Age of Worms OOC thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

This is the OOC thread for my (GM_Ekeebe's) Age of Worms Adventure Path PbP

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

I'll go druid. Will get something up soon, but right now I am thinking half elf druid of Cayden Cailean.

DM what time zone are you in?
From what I gather you are about GMT + 11. What's that AUS/NZ?

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

Ekeebe is in auz.

So fair warning folks as I have seen a game fold because of this. Some times it will look as the DM has gone 2 days between posts when really he has not. He will be in way infront of most of use so the game will prob not post everyday. We will need to try and do so but the DM will be in front. What is day to him is prob midnight or early early morning to most of us.

Not wanting to talk for the GM but there will be some time lag, it's a pbp just roll with it :)

Male Halfling Cleric/6
seekerofshadowlight wrote:

Ekeebe is in auz.

So fair warning folks as I have seen a game fold because of this. Some times it will look as the DM has gone 2 days between posts when really he has not. He will be in way infront of most of use so the game will prob not post everyday. We will need to try and do so but the DM will be in front. What is day to him is prob midnight or early early morning to most of us.

Not wanting to talk for the GM but there will be some time lag, it's a pbp just roll with it :)

Hey, I usually wait a whole month with the GM not posting anywhere before I give up. :D

EDIT: SO here's my character! Sveid, the Ulfen gnome!

Male Human, Taldoran Cleric 1

Narses Arthfell, reporting in.

Just a simple human cleric of Pharasma here. Nothing to see. No, that's not a skull in my backpack. Really, it's not. Here, want a cookie?

Out of character, I intend to straddle the line between good and evil with him. He has no problems using both bless and bane (or, more importantly, breath of life and enervation). He won't ever deal with undead (forbidden by Pharasma), but pretty much anything else isn't out of the question if the circumstances call for it. That said, he's not some sadistic bastard just looking out for himself, either; he'll be a team player and he's made to cover as much of the party's healing needs and anti-undead combat as reasonably possible. He's just got some ... quirks ... in how he deals with his living opponents ;)

seekerofshadowlight wrote:

Ekeebe is in auz.

So fair warning folks as I have seen a game fold because of this. Some times it will look as the DM has gone 2 days between posts when really he has not. He will be in way infront of most of use so the game will prob not post everyday. We will need to try and do so but the DM will be in front. What is day to him is prob midnight or early early morning to most of us.

Not wanting to talk for the GM but there will be some time lag, it's a pbp just roll with it :)

It's only a problem if everyone posts at a certain time like at 8pm or whatever. If everyone checks the PBP in the morning and evening then its fine. People only sleep for 8 hours.

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

here is a start I'll have it done tonight hopefully

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
I'll go druid. Will get something up soon, but right now I am thinking half elf druid of Cayden Cailean.

I was thinking of going with a druid too (I posted him in the recruitment thread instead of this one), but maybe I'll go with something else. How about a sorcerer?

So far we have two fighters, a druid and a cleric, correct?

I am playing an archer and it seems the other fighter has also gone a no strength high dex route. That means we don't have a tank. Just a thought, unless you guys can summon stuff :D

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

I'll be haveing a wolf with me so that might help. Haveing a bit of computer issues hope to have it solved by the morning

Male Halfling Cleric/6
Kieyanna Lodlin wrote:
I am playing an archer and it seems the other fighter has also gone a no strength high dex route. That means we don't have a tank. Just a thought, unless you guys can summon stuff :D

I'm trying to break the 'fighters do melee, rogues and rangers do ranged' stereotype. Fortunately, I have a fairly good Constitution. Perhaps I should change my feats and get Precise Shot so I can shoot into melee, too.

Other than that, my stats are done.

Male Human, Taldoran Cleric 1

Well, Narses definitely ain't a tank. We've got six people and (so far) one cleric. Someone else can fill that role ;) Speaking of which, what DO we currently have? I'm seeing two ranged fighters, one cleric, one druid, and one sorcerer (or two druids, depending). Who's the sixth? We don't have a trapfinder at the moment.

Actually, "tank" isn't all that viable a role in core gameplay anyway. Attack bonuses quickly outstrip ACs (by design) of all but the most dedicated defensive characters, and there's no way to really get an enemy to focus its attention on you (either by forcing it or by penalizing it if it doesn't). Since a true "tank" in the MMO definition isn't really possible, all we need is someone with hit points to stand in front of the guys without a load of hit points.

