There is a different set of rules in the bestiary (and the universal monster rules in the PRD, which I linked above). Also all existing PF monsters which combine manufactured weapons and natural weapons use the bestiary rules. Especially that last part pretty much guarantees that the bestiary part will be the rules to survive, because they are not going to rewrite all those monsters. A lot of them would have to stop using their natural attacks altogether (with the core rulebook rules they will actually end up doing less damage simply by using them at all). They have said as much themselves (see the unofficial FAQ on d20pfsrd).

Now it's also pretty much confirmed that manufactured weapons will be nerfed for summoners, the problem is that it's not entirely clear how exactly ... so I think having some math out there to indicate how exactly the damage breaks down for optimal use of them is useful.

I personally hope they don't overnerf it. IMO every manufactured weapon should simply replace a natural weapon, but still provide the chance for iteratives. The former would rule out multiweapon fighting abuse, the latter would actually make the TWF chain optimal ... but the TWF chain is pretty tough to qualify for with the Eidolon, so I don't think allowing it would be out of line at all.

What they do have to figure out is how the hell to not let it outdamage fighters and barbarians, also they might as well give pounce to all Eidolons ... because at the moment it's Quadraped or gimp (Druid suffer from the same problem, Lion/Tiger or gimp ... both for animal companion and the Shaman ACF, the lack of good bears inside the animal companion and SNA list is especially awful in that regard ... where did all the bears from 3e go?).

PS. not even a groan for the name of my summoner? Here I thought I was being oh so clever :(

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Pinky's Brain wrote:
There is a different set of rules in the bestiary (and the universal monster rules in the PRD, which I linked above).

Monsters =/= characters. (or at least not necessarily)

Also, the universal monster rules for natural attacks do not say anything about "two-weapon penalties do not apply" or any other wording that would invalidate the Core Rulebook. The text in the Core Rulebook on natural attacks is more detailed and complete, while the text in the Bestiary is a summary.

Saying the exact text from the Core Rulebook is inaccurate for creating a character, without some other reference that specifically supports your argument does not prove your position.

Shadow Lodge

RtrnofdMax wrote:
Evolution Surge doesn't work because it's 1 min/level and you need to be at least 10 min/level to work in this forum.

Look at it this way.

You have one round to do XXX damage and can only have 10 min/ level and hour/ level buffs on in advance.

A normal character gets a swift, move, and standard action or swift and full.

A summoner gets 6 actions per round, in that same single round he can cast the buff, and have the eidolon get a full attack action in.

One of the benefits of summoner is efficiency of actions (casting and attacking simuntaneously).

Dragonchess Player wrote:
Monsters =/= characters. (or at least not necessarily)

For this sort of stuff it is actually absolutely necessary for me. One of the things I most loathe about 4e.

or any other wording that would invalidate the Core Rulebook. The text in the Core Rulebook on natural attacks is more detailed and complete, while the text in the Bestiary is a summary.

Did you look at the FAQ? When someone from Paizo says the rules in the core rulebook are croft which will get errata'd then saying the bestiary rules are just a summary is untenable. If you want to rules lawyer that as long as they stand the core rulebook is primary, fine I accept the argument but I simply refuse to comply.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Pinky's Brain wrote:
Anyone can wear a belt of giant strength ... point?

Buffs aren't included because anyone can get them, they're available to everyone.

Saying the exact text from the Core Rulebook is inaccurate for creating a character, without some other reference that specifically supports your argument does not prove your position.

This argument seems to be going nowhere. Until we get an official ruling, for the purposes of this thread secondary attacks with natural attacks don't suffer TWF penalties unless you are actually TWFing, in which case they do get the -2 to all attacks.

Thus, +10 BAB with a greatsword and a bite would be sword/sword/bite, +10/+5/+5. This would work exactly the same way with a longsword and a claw.

Likewise, +10 BAB, TWF, and ITWF with two shortswords and a bite would be sword/sword/sword/sword/bite, +8/+8/+3/+3/+3.

If you want to do the math to figure out what the greatsword/bite guy does at +4/-1/-5, feel free, but that's an obvious waste of time.

A Man In Black wrote:
Pinky's Brain wrote:
Anyone can wear a belt of giant strength ... point?
Buffs aren't included because anyone can get them, they're available to everyone.

It's your rules and it's your right to be completely arbitrary ... but as long as you keep giving these kinds of arguments I just have to keep pointing out they are silly.

Anyone can get items, they're available to everyone ... point?

