Mortika runs Slumbering Tsar (PFRPG)


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Veren Baccus wrote:

Veren decides to trust the orc. He moves to L5 and feeds the potion he got from the reclaimer to Mikka. This one probably isn't fortified, but it will have to do...

Actually, it's a potion of bear's endurance. Mikka's Constitution rises 2 points, and she gains 14 temporary hit points.

The orc repeats: "As the acting senior Reclaimer, I speak for the council, and we accept your proposal. If you can deliver to us the monsters you slay, we can put them to use. If you can give us your word on this, we do not need to hold the woman hostage."

Are we out of combat yet, Rasina still needs to save Swiftpaws.

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)

Durnast responds ¨...Are we still fighting tooth and nail to kill each other?
But that sounds like a swell idea, I`ve been feeling un-easy about leaving bodies of these demons behind, given the Undead aura hovering over the entire landscape here, and growing some nice green trees seems a reasonable thing to do. Perhaps from this point, sticking to the basics of composting rather than cultivating ancient slumbering titans might be advisable, though.¨

It would appear we're out of combat, Rasina.

The orc's expression drops from urgency to offense, and he stares hard at Durnast as he draws his scimitar. "Are you trying to tell us our business? After all this?" he asks, wearily.

Rasina administers the potion to Swiftpaws, although she wonders how to open its mouth, she does eventuall force the potion down its throat. Cure Serious Wounds, gain 3d8 + 5 ⇒ (8, 6, 6) + 5 = 25 HP back.

She gives Durnast a hard stare, and says to the orc, "Forgive us, sir Druid, our esteemed wizard friend spoke rashly. We mean no offense, and no additional blood need be shed now. We have both lost companions, and bloodshed is unwarranted. We certainly have shed enough to satisfy your needs for some time." Diplomacy check, if needed. 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Female Human Ranger 7

Alia cuts through the orc and Durnast exchage with a cold voice.

"Everybody just stop it. There's been enough death today. And the desolation will claim some more if we go on. It's not the time to flex muscles. Or to try to be witty. Here is the plain truth as I have already told it. You want to regrow the desolation. We are fine with that. But we want the elven lady back. If you give her back to us, we will bring you the corpses of fallen ennemies if possible."

She looks at both with barely suppressed fury and maintains her stare for a loog moment.

"So everyone keeps his weapons or remarks to themselves. Just go and get the elf lady while we tend to our and your compagnons and try to save as many as possible."

I'm going to put lots of SP in intimidate next level.

Seeing Mikka regain some color to her features, Veren sighs with relief. Then returns to Montague to check for signs of life.

Durnast just ignores the Orc Reclaimer,
but Chamomile`s relief that hostilities seem to be over cannot be concealed, and his happy-go-lucky acrobatics as he spins above his friends add a bit of levity to lessen the tensions as Rasina responds. Diplomacy Aid Another to Rasina (or Artimus, if he takes up the task) = Take 10 = 15.

Male Human Paladin 7

Artimus looks around at the others and nods. "Alia is right. There has been quite enough bloodshed now. We need to recover our own wounded now and then we can decide where to go from there."

He looks to the orc. "I understand your desire for your work and the goal you feel you may be achieving. You seem to agree that the previous head of the council was obsessive in her actions. We may be able to help you in bringing this oasis to life and helping it spread further, but we will not do it under duress. Release our friend back into our hands, and then tell us how we can help you and perhaps after this dark moment we will be able to find some sort of friendship after this hardship. For now though, we must have time to recover, mourn, and reunite Veren with his friend."

M Goblin Oracle 7

For the last part of the battle Nadeqs eyes has been rolling back in to his head, showing only white with the bloodshot lines typical of goblinkin. Suddenly his body starts shaking and his lips starts flapping and with three great strides he rush forward and clasp his hand on Mikkas chest.
The earth where he is standing seems to change, growing colder and more dark. The darkness and cold starts focusing under the goblin and soon shoots through his body and out through his fingers, engulfing Mikka in a dark blue hue for an instant. Then it disappears and many of her wounds are nomore.

Cast cure serious wounds twice on Mikka
3d8 + 7 ⇒ (1, 5, 6) + 7 = 19
3d8 + 7 ⇒ (3, 3, 2) + 7 = 15

He steps over to Alia and Swiftpaw
"I know you don't trust me or my... newfound powers. And honestly i don't trust them myself, but so far they haven't done harm to anyone. Your animal is hurting and another injury will send it straight to Orcus filthy hands. Have trust in me this one time.