Male Dwarf Druid 1

To heck with it -- if we can have two fighters, then we can have two druids, right? So I'll stick with my original plan to play a cat-loving dwarven druid. I hope that's OK with you, Seeker!

Male Human, Taldoran Cleric 1

Well, we shouldn't have any trouble with healing at least! 'Course, now we've got no arcane casters in addition to no trapfinders. Not that those can't be overcome, just a note.

Okay, I'm almost ready to post up the PbP thread, but I need Nerak the Numb's character, if you are there, Nerak, then please draw up a character, then we can get started.

If you don't want to play, or you are having troubles, then please let me know, and I'll help as much as I can.

[EDIT] this post will be posted in the hook-up thread as well [EDIT]

Narses Arthfell wrote:
Well, we shouldn't have any trouble with healing at least! 'Course, now we've got no arcane casters in addition to no trapfinders. Not that those can't be overcome, just a note.

I'm going to get two wizard levels and 3/4 caster level progression from arcane archer. Not really powerful, but at least I can buff people and use magic devices.

DM: I know I still owe you my bio, I will get it up as soon as I can get all my work through this shredder!

Male Dwarf Druid 1
Narses Arthfell wrote:
Well, we shouldn't have any trouble with healing at least! 'Course, now we've got no arcane casters in addition to no trapfinders. Not that those can't be overcome, just a note.

Specifically, we'll probably have some trapfinders (druids are usually pretty good at Perception), but no trap disarmer.

Male Human, Taldoran Cleric 1
Treetall Catfancy wrote:
Narses Arthfell wrote:
Well, we shouldn't have any trouble with healing at least! 'Course, now we've got no arcane casters in addition to no trapfinders. Not that those can't be overcome, just a note.
Specifically, we'll probably have some trapfinders (druids are usually pretty good at Perception), but no trap disarmer.

True. I keep forgetting that anyone can find traps in Pathfinder, Rogues just get big bonuses.

Male Halfling Cleric/6
Treetall Catfancy wrote:
Narses Arthfell wrote:
Well, we shouldn't have any trouble with healing at least! 'Course, now we've got no arcane casters in addition to no trapfinders. Not that those can't be overcome, just a note.
Specifically, we'll probably have some trapfinders (druids are usually pretty good at Perception), but no trap disarmer.

Ah, don't forget the Universal Key!

Male Dwarf Druid 1
Sveidomit Amni wrote:
Ah, don't forget the Universal Key!


male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

Sorry will get this done soon had to reinstall windows, which meant trying to salavge what I could from the hard drive. Now I am trying to get everything

Also we have someone to disable traps...have to make them fighters put there HP to use after all :)

Male Halfling Cleric/6

Duidelik, you seem to have erred...your character sheet says Lodlin has 13 HP, even though fighters start out with only 10 hp and you only have a 14 Con.
Also, I would like to point out that the elf has a better Reflex save.

Male Dwarf Druid 1
Sveidomit Amni wrote:
Duidelik, you seem to have erred...your character sheet says Lodlin has 13 HP, even though fighters start out with only 10 hp and you only have a 14 Con.

Favored class bonus.

Male Human, Taldoran Cleric 1


Forgot my favored class bonus. Now I need to decide between hit points or skill points...

EDIT: Actually, no I didn't. Hah. Favored class bonus is in hit points (either that, or I did my math wrong -- but it works out with the favored class bonus, so I'm leaving it there).

Female Kobold
Treetall Catfancy wrote:
Sveidomit Amni wrote:
Duidelik, you seem to have erred...your character sheet says Lodlin has 13 HP, even though fighters start out with only 10 hp and you only have a 14 Con.
Favored class bonus.

Oh, right. I like how they made multiclassing actually viable and the favored class ability thing much more useful in PFRPG.

Male Halfling Cleric/6

Hey, DM? I kinda want to do a journal thing, but I seem to be short 2 gold pieces to buy a spellbook (since there isn't actually a 'journal' option, I assumed they'd have the same price). It'd just be a flavor piece, and every now and then I'd post an entry here. I don't suppose this would be okay?