Permanency spells come out of your wealth, for most extents and purposes they are items ... which is why most of these kind of exercises allow them as such. Of course most of these excercises wouldn't disallow boots of speed while allowing casters to use their highest level spells either (which is a far greater use of daily resources than a single round of haste from the boots). As I said though, your right to be completely arbitrary.

Pinky's Brain wrote:
Dragonchess Player wrote:
Monsters =/= characters. (or at least not necessarily)
For this sort of stuff it is actually absolutely necessary for me. One of the things I most loathe about 4e.


And as to the permanent enlarge person, I don't see what the problem is with it. It lasts more than 10min/level and is not dependent on the party to cast that day.

These seemed to be the reasons against allowing things like GMW.

But as a permanent enlarge person would last.. well forever. The spell can be purchased as much as a belt of giant strength can be purchased.

Failing that a scroll of permanency can be purchased and 'self done'. I mean we're not requiring a fighter to be able to craft all of his magical items, so I don't see any difference here.

And honestly while there's value in not including buffs, it's only to a certain point. The extra attack value and bonus from getting a +1 to hit I thought were asked in that vein. As there is also value in seeing how much a PC benefits from certain buffs as this will vary.


RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Pinky's Brain wrote:
It's your rules and it's your right to be completely arbitrary ... but as long as you keep giving these kinds of arguments I just have to keep pointing out they are silly.

They are arbitrary. Every game is different, so I made a set of rules that I felt represented a good common baseline. Permanent buffs aren't part of that because they likely conflict with actual cast buffs, so you're making a character which is weaker in actual play in order to be stronger in this comparison.

Now, feel free to break the rules any time you want. They don't matter that much. I just ask that people figure out the DPR within the stated rules for the purpose of comparison as well as the DPR under their variant conditions.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Pinky's Brain wrote:
Did you look at the FAQ?

That's a citation, as I was asking for. Thank you.

Just saying "the rules in the Bestiary aren't quite the same," without referencing the full context, doesn't help those who use the print versions as their primary source. I may be an IT professional, but I don't want to spend all my time looking at a computer screen...

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Regarding the action of the Summoner casting a spell on his Eidelon to increase it's damage. This to me seems perfectly within the spirit of this thread.

Imagine if I created an summoner and an eidolon who both used bows and got 8 attacks between the two of them. These attacks would be combined for the purposes of DPR would they not? Just as the actions from a Druid and their Animal Companion are counted together.

Well let's toy a little with the APG's Mounted Fury Barbarian:

Sigfreid, 10 lvl Human Barbarian


Ability Scores
All stats asume rage is active
STR 24 (+7) (15 +2 racial +1 level +4 raging +2 item)
DEX 14 (+2) (13 +1 level)
CON 18 (+4) (14 +4 raging)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 08 (-1)

HP: 10d12 +50 (aprox 115)

Initiative: (+2 Dex, +4 Feat, +3 Sixth Sense, +2)

Saving Throws:
F 14 R 7 W 8

AC: 23 - Touch 11, Flatfooted 21 (+9 breastplate +3, +2 Dex, +3 natural, +1 deflection, -2 rage)

Attack (normal): +2 furios lance +18/+13 1d8+23 dmg (20/X3)

Attack (CHARGE): +2 furios lance +20/+15 3d8+69 dmg (20/X3)

Special Attacks:
-Power Attack (-3/+9)*[smaller]included in attack
-Spirited Charge

Racial Traits:
-Bouns Feat
-Heart of Wilderness

-Mounted Fury
-Supersticious (for the initiave boost mainly, but I prefer Savage Barbarian for the Conanesqueness)

Class Fetures:
-Rage: +4STR +4CON -2 to AC and +2 to Will saves
-Fast Rider: +10ft to mount speed
-Sixth Sense: +3 to initiative and a +3 to AC in the Surprise round
-Bestial Mount: Animal Companion at an effective druid level equal to barbarian level -4 (Boon Companion raises this to -0)
-Keen senses: low-light vision, darkvision

BAB: 10 CMB: 17 CMD: 28

Rage powers:
-Lesser Beast Totem
-Ferocious Mount
-Beast Totem
-Greater Ferocious Mount
-Greater Beast Totem

-Power Attack(b)
-Mounted Combat
-Ride by Attack
-Boon Companion (from Pathfinder Chronicles: Seekers of Secret)
-Spirited Carge
-Improved Initiative (Improved Critical(Lance) would do better for damage however you seriously need the initiave)