If Alia doesn't seem to object to him he reach forward, and the the dark blue energy rushes from the earth through Nadeq and into Swifpaws leaving scars where there was open wounds just a moment ago.

Cast cure serious wounds on Swiftpaws
3d8 + 7 ⇒ (7, 3, 2) + 7 = 19

He walks over to the body of Montegue and closes his eyelids. Looking down himself and his new body he wonder if reincarnating Montegue like it was done to Nadeq himself, is preferable to death.

If anybody else need healing Nadeq has 1 cure serious wounds, 5 cure moderate and 4 cure light wounds spells left.

Female Human Ranger 7

Alia is still 39 HP down, at 21 instead of 60 and Swiftpaws is fine at 30/35 HP

Rasina is currently at 27 hp (46 hp max) so she is down 19 hp.

The orc nods, gravely but resolutely. "We are agreed.

"Our Order does not permit us to swear, on the name of the Shalmlord, nor any other thing, but I give you my word. An hour past sunset, we shall bring the woman here and release her to your care."

He looks at Veren, "The delay is necessary. Retrieving her before then would injure her.

"We would appreciate any contributions you might care to make," he says, gesturing at the corpses of the demonic creature you felled just five minutes ago. His expression turns to irritation and discomfort. "I don't understand why she said that 'warm was sufficient.' The more powerful a creature, the more strength we can draw from it, to turn it to our ends. But a living creature is far more ... useful ... than one even recently dead."

And with that, he casts bear's endurance on the unconscious male reclaimer.

Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

Mikkaa coughs as the blood in her slashed lungs finds an exit point, her body shuddering from the shock of the cold healing energy, her skin pebbling as if she were immersed in a frigid lake.

As her body draws breath she opens her eyes and lays still for a while, her chest heaving with exertion. what were once vicious gouges now shallow scratches or thin lines of blood, blinding agony receding into memeory.

Slowly she sits up taking in the scene around her and allowing her mind to process events. Looking over to Nadeq in the process of healing Swiftpaws she makes eyecontact with him, flashing him a smile of gratitude.

Female Human Ranger 7
Nadeq wrote:

He steps over to Alia and Swiftpaw

"I know you don't trust me or my... newfound powers. And honestly i don't trust them myself, but so far they haven't done harm to anyone. Your animal is hurting and another injury will send it straight to Orcus filthy hands. Have trust in me this one time.

If Alia doesn't seem to object to him he reach forward, and the the dark blue energy rushes from the earth through Nadeq and into Swifpaws leaving scars where there was open wounds just a moment ago.

Alia nods at Nadeq, still keeping her eyes on the Dire tiger and the orc.

"Swiftpaws and I owe you a life, Rasina and Nadeq. Whatever your new powers are, we will help you master them to get to the heart of the desolation and prevail if we can."

Turning to the orc, she adds "We will wait for you here. And I think we have a way to keep the next ones alive to help you with your task."

Male Human Paladin 7

Artimus looks to the others motioning them to close around him as he closes his eyes and focuses himself. "Let us clear our wounds, friends. Then we can press on. Can decide what our next steps are. Decide... How we can best respect the wishes of those we have lost. Once things are settled here, it may be time to return to the camp briefly. I believe Montague would wish to be returned to his brethren."

Artimus will burn his lay on hands to do 3 Channels to heal all the injured. If anyone else is still injured, he can lay on hands one more time after.

4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 1, 5) = 13 Channel Positive Energy
4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 1, 6) = 14 Channel Positive Energy
4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 1) = 10 Channel Positive Energy

Rasina is at full HP

Rasina looks over at the fallen warrior, and sees a look of anguish on his face, frozen in death. She did not understand why he had that look, maybe he thought he failed somehow? Only the gods knew for sure. She places a kiss on his rapidly cooling flesh, on his forehead, and murmers to him, "I did not know you very well Montague, but I an sure, had the gods not called you to them, you would have been a stalwart warrior for the cause of light, and a good friend. Farewell, Montague, my friend." she then closes his eyes, frozen in the rictus of death.

"Yes, Artimus, he gave his life to save ours, gallantly, he deserves a heroes burial."

Finding not a glimmer of life hold Montague to this realm, Veren closes his eyes, his head sinking mournfully. Hearing Mikka rise again he turns and makes his way to her, falls to his knees and bows his head low. "How would you have me pay for this loss?"

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)

Durnast waits until the Orc and Beetle (with unconscious human Reclaimer) are gone before speaking.