Kobold Cleaver, a leather bound journal would cost you about 5 GP, don't forget that a spellbook is supposed to have magic scribed in it, and carried around on adventures, getting daily use, so it would be built hardier than normal books.

Sveidomit Amni wrote:
Hey, DM? I kinda want to do a journal thing, but I seem to be short 2 gold pieces to buy a spellbook (since there isn't actually a 'journal' option, I assumed they'd have the same price). It'd just be a flavor piece, and every now and then I'd post an entry here. I don't suppose this would be okay?

Svei, arn't you already over your limit?

175gp - 150gp (chainmail) - 50gp (heavy crossbow) -17gp (on hand) = -42

or am I missing something?

oops, just an important side not guys, i will be using the medium experience table.

and Keiyanna, dont worry, i am currently in the process of fine tooth combing the caracters as we speak.

Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf Barbarian 1

Just want to say I'm excited to start this adventure, look forward to experiencing it with all of you.

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

sorry I am behind on getting finished, ugh at some point I am gonna name a BBEG vista

Anyhow will get her finished tonight, i need to buy stuff and stat up my wolf and get a bit of background up

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

Ok mostly done save background and kishol. Humm a few questions about that.
1: how do I do his HP?
2: can I teach him tricks before start?

Male Halfling Cleric/6
Kieyanna Lodlin wrote:
Sveidomit Amni wrote:
Hey, DM? I kinda want to do a journal thing, but I seem to be short 2 gold pieces to buy a spellbook (since there isn't actually a 'journal' option, I assumed they'd have the same price). It'd just be a flavor piece, and every now and then I'd post an entry here. I don't suppose this would be okay?

Svei, arn't you already over your limit?

175gp - 150gp (chainmail) - 50gp (heavy crossbow) -17gp (on hand) = -42

or am I missing something?

What the...

*Goes and looks over character*
EDIT: Whoops. It looks like I missed the 'average gold' thing and rolled. Okay, editing time.
EDIT EDIT: Well, I got Scale instead of Chain, but thanks to a smaller Max Dex I have the same AC! And I have 70 gp. left over! :D

Male Human, Taldoran Cleric 1

Whoops, I missed average gold as well. I don't think it really affects anything on Narses other than his starting cash, though. Lemme check.

EDIT: Had to drop one flask of holy water. Meh, not a big deal.

Male Dwarf Druid 1

I'll update my sheet with my purchases when I get home (hide armor, wooden shield, warhammer, leather barding for Blackrazor, some javelins -- I think that's about it).

okay, sorry guys, this may have to be postponed until after the weekend.

sorry, but unfortunately my internet bill has come in, and i get paid on Monday, so that means i will have no means to post or to monitor any threads i have made/posted in.

unfortunately, i dont have alot of money on my account at my local computer cafe either, making net access harder than i thought.

i will try to be online as much as i can, mooching off of a friend of mine's internet, but i wont be able to be on for very long, because it is my PF night with my local gaming group.

in the mean time, i will finish off the conversion...i suppose a small amount of good came of it.

so sorry again, but i will post when the internet bill is paid.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

not am issue at all man. we'll be here

Female Kobold

It's fine, hope you're able to access the net again soon!

The Exchange

Don't sweat it, I'll be here waiting! That'll give me something to look forward to doing at work next week, heheheh.


Just kidding!

Something still happening here?

The Exchange

I certainly hope so. I'm assuming that our DM is having some sort of issues with getting his connection working.

As an ISP employee, I know these things can take time.

I've got patience like a rock though, so I'll be checking up twice daily until we hear from him.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

yeah give him a week or so to get stuff going, phone companys work at there own speed after all

okay guys, sorry about this, but i will have to postpone the PbP indefinately, too many family issues at the moment.

sorry to get your hopes up, but sick babies need a lot of care, and i barely find the time to use the internet at all these days.

if i reboot the PbP, i will let all of you know, sorry again, but it is out of my hands.

GM_Ekeebe :D

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

not an issue man, family always comes first. Best of luck to ya

Female Kobold

It's fine, good luck.

I hope the kids are all right!!

The Exchange

Well I can't say I'll hold it against you; I'd do the same.

If you do decide to reboot it let me know, my email address is my username (at)

Hope everything is alright!

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