-Handle Animal +12
-Ride +14
-Perception +14
-Survival +15

-Reactionary:+2 to initiative
-pick one

- 18310 +2 furious lance
- 12400 +3 Mythral Breastplate
- 04000 Cloack of Resistance +2
- 02000 Amulet of Natural Armor +1
- 02000 Ring of Deflection +1
- 04000 Belt of Stregth +2
39710 Sigfreid's Total

Roy, Tiger Animal Companion


Ability Scores
All stats asume rage is active
STR 30 (+10)(13 +8 size +3 AC bonus +4 raging +2 item)
DEX 18 (+4) (17 -2 size +3 AC bonus)
CON 22 (+6) (13 +4 size +1 level +4 raging)
INT 03 (-4) (2 +1 level)
WIS 15 (+2)
CHA 10 (+0)

HP: 9d8 +63 (aprox 103)

Initiative: acts with Siegfreid

Saving Throws:
F 13 R 12 W 9 (11 vs. enchantment)

AC: 29 - Touch 12, Flatfooted 25 (+6 +2 Mythral Chainshirt, +4 Dex, +11 natural, +1 deflection, -1 size, -2 rage)

Attack (normal): Furious Claw +14/+14 3d6+18 dmg (20/X3)
Furious Bite +13 2d6+18 dmg (20/X2)

Attack (CHARGE): Furious Claw +16/+16/+16/+16 3d6+18 dmg (20/X3)
Furious Bite +15 2d6+18 dmg (20/X2)

Special Attacks:
-Power Attack (-2/+4)* [smaller]included in attack

Special Qualities & AC extras:
-Low-light Vision

-Weapon Focus (Claw)
-Nimble Moves
-Acrobatic Step
-Improved Natural Attack (Claw)

-Acrobatics +16

- 05000 Furious Amulet of Migthy fISTS
- 05550 +2 Mythral Chainshirt
- 04000 Cloack of Resistance +2
- 02000 Ring of Deflection +1
- 04000 Belt of Stregth +2
17550 Roy's Total
57260 Total
01740 Excess

Sigfreid's DPR is 37.8125, but rises to 123.6125 when charging. A +1 to hit, +1 to damage and an extra attack are worth: 3.025 and 8.525; 1.375 and 4.495; and 22,6875 and 72.4625 respectively.

Roy's DPR is 56.505, but raises 112.425 when charging. A +1 to hit, +1 to damage and an extra attack are worth: 3.93125 and 6.68125; 2.06 and 4.035; and 17,875 and 20,625 respectively.

Both DPRs add up to 94.135 and 222.65 while charging. Sigfried's initiative is +11 so its safe to asume that he will initiative 75% of times wich gives us an expected DPR of 188.921875 in the first round that would drop to 94.135 in subsequent rounds. Note that Roy's Acrobatic Step feat and its acrobatics(jump) modifier facilitates charging in difficult terrain.


Edit 1: as RtrnofdMax pointed this requires special permission by the GM since tiger is not legal.
Edit 2: corrected an error with the size of the natural attacks.

Sovereign Court

How do you get a Tiger when you're only allowed a Horse or Camel?

RtrnofdMax wrote:
How do you get a Tiger when you're only allowed a Horse or Camel?
APG's Mounted Fury wrote:

This companion must be one that she is capable of riding and is suitable
as a mount. A Medium barbarian can select a camel or a horse. A Small barbarian can select a pony or a wolf, but can also select a boar or a dog if she is at least 8th level.

Uhm... I mix it up with the cavalier mount wich can be chosen from non-standard lists fault.

Note that this doesn't affect Sigfreid's damage per se. And any mount he rides will get pounce and a couple +1 size category, critical X3 claw a attacks.

Also, next level Sigfreid will be able to take leadership to attract a Dragonae as special mount, or could simply replace Improved initiative with leadership.


Dark Archive

YawarFiesta wrote:
RtrnofdMax wrote:
How do you get a Tiger when you're only allowed a Horse or Camel?
APG's Mounted Fury wrote:

This companion must be one that she is capable of riding and is suitable
as a mount. A Medium barbarian can select a camel or a horse. A Small barbarian can select a pony or a wolf, but can also select a boar or a dog if she is at least 8th level.

Uhm... I mix it up with the cavalier mount wich can be chosen from non-standard lists fault.

Note that this doesn't affect Sigfreid's damage per se. And any mount he rides will get pounce and a couple +1 size category, critical X3 claw a attacks.

Also, next level Sigfreid will be able to take leadership to attract a Dragonae as special mount, or could simply replace Improved initiative with leadership.


actually arent cavaliers limited to horse or camel too?