¨...So it looks like he is beyond even the healing powers that Nadeq now exhibit...
I would feel uncomfortable burying Montague in this area, given these Reclaimers` proclivities.
And I`m not even familiar with Montague`s own beliefs with regard to caring for the dead.
...Perhaps... The best solution is to use the enchanted cloth that Montague himself already experienced, to protect his body until he can be returned to his family or his monastic order.¨

¨He certainly was a brave warrior, throwing himself into battle along with us before any of us probably fully trusted him. Let nobody speak ill of his intentions here, I believe he travelled his path of purity and perfection until the last. To meet one as he amidst this Desolation is truly a sign for hope in our mission here.¨

Durnast will accept the icy touch of Nadeq`s healing: 2x CLW 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (3, 7) + 10 = 20 hp healed. (full HP)

Unless anyone stops them, the orc and human reclaimer will heal the injured dire tigers and, with the assistance of the giant beetle, collect up the bodies of the demons and the female reclaimer, leaving the corpses of the kamadan and the bird.

The human, still a little wobbly on his feet, turns to Artimus. "If you are attacked out here, give a cry, and we shall do what we can to come. But do not enter the green lands without our leave." He looks significantly at Mikka as he finishes his order, and then they all move into the forest.

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)

"Uh... We can watch the wounded until you show up with this Elf."
Durnast probably would have wanted to prevent the Human Druid from being woken via Bear´s Endurance, but it looks like that already slipped by. That can stand, but Durnast isn´t about to see the unoonscious Tiger be woken and healed while we wait. The Tiger that is merely wounded can go along with the Druid(s) though.

I am not sure this is necessary to make waves at this point, I don't think they will be hostile, anymore since the female reclaimer is dead. Of course, if she is Reincarnated, then all bets are off, he he.

BTW, has Scranford said if he is continuing with this campaign?

Durnast, are you trying to stop them?

And yes, Scranford is continuing on, as soon as we can bring in a new character.

Rasina lays a cautioning hand on Durnast, and whispers, Not now, let them scrounge whatever dignity they have left, If we slaughter their only defenders, then the Desolation will claim this area all the quicker.

Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

Mikka looks into the eyes of the kneeliing warrior, glancing over to the inert body of Montague before looking back.

"He swore to protect me even though we hadn't known each other that long. We will speak more on this later. After we meet your friend."

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

If the dimensional bandanna will hold more than one person, we can keep all my characters dead bodies in there, and shake them out to use for partial cover in combat :-). Too bad we've already disposed of Chyrssia's corpse.

Tell Scranford we have a slot of Elven princess open currently. That would be a deliciously ironic roleplaying situation, given Mikka's ire.

Veren Baccus wrote:
Tell Scranford we have a slot of Elven princess open currently. That would be a deliciously ironic roleplaying situation, given Mikka's ire.

*AHEM* When Rasina dies, I have already claimed Vilgara as the replacement, he he.

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)

I had considered pre-posting my response if they didn`t go along (along the lines of `readied scorching ray if they attempt to heal the dying smilodon`), but Rasina`s counsel tempers Durnast`s response.
Durnast scowls and walks away from the Reclaimers, towards the Desolation, asking Cam (telepathically) what he can see from high above. (basically, walking away from his conflict with the Orc, letting the situation calm down, but not changing his sentiment)

I think that especially since it`s apparently informing Scranford`s choices of character class, that we should be sure to follow the good practices we`ve discussed during this last battle (accurate battle map, reposting PC/NPC statuses and Init order with every `battle update` from Chris, etc) since a good handle of the battle is really important no matter what class you are playing.

Female Human Ranger 7

As the reclaimers re-enter their domain, Alia eventually come to Montague's body and silently sits by it, face drawn. Her hand twitches slightly as she reaches for it and dips one of her fingers in the large claw wound that claimed his life.

After a moment, she takes out her bloody finger and licks it slowly while Swiftpaws paddles to her, sniffs and darts his tongue at the same wound.

She shakes slowly her head at the deceased and suddenly jumps to her feet. Her face is not longer grave and her eyes burn with the light you've seen when she is on the hunt.

She stretches herself and looks round to her companions. Her gaze stops on Veren a little longer but nothing transpire in her expression yet.

"Time to rest", she says. "Artimus, Durnast, Chamomille, swiftpaws and I ran or rode all night to come and help you. What's done is done. but for now, we need to stop and rest. Wake us up when the reclaimers come back or if anything happens."

She will settle around 200 feet from the oasis and start making camp.

Chris, are we a few hours past mid-day? If so, we still have a few hours till sunset and the supposed return of the reclaimer.

Alia Wolfsdottir wrote:

Chris, are we a few hours past mid-day? If so, we still have a few hours till sunset and the supposed return of the reclaimer.

It's still noonish.

Female Human Ranger 7

Anyone has got any objection to Alia plan to rest here till the elven princess is delivered to us and then to go back to the camp at dawn to report to Montague employer ?

I will be away for a big familly meeting until Sunday evening, please roll for Alia if needs be.

Alia Wolfsdottir wrote:

Anyone has got any objection to Alia plan to rest here till the elven princess is delivered to us and then to go back to the camp at dawn to report to Montague employer ?

I will be away for a big familly meeting until Sunday evening, please roll for Alia if needs be.

Sounds like a plan to me.

Sounds good, I was thinking if we wanted to go back to investigate the tomb where we met the arachnea, checking up on Richard`s Cleric seems reasonable to do (and would be an easy in if Scran wanted to play a Cleric), but either way I`m good. Waiting for the Elf as per our agreement is fine for now.

Quandary wrote:
Sounds good, I was thinking if we wanted to go back to investigate the tomb where we met the arachnea, checking up on Richard`s Cleric seems reasonable to do (and would be an easy in if Scran wanted to play a Cleric),...

As a matter of fact...

Veren tries to get the attention of the orc reclaimer.

Veren wants/tries-to convince the orc to share out some of the alcoholic produce the reclaimers have recently made.

Male Human Paladin 7

"Indeed, I think we all need rest and then the brave Montague deserves the respect of a proper burial among his people. For tonight we should sleep and prepare for tomorrows travel as well as finding some time to mourn in our own ways. I am not a proper priest, but if any of you need support, I am here for you all, as sure in spirit as I am with my blade."

He lowers to kneel at his bedroll, beginning the process of inspecting his gear to ensure that there is no damage to them before starting to polish it.

"I will take first watch, longer if needed so the magically inclined can fully recover. I would appreciate a chance for rest today, this day has been draining for me as well." Its only with those last words that a crack can be heard in his voice at the irrecoverable loss of a teammate and his attention refocuses on his equipment.

Rasina unpacks her bedroll and prepares her area for resting up before the next days travels. The others have left her alone now with her thoughts. She looks over at the veradant oasis , now freshened with the blood of the human reclaimer b**ch, and her companions. She certainly received her just rewards. Ahh, but at what price though. She fingers the rapier she discovered earlier, with the description on it wielded by Farren, and glances over at Veren. She feels a strange attraction for him, and cannot understand why. He certainly was physically attractive, but ever since she took up the mantle of the Light, she refused to allow herself such amorous thoughts. Veren, your companion had better prove herself to me, else this blade will be used against her.

She wonders how her friend Richard is doing, they should move to check on his progress in studying the tomb. She reminds herself to ask Artimus about this later.

She feels a rush of guilt now, and moves to talk to Artimus. Perhaps in another lifetime, she would have scorned his committments, but now she treasures them.

She approaches quietly and waits for his acknowledgement. When he looks up, she says quietly, I wanted to thank you again for saving us from the reclaimers. I know you cared for Montague as a friend, and I barely knew him. His death weighs on my soul, along with my call to heed the wishes of Veren. It was unwise for me to do such, and I feel we are not done sowing the harvest of my decision. sorry...Artimus. she starts to fel the tears flow again, and does not ty to stop them.

Male Human Paladin 7

Artimus looks up when the girl approaches and listens to her words. A sad smile touches his face and he shakes his head, reaching out to lightly touch her shoulder, trying to comfort her as he sees the tears stain her face. "No, I didn't know Montague well either though I would have been honored to. He joined us recently, leaving his brethren to stand at our side and while I knew him only a short time I have little doubt that he would have willingly laid his life down for any of us. He was one of us, as are you. You needn't question your decisions, they were made by us all, together."

Rasina looks up at Artimus and wipes the tears away again, murmering, "I have always carried the guilt around for those companions who have lost their lives, true friends and stalwart companions all. When Mikka, Richard, Nadeq and I braved the Tomb of Abystor. we lost many friends during that struggle. However we knew the cost was worth it by destroying the Black Monolith. This Vilgara, I fear as if we paid too high a price for her rescue, a woman I know little of, only what Veren has spoken. I pray I am wrong."