Dark Archive

Cavaliers are allowed DM fiat to pick other suitable mounts like a Tiger (Battlecat!). The Barbarian entry has no such note.

Dark Archive

YuenglingDragon wrote:

you have now idea how much i appreciate this. II hadn't even thought of this. THANK YOU GOOD SIR OR MADAM!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Calvin the Cavalier
Plus Hobbes, Loyal Steed

Male Human Cavalier 10
LG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Perception +0

AC 27, touch 13, flat-footed 26 (+11 armor, +1 Dex, +1 natural, +2 deflection, +2 shield)
hp 90 (10d10+30)
Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +8

Spd 20 ft.
Melee (Charge, Mounted, Challenge) +3 Lance +27 (3d8+111)
Melee +3 Lance +19/+11 (1d8+21) or +3 Lance +19/+14 (1d8+12)
Melee +1 Greatsword +17/+9 (2d6+19,19-20/2x) or +1 Greatsword +17/+12 (2d6+10,19-20/2x)

Str 22, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +10/+5; CMB +16; CMD 29
Feats Critical Focus, Furious Focus, Iron Will, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Ride-by Attack, Shield Wall, Spirited Charge, Swap Places, Trample
Skills Diplomacy +12, Handle Animal +6, Intimidate +15, Knowledge: Nobility +12, Ride +14
Languages Common
Gear +1 Greatsword, +2 Full Plate, +3 Lance, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Belt of Giant Strength, +4, Cloak of Resistance, +1, Ring of Force Shield, Ring of Protection, +2

Animal Companion (Ex)
Challenge (Order of the Sword): +10 to damage, +3 to hit while mounted
Cavalier's Charge (Ex) Mounted charge grants +4 to hit and -0 AC rather than +2/-2.

Male Horse
Large Animal
Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent; Perception +13

AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, -1 size, +7 natural)
hp 86 (+36)
Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +4

Spd 70 ft.
Melee Bite (Horse) +11 (1d4+6) and Hooves x2 (Horse) +6 x2 (1d6+3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Str 22, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +5/+0; CMB +13; CMD 26 (30 vs. Trip)
Feats Fleet, Fleet, Fleet, Fleet, Toughness
Skills Perception +13
Gear Chain Armor

While charging his challenge target, Calvin hits unless he rolls a 1. He does 3d8+111 damage, 4d8+148 damage on a crit. The damage is 1d8 from the lance, 9 from strength, 6 from mount strength (Order of the Sword), 9 from Power Attack, 3 from magical weapon, 10 from challenge, and tripled by the lance and Spirited Charge. The hit (normally +16 for an attack modified by Power Attack) is increased by 4 from the charge, by 3 from the Order of the Sword's challenge ability, 1 from being on higher ground via mount, and 3 from Furious Focus. Calvin can charge from 140 feet away because Hobbes has selected Fleet multiple times.

The DPR for Calvin's charge is 126.1, just short of the standard CR 10 average hit points. Without the mount, charge, and challenge, the damage is not great. Kind of a one-trick pony-rider easily thwarted in a number of ways, but certainly solid if allowed to be.

Ok, No clue how to calculate this, but how do you account for the precise strike ability? I'm interested in the DPR for a Zen Archer Monk and I tried but i'm getting more frustrated or is this higher than I think it is? I'm around 80+

Sovereign Court

Precise strike is a conditional bonus. You can add it to your calculations for fun, but it shouldn't be part of your baseline since you can't guarantee a flank or a partner with the same feat all the time.

I am curious how you'd use it for an archer since it only works for melee attacks, even when flanking with point blank master.

Sorry, screwed up. Perfect Strike.

Is there a reason Calvin doesn't have Vital Strike/etc? I recall someone official stating somewhere that Vital Strike can be used on a mounted charge.

Elfgasm wrote:
Is there a reason Calvin doesn't have Vital Strike/etc? I recall someone official stating somewhere that Vital Strike can be used on a mounted charge.

Nope. Vital Strike requires a standard action to use, which you do not get on a charge (a full round action).

Dark Archive

Name Violation wrote:
YuenglingDragon wrote:
you have now idea how much i appreciate this. II hadn't even thought of this. THANK YOU GOOD SIR OR MADAM!

Sir, as it happens. Pleased to be of service.

As for Perfect Strike, I'd place baseline DPR on one line and Perfect Strike on another since it's limited in uses per day. If you're asking about how to do the math, I couldn't really tell you. My mathhammer will only tell me the probability of one die ending up on a number not at least one of two.

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