Veren sits a scant few meters from the edge of the oasis. A casual observer might be forgiven for mistaken Veren's composure as calmness - but a second look reveals the impatience with which he occasionally looks up to the sky, glaring back at the sun as if daring it to move any slower. He holds his arms wrapped around himself tightly, occasionally white on his knuckles showing. Sometimes a soft murmur of a melody escapes him, unplaceable but vaguely familiar; a student of human nature may guess that the melody is as much a way to pass the time as it is to console.

Male Human Paladin 7

Artimus nods his head at Rasina's words and then nods a bit towards where Veren sits watching the sky. "Remember that the pain of losing his allies is something which Veren has been bearing since we met him, despite his demeanor. I know not how I will feel about this woman personally when we meet her, but I do know that because of us he now has the opportunity to have one of those allies who has been lost to him returned. I imagine that at this moment he is feeling much as you did when you saw that Nadeq was coming back, even if under circumstances which may not have been... favorable. I would not have any of us be lost, but I know that I would risk myself to give any of you that hope. I mourn the loss of our friend with all my heart, but I know that he felt the same and would not begrudge giving Veren this chance for a reunion."

Rasina nods at Artimus and replies, "Aye, your words of wisdom are much appreciated, Artimus. I wish our paths had crossed sooner, but now I consider myself fortunate to know you.". She touches Artimus on his cheek, a loving caress, then gently squeezes his hand. "Thank you once again for being there for us."

She walks over to where Veren sits, and says to him, "I am sure Vilgara will be happy to see you again."

Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

Mikka sits quietly near the fallen monk's body and as the calm of the night touches each of the group's tired souls she finally allows her self to shed tears for the quiet stoic man who had sworn to protect her from harm.

He would not go in vain, yet somehow she knew with every fiber of her being that he would not respond should she try to call him back.

She would not allow it to be a pointless death, already the desolation had taken far too much.

Though her shoulders shook quietly with her sobs, for surprisingly, she still had tears left, her sould was forging itself in the fires of resolution.

She had declared war on the desolation itself, and all the darkness within, and every little hiding place, every dark corner would be revaled once its shelter was scoured by the flames of her fury.

Only then would Mikka be able to once again express her goddess' compassion.

Female Human Ranger 7

Alia observes quietly the groups forming and every one dealing with his grief. When Mikka shoulders stop shaking, a sign she has stopped crying, Alia gets up and walks to her. As a shadow, Swiftpaws follows her and both stop by Mikka, looking in the same direction.

"I know you want to burn it all. And burn it will, till no undead is left standing and even the demons are but ashes. We will do it together.
Twice I've seen you go hand to hand against a monster stronger than you. Twice you almost died. Do not burn yourself aimlessly. But keep you rage in check, even if it is burning you inside. Focus it against your ennemies less you take your friends with you. Then we will see all burn and from the ashes, new lives will grow."

Veren holds his face askew from Rasina, hastily rubbing his arms over his eyes when he notices her approach. His voice is a little hoarse, "Do... do you think the others will accept her? and her?"

Rasina gives Veren a smile, touched by his openness and concern. "I really don't know, Veren. A lot depends on her, and how she carries herself with us. I can tell you, I will give her the benefit of the doubt, but if she is not truthful with us, then...well we will cross that bridge when we get there."

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

And I'm back, and the hardware is all working again! My apologies for the absence, and we'll get the story rolling again tomorrow morning.

Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4
Alia Wolfsdottir wrote:

Alia observes quietly the groups forming and every one dealing with his grief. When Mikka shoulders stop shaking, a sign she has stopped crying, Alia gets up and walks to her. As a shadow, Swiftpaws follows her and both stop by Mikka, looking in the same direction.

"I know you want to burn it all. And burn it will, till no undead is left standing and even the demons are but ashes. We will do it together.
Twice I've seen you go hand to hand against a monster stronger than you. Twice you almost died. Do not burn yourself aimlessly. But keep you rage in check, even if it is burning you inside. Focus it against your ennemies less you take your friends with you. Then we will see all burn and from the ashes, new lives will grow."

Mikka looks up at Alia, eyes rimmed red. She nods quietly a guesture at once somber and intense. "You're right. The only way we can do this is together. It's just that...all the vileness here fills me with so much..rage, sometimes I can't think straight I just want to incinerate it. But thank you. It helps to remember that out here none of us is alone in the darkness."

Anybody else have the gaming nectar of the goods in published form? (aka the APG) - it is really fun stuff!